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Document Release Date: 
September 5, 2003
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Approved For Release 2003 ~0 ~--DP96-007888001000390009-1 '~:~ _ UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum DATE: 15 Apr $8 REPLY TO ATTN OFf DT-S sua~ECT: SUN STREAK Report - First Quarter CY 88 (U) DT (Dr. Vorona) 1. (S/SK/WNINTEL) In pursuance of SUN STREAK'S operational intelligence mission, the following reports reflect the results of activity pursued by the Prototype Operational Group (POG) for the reporting period: a. (U) At TAB A is the Quarterly b. (U) At TAB B is the Quarterly c. (U) At TAB C is the Quarterly d. (U) At TAB D is the Quarterly SG1J Production Report. Pr',o3ect Report. w a Utility Assessment Report. Training Report. '~ 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Viewer 095 completed-Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) training in late March 1988; 095's completion of I WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DT, DIA DECI,ASSI~'Y ~Y~ ~?A~~ OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 (REV. f-80) Approved For Release 200 ~DP96-00788R001000390009~a,~MR(41CFR)f0f-11.6 * GPO 1984 D - 461-275 (272) Approved For Release 20 ~~~:I~-RDP96-007888001000390009-1 Extended Remote Viewing is pro3ected for mid-May 19$$. Upon completion of Stage 6 training in GRV in late April 19$$, Viewer 079 will have successfully completed cross-training in both methodologies. Viewer 011 has volunteered to train in the Written Remote Viewing (WRV) methodology under the tutelage of Viewer 079. Viewer 011 has had six training sessions to date and appears to be making meaningful progress. Anticipated date of completion for this training is August 19$$. 4. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Whereas remote viewing efforts conducted previously under Utility Assessment "N-1" appeared highly successful, an ensuing effort conducted to determine the thematic substance of a document under Project "N-2" was disappointingly inaccurate. Only one of the five viewers succeeded in determining the substantial meaning of the document. None of the viewers was able to pinpoint the location of the document. An in-depth review will be conducted with the assistance of the remote viewers to determine and trace the cause of this failure. 5. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Ta date, five remote viewers have conducted nineteen sessions in a solo remote viewing mode against an event of significance. The sessions were conducted without the presence, guidance and assistance of a facilitator. In the majority of cases, viewer responses appear to "answer the mail" and provide accurate answers to specific targeting needs. The presen~,;e of analytical overlay appears to set in when the viewers "expand or expound" an their replies by volunteering data that is not directly responsive to the stated requirement, or by analytically labelling responses to their viewing concepts. An in-depth review of this utility assessment will be made upon its completion. SG1J 6. (U) POG for this action is SG1J 4 ENLCS TABS A - D QUARTERLY FIGURES Acting Branch Chief Approved For Release 2003/09/09: C - 96-007888001000390009-1 Approved For Release 2003 DP96-007888001000390009-1 ~~ i;:1i,JFll~~i'7"f:::a~~il,.?Y I::~'PI::1I:?l,.li":"I":I:i:ahl f~tf::i:f?'i:;ll~~2'1.. U :#: Gi::4t#Ici:f~'t I::1#~~'fii:F~~t?1"I":I: t:JI'~Iftl.... #..1"I" :I: L...:C "I"Y "I"#=ifl :L #+1 :I:I~it::i'" 7..L~..#"(`~#_.. (~~'F~~f.1~:11:::t:;"I"f::i !'lf::if::it::i:4::iz::il"N::::I~I..I..c::i :il:~_~:i:~i 1: t::1#~I~~:i s~i~:a~.l: (:l#'~: ~: i 1.:1. :I.:'::'. t::i E5 '~ Ea .;i''Y t:.? :#. t::i :I.::. :I.:I. ... e:^ } ~~ J ~ ~ ,::~ .-, ~:':~ i i:1 ...._ :#: I"1 s::::l. l..l i::l (?S? iiii :I, t?? f::: 't:'. l..l I"' F}:? iifi iiit!"1 t::l i::# I'..:I.:!..I. ?iii u Approved For Release 2003/09/01--, -007888001000390009-1 ~'# ~ r'.> Approved For Release 2 ~l ~ C -RDP96-007888001000390009-1 ~ ~'" . ,,. ......, y... ~.. i::l1~='+:ii:F~ii~'i f :f.(::]P+IF71.... I~~',f:ii:(:::"f E::;;ic::F~'t..iF?: I .... i., ....~ i::' :::Y I::::':::):::1 :I: 4:.114;:: E...E::lI??I i'''I....I::::..I.. i:::: k:: I:.~?`r?1 i.... E..~i-~..l.. :~. (::1It4 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 ~00788R001000390009-1 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 ,;'Ay~600788R001000390009-1 l..l..l..:l. i....:i:..#..~, :`??i:::i:::ii::::t::'s;::il"Il::::l~.l..i..~::i ..... :i. ?..{..i::i i::it::f ..., ...... , ,.,, ~.., . f . . ~~'t~it::J~:~l::::l:::..1.. :::rt::Ji..ll'?t.:i:::.:::r ;::rl::::i::i;::r.l:t.:)I~I;;:i t:::t::l{`Il?'l....I::::'i'1::::1:7 I:::.~>'l??ll....!..if~': { ..t... t. p.,l ...- ;::'. ?~:? ;.~; :~?,.I. :I. a. i"I k:. ?::.{. r?, 4.1