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Approved For Release 2 - DP96-00788R000901030001-9 ORCON/NOFORN INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROJECT CLASSIFED BY: Director,DIA REVIEW ON : 31 Jul 99 EXTENDED BY: Director, DIA REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6) GRILL FLAME Approved For Release 20P96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 200 -RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION LXXXIX 1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote view- ing session conducted for the purpose of orienting a remote viewer to an applied remote viewing protocol. 2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions during this session appear to have little correlation to the selected target. The viewer was very relaxed and confident. The ambient room noise did not appear to disturb him, even though it was quite loud at times. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session and which will be used in later training is detailed in the document, Standard Remote Viewing Protocol (Local Targets) by Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ, November 1978. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B are photographs of the target site. Approved For Releas : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 200GAkj% P96-007888000901030001-9 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION LXXXIX TIME #14: This will be a remote viewing session (edited for security). All right, #10.5, its now 0900 hours. #28 and #1 are at the target location. Go out to the location with #28 and #1. Tell me what you see. PAUSE +03 #10.5: Looks like a point; a grey-white wedge. PAUSE +05 White with dark things on the side. PAUSE Dark things are on the other side. Blocks, white blocks. Funny roof. Its way too high and way too long. Its grey. Dark spot in the top of the wedge. Lines. . across the middle of the wedge - two of them. Three. . Three lines down the wedge to the bottom. Dark on the left. +08 A blotch. Lump. A lump, dark, round thing. With a round thing on top. And green in it. PAUSE It looks all white. I want to say its all fake. PAUSE Funny. I want to say there's something stick- ing out of the top. But it looks like its not a. . on the right side. It sticks out 12 feet. I get the side of a roof - on top. Roof is darker but its not real dark. I want to say there are things along the wall or along the side, inside the "L". Hmmm. Approved For Release 2000/08/ P96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 200 RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 #10.5: They're irregular shaped. Four or five feet away from the side. They'redark ends on the side. With white lining. White on the bottom. The white line on the bottom of the dark things. #14: Find #28 and #1 at the target and tell me what they are doing. +14 #10.5: I want to say they're on the corner; outside corner of the "L" now. I want to say they're walking towards me, toward the front. There again, I . #14: Are they outdoors? #10.5: Yes. #14: Or are they indoors? #10.5: Out. Its open around this. . not a lot of stuff nearby. PAUSE #14: Step back . #10.5: There's something nearby. There's something nearby. . and its orange. Orange. And, I'm having some trouble now. Let me wait. #28. #28. #28. This feel better. (Not audible) a little. (Not audible). #14: Try and move back away from the outbounders and put the whole scene in front of you. +20 #10.5: This is different. Okay. #14: Okay. We'll open up the curtains a little bit and let you draw. #10.5: Okay, Good #14. PAUSE Approved For Release 2000/08/0-A: 788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000TO lfl A RDP96-OO788ROOO9O1 O3OOO1-9 #10.5: Do you know what the front of a conquistador's hat looks like? #10.5: That's the shape I'm talking about. This is the front first wedge that I had as though its been going, Whooooo, you know sort of down. #10.5: You know, sort of curved. And not, not really as much as a curve as the conquistador hat does. #10.5: But is not straight, its got a curve in it, I think. And this is maybe a little bit too much. . . on this. Let's cut that off about right there. I had. . I wanted to say, okay, this is a dark on the top (not audible). And then, that. Okay. Something, let me, okay, I don't have the feeling for . . its white in front of this thing. All right, and there's something . . well, I'll draw that later in a different view. Okay, this is as I flush out my first one. This white wedge - I'll draw like a side view here of the feeling that I . . Its like the side peak would go like this. Okay. #10.5: Another feeling I had was that in under this thing it was also curved and I had like.lines in it; I didn't say that on the tape. But up and under here, the shape is -- how am I going to draw it? The shape is like . . how can I draw the right perspective? You know, if you're looking up at it I had a line and I have a line back but this would be curved in there. So, let me draw the line as though we're looking up. Peak line. Gentle curve back. These are curved lines. It was grey with curved lines. #14: Let me see if I've got that right. Is that from underneath the inside looking up? Approved For Release 2000/08/0 70"'MIRD1 9 -OO788ROOO9O1 O3OOO1-9 Approved For Release 200 7''`K tA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 #10.5: Yeah. As though I was standing here looking up at the inside of this thing. Between, between the forward edge of the peak and the structure itself is a distance and that distance is where I had this curved line affect. #10.5: As the peak came down. Okay. But I got a feeling of walls. That's why, my first comment was this was . . this is weird. . a wierd. . a very peculiar type shape. But I still had walls on it. Okay, let me just go on. I've pretty well muddled that one up. There is a . . on the left side there is a dark round shape that's got something like that on the top. Icbn't know what to say but there. Okay. These are white. This is white. All this. . All this thing is white. Okay. The whole thing is white. These are regular shapes. There and there. Okay. This is light. Okay, view 2. Somewhere along this thing though there is a wall and I can't. . or a side. The side of it, I can't put it together or some way that its not. The side. . is though, okay, let me see how high. The side is, I'll just draw what I got. Like a corner, okay. Okay. That's. . Let's see. . There are irregular shapes along here. There are dark shapes that I think are hidden by the . . half by the roof or the roof side. #10.5: But they are in a square. But there is a . . that main thing bout them is that they're set off by a white stripe on the bottom of the square thing, okay. And its like these things go up. The whole thing. This line across here I want to call it the roof line or where this overhang is and these things are dark and they pole up and under it so you can't really see it from the way I was looking at it. And these are white. And the side is grey. The roof is light grey; or the top part is light grey. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 000901030001-9 Approved For Release 20 4 I!RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 #10.5: I want to say that this thing is also "L" shaped. In here then wouAbe left front. View Number 1, okay. On this end here, I got just as things were ending, just as things were ending I had the side, a side perspective of, or a perspective . . . Okay, I'll draw the irregular shapes in along here to show that. And then that's just blank. That doesn't have anything really of. its not like the front. Its sort of a flat and its also got these irregular shapes along the front of it. Okay. I'll put a little Four here, because Four is just standard peaked roof. And it has these. . I want to say, there's two dark shapes that I . . . When I said that they were there, that's where, I meant they were coming, that way. #14: Okay, so that's "X" on Number 3? #10.5: "X" on Number 3 is what I had. I seem, I was over here and I went through, I went right through there and then I went out the other side and I had, I had the impression that they were coming around the corner. From right to left. #14: And that was about 14 minutes past the hour. #10.5: Yeah. I said there was a big black thing on top. And that's what really throws me off is because its, its on the right. How am I going to put it? Its somewhere back here. Its off-set, or at least from my view its off-set. It was as though this dark thing was off-set on it. Okay. And I'll put that there because this is the other end, it wouldn't show. Dark square thing. This is dark. I said there was green in it. Okay. Yeah, I said there was green in it. That's something I said. On this, on View 2, I have no idea of numbers. I can't say how many of these dark things with the light line in them there were. And I tried to say away from numbers because that's left brain counting and everything. So, I just got this impression. I said that this dark thing was 12 feet. Okay. That's one thing I said. I said there was something orange. 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :fit I -L0788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 20f,WGIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 #14: Right. #10.5: And I will. . I had the feeling I was . . when you, when I . . It was just after, or shortly after, you know, I was backing off anyway, I was beginning to lose my focus and I was back- ing off and I was getting this type of impression as I was drifting back like that. And I had this . . . I don't know what or where. . I had Number 5. I had this feeling of a ball with stripes on it. I mean, not stripes but like somebody was look- ing at an orange. #10.5: It felt like I was looking down on it. Like it was a pinwheel. #14: Um hm. Was that the orange? #10.5: That was the orange thing that I said. PAUSE And I don't know where that is or what it is or where it is at the target or anything. I had, okay, this is probably the best way to I'll just work in Number 1. I . . . I was going to say, well where. Let me do it here, okay. I had open out here. I had the feeling that it was, it wasn't an open for an . . . it wasn't like it was, I think it was just sort of like sitting in a circle. Not an actual actual circle, but sitting in an open area but there is other stuff around it but 50-75 yards away is where everything else is, okay. I think if anything, that's a little bit closer. I want to say on the left side its cluttered but open, okay. And on the, what would be the top side of this aerial, I'll say its open not so far. Its like Approved For Release 2000/08M":IP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000/0 pP96-00788R000901030001-9 it seems to be more open here. . little bit of open space in the back and open space on the left but cluttered stuff in there. I don't know what it is, it could be trees, it could be anything but I didn't. . I wasn't looking at that. . I was looking at structure. Is there anything else? #14: How do you feel about the session? If you had to assign a confidence level to it, how do you feel. . . #10.5: If I had to assign a confidence level, I'd say this front view, Sketch Number 1, I feel good about, I'd say 4 or 5. Because it was just, you know, and then, as I tried to get side perspec- tives of it, it seemed like things began to fall apart because I couldn;t see how all. . how this thing fit with the rest of it. I could have been somewhere else. It could have been a totally different building. Oh, wait a minute! There's one thing that I want to tell you. And that is, that I sat and I looked at this thing and I, remember, you notice, you remember when I was drawing Two and I said 'No, wait a minute, that's not quite right.' Well, you notice I don't have the other part of the "L" in here and the reason is because I think that this part of the "L" is as high as this part of the "L". Its not as big a structure. Like it's tagged on to the end of it. Something's funny with the roof. You know. The whole. . it seemed like none of these things that are usually straight lines connected. It feels like a bunch of lines that weren't connecting where they should. Let me draw another picture. That's sort of like what I perceived the roof line to be, okay. #14: Um hm. #10.5: Like that. Its like its off-set. PAUSE What do you think? Approved For Release 2000 . , , 6-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 20001}M6pDP96-00788ROO0901030001-9 #10.5: Is there anything that you heard me say that I didn't remember because I did that last time I forgot a couple of things and I can't remember everything I said? #14: No. You've covered everything I've got jotted down here. #10.5: Well, again, I think I got a little bit more than I did the last time. But again, I was trying to, trying very consciously just to stay right on the base line of description. #14: Um hm. You've got some nice drawings there. #10.5: I have no idea what that. . . #14: We'll find out shortly. #10.5: (Not audible) whether this thing fits together with the . . I guess that's about it for me. #14: Okay. End session. Approved For Release 2000 DP96-OO788ROOO9O1O3OOO1-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 TAB A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 S/de., roved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 try ~ 1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 TAB B Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000901030001-9