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Approved For Release 2 - 0788R001000370001-1 First Quarter 1985 . a. (S/NF/WNINTEL) In December 1984 training of three source personnel. by an SRI - International (SRI-I) subcontractor was brought to an end upon completion of the training contract. During the first quarter of CY 1985, training of these personnel continued using an in-house program modeled after the SRI-I subcontracted training procedure. This procedure was developed by the subcontractor to satisfy R&D demands on SRI-I to enhance the reliability (scientific replicability) of remote viewing (RV). The subcontractor's approach to improving the reliability of RV was to focus on the control of those factors that in his view tend to introduce "noise" into the RV product (imaginative, environmental, and interviewer overlays). The basic components of this training procedure consist of: (1) Repeated target-address (coordinate) presentation, with quick-reaction response by the remote viewer; coupled with a restrictive format for reporting perceived information (to minimize imaginative overlays). (2) The use of a specially-designed, acoustic-tiled, relatively featureless, honiogeneou.sly-colored "viewing chamber" (to minimize environmental overlays). (3) The adoption of a strictly-prescribed, limited interviewer patter (to minimize interviewer overlays). This training procedure requires that the trainee learn a progressive multi-stage acquisition process postulated to correspond to increased contact with the target site. Prior to WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: DTA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR COPY 2,, Oh 2, COPIES Approved For Release 20 ? w R 96-00788ROO 1000370001-1 ~r 1. (S/NF/WNINTEL) BACKGROUND: (U) Approved For Release 00788R001000370001-1 December 1984 three source trainees were schooled in the first three "stages" of the training. At this point they were able to remote view and describe "stage one" sites (islands, mountains, deserts, etc.), "stage two" sites (targets of quality sensory value--targets which are uniquely describable through touch, taste, sound, color, or odor--such as glaciers, volcanoes, industrial. plants, etc.), and "stage three" sites (targets possessing significant dimensional characteristics such as buildings, bridges, airfields, etc.). b. (S/NF/WN:[NTEL) In spring 1984 an individual was assigned to this office with the intent of exposing him to the SRI-T subcontracted training program. In-house orientation to psychoenergetics lasted through the summer of 1.984 and the individual was ready for the external subcontracted training program by the fall. However, attempts to carry this effort forward were thwarted by an overall program reorganization and congressional restrictions. For this reason, an introduction to the model program was given to this individual in the fall of 1984 and formal in-house training was initiated in the first quarter of 1985 with his joining the program outlined above. 2. (S/NF/WNINTEI,) GENERAL: (U) a. (S/NF/WNINTEL) The training program, modeled after the SRI-I subcontracted training, consisted of appropriate lectures, drills, and practical exercises commensurate with the trainees demonstrated levels of expertise. The following chart depicts the distribution of the 104 remote viewing training exercises conducted by the trainees. At Appendix A is an explanation of Class A, B, and C training. Viewer Class A Class MB Class C Totals #03 #18* #21 #101 3 09 14 26 0 01 26 27 2 11 11. 24 2 23 02 27 *New source trainee. b. (S/NF/WNINTEL) As stated previously, this training procedure requires that the trainee learn a progressive multi-stage acquisition process postulated to correspond to increased contact with the target site. It is this procedure which, as a result of technology transfer (SRI-1 to this Approved For Releas 96- 00788ROO1000370001-1 Approved For Release 2 996-00788 R001000370001-1 office), was modeled and administered during the first quarter of 1985. The three personnel schooled by the SRI - I subcontractor in stages one, two, and three, continued this multistage acquisition process into "stage four" and "stage five." In "stage four" the source trainee begins to form qualitative mental percepts (technical area, military feeling, research, etc.) of the target. In "stage five" the source trainee learns to "interrogate" these qualitative mental percepts in an attempt to produce analytical target descriptions (aircraft tracking radar, biomedical research facility, tank production plant, etc.). Stage four training for these three personnel. began on 14 January 1.985 and was completed on 1 March 1985. Stage five training began immediately and is now in progress. Training for the forth source was limited to stages one and two until mid March 1985, when he was introduced to the concepts of stage three. Although the fourth source has not yet achieved complete reliability in stages one and two, stage three concepts have been introduced to allow him the flexibility of stage three perception and description. His training continues at this level. c. (S/NF/WNINTEL) Since the dimensional nature of much of the data produced during the RV process does not readily lend itself to verbal or written objectification, drawing skills become important in allowing the individual viewer to more readily and accurately debrief data and :impressions. In the first quarter of 1.985, an in-house training program in elementary sketching and drawing skills was initiated. Relying on the skills of one of the on-hand personnel who has had formal art training, and using Betty Edwards' book Drawing on the Right _ Side of the Brain as a good text for rapid elementary skills acquisition, the training program has progressed well. All trainee personnel involved have demonstrated improved drawing capability, which has been manifested in improved sketching quality during RV session work. The intent of the drawing classes is to increase viewer ability and flexibility to more accurately and intelligibly depict form, structure, and relationships of site-relevant dimensionals and details. A secondary benefit of drawing skills is that they facilitate development of a link between the spatially-cognitive, g lobal processing functions of the brain's right hemisphere and the more linear functions of the brain's left hemisphere. This kinesthetic interaction with the target (describing the site with drawings) seems to facilitate accurate analysis and to "clear the slate" for acquisition and description of further site relevant informational elements. The training of drawing skills continues to date. Approved For Releas P96-00788 R001000370001-1 Approved For Release 3. (S/NF/WNINTEL) SUMMARY: (IJ) a. (S/NF/WNINTFL) training by the overall have that If one quality for measuring BY some optimum Training progress herein is, therefore, measured on the basis of achieving a level of expertise within the parameters set forth by the aforementioned modeled SRI - I subcontracted training procedure. For example, if a trainee is involved in "stage two" training his progress is measured by observing his report appropriate sensory (stage two) information target. ability to about the b. (S/NF/WNINTFL) The following table depicts the percentage of times source trainees were able to demonstrate expertise (report appropriate site relevant information) within their "stage" of training during the first quarter of 1.985. These percentages reflect: subjective expectations of the training officer and are not based on any linear analysis of a prescribed set of criteria. Viewer Training_St_a es Sessions Qualit Sessions Y103 Four and Five 26 54% #18One, Two and Three 27 81 % #21 Four and Five 24 50% #101 Four and Five 27 70% *New source trainee. c. (S/NF/WNINTFL) Measurement 96-00788RO01 000370001 -1 ideal quality standard for. RV is progress by the above method does not for intelligence collection operations. one must first turn assumes training procedure, as stated previously, was subcontractor to enhance the reliability resolution to replicability) of RV, not to refine or develop RV a point of operational useability within the community. Operational. development has been an in-house training described above, or a insuffIclent measures the progress of the of the RV product quality. This in The SRI-I Even the best of RV training method falls short i n t e .1. 1. i g e n c e integral part of subcontracted training thereafter, is known . operational intelligence SRI-I subcontracted developed by the (scientific of many expectations/requirements. The benefits subcontracted training format are that it instills confidence, it provides experience, Approved For Release 2 community has not yet determined such a standard. produced by ,the operational of the SRI-I is learnable, and it may serve P96-00788RO01 000370001 -1 IA'HIAi ~~ ~ Approved For Release 2 &16-00788RO01000370001-1 a foundation for later development of operational capabilities. Tr aining during the second quarter of 1985 will include processes designed to develop RV source abilities commensurate with operational goals. The association with the undersigned and the intelligence community is classified CONFIDENTIAL. SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 200,2: - 96-00788 R001000370001-1 Approved For Release 20 196-00788 R001000370001-1 APPENDIX A TRAINING REPORT First Quarter 1985 SUBJECT: Classes of Training 1. (S/NF/WNINTEL) There are three classes of Remote Viewing (RV) training used in that portion of the in-house training which was modeled after the SRI-I subcontractor program. These classes deal. with feedback requirements during the RV session, control of interviewer patter, trainee skill development, and motivation. These three classes (A, B, and C) are discussed below.* 2. (S/NF/WNINTEL) CLASS C: The majority of the training sessions for novice trainees are Class C. During this phase, the source trainee must learn to differentiate between emerging target relevant perceptions and imaginative overlay. To assist the trainee in this learning, immediate feedback is provided during the session. The interviewer is provided with a feedback package which may contain a map, photographs, and/or a narrative description of the target. During Class C sessions the interviewer provides the trainee with immediate feedback for each element of data he provides, with the exception that negative feedback is not given. Should the trainee state an element of information that appears incorrect, the interviewer remains silent. Feedback, in order to prevent inadvertent cuing (interviewer overlay), is in the form of very specific statements made by the interviewer. These statements and their definitions are as follows: Corr.ect (C) This indicates that the information is correct in context with the site location, but is not sufficient to end the session. ProbablyCorrect (PC) This statement means that the interviewer, having limited information about the target, though he cannot be absolutely sure, believes that the information provided is correct. Near (N) 't'his indicates that the information provided is not an element of the specific site, but is correct for the immediate surrounding area. *NOTE: The use herein of the terms Class A, B, or C differs from the definition applied and published by SRI-I for Class A, B, or C Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV). Approved For Releas0M0 DP96-007888001000370001-1 Approved For Release 200 0788R001000370001-1 Can't Feedback (CFB) This statement indicates that, due to limited information about the target, the interviewer cannot make a judgment as to the correctness of the data. It means neither correct nor incorrect. Site(S) This indicates the site has been correctly named for the specific stage being trained (manmade structure for Stage I, bridge for Stage III, etc.). "Site" indicates that the session is completed. During the session the trainee writes the abbreviation (see above) of the feedback next to the data. This allows the trainee to review the correct elements and produce a summary which describes the site. The training session continues until the interviewer responds with the feedback of Site. 3. (S/NF/WNINTEL) CLASS B: Once a trainee begins to demonstrate his ability to reliably distinguish imaginative overlay and report target relevant data elements, feedback is withdrawn. In Class B training sessions the interviewer knows what target he desires the trainee to describe but does not provide the trainee with any direct feedback during the course of the session. This process develops the trainee's ability to internalize his awareness of relevant (correct) versus extraneous (incorrect) cognitive structures (mental perceptions). During Class B sessions the interview'may ask the trainee to elaborate on specific elements of data provided, thereby guiding the trainee to describe specific areas of the target. The interviewer is only permitted to ask the trainee to elaborate on specific elements already reported by the trainee. The interviewer may not introduce new elements into the session (cue the source) in an attempt to encourage the trainee to properly describe the site. Class B sessions are especially helpful in developing refined skills in the trainee. For example, when the interviewer knows that a particular target area within a site may be of interest (i.e., a specific room in a building), he can guide the trainee's attention to that area by asking the trainee to elaborate on specific elements of data which the interviewer knows to pertain to the area of interest. With practice in Class B, the trainee soon learns to control his own perceptual faculties, a necessary step for further training and operational. intelligence collection. 4. (S/NF/WNINTEL) CLASS A: Class A training is similar to what the R&D community refers to as a "double blind" experiment. The purposes for Class A training and for R&D double blind experiments differ however. The R&D community uses double blind experimental protocols to test a variable under controlled conditions. Class A training is not a test for the trainee, but a process whereby the source learns to function with the interviewer in a team effort to acquire and describe Approved For Release 2000 9! b BP -00788R001000370001-1 4 ,;I - Approved For Release 200 6=00788 R001000370001-1 information concerning a target of interest. In Class A, both the trainee and the interviewer are provided no information (double blind) concerning the site to be described during the session. Rather than trying to please the interviewer with his descriptions, the trainee is motivated to work with the interviewer in producing valid information about the site of interest. This motivational difference is critical in forcing the trainee to use his RV ability to acquire and describe site dependent information as opposed to interviewer dependent telepathic data (in an attempt to please the interviewer) or data RVed from the feedback package (in an attempt to receive external positive reinforcement from the interviewer, i.e., Correct, Probably Correct, and/or. Site). Working as a team in a Class A session, the interviewer and source trainee combine their aptitudes (the interviewer with his directive, analytic skill. and the trainee with his exploratory, perceptual, ability) to report information of interest about the designated target. 5. (S/NF/WNIN'.rEL) The three classes of RV training (A, B, and C) are interdependent. Each is designed to deal with separate learning requirements in the acquisition of RV skills. It must be remembered that the concept of classes herein applies to training. Operational application of RV requires its own unique, specifically designed feedback requirements and task dependent control of interviewer/source interaction. Trainee sources also require operational training beyond the narrow confines of the SRI-I subcontractor modeled training program before they can be expected to produce dependable, timely intelligence information. Approved For Release DP96-00788RO01 000370001 -1