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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 17, 1998
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Publication Date:
January 1, 1978
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 M88R000900380001-2
REVIEW ON: 30 Jun 99
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2000/0 AW
on I I t.3
007881Q3 -jFL?kME
Approved For Release 2000/08/0
1. (S) This report provides documentation of a remote
viewing session conducted for training purposes to enhance
a remote viewer's demonstrated ability.
2. (S) The target images related by the remote viewer
appeared to show low to moderate target correlation. The
most striking correlation is the drawing, (E), on page
three, TAB A and the photograph, TAB B with the red and white
tower in the background. The viewer appeared relaxed during
the session, but expressed concern about various problems
before and after the session.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session was a modification
of the protocol detailed in the document, Standard Remote-
Viewing Protocol (Local Targets) by Harold E. Puthoff and
Russell Targ, November 1978. This session's protocol was
modified in that a randomly generated preselected target was
not used. In lieu of a randomly generated, preselected target
the "beacon" simply chose a site which, in his opinion, was
unique and identifiable.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impres-
sions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are
drawings made by the viewer reference his impressions of the
target site. At TAB B are photographs of the target site.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/079tll%? A'88R000900380001-2
#7.5: This will be a remote viewing session. (Edited
for security.)
#47.5: Its now 9:30 and the outbounder has reached his
target destination. Go out there and tell me
what you see.
#36: Well, I'm going to get the other stuff out of
the way first. At the 25 or 30 seconds till.
assuming my watch is right, I saw a yellow T-
shirt hanging up on a wire hanger. It had a
picture made of blue and red colors predominant.
On the mark, I saw aluminum or column bars
overhead. It was one by one stringers formed
one strips of wood or something of that size.
Could be wood, could be anything lying on top
of it.
They looked rather long.
I'm seeing what looks like the corner of a . .
it looks like what the corner of a table would
look like if you were lying on the floor look-
ing up at it.
What is the position of table legs appears to
be brown. This is stupid! Anyway, it appears
to be brown and fairly ornate. Period. Like
period furniture.
Let's take a look for it.
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I'm seeing something very close up. It appears
to be metalic. Its so close I can't focus on
This is overlay. I saw a pulley with a line.
I've been working on a boat, so I'm probably
seeing boat shapes.
#47.5: Okay. Are you still at the target area?
#36: I don't know where I am.
#47.5: Go back. . .
#36: Wait a minute.
#47.5: Okay.
+04 #36: I'm looking down through a repetitive pattern.
I'll draw it later, but it . . . roughly the
shape of a whole row of . . plastic coat hangers.
What were you saying?
#47.5: Okay. See if you can go back, picture #7.5.
Find #7.5. Stand behind him and tell me what
you see.
+05 #36: I'm getting mixed feelings. I keep having
that feeling of looking up and yet I see #7.5
rather bored with his arms crossed on top of
something in front of him. Could be the top
of the car; could be the top of a table.
#47.5: Can you look to your left and tell me what you
see on your left?
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#36: I don't know (not audible).
+06 A lot of things. Momentarily there I saw a
tower. And then almost instantly I saw the
back of a chair. These are period furniture,
#47.5: More of an antique style?
#36: Oh yes, yes. It looked like it could have
been a dining room chair. Antique.
Antique style.
#47.4: Can you take a look to your right and tell me
what you see?
+07 #36: Its something that reminds me of a mirror.
At least it seemed to be reflective.
I keep seeing . . Oh, roughly, round mushroom
and Christmas tree shape. The thing I thought
was a mirror was shaped like that. I thought
maybe it was a hand mirror. Round.
#47.5: Okay. If you're there with #7.5 on target,
see if you can't step back. Back up a little
bit and try to put your left, right and forward
views into a perspective so you can see them
all at once. See if you can't put something
+09 #36: This isn't very good at all. I backed off
about two or three steps and I . . . right in
front of me there's a car hood. As though we're
looking towards the . . windshield but towards
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the, if you're in the car, the right side
of the windshield, across the hood.
#47.5: Do you see #7.5 as being . . .?
#36: No. I have a feeling, an awareness of him.
I can't. . .
#47.5: Do you see him as being inside a location or
outside a location?
#47.5: Can you feel the location?
#36: Oh, I can come up with an answer to that
through analysis, but . . I'm not seeing him.
#47.5: Okay. No problem. Do you feel warm or do
you feel cool?
+10 #36: Well, my right arm is warm.
#47.5: Do you have a feeling for other people in the
#36: I don't think so.
#47.5: Do you want to try going back to your first
strong impression and see if you can work it
from there. Remember the picture of the yellow
T-shirt and wire hanger.
+13 #36: I see a distributer of a car.
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#36: I see a car engine. I see a left hand on
a hose to the radiator.
#47.5: Are you still at the target location?
#36: The target doesn't seem to stay in the same
Or either I don't or something.
#47.5: Okay. Relax. Concentrate on #7.5. What you
might want to do is walk up behind him and tap
him on the shoulder and ask him where in the
heck he is.
#36: I don't know. I've had several hints on that
and I just don't want to be analytical.
#47.5: Well. Go ahead.
#36: No. I'd rather deal in images. You told me
a long time ago, forget the talking and draw
#47.5: Right. Just trust clear images. That's true.
#36: Like I keep getting pictures of cars and so
I assume he didn't leave his car too far away.
+14 I guess I had the feeling that he had his
elbows or arms on top the car at one point
facing, facing roughly north.
I'm aware of vegetation. I'm seeing some
interesting things here and there. I don't
feel that he is particularly interested or
overexicted about anything.
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#47.5: Okay. Have you tried moving overhead at
all and see if you can see below?
#36: No. I'll think about it.
Wouldn't it be funny if that crazy nut went
and got in the gas line? Ha ha
+17 #36: I think he's on the left side of the car; he's
facing aft; he's just in front of the door.
I'm getting the impression now of the roof of
a building. Nothing like that around here.
+18 #47.5: Can you describe it?
#36: Oh yeah. The . . I know the shape of this
roof, I just can't. . . Hell, let's face it.
Its shallow (not audible) metal. Shinges
apparently. Something like patterns like that.
That's the second time I've seen a left hand.
Palm up. I don't know why.
I'm seeing an ornate filagree pattern, probably
I'm seeing blue denim cloth. Not trousers.
Not a shirt or anything. Just looks to be a
piece of blue denim cloth.
#47.5: Its twenty minutes into the session.
#36: Um hm.
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#47.5: #7.5 is probably on his way back.
#36: I think so. I think he was getting in the
vehicle a moment ago.
#47.5: Okay. But you can stay at the site if you
want and look around a little more.
+21 #36: Its all been very confusing. I saw an old-
fashioned stove pipe. I couldn't see what
either end was attached to.
+22 Looks like the two dominant things were vehicles
and. . and. . quite. . casual comfort. You
know, I . . I saw some. . . Had the feeling of
old antique, I guess.
+23 #36: I think there's water behind #7.5.
I know where he was, he's not there.
#47.5: That's okay. You can stay there.
#36: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay. We'll draw some of this now.
#47.5: Okay.
#36: I was getting some awfully strong images there
but I think its ground cover.
I don't know whether it was wishful thinking
. . but if I had been #7.5, what I would have
done today, if I had been outbound, I would
+24 have gone to Burba Lake and stretched out on
one of those tables.
#47.5: Very good.
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#36: No. I had some good viewing, but it was all
stuff from all over. I don't know. You try
and throw half of it out.
#47.5: Oh, sometimes those are the best sessions.
Would you like some more light?
#36: That's all right. That's okay.
#47.5: Would you like a felt tip?
#36: Yes. I sure would How'd you know that?
#47.5: I had this telepathic message I guess.
#36: I looked up for one there and I couldn't see it.
#47.5: Oh. All you had to do was holler.
It shows up much better.
What are you drawing there at One?
#36: Hmmm?
#47.5: Let's see. That was the table and the leg?
#36: Um hm.
#47.5: Would it help if you described it as you go
along - bring back a little more?
#36: No. I was trying to see. . . Of course (not
audible) this is a . . believe it or not. . .
this is #7.5. His elbow's on top of something.
I don't know what.
#47.5: And as you described him, looking rather bored.
#36: Um hm.
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#47.5: Can you picture that repetitive pattern that
you had?
You said it looked like coat hangers?
#36: Hmm? When?
#47.5: You mentioned you saw a repetitive pattern
that reminded you like the shape of a . . .
plastic coat hangers.
#36; That's it (not audible) looks like.
#47.5: A mushroom or a Christmas tree shape.
#47.5: Well, let's see what we've got here. Okay,
you've got that unusual top of the building.
And then you said you kept seeing a left hand.
With the palm up.
#36: Its as though someone were laying on the belly.
That's some hand isn't it?
#47.5: That's all right.
#36: I did see, for some reason, (Not audible).
I thought I saw a car mirror or something.
But, the hell with it. Car (not audible) . . .
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#36: It doesn't matter.
#47.5: A few of the other things that you mentioned
was an ornate filagree metalic pattern.
Old-fashioned stove pipe.
#36: Ha ha.
I guess the last thing I saw was the warm
right arm.
#36: Draw (not audible) up here.
#47.5: Do you have a feeling that you could put "X"
marks the spot - locate #7.5 and describe in
just very minor detail, very general, what's
in front of you, what's on the left, what's
on the right. And what's behind you. For
instance, you had mentioned that water. . . .
#36: I felt that he didn't stay put.
#47.5: All right.
#36: I saw him, at one time, right side of a vehicle
you know, his right, he's facing out. He's on
the left side of the vehicle and he was facing
out. But there's no big deal. He would be, you
know, if he was out there somewhere with the
vehicle he'd get on the right side to get into
the car. Left side. God, what's wrong with me.
Left side.
#47.5: Well, don't forget all this mirror image stuff
#36: Yeah, that should be done. . . .
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#36: No. I find myself looking at an image and
saying, "Hey, does that look like, does that
look like some place I see around here somewhere?"
#47.5: Um hm. Yes (not audible).
#36: And, I have a feeling that when (not audible)
that time, it looks like I have a feeling of
just go ahead and go the whole scene in my
mind and when I do that I throw it out because
I feel like I'm inventing.
But, the tape's off, right?
#47.5: No.
#36: But I saw, I felt, I felt it was overlay so
I didn't say anything. I felt Burba Lake and
I put the gas pool down there. Gas. . . Gas
line. But that. . the gas line was just over
concern about it today.
#36: In fact there was. Because there would be no
need to get in a gas line with a Government
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