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Publication Date:
January 31, 1986
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GONDOLA WISH established.
Robert Monroe, Executive
Director, Monroe Institute
of Applied Sciences (MIAS), was
contacted to determine what MIAS
could provide in support of
I; Establishment of GRILL FLAME.
ACSI tasked INSCOM to develop
parapsychology program.
MAJ Murray Watt appointed
GRILL FLAME Project Manager.
DEC 78-JAN 79 (.. Selection of remote viewers
and interviewers.
15 FEB 79 Army General Counsel advised
ACSI that GRILL FLAME constitutes
human use.
of orientation
training at SRI-International.
Designed as an OPSEC support mission to
mimic HOIS remote viewers to determine US
ACSI directed all Army Parapsychology/Remote
Viewing research, experiments, application,
etc. be protected by unclassified nickname
HQ INSCOM never received written tasking on
this subject. The CG INSCOM and the ACSI
had agreed upon the concept of Remote
Viewing and the need for Army involvement in
this area (TAB B).
Of the 251 personnel considered for GRILL
FLAME, 117 were interviewed and six
individuals were actually selected for
mote Viewing considered technology
transfer rather than direct research.
Six INSCOM personnel begin training at
SRI-International in Remote Viewing.
4 SEP 79 First operational Remote Viewing A missing aircraft (A6E) was located within
session took place. a 15-nautical mile radius of its downed
location. '
Surgeon General's Human Use
Subjects Research Review Board
concludes GRILL FLAME not human
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20 NOV 79 Surgeon General's Human Subjects Found that Remote Viewing did constitute
Research Review Board states human use and recommended more formal
Remote Viewing is human use. compliance with human use requirements.
2 FEB 80 Dr. Spiro, Under Sccrt~Larv or t!-,(.,
SG11 Army, briefed.
5 MAR 80 Under Secretary of Defense,
William Perry, issues restriction
on use of P-6 funds.
First GRILL FLAME operative
attends Gateway Training
at MIAS.
Not appropriate for Army to fund technology
programs aimed at scientific demonstration
of parapsychology (TAB C).
14 JAN 81 Under Secretary of the Army TAB D
approved continuation of
GRILL FLAME project.
11 FEB 81 Program management for GRILL TAB E
FLAME transferred to CG, INSCOM.
16 APR 81 Congressman Rose briefed.
16 JUL 81 Congressman Rose briefed on
human use issue.
17 JUL 81 The Honorable Delbert Spurlock,
Army General Counsel, recommends
AC.SI submit GRILL FLAME Charter
to Secretary of the Army for
review and approval in order
to comply with DOD Reg 5240.1-R.
OCT 81 LTC Robert Jachim assumes project
manager duties.
20 NOV 81 BG Odom, ACSI, DA briefed.
1 FEB 82 Secretary of the Army approves TAB G
continuation of GRILL FLAME
activities during 1982.
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12 APR 82 Mr. Olin, Office of Management
and Budget (OMB), briefed.
4 MAY 82 Ms. Smiley, Staff Member, House
Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence (HPSCI), briefed.
19-26 JUN 82 GRILL FLAME operative attends
Gateway training at MIAS.
29 JUN 82 Mr. Dyer, Ms. Shekmar, Mr. Rhodes,
Staff Members, Senate Appropriations
/Committee (SAC), briefed.
JULY 82 t/ GRILL Flame personnel begin
training at SRI-International in
the new Coordinate Remote Viewing
(CRV) method.
5 AUG 82 LTG Faurer, Director NSA, briefed.
29 SEP 82 Senator Pell briefed.
1 OCT 82 VNF1P funding terminated for Army GRILL FLAME collection operations
project by Congressional cease (TAB H).
NOV 82 Project operative attends
Gateway training at MIAS.
3 DEC 82 "CG INSCOM notifies ACSI DA that TAB I
INSCOM will fund a psychoener-
getics program out of hide *JS
by using S&IA funds, based
on ACSI staff guidance. Project
name changed to CENTER LANE.
19 JAN 83 The Honorable Richard DeLauer, TAB J
Under Secretary of Defense, signs
memorandum allowing Program 6
resources to be used to maintain
1 MAR 83 Letter of Instruction signed TAB K
establishing CENTER LANE as
Security Systems Planning Division,
Security Support Dectachment,
902d MI Group.
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14 MAR 83 Gen Wickham, Vice Chief of Staff
of the Army, briefed.
16 MAR 83 The Honorable Jay R. Sculley,
Assistant Secretary of the
Army for RD&A, briefed.
31 MAR 83 The Honorable George Bush, DIA and Army INSCOM efforts were reviewed
Vice President of the United and three INSCOM projects were used as
States, was briefed for thirty examples:
minutes concerning CENTER LANE F L
related activities by DR. Vorona, The briefing was well
DIA. Also present were Adm. received and the Vice President was
Murphy, C/S, Mr. Gregg, interested and impressed (TAB L).
Assistant to the Vice President,
National Security Affairs, and
LTC Fry, Military Assistant.
20 May 83 The Honorable James Ambrose, Under
Secretary of the Army, briefed by
MG Stubblebine.
13 JUN 83 The Honorable John Marsh, Secretary
of the Army, briefed by MG
15 JUN 83 Secretary of the Army approves TAB M
establishment of Special Access
Program for CENTER LANE.
7 JUL 83 CPT Frederick Atwater assumes duties as
Acting Project Manager.
19 JUL 83 Contract signed with Mr. Robert
Monroe for "One-on-One" training
of CENTER LANE operative at MIAS.
AUG 83 CENTER LANE operative attends
Gateway training at MIAS.
Gen Blanchard, Army Science
Board, briefed by MG
"4j Approved For Release 2002/ t
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15 AUG 83 LTC Brian Buzby assumes duties
as Project Manager.
1 SEP 83 Secretary of the Army approves TAB N
continued participation in
CENTER LANE activities within
5 OCT 83 The Honorable John Marsh, Also in attendance: Assistant Secretary of
Secretary of the Army, briefed. the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs,
The Honorable Delbert L. Spurlock, and The
Special Assistant, Chief of Legislative
Liaison, Mr. George L. Cary.
5 OCT 83 Senator Wallop, Chairman, Budget
Subcommittee, SSCI, briefed.
7 OCT 83 Staff Members of Congressional Present were: Mr. Hall, SSCI, Ms. Smiley,
Committees on Intelligence, briefed. HPSCI, and Mr. Giza, HPSCI.
Ms. Susan Crawford, Army General
Counsel, briefed by MG Stubblebine.
31 OCT 83-4 NOV 83 "One-on-One" training of CENTER
LANE operative with Mr. Monroe
(MIAS) begins.
NOV 83 CENTER LANE operative attends
Gateway training at MIAS.
10 NOV 83 RAPT Training established.
22 NOV 83 MG Rapmund, Commander, Medical
R&D Command, briefed.
23 NOV 83 MG Tate, Deputy Director, Ops
and Admin, Defense Nuclear
Agency, briefed.
5 JAN 84 The Honorable John Marsh, MIAS discussed. LTG Brown, Director of the
Secretary of the Army, briefed. Army Staff, in attendance.
15-27 JAN 84 Second group begins training
in CRV at SRI-International.
19 JAN 84 LTC Bennett, Human Use Review
Office, US Army Medical R&D
Command, briefed.
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20-27 Jan 84 MIAS RAPT Seminar.
3 FEB 84 Honorable Delbert L. Spurl.ock,
Assistant Secretary of the Army
for Manpower and Reserve
Affairs, briefed by MG
23 Feb 84 MG Odom, ACSI, DA receives update
1 Mar 84 LTG Brown, Director of the Army
Staff, DA briefed.
13 Mar 84 LTG Brown, Director of the Army
Staff, DA directs cancellation
of RAPT as CENTER LANE personnel
screening vehicle.
3 May 84 CG, INSCOM's approval of expanded TAB 0
CENTER LANE Mission formalized.
9 May 84 Dialogue initiated with McDonnell
Douglas Astronautics Company,
Huntington Beach, CA to comply
with directive to obtain second
15 May 84 Army Science Panel briefed.
6 June 84 INSCOM Human Technology Review TAB P
Board briefed. Training and
Application Procedures Guide
delivered for review and
12 June 84 GEN Thurman, Vice Chief of Staff TAB Q
of the Army, DA briefed by
MG Stubblebine.
11 July 84 BG Soyster, CG INSCOM, receives
CENTER LANE briefing.
13 July 84 CG, INSCOM formulates decision to TAB R
discontinue CENTER LANE as an INSCOM
project. Impact and course-of-action
statements submitted to CoS, INSCOM.
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13 July 84
20 July 84
Meeting between Mr. Hurwitz, Director
GDIP Staff; Dr. Vorona, DIA; and
CENTER LANE personnel-to discuss
possible mechanisms for transferring
CL to DIA and/or USAMRDC.
1 Aug 84 Meeting between MG Rapmund and CENTER
LANE personnel to discuss possible use
of transferred CL assets to assist
USAMRDC R&D functions.
23 Aug 84 Secretary of the Army approves TAB S
discontinuance of CENTER LANE as
Army project,and authorizes
negotiations for transfer
of Project to DIA or other suitable
18 Sep 84 Memorandum of Agreement(MOA) between TAB T
transfer completed and delivered
for CG, INSCOM approval.
26 Sep 84 CG, INSCOM approves MOA and signs
letter of transmittal to ACSI.
MOA delivered to ACSI for staffing
28 Sep 84 CENTER LANE ceases operational. TAB U
collection activities JAW
CG, USAINSCOM directives.
4 Oct 84 LTG Odom ACSI, HQ, DA approves MOA. +'l pproval is granted to initiate
MOA transmitted to DIA for action action to effect transfer (TAB V).
20 Nov 84 CL personnel meet with INSCOM
Staff Group to discuss deadline
extension and DIA decision to request
detailing of personnel as opposed to
immediate transfer.
11 Dec 84 CG, INSCOM approves interim detailing/
OPCON transfer of CL personnel to DIA as
alternative to permanent reassignment.
10 Jan 85 HUMINT Committee of the Intelligence
Community Staff briefed by CL/DIA.
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23 Jan 85
MG Buford Lary, Military Asst to
Dep Sec Def, and COL Kenneth Hollander,
Exec Asst to USDRE briefed by CL/DIA.
6 Feb 85
Accompanied by LTG Odom, CL personnel
brief James Ambrose, Under Sec. of the Army.
11 Feb 85
CG INSCOM signs MOA approving
transfer of ICLP OPCON to DIA.
MOA transmitted to DIA for action.
21 FEB 85
Selected staff members of SSCI and
HPSCI briefed CL/DIA.
7 MAR 85
MOA signed by LTG Williams, Director,
DIA. ICLP transferred OPCON to DIA.
7 Mar 85
OACS.I notified of OPCON transfer. Dissolution of SAP requested.
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Approved For Release 20 /11 7'q P' 007888001100020001-8