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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 17, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 1, 1978
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R001100440007-6.pdf199.62 KB
-Approved For Ref 20? /09/1 : ~*,R 96-OO788ROO11OO44OOO7-6 (1976 Alj; )- aC'ri are 1. _,, in t.;-- Cla_'s c e.,.,,s or proceeure5 whit}; are in his L''+ .'9SL intetcats, that I i..c..'F'SES rC:inar4 riS~:S of dal y lifer includ_ng the recc?,1izef risks parion or field of servic }'=rE'jt in his c:,os appliCatio of e es tom. S c~ _ S .-;ed and acc E-?e- Cl) means ct to LC tr)C UI her.. C ._cal c_ oc_C ,_.Ca (2) H,ircan /u5 ct. means any human being wino, i nowin ;J. or Ur;_ knowingly, is subjected-to an act or omission, whether at risk or not the abject of which is co contribute to knowledge to be gained as a part 'or work to be perfprr,!ed under the scope of this contract. (b) The Contractor, before undertakin_ to er _ D perform any s t*.,d volving human subjects. whether at ~ - r_sr: or not, shall insure that the subje following Ininimum conc}itions are complied with: authc (1) The proposed s tlldti has been reviewed and ac!-)roved by a CUt:C^` _ ?_e meeti n? titer eoui rein e S e 5 p rsons possessing the requisite scientific qualifications. The highest deree of skill and care will be required during alltages of study of persons who con- duct or assist in the studs'. number that will - " oe ?~r,t to the minimurz: reasoti-ably achieve the required results. (3) The study must' be such as to cc,ntribure si r:i~icantly to scientific knowledge and have reasonable pr SpeCts Ci yielding impor- tant results essential to an A.,m' resgar 5 E c]) program. (4) The study will be conducted only b . _ t n see forth in C napter 46 o - of Federal Regulations, Ti t l e C 5 o` `ne Code (2) The number of human subjects used will (5) The human subject will be infnl,nef that at c-~v t;.me durng the course o4' his participation he has the rig.n. to revoke his consent and withdraw from `urther, far icipation without prej dice to f. r!self (6) lartic na`ior, b?; Suc' cts will be im~-:e~ia~v;,? t~r,.:i ` it Su-sey^Uen`1}` that - =` c.~ pears Che ] ` LC the Sl?i~l(:C:~' is Sn i a i t l e d r.t_' greater Li-,an anticipated at the time review and approval was granted (7) There shall be no greater intrusion into the ri CCy Of human Subject thar. absolutely ?T~ecessary for the conouct o` th?_ ;t involved. {cept for the nub issiOn Of reports and cther . data ZEtq"i_ C Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100440007-6 Approved For Release 2003/09/16 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100440007-6 C _ L f 'C_ ~Ce t CG their dr. iC= c.:_or fi.ic__ i)E C:ir_ bf. C. at tit el_C, (E) l rle stud 1 bt u' ced SC as LC avc d c u_ i nr:PCC' scr; p}iv~ iCc e: ken c #:'fyer~nc C'. it iiur . ) No Studs- wi11 bE' cond']CCC'' _i the re 4 i. any ?., 1- C.': believe that death. or disabling to occur. Sufficient ar.imal or laboratory ?}:peri e t , or C, i:er