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Approved For Release 20S A IA-RDP96-00788R000901130001-8
REVIEW ON: 31 Jul 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
,WEI Approved For Release 200 -RDP96-00788R000901130001-8
Approved For Release 2cSEC ;CIA-RDP96-00788R000901130001-8
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for training purposes to enhance
a remote viewer's demonstrated ability.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in
the document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote
Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB B is a map and
description of the target location.
Approved For Release 2001/03/bC
Approved For Release 2001 (CREI -RDP96-OO788ROOO9O113OOO1-8
#14: This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
All right #27.5, the time is now 1530 hours.
I'm opening up an envelope. I'm looking at a
set of geographic coordinates which read:
Project yourself to that location and tell me what
you see.
+01 #27.5: I see a runway. Looks like a runway anyway.
Its got. Its. . some kind of an airfield.
Its two. two intersecting. . sections of
pavement. I sense thatonly one of the sections
is operational.
I see like a bunch of antennas next to the runway.
They mostly appear to be on singular support
poles. They're strung out like conical antennas
or long wire antennas. There's . . . Its
There's a lot of them.
+03 I see three or four aircraft hangers opposite
the antennas on the other side of the runway.
I see rice paddies.
I see what looks like. . . stacks of boxed
type objects.
Approved For Release 2001/ ,EC4RDP96-OO788ROOO9O113OOO1-8
Approved For Release 20015.E~,EI-RDP96-00788R00090'1130001-8
#14: Do you see any aircraft here?
#27.5: I keep seeing the front end of an aircraft but
I can't tell what kind it is. It has like a
tubular intake. Looks a lot like the front end
of a Ram Jet. More like a . . communist aircraft.
Its got delta type wings on it. I don't . . I
don't see any long range aircraft.
Its on a coastline. Very close to the sea.
Because I can see a small harbor as well. There
is a . . I sense that there's . . a military
reason for this base. This basin. . almost
defensive or some eye offense defensive type
base. It seems very active.
Its. . . I see defensive gun emplacements in
there as well. Its almost as if it could be
on a very real defensive posture for some reason.
Like they almost. . assume there's a threat
against it.
I don't see any long range aircraft though.
I'm looking for long range aircraft but I don't
see any. I see the smaller delta wing type
#14: Okay. Move yourself closer to this aircraft.
Move around so you get a good side view. Look
at the aircraft from the side. Look at the
tail of the aircraft and describe the markings
on the tail of this aircraft.
Its Chinese on it. It was just a square red
flag type on the tail. I see some kind of
cuniform writing. Looks a lot like our old
F86 supersabre for some reason. Its very unusual.
It doesn't appear to be state-of-the-art type
There's the noise, right on schedule.
Approved For Release 2001/(EC-4RDP96-00788R000901130001-8
Approved For Release 2001
+11 #27.5: Its definitely a fortified airstrip. The harbor
seems to have some . . There's a harbor close by
and there's some military activity there. There's
a patrol boat type activity.
There's a . . some round, very large cylinder
type structures between the airfield and the
harbor. I can't tell if they're oil storage
tanks or if they're water tanks or . . they're
+13 I think this is a very active air base. I feel
like its Chinese.
That's about it, I guess.
#14: Okay. We'll through some light on the subject
here and draw some pictures.
#27.5: I get the impression there's two crossed runways
like this, Page 1.
And that there (not audible) from the sea. There's
three very large hangers on one side. And there
were other buildings. An access road like this.
And its not. . this is inland from the harbor but
its not too far from the harbor because I sense
that there are. . over here there's large. . .
this is a top view. There are large storage tanks
or circular buildings or some kind of large objects
over here. The harbor's down in here.
And there's aircraft parked on the runway and
. . the only. . the most significant thing about
the end of the aircraft is the . . sort of a
cone sticking out of a round edged opening.
Almost like a ram jet of some sort. This is
actually the nose of the aircraft.
#14: Okay, would it be possible for you to go back to
that particular aircraft and move around it and
look at that one's tail markings?
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000901130001-8
Approved For Release 200 MR A-RDP96-00788R000901130001-8
#27.5: Well, that's what I did.
#14: Ah, let's see. About that time you described
a different type of jet aircraft.
#27.5: Well, I couldn't see it at first. All I could
see was the front. Then I saw a . . Wait a
minute! This one had a . . This one had. . I'll
do a silhouette.
#14: Both of the aircraft that you described, its very
common to find them together.
#27.5: This one. . had like some kind of a . . down
here. Almost like a delta type wing. Its
. . This is not very representative, but . .
its kind of an old fashioned airplane if you
really want to know the truth. Now, I'm confused
because I saw a different wing on the other one.
That's the tail from one. I'm mixing the two
aircraft because I was looking at two different
kinds of airctaft. Its kind of a delta wing
type aircraft. Its kind of like it was some
type of swept wing type aircraft. And the other
one was much clearer in the silhouette; had a
very tall tail. Perhaps even further swept than
that, but it was clearly an older design. It had a
wing that swept back like this. It looked a lot
like an old, old supersabre type aircraft and
back here was a red flag and there was a cuniform
writing up here.
This first one which is "A" was more sleeker and
had the cone sticking through the nose. Where
the aircraft "B" was - I got a better profile of
that and it had more of a just an open-faced front
end. . with a swept back wings. I'll separate
them with a dotted line.
There was some funny looking gun emplacements
that were circular in shape. . and dirt burned.
It looked like walls of concrete around it with
a dirt burn coming up. And the gun which was twin
barralled was on like a big. . some kind of a big
swivel mount. Like it was tracked or something.
It had something on top of it with a what looked
like outriggers with a thing on the end. And the
guy sits on it; control it; and nose were towards
the harbor side of the airstrip. Except they were
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :SLW6-00788R000901130001-8
Approved For Release 2001SEEI-RDP96-00788R000901130001-8
there to defend the port as well as the air-
strip. Very active air base. There was a.
It seemed like there was a . . Page 3. There
were some antennas that were. . I just lost the
target for some reason. Where's the thing,
right here?
#14: Oh, yeah.
There were some antennas there. They seemed to
be in this area. The airstrip. North of the
airstrip. I'm sorry, that would be Northwest
of the airstrip. I'll put an arrow that says
North. And they were on real tall stanchen type
poles. There seemed to be a whole malage of these.
They were strung long wires. There was like a
conical type antenna. Shaped like this. . that
terminated on some kind of a stanchen as well.
It could be girded stanchens. . of some sort.
I get the feeling that this place is either. .
its a very active. . its very active militarily
but I can't decide whether its aggressive active
or defenseive active. It seems to be a little
bit of both. I guess directly involved in some
kind of . . like there's a very real possibility
of action. . that would require the air base.
I see patrol boats in the harbor too so there
must be some significance to the . . .
#14: You also mentioned stacks of boxes or bosed
type things somewhere.
#27.5: They're down in the harbor. Its like large
shipping containers that are part of the air
It just seems to be a militarily oriented harbor
and air base. I think its Chinese. I keep seeing
these uniform characters everywhere. There is
one character, I'll put on this Page 4. Antennas
that shows up on the aircraft. I'll represent it
as best as I can. Sort of like this. I don't
know if that means anything but that's very much
like what it is. And the. . put a dotted line
around that. The red flag which I'll also put
5 sioulo
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there as just a square rectangle in red. .
with like a cut out in the upper left hand corner
which is a star where the color red isn't there.
Its just like it was, the star was cut out of the
flag. That's on the tail.
There's guns on this plane up here as well.
I see rice paddies in the area.
That's all.
#14: Okay. We'll end the session.
t% r C
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