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May 15, 2000
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Publication Date:
April 19, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000 8/ I - 0788R000800900001-5
1%j LAJ FN C. I
05163OZ JUL 78
REVIEW ON: apti 2-00 c---.
Approved For Release 20001`G87O7'!'C1A=RUP-96-00788R000800900001-5
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6 E_( ` R E T P V
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session conducted in
compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon,. Washington, Q.C.
The purpose of the session was to provide information relevant to the
hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the
remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B
is target cuing information provided the remote viewer.
5. (S) This was one of three sessions conducted simultaneously from
three different areas. This viewer was asked to describe area "MIKE"
while the others were asked to locate Tomseth and Howland respectively.
None of the viewers knew what the others were being tasked to do.
6. (S) The viewer was very confident about his imagery during this
session. During the session he located AHERN, METRINKO, HOLLAND and
MOREFIELD (although there is doubt if this data is accurate). He also
located several other personnel during the session, including several
Marines. He felt that 3 of the unknown, personnel were BLUCKER, LIMBERT,
and LEE.
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#6.5: This will be a remote viewing session for 19 April 1980.
We'll have an on-target start time of 0800 hours.
Ok, #19.5, it's time to start the session. I want you to
relax, relax and concentrate. It is now 1630 hours at
the target. 1630 hours local target time. I want you
to focus on the building identified as building "MIKE."
Building "MIKE." Relax and concentrate on that area
designated as building "MIKE." I want you to concentrate
and tell me which hostages, if any, that you observed
at that target. Relax and concentrate.
+1.5 #19.5: I'm getting like 3d floor and 2d floor. Both floors
have hostages. This is...this building is one that
I remember very well. The 3d floor and 2d floor on the
inside portion, next to the courtyard, there's what
appears to be about 6 rooms...,down both walls.
The exterior wall is just a hallway wall. Windows.
The 3d floor has got's got the less hostages
than the 2d floor. They're more like private rooms.
It's got...uh...AHERN and METRINKOs, HOLLAND...uh...
MOREFIELD; there's one other...uh...very, very dark,
dark skinned person. Uh...Jerry or Perry or something
like that. Jerry...Jerry is the name. I don't know
if it's last name or first name on this floor.
#6.5: Ok. Relax, relax.
#19.5: There...... there's one other on the 3d floor.
These are all 3d floor......There's.....Can't get a
name for this guy. He's...uh...very heavy set, full
beard, either dark brown or black hair...not curly,
but wavy...and, it looks like he's had his nose broken
at one time. That's all I get off 3d floor.
#6.5: Ok
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#19.5: Uh...interior this...uh...this wing of the building
or whatever is pastel blue or green, like a turquoise
color. Second floor is identical to the 3d floor,
only there is...uh...there's an addition. Some kind room type room. Lot of
eash chairs, magazine racks, and stuff down towards
the end...down towards the end of the corridor. I
get a Marine and a civilian in the first room, and
I get 3 Marines in the.2d room, and 2 more in the
another military person in the next room, but he's
alone. I don't think he's Marine....he's...uh...
Army type officer... Uh...not a, not a high ranking
officer. He's got a mustache...uh...first name...
John, I think. I'm not sure. I think John.
They're eating. Eating...uh...meals right now. At
least most are. Some aren't. Predominant color on
this floor is tan...beige color wall...or white, off-
color white of some sort. There's nobody on the first
floor..... ground floor. There's nobody on the ground
#6.5: Ok.
#19.5: That's all I get.
#6.5: Did you see any other personnel in the area?
#19.5: Uh...yeah. There's...uh...the 5 Iranians on the
3d floor. There's 2 women, and 3 Iranians on the
2d floor, and there's 2 on the 3d floor....ooop
bottom floor, I'm sorry. Ground floor. The only
ones armed are the ones on the ground floor. I think
one of the women is armed. There are 2 on the ground
floor and the woman's armed.
#6.5: Ok. Anything else you want to tell me?
#19.5: Uh.....second floor there's a contractor. I just get
this impression know, a disassociated
American a contractor there. He's a
hostage, but I don't, I'm not familiar with him. Get
a strong feeling there's a contractor there. That's
all I get.
#6.5: I want you to move back to the third floor where you
saw AHERN, METRINKO and HOLLAND and tell me a little
bit more about them.
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#6.5: Are they all in the same room?
#19.5: No. Three rooms together. First room on the left...
...facing that wing from the center of the building,
you would go the right-hand hallway to reach that
area, and as you make a left off the right-hand hallway,
AHERN's in the first room. Uh.....wait a minute. The
first rooms's a closet or clean area or something.
Would be second room AHERN. Third room is METRINKOS
and fourth room is HOLLAND. HOLLAND ...uh...I got a
strong impression he doesn't feel good or something.
He's know......he's not up to snuff.
#6.5: Can you tell me why you feel that way?
#19.5: I just....uh.....I just got the feeling he wasn't feeling
good. I don't know. May be just depression. I don't
#6.5: Can they communicate with one another?
#19.5: Yes. Only at certain times, though.
#6.5: What makes you say that?
#19.5: I get a.....I'm getting an impression while they're
eating the doors are open, and they can, you know,
walk to the doors and talk to one another. It's an
impression of a privilege to talk or something. Like much time in a day they're allowed to, and
that it's not a privilege. It's's a privilege.
It's not something they can expect.
#6.5: Ok. What about METRINKO?
#19.5: Uh...he's ...uh...he's lost weight, but he appears to
be in good health. I would say he's ...uh...more
depressed probably, than the other 3. I get a badgered
feeling, for some reason. Like he's a very, very
+48 strong-willed person. Uh...he and HOLLAND are both
the same way. Think METRINKOs probably worst.
Probably he's lost...uh...lost more privileges, or
something. AHERN is in very good spirits for some
reason. But, I.....I don't know why.
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#6.5: Anything else you want to tell me about this area?
#19.5: Uh...there's a...I get the impression that these
...these 5 Iranian, Iranian guards or whatever they are,
there's something political there. It's like they're...
uh...there's a deliberateness about these 5 being there.
It has something to do with politics and it may be
that they're some kind of a...uh...uh...indoctrination
team or coercion team or...there's something organized
or planned about these 5. I don't, I don't know
exactly what it is. I get really heavy political
feeling about them. Like they're-almost like they're
...uh...a confrontation team. That sounds good. That's
...I don't know what that means, but .................
#6.5: Ok. I have no other questions. Is there anything
that you want to add?
#19.5: Only that I think it's a good session.
#6.5: Ahhh... Do you know where this building MIKE is
#19.5: I don't have any idea. I don't think it's on the
Embassy grounds, though.
#6.5: Ok. Fine. I want you to relax now. Sit up here,
take a stretch and do some drawings ok.
#19.5: Ok.
#6.5: Ok. Let's sit down now and go over this data and
do some drawings, ok.
#19.5: Ok. Page 1, I guess we'll label the top of this
3d floor, and...uh...there's a like a left-hand turn
in the hallway. Like this This wall, right here,
is the outer wall, ok. Impression of windows all the
way down this thing. Like this. And...uh...then
...uh...I get impression that this first room on the
left is like a.... cleaning area. You know. A very
large closet where you would store cleaning equipment
and everything.
#6.5: I think you referred to it earlier as a closet, ok.
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#19.5: And, you had a room here. It's like 6 rooms in a
row. There's windows in each of these rooms; single
window. That's the hallway. I think I said I got a
feeling like the colors predominant in this area....
or this floor of the building or wing
a light pastel blue or green... turquoise... something
like that. In room A I saw AHERN. Room B was METRINKOS.
Room C was HOLLAND, and D was someone else...uh.....
I can't remember who I said was in room D. That was
one person in each of those rooms. Room E had somebody
in it. I was getting a feeling like there was only
one person per room here, for some it
was a private type room. And, that of
the end room down towards the other end is where the
...uh...the five Iranians. I don't know how to spell
Iranians. Ma, ha...... guards. For the sake of
simplicity....1 don't know how to spell Iranians...guards.
These 5 Iranian guards occupy one of these rooms
but, there's always one of 'em in the hallway. I get
a confrontation like he's always opening a door and
challenging them on something political, or something
like that. You know. Always trying to pick up a
discussion and lean on 'em a little bit. And...uh...
something else about this too. I get an ordered set
basic categories, and this entire floor is one category.
The next 4 down is another category; and the next are
're kept is another category. I sense that
that the
there's a stairwell somewhere in this main hallway, too.
I don't know where. It's on either end. But, there's
a staircase, and I think it's accessible directly in
the hallway. Like you owuld walk..... walking down the
hallway, you could just go right down the stairs.
But, I wasn't getting any impressions one way or the
other of exactly where it was at.
Page 2, which is the second floor. Was predominantly
a tan color or beige, an off-color white...and...uh...
there was something different about the right-hand
end . I'll draw the hallway. Hallway was the same......
with the windows. These hash marks are windows, by the
way...going down. But, down on this end was something
different about this end. It didn't just make a clean
right turn. It was like a...uh...something had been
modified down here, and like the first two...where the
first 2 rooms would be, were opened up. And, this
was like a...these were 2 doorways... this was like
a dayroom type area. Kind a break area, of
some sort. -
#6.5: Ok.
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#19.5: And, and there's something funny about this hallway zigzags or something, I don't know. I don't
know. There's something weird about the hallway
down here. It wasn't originally like that. It was
a perfect right turn, but when they did this dayroom
type area, they modified the hallway someway. And,
then..uh..what I call room 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ok, I got room..uh..I'm going to keep these separate
from the 3d floor, so I'll say..uh..F.......
#6.5: Why don't you..... no...... you just called them room
1, 2, 3, 4. Why don't you stick with that?
#19.5: Ok. Room 1 there was 3 Marine type personnel.
#6.5: Ok.
#19.5: Room 2 had 2 Marine type personnel. Room 3...I got
the impression it was a military person,
but it's a different service, for some reason. I
just felt that. And, room 4 was a guy named Perry or
it's either his first name or last name. Jerry or
Perry or....there's rry on the end of this name.'s either Jerry, Perry, Terry. Something in
this room here, and he's a civilian. Uh...... there's
a contractor on this floor somewhere too, and it's not
this guy Perry, and I don't know how he fits into the
scheme of things on this floor. Uh.....the Iranian
guards on this floor are using the dayroom type area.
And, as well as the hostages. Both are using the
dayroom type area. And, again the stairwell goes there,
too. I think the stairwell......I'm going to draw a
dotted circle in here. I think the
somewhere in the circle down this end on both floors.
#6.5: Where are the Irainans now, again?
#19.5: In this dayroom type area. And, there's..uh..3, and
then I had an impression of 2 women. I felt like the
only one's armed on the 3d and 2d floor was, one of
the women was armed, and I think that's 'cause she's
normally not there,but she'd come in with something.
#6.5: Ok.
#19.5: What else would you like drawn?
#6.5: Well, let's go back. I think you're a little bit
confused, ok.
#19.5: Yeah. I probably am.
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#6.5: Yeah. Uh......
#19.5: 1 didn't expect so many people in this way.
#6.5: Ok. Your initial data had Perry, Jerry on the
3d floor, ok, which would coincide with the room
D which ....I think you just got through saying
you didn't know who was in there, maybe.
#19.5: Ahhh.....ok. That makes sense. That makes sense,
'cause I think in room 4, on the second floor is where
this contractor person is.
#6.5: Or somebody by the name of John.
#19.5: Yeah.
#6.5: That you mentioned, ok.
#19.5: Yeah. Contractor type. Let me.......
#6.5: Actually, that's just a possibility, because you may
have them correctly now, and you may have.........
#19.5: ....yeah
#6.5: It's just something for someone to watch for. Now,
you also had mentioned earlier a Marine and a civilian
#19.5: Uh.....I don' was the next one after John,
I think.
#6.5: You can't place it now?
#19.5: No. I can't place it.
#6.5: All right.
#19.5: It may. be the contractor is a civilian with the
Marine too. That's very possible.
#6.5: Where are the Iranians that are on the first floor.
#19.5: First floor. But, there's a door. All I get of-the
ground floor is...uh...this kind of affect. I get a
......ay.........I get the base of stairs ...uh...the
h.allw that goes under the stairs...makes a turn,
like this....uh....and a door.....some...connects a
door here, and I get the impression that where these
Xs in a circle are, are the 2 Iranians. This is a....
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#6.5: Are they armed?
#19.5: Yes, they are armed.
#6.5: Ok. And, that's on the first floor or the ground
#19.5: Uh....ground floor, first floor...what I call the
first floor.
#6.5: Ok. Anymore you want to say about the state of the
#19.5: No. Just what I said in the session. And, that's
just, you know, that gut feeling I get that kind of
washes over me. I don't.......
#6.5: Ok. There are a couple of people that you tentatively
noticed were there. If I show you photos do you think
you could identify them?
#19.5: Yeah. I think so.
#6.5: All right. We'll try that then, afterwards, ok.
#19.5: Ok.
#6.5: I have no further questions. Do you have anything?
#19.5: No.
#6.5: Ok.
#19.5: There is one other thing that I want to say.
#6.5: Ok.
#19.5: I don't think this building is on the....I don't get
an impression that this building is on the Embassy
grounds, but I think it's really close. I mean,
like, you know, if you climb over a wall and you're
there. Next to the Embassy wall. That's all I got.
#6.5: Ok. We've looked at some of the photos here and...
let me put the information on the tape here, ok.
The individual that you think might be the contractor
on the photo just by being shown a picture you identified
Robert 0. Blucker. B-1-u-c-k-e-r. Is that right?
#19.5: That's correct.
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#6.5: All right. The gentleman that you described as with
a mustache....
#6.5: Oh, oh, John, ok. You picked out, again, just looking
at a photo: and John W. Limbert, L-i-m-b-e-r-t, and
individual with a heavy beard that was on the third
floor, broken hose, etc.
#19.5: Didn't remember the broken nose but it looks like it.
#6.5:'ve selected from a photo Garry E. Lee, L-e-e,
ok. Anything else?
#19.5: Nope. That's it.
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1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery and photographs of
many of the hostages. He knew he would be working against the hostage
situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was shown a photo
of area "MIKE." He was asked to locate and identify any hostages in
area "MIKE." The viewer had been targeted against area "MIKE" previously.
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