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Document Release Date:
June 17, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 19, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800810001-5
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800810001-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/0
1. (5) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session conducted
in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington,
D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide information relevant
to the hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (5) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and
use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote
viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target
cuing information provided the remote viewer.
5. (5) The remote viewer was asked to locate Elizabeth Ann Swift
and describe her surroundings. The viewer described several other
personnel at this location, but felt that these people were terrorists
not hostages. The viewer had the feeling that this location was not a
part of the U.S. Embassy compound. He also stated that he recognized
Swift from a previous session (see session CC21, area F).
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Approved For Release 2000/08/0 iQ-4RD9
#14: This will be a remote viewing (RU) session for
19 March 1980. Mission time is 1400 hours.
All right #36 the time is now 1400 hours. Your
mission for today is to locate Elizabeth Ann Swift.
I want you to locate her, describe her surroundings,
identify her location and give me a description of
any other personnel in the area.
Relax, relax, focus your attention on Ann Swift.
#36: Hum...I, I, I, I didn't, I didn't recognize her at
first. I, I see a young woman with dark hair. The
way it's hanging it looks like,....looks like pigtails
sitting at ...sitting at table... Right upper arm
resting on table with forearm ...up in the air.
Dark ...uh...wood table, I think......
Oh!...Uh...There's a book on the table. Cloth, cloth
bound. Across the table from her is wall that apparently
has a window in it. There's a neutral shade of drapes
...uh...on the wall. I'm aware of...a street type
scene outside below..... Way, way down the street,
the direction I'm looking appears to be a structure
that..... reminds me of a church or cathedral type
shape.....half, three quarter mile. Back in the room
there's a.....vaguely aware of some type of separator
.....some type of divider in the room beyond her right.
There's a bed, bed on this side of divider. Appears,
appears, bed appears to be ...uh...wood...uh...with
some kind of light trim. Texture on the wall, behind
the bed...uh...appears to be, maybe embossed vinyl or
...or grass cloth...can't tell.
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+14 #36: There's no one else in the room.
I, I, I don't understand. I saw...uh...something
or someone.....I guess it's all right. It's probably
all right. What I saw...I saw some, someone looking
at her with...dark or gray fabric...uh...over the
head and extending forward putting the face shape in
shadow. It kind of looked like drawings of Father
Time. I just remembered that some of the local women
dress like this. It...maybe, that's what it is. I,
I almost panicked. I...I thought the, I thought it,
it might be symbolic and have a more ominous meaning.
+20 For some reason I, for some reason I sense that Ann is
ill. Not, not like when I saw her before. Appears
lethargical, fatigue... kidneys.
Something, something about kidneys...not well.
I tried to see...the rear of the building is. I don't
#14: Is the building on the compound?
#36: That's what I was trying to figure out.
#36: I don't, I don't seem to get the feel for the
compound that I had before. The room is up off the
+24 ground. The door to the hall her back. I'll
be darned.
Nope, I don't, I don't, I don't recognize...I know
what the compound looks like. I don't think this
is the compound. I'm, I'm looking around the compound
now, and I don't see her. I think she, she and Koob
and one or two men have been removed.
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+27 #36: I, I just went to the street level and I saw what
looked like fine fabrics draped over...uh...some kind
of bar or hanger... horizontal something. All colors
of fabric...uh... Motor scooter at the curb. Glass
+28 doors. Glass doors at street level.
I, I, I don't know how to explain this. I tried
communicating with Ann. She just shake-shaking her
head...uh...I sense that she's saying she don't, don't
care anymore. Don't give a dam. Leave me alone.
Hum... There's a, a, a desk or, or table in the hall...
uh...(sigh) There's a man and a woman sitting there
talking. I get the feeling they must be some kind of
security ...uh...guard watching Ann.
That's about it. There's not much going on..
#14: Ok. I have no further questions. Is there anything
else you can add before we start our drawing and debrief?
#36: I just had a very strong that the sky is a very bright
blue, whatever the heck that means. I kept seeing
#14: Ready to draw.
#36: I..uh..came on the scene with a...ah..woman sitting
at the table with her arm, upper arm resting on the
table. . She kind of leaned forward and she had her
upper arm kind of bent back and she was kind of bent
over the table with her head down and I...thought I
detected...uh...what I, what I thought was pigtails
and I wasn't sure whether it was...uh...Elizabeth Ann
or not. Uh...
I felt somewhere...uh...this side with either piece
of furniture or something kind of divided
the room from another part of the room over here, and
I don't know if it was furniture or divider or what,
but I felt there was some kind of natural division,
and back over in this area here, down towards the
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bottom of the page area I thought
they would probably use as a sleeping area...
Door to the hall was in the wall behind her.
I'm sorry., my pen don't work. What's
the matter?
#14: I don't like the color it's giving you.
#36: Oh, yeah! This is better.
I'm enhancing these lines so if you want to copy
them it will copy...the heck is that.....
Ok. I just wanted to make over this weak pen...
#14: Don't worry about that. It will show up.
#36: It will show up.
#14: Yeah.
#36: Ok. Oh, I saw a...a hallway that had a...uh...
a table or a desk in it and...uh...there was a
couple people sitting there in the hall, and I
felt her door was just this side of it on the's another page.
Oh, uh...real long street just went to ...uh...
infinity and there's building along both sides,
and way, way down there was a building that had
spires or something on top of it that... reminded
me of a cathedral or, or something. As though
he was somewhere in the, in the building down
here up near this window somewhere, looking way
down towards this...uh...cathedral like structur
down here at annotation A, and it seemed like
street scene...uh...
I guess that was about it. There was a cloth-
bound book lying on the table, and her glasses
were lying there. In know...very fine
details of importance... that's about I saw.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 9 1.Tp788R000800810001-5
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he would
be working against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was told that he was
to locate Elizabeth A. Swift. The viewer was shown the attached
photographs and asked to locate and describe the surroundings of the
individual in the photo.
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