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APPENDIX Q USE, OF INVESTIGATIVE HYPNOSIS- persons, in: recalling deta.ila which they:. could. not otherwise- remember., Q; T.. USE: Or HYPNOSIS. GENERAL... Hypnosis- can. be used as 'an. investigat:xe, tool to assist willing; ii formation.. a: life- threatening; situation- exists=) .? aaningr t e. the, investigation: cannot be: expected without out. W p . reasonably be expected. to. possess, significant information- and: as successful. 1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07': CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100300003-5 zaaal:lyr ber used- after: conventional. investigative pro- .. i wilt no o: H . s yp.n w.. ceduresr haver been: exhausted:.. Excep:tionsa are authorized whew necessary, because! f' uausuatl riorities- (e~.g.,.. at victim/wftnesw. isi the only, person: who, cant by. ALL leads, developed. through. hypnosis' should: be- verified with. supporting, physical or testimonial evidence-., Invest gativet. conclusions. wilL, not. be! based. cr.. . Nor-aalLy7,, only- key- victimst/witnesses; who, consent ia- writings for undergot; hyp:nosisa will be hypnotized.. AA statement. of consent in: the! format.shcwni at figure Q-I will. bet obtained: from,. each- person: being; hypnotized'.. d?.. Hypnosis, will. not bet used,. to' determine the. persona's; truthfuLaessa.. Incri:minatina statements, will. be handled- in: accordance witht paragraph: Q-10g;., Q-3'.. QUALIFLCATIONSs OF HYPNOTISTS..' Hypnos'is' will only' be induced by' mental health: professionalar (ps;ycbiatmists!,, clinical psychologists;,. oz psiychi:atric: social. workers,) whoy have had. spec:i:aliz?ed- training. in: hypnosi:ay, possess, clinical: experience! in: the use of hypnosis. techniquesr,, and: hold: full membership, iv either- the! American: Society- of Clinical. Hypnosis= (ASCU'),. the, Society- of. Clinical and; Experimental. Hypnosis; (SCEH). or' the, International. Society" of Hypno sis- (ISR) Q-4?.. LOCATING: MENTAL. HE'ALTS: PROFESS'IONALS,-., a... The. USACIDC unit requestting, hypnosis.. will, if possible:,. identify' a. Local. mental health, professional., military- or civilian, who meets the.. identi-- fied: requirements,. If unable to identify a. qualified, person,. the- requesting; unit: may' contact the: Policy',, Plans and: Training; Directorate,. (CIPP-PD) HQUSAC:IDC: through, the. region: headquarters,. for assistance: in: identifying; at qua!Lifiedr mental. health: profess,ional.- bY< If requested. toi identify- at mental, health: professional., HQUSACIDC: will coordinate with: the.- USACIDC: conauttant at Waiter Reed. Army Medical. Center, other. federal investigative agencies,,. and. professional. associations, as, appropriate,. to, identify. a: qualifiedi mental. health prof essional for. the requesting: unit.. solely' ont information obtatnedz through} hypnoss:s... Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100300003-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788 R001100300003-5 c?.. In: the- event an identified. mental health professional is unwilling: tm conduct the: hypnotic: interview in- accordance with the , USACIDC policy,. they services: of another mental health professional will be obtained: Q-5.. PAYMENT' OF' FEES &.. When, civilian. mental health; professionals are. used to induce, hypnosis;,. payment of fees will. normally, be- made., fran. post "impresit" funds.. bt.. In: ineitancest where: the use of Local, funds; would: compromise the- investi- gat :ve mis,sion-, payment may be made frame OOLS: funds. prodded the requirements, of ARC 1.95.4. are, met.. Q-6< a?.. USACIDC- units will insure: that the servicing: SJA:. is,, f with: the, provisions: of the USACIDC, policy on: hypnosis.. b,.: Prior to: requesting hypnosis;,, USACIDC: units: will. consult with,. that servicing SJA.. If the SJ& objects to, the, use! of. hypnosis- and; the, USACIDC: unit does: not agree-,. the: region:. or- HQUSACIDC. SJA. wil1 be: contacted for, guidance:.. Q-7.. MDLCAL. HISTORY' INFORMAT.ION.. Every, reasonablev effort: will be made- tot determine' if the, person: to. be interviewed- has a; history, of mental illness;.. The, individual will. be asked if such. a his-tort' exists, prior, to the: request for- . hypnotic interview being! forwarded to} the' r.egio ' commander.. Military mental health, professionals} will. review- the individual's, medical. records. prior. to.. the, interview, when: poss?ibl.e-.. If the mental. health: professional is; a: civiLian:,. the- individua-L will be, asked to. bring his/her, medical. records: to the, interview;.. HYPNOSIS; INTERVIEW- REQUESTS.. The,' format for, hypnosis; requests; wily be `determined by the region: commander concerned:.. The requests: will contain: a. synopsis= of the' incident,. a: statement of the results: desired, the. identity and: relationship to< the, inves-tigat on: of the' person,. and the, identity of the.. 'mental heal th prof es sionaL who; will induce hypnosis;.. Q-9.. APPROVAL. OF' HYPNOSIS; REQUESTS The- following factors, must be considered: before! at hypnosis, request: is; approved:: a:.. Hypnosis"fiterviews; are expensive; and time consuming.. Does. the case - jas;tify= the' time and; expense?' b-.. Can, the- case ber solved without; hypnosis? cr.. Could. the- witness: have seen: or heard: the. details, that are- needed?' d.. Are, the, desired: details; really important to the case?' a?.. Was, the' incident meaningful to, the witness?' Routine incidents: are, not as, likely to be- recalled. through hypnosis..,. Q-10.. PRE -HYPNOSIS. INTERVIEWS'.. Prior to hypnosis, ' the individual will. be thoroughly interviewed: to: insure' that all details recalled.. by, the. individual without benefit of hypnosis: are recorded. in: a: sworn: written a?tatement.. Q-x Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100300003-5 C: 2',. CIDFit' 195-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788RO01100300003-5 Q-11. U' PNOSIS IN'IB.VIEWS-.. l health: professional will. have. overall. control" of. hypnosis nt h a e me a.. T interviews. and any decision: to. continuer or terminate: the.. interviews= will be, made, by: , the: mental health professional.. t who: does not haver detailed. knowledge of the: case wilt i l i n age a b.? A spec be: present during. each: interview. and. will, brief the: mentaL health: professional uestions: are: . tive s di q , ng or s,ugge prior to, the interviews to% iusaure: that nok lea asked'.. specifi:n ro.fes~s&onaxL should: not be: briefed: on,. lth: l h p ea c.. Thy menta beat sihould: develop, these: details during interviews'. ident i h ff da ', nc t e: ta. ls. o _ _ ~.. _, ~.,..,