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Approved For Release 2000/08/0 1. PI ? ? ?-00788R000900690001-8
REVIEW ON: 30 Jun 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2000/ 96-00788R000900690001-8
Approved For Release 2000 6-00788R000900690001-8
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for the purpose of orienting a
remote viewer to an applied remote viewing protocol.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions show no recogniz-
able target correlation. Although the viewer was disturbed
by ambient room noise, he appeared to be remote viewing
well. He was quite sure of his images and disappointed
that they did not match the selected target (a barber shop).
The remote viewer felt strongly that he had viewed another
target (a static display of a Nike Hercules anti-aircraft
missile) on post.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session was modified
from that which will be used in later training. The
protocol to be used in later training is detailed in the
document, Standard Remote-Viewing Protocol (Local Targets)
by Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ, November 1978. This
session's protocol was modified in that a randomly generated,
preselected target was not used due to the unavailability of
the target pool. In lieu of a randomly generated, pre-
selected target the "outbounder" or "beacon" simply chose
a site which, in his opinion, was unique and identifiable.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impres-
sions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are
drawings made by the viewer reference his imrpessions of
the target site. At TAB B are photographs of the target
site. At TAB C is a post-session interview.
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#7.5: This will be a remote viewing session.
(Edited for security.)
#7.5: #6.5 should be out at the target now. See if
you can't concentrate, focus on #6.5 and then
look around the area.
#27.5: I'm seeing like a. . one of these, like one of
these big power type trucks with a launcher
type thing on the back, the extender piece.
You know, like the cherry-picker type truck.
Okay. I'm feeling those real clear. Very
#7.5: That's fine.
#27.5: Its sort of like half and half. The bottom
half of the vehicle is like a dark brown or
a black color and the upper half is either a
light white or a light. . some kind of a
lighter color. Gray maybe. And. . its really
strong. You know, I'm. . not. . I can't see
the basket on the end of that thing so it might
not be a cherry-picker. But its . . its
definitely a . . lift-up launcher type device
in the back. And. .
#7.5: A truck with something that goes up in the
#27.5: Yeah. . It. . Yeah. . It goes up in the back. .
I don't know whether I can say launcher, but
its like, you know, a launcher would be. Only
it looks like it extends (not audible). It
either extends out on the end or there's an
extension on it that fits to it and the exten-
sion's white. The extension is white.
#7.5: Okay. Now, as you're looking at this, describe
your position in relationship to this.
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#27.5: I'm standing to the rear right, you know, looking
at it on its right side. And I'm standing on the
ground and its just super clear impression I'm
#7.5: Okay, now describe what is behind on the other
side of it.
#27.5: On the other side of it. I'm going to have to
go over there because I can't see through it.
#7.5: Are you telling me that it is isolated alone,
there's no . . .
#27.5: Yeah. Just. . I see immediately forward of the
rear wheel on the left hand side, I see tele-
phone pole. And there's trees behind it. Look
like oak trees. Not a bunch of them, just a
couple. Starting to get a lot of analytic crap
now because that was so clear. . . that, you
know, its kind of hard to believe it.
It seems like I see a . . a . . some kind of a
. . brick, brick wall maybe a real low silhouette
type building with a piece of wire. But, some
kind of a piece of angle iron or something stick-
ing out on the corner. I don't know what it is,
but its a lot like something you would hang a
sign on. You know, like when you dangle a sign
by a door. That's sticking out and the building
is like. . the building is like close to where
this truck is but I can't. . I think the truck
is like fared on the left side of the building
. . from the front. If you . . If you stood
looking down that . . like long lengthwise
section of the brick, brick wall.
And there's like some stands. Metal stands with
a cross piece that goes up in a hook on the end.
That are diagonal this way across them and there's
like its a circular row, not a , not a good circle
but they kind of curve out to right. . and that
that's near the building. But I can't . . . I
can't see where in relationship to the building.
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The thing about. . . That was so clear when
I first started. Then I was getting, you know,
it seems like all of a sudden, I'm trying to. .
you know, all my analytic mind's going to work
on it, you know, its trying to figure out what
all this stuff is.
#7.5: Are you getting any other impressions other than
visual of the target?
#27.5: That's what I'm trying to do now. I'm trying
to sense if there's any particular color or
hot or cold or you know your more basic senses.
I smell dirt. Definitely outside. I smell
dirt. And steam. Steam that would come off
pavement. Or a moist type steam.
I keep getting an analytic side of my head in the
way here. I don't think much.
#7.5: Can you picture the truck image that you had
#27.5: Very clearly.
#7.5: Okay. Now. Describe the surface that the
truck is on.
#27.5: The truck is a . . I keep wanting to say smooth,
but its not. It depends on your perspective.
Looking at the truck from where I saw it before,
it appears smooth. But upon approaching it, its
not, its . . its like a . . the . . the . . looks
like the edge of a . . looks like the edge of a
sword. . . you know that's been hacked on some-
thing. You know, it looks like its chewed. Like
there's an edge there like an "L" shaped edge
and its chewed down the side. Its part smooth
and part rough and kind of hard to define really.
#7.5: Are you looking at the truck from the same
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#27.5: Yeah. I'm trying to go around to the front
of the truck. See if I can get an emblem or
something on it.
#7.5: Are you alone at this area?
#27.5: Ah. . No. There's a lot of people there.
Four people. Wearing white hard hats. I keep
getting a lot of analytic crap in here. Let me
concentrate on #6.5 a minute. See if I can
find out where he's at.
+10 #27.5: I just . . I . . I see #6.5 reaching out and
touching a yellow pole. Its like a yellow
painted pole. Perhaps, not quite the double
width of your hands. He could put his hands
around the thing.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: He's . . a. .
I can hear that tape ticking.
#7.5: Um hm.
#7.5: Its a technical adjustment. That doesn't
work either.
#27.5: That's all right. I'll just have to cut it
out I guess.
I'm trying to see what's around that pole and
I don't see anything around that pole.
+12 I feel like one of those. . . one of those.
silver wheels. . . silver wheels that you could
hold in your hand that has a collar on it. And,
I see a pointed. . edged conical shape that's
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fairly well defined. Its got four edges
but does not appear. . . but it is appearing
that its equal.
But its. . . its tall and thin.
#7.5: Okay. Tell me more about this.
#27.5: Its got like shadows. . . Its got four sides.
You know, four. . four flat smooth sides would
not. . produce such unique shadow pattern. I'm
also. . . I'm kind of going. . going. . this
way over to it. It just. . .
#7.5: You first described it as being conical.
#27.5: But its got four edges, like.
#7.5: Conical? with four edges?
#27.5: Its more of a pyramid. But its not what I would
look at as a pyramid, its its very. . I get
the feeling like needle. You know, I keep think-
ing needle when I see it.
#7.5: Okay.
+14 #27.5: And letters. An L and a number 4. L and 4
very distinct. L and 4.
I get a feeling of intense heat. But this is
hard to explain. I get a feeling of cold
intense heat. I . . you know, that sounds a
little confusing.
#7.5: Okay. Where are you now?
#27.5: I'm. . I'm. . standing next to this conical
thing, this pyramid type thing. . this needle.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: . . or whatever it is.
#7.5: Okay. Where, when you're next to this thing,
when you get this feeling, where do you get
this feeling? Does this. . . does this cold
intense heat come from this in some manner?
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And at what point does it come from this?
#27.5: I'm not. . I get the feeling like the intense
heat the cold, its part of the truck. But its
part of this, this thing as well. This pyramid
#7.5: Um hm.
#27.5: But, its not really part of either one. Its
just like its there. You know, its like (not
Its like in that area. But its still. . . Its
associated with what I described, but its in. .
+16 its. . I wish I was an English major. It would
probably take one to figure out what I'm saying.
Its associated to what I've been talking about
and its part of it but not really. Best I can
do. Ha ha.
I see little cup like impressions in metal with
an edge. Like if you were to take a chisel
and just flack out a piece of wood. . just a
little piece of wood. Scoop out a piece of
wood. Where the chisel went into the wood
would be sharp and defined and where it came
out would be smooth but if it were to cast a
shadow it would be a softer shadow.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: I see maybe six of these. And there's. ? ?
The pattern's really funny. Its like I'm
looking. . .
#7.5: Okay, I'm letting you spend a lot of time and
a lot of words describing the meaningfulness of
the pattern. That's doing a lot of work for
you to try to do that and a lot of left brain
#27.5: I can't. . .
#7.5: Tell me what the pattern is on.
#27.5: The pattern's on white metal.
#7.5: Okay. The pattern's on white metal.
#27.5: Yeah. I'm looking through the pattern to the
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other side of the pattern and its too complex
to try to . . Its like I'm seeing through this
. . this. . pattern.
#7.5: What is the white metal? Does the white metal
make up one of the other shapes or something?
#27.5: Ah. . I don't know.
I keep wanting to say its part of the truck
but its not really part of the truck.
#7.5: Okay.
#7.5: Don't force yourself to call the . . its kind
of an exercise here. . . don't force yourself
to call the thing you call a truck. Let's say
that we have a shape of something. .
#27.5: Yeah. Exactly. Well, that's what it is.
#7.5: Say we have the shape of something and it may
be mobile in some way and it has some sort of
a boom or vertical thing coming out of it.
#27.5: Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. And I. . I am
analytically associating it to that damn cherry-
picker on these power trucks and that's why I
keep saying truck and its not that.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: Its. .
#7.5: Its dark on the bottom, light on the top?
#27.5: Right.
#7.5: Okay. Now we have this shape. This shape and
we have something sticking up out of this shape.
Okay, is the shape that sticks up the conical
thing? You have to tell me.
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#27.5: I don't see any defined difference between the
light and the dark.
#7.5: Okay. Where is the white metal?
#27.5: Its associated. . . Its associated to this
bodied thing with a . . a . . cherry-picker
type extension on it. But every time I try
to associate it, I just again, I see the dark
bottom half and the light upper half.
#7.5: Okay. Dark on the bottom, light on the top.
#27.5: I see crosses. Or I should say X's. They
are not up and down or vertical, they're X's.
And my perspective is like I would be walking
around it.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: That's all. Its really fascinating.
#7.5: Okay. Let's review this for a minute now.
We have the dark object. . or we have an object
that has a protrusion sticking out of it, you
associate that with being a truck and the cherry-
picker type ladder thing but at any rate you have
a dark object with a protrusion sticking out of
it; you have a building associated nearby, you
have also trees maybe behind that; you have some
white metal that you saw you said that is some-
how associated with this. . dark object with the
protrusion sticking out; you also have something
that is like a cone or a pyramid that has four
edges with a strange shadow pattern so it can't
be a square with four edges. You have some
white metal. How does that fit? Those are the
things you told me. How does that fit?
#27.5: It fits very well. Except I sense something
there. I'm feeling something and I don't know
what it is. Its . . . did you mention the
intense heat?
#7.5: No, I didn't.
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#27.5: Cold.
#7.5: Okay, you mentioned that something, something
to do with heat.
#27.5: An intense cold heat. That's the honest. .
only way that I can describe it.
#7.5: Okay. Maybe its an area that has the possibility
of being intensely heat. . . hot and that was an
area that would be intensely hot but right now
its cold.
#27.5: Its a . . I'm trying to . . I'm trying to figure
out what the hell the building's got to do with
#7.5: Okay. Maybe its just nearby. Maybe that's not
the target. Maybe its a building nearby.
#27.5: Maybe the building's the target.
#7.5: Maybe. Do you want to try to get a closer look
at the building?
#27.5: Yes. That's what I'm doing now. I've gone back
to that angular piece of metal. I'm looking at
that. I see a . . shape like . . a V cut of
wood that's carried out to the edges. Not wood,
just that shape. Its supporting something.
This is on the side of the building on top of
the building. I'm seeing the crosses. . the
X's. The X's. The X's are metal. Its not
fencing though. Clearly not fencing. Its larger
That's all I know. I keep going back to that.
that truck thing. I wish I could see detail.
Two. . . half circle yellow, glass type dome
things. Two, like lights, like. . . they are
like protruding tail lights on a motorcycle.
You know, the turn signals. I see two of those.
They are yellow. They are not tail lights. I
see a . . I see . . three white circles above.
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Three inches in diameter. I see a piece
of metal with four sticks of metal like coming
out of it. Aluminum coming out of it.
#7.5: Where is this construction?
#27.5: This is on the truck-like thing.
And. . these circles keep these. . they keep
going from two and multiplying. For some reason
like they're vibrating, they are not . . . they
don't stand still, you know, they kind of (not
audible). Like my focus is out.
I see like a stack of gears all interconnected.
Like, if you took the end off a crank case
you'd see all the gear works.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: And there's a thick yellow grease. A very thick,
heavy yellow grease, you know, its like its . . .
somebody has never cleaned them, they just keep
packing the grease on.
And below that grease there's a round edge
that's covered with thick black greasy residue
that might have, you know, might be old grease
that's run down and hardened. (Not audible)
and I feel rough. Its sitting on something
rough. This round type thing. I'm sitting on
something very rough. Like running your hands
through. . through. . just very rough. Like
it would do damage to your hands if you run
your hands through this rough. Its rough.
That's all. That's all the detail I get on
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#7.5: Okay. Let's try to draw some of the things
you got now.
#27.5: Okay. Let me look around one more time.
I'm going to have a lot of trouble with this
truck type thing because there's just . . just
a. . , you know, its like looking in a box full
of screws. You know, you can say, there's this
box of lines defining how they go is just . . .
Its like this cherry-picking thing here.
#7.5: You say you didn't see the end of it.
#27.5: No. It . . It just like keeps going on into
#7.5: Okay. Okay.
#27.5: But, I can see the end of it, but the end of
it's really funny. Its . . Its like a . . like
the end of a cigar only there's like a . . like
the . . different shadows on it, you know, they
go across each other like this. Its just hard
to define what it is because the shadows. . its
just really weird. Its not. . . Looking at it
from the end its like a round tip of a cigar of
just panted a little off. Dead center rim.
#7.5: Um hm.
#27.5: And there's just this mirage of shadow on it so
that you can just see a rounded outline. But
you know that there's something in it.
#7.5: Um hm.
#27.5: But you're really not looking in it. You know,
you're. . .
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: Its a point of perspective I guess. Okay.
And I see a lot of metal X's with a dot in the
center. A bunch of them and they are kind of
. . . they are not in a pattern now, but some
are individual stacks like this. But their
edges don't touch. And then others are like,
like you're seeing through the ones in the front,
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you're seeing the ones in the back.
#7.5: Um hm.
#27.5: And the . . the cone is like. . its like a
cone with four edges.
#7.5: Um hm.
#27.5: And its got like a . . its also got strange
shadows like this. I don't know how to . .
just strange shadows. And its kind of . .
looking at it from the side, it looks. . . Well,
it doesn't look, damn it, it feels round. But
its not, okay.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: Its a pyramid.
#7.5: Okay.
#27.5: The long brick wall was like in perspective
was like looking down. . . with a definite
roof overhang with a piece of angle iron out
here. And there were two strips of light back
in the brick. And there was a rise. . of some
sort. A dirt mound or a rise behind that.
The . . . I can't. . . I'm trying to think of
how I can show the difference between the dark
bottom and light upper half but I .
#7.5: Well, don't worry about it.
#27.5: I can't do it. I can't . . you know, there's. ? ?
just doesn't appear to be where one stops and
the other starts.
#7.5: Okay. That's fine.
#27.5: The . . I got a very clear impression of the
. . . I really tried for detail and I got a
very clear impression of two yellow lights.
Not on like the . ? ?
#7.5: A bullet light?
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#27.5: Yeah, its like a bullet light. You know, on
the old. . . I can't remember the model of the
car, but you know that came from the late 40's.
There's two of these and they were like in re-
lationship to each other - they were like this.
And . . somewhere in here was a light circle
and a white circle and there was a third circle
that kind of kept popping in and popping out.
And then there was a piece of flat metal with
like sticks coming out of it. Four of them.
And they are in a neat little row. . pattern
row. This metal was like a dark, dark color.
These to the yellow.
#7.5: Um hm.
#27.5: That was white. Oh, and behind this was like
a telephone pole. Some kind of a pole. You
know, a tall, narrow skinny object. And behind
that there was maybe a tree here. And a tree
#7.5: Now, we have to write in there, where you drew
the telephone pole, that this is a pole behind
object, and because when they look at the draw-
ings, later they can't distinguish.
#27.5: I can see. Ha ha. I'm not . definitely not
a very good artist. Tree.
#7.5: Well.
#27.5: Object. This was a brick wall. . . overhang.
light. . Its like an angle iron. Hill. . End of
. . for the lack of a better word, a cherry-
#7.5: Okay.
#7.5: Okay, then, you've got a lot of stuff here.
Is there anything that you want to add?
#27.5: The only. . the only time I felt #6.5's presence
is I sense that he reached out and took hold of
a yellow pole.
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Okay. Where is this
to everything?
I don't know. I don
that there's nothing
pole in relationship
't know. But I just sense
around the pole.
#27.5: Nothing at all around it. Wait a minute.
There is something. Over. . I sense. . some
kind of a pit, water pit, but not a formal
water pit. Maybe a big, deep puddle. Near
the pole. But, why I say pit, is because the
edge's kind of go down into it.
That's all. That's all I can see around the
#7.5: Okay. That'll do it then.
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1. (S) Post-session interviews are conducted after the
completion of a session to provide the selected remote
viewer with the opportunity to express himself concerning
his viewing experience.
2. (S) #27.5 had no explanation for his target miss.
He had been very confident of his attempt and was surprised
he did not have any target correlation. #27.5 remains
enthusiastic and wants to do more remote viewing, more
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