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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
May 15, 2000
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Publication Date:
March 11, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800770001-0
REVIEW ON: March 2000
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800770001-0
Approved For Releases ft1ft11J%ft 1^" ? r : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800770001-0
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon,
Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide information
relevant to the hostage situation in the US Embassy compound in
Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewe.r's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and
use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocolused for this session is detailed in the document,
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S),
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote
viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is
target cueing information provided the remote viewer.
5. (S) During this session the viewer described a room in the
building at area "H" that contained eight hostages. The viewer
felt that these hostages were Marine guards. He found no other
hostages at this location.
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Approved For Release 209 ; - DP96-00788R000800770001-0
This will be a remote viewing session for 11 March
1980. The on-target time is 0900 hours.
All right, #27.5, the time is now 0900 hours.
At the beginning of the session, I showed you some
overhead imagery of the US Embassy compound in Iran.
I want you now to go to the building known as Area
H. Enter this building and describe what you see.
I got a. . what appears to be a row of sectioned
off rooms.
There's . . . some woodworking equipment there.
I see some cages. Some kind of chain link caged areas.
Storage areas.
There's . . . There's a auto . . . . place. . place
to fix and automobile. . . with what appears to be
a pit like area.
And, I'm getting a . . . . getting a strong impression
of . . . . .
+08 something parked in a bay like area. On the end
there's a . . . there's a room. What appears to
have been . . . . some kind of a storage room or
something. And I believe that there are . . . there
are some hostages in that room.
+10 I see what looks like some kind of a divider wall down
the center of the room.
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And there's walls like off, off-color tan like a
yellow color. And there's windows in the back of
the room and they're caged. There's like some kind
of screening over them. And the glass is fogged.
Like and opaque glass.
I see what looks like . . . like a miniature house
type trailer parked in a bay and some camping equip-
ment of some sort. Appears to be camping equipment.
That's about it really.
#14: Tell me about these hostages. Describe them.
+13 #27.5: I'm seeing what appears to be about eight people
They're all fairly young. Probably they're all
guards - Marine guards. There doesn't appear to be
any . . . any older people with them. They're all
young hostages.
And. . . they've just got clothing thrown around
I sense that this is a very, very warm room for some
reason. Its abnormally warm. Its fairly cool outside
but its abnormally warm in this room.
I think these are probably the Marines. Where the
Marines are being kept.
I think eight people here. Eight hostages.
#14: Are there any other hostages elsewhere in this
+16 #27.5: I don't . . . I don't see any others. No, I'd say
I don't see any others in the building. I feel
like I'm looking at one end of the building though.
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#14: All right. Move to the other end of the building
and describe what you see now.
+17 #27.5: I . . . keep seeing what apparently isn't. . isn't
part of a warehouse. I don't know how to describe
it. Its like a group of offices, but it doesn't
make any sense. Its like a corridor with rooms on
both sides.
Why I don't see anybody in the rooms, looks like its
been abandoned.
+18 Its . . . I get an impression of more than one floor
in this end. But I only see the corridor with the
rooms on both sides.
I don't see anyone in those rooms.
#14: Describe the rooms.
+20 #27.5: I got a room on the left that's got . . . appears
to be some form of a what used to be a game room
or something. Maybe its where they store tables
and things. I see tables there. They're kind of
stacked against the wall.
+21 I see some chairs. They're stacked against the wall.
And there's two windows here with caging on them.
The next room down has got . . . . appears to be box
type furniture. Furniture that's square. Really tall.
And its standing . . standing up in a corner and its
just kind of stacked there. I'm getting a strong
impression if a lot of wood.
The next room is . . . I see a table with a lamp on
it. There's . . . what appears to be an old-fashioned
bunk of some sort. That room's empty also.
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#27.5: I'm not really seeing anything in these rooms.
I get a strong impression of empty rooms for
some reason.
+23 It almost looks like its some kind of a . . some
kind of a temporary storage area of some sort for
furniture or something.
#14: I have no further questions, is there anything else
that you can add?
#27.5: Not. Not really. I get a . . . I have a lot of
trouble with this building because I'm seeing . . .
I'm seeing this room with the hostages in it as being
a verb low ceilin ed room but then I'm seeing the
majority o this building as open-ceiling all the way
up. You know, like. . like sections or bays in this
building have walls but the ynlls don't oo all the way
to the ceiling. I have a strong impression in the other
end there's a number of rooms and I don't understand
how it fits in the building. I keep getting flashes
of . . of . . stored objects, large and small, but . .
but there. . there . . mostly furniture and there are
a couple. . one thing looks like a small house trailer
or something . Another thing that's got a large
canvas over it. Some kind of a tarpolin I guess.
I'm just not getting really very distinct.
No. That's all I have I guess.
#14: Are you able to identify any of the hostages?
+25 #27.5: One stands out as unique. He's. . . What's unique
about him is he's a very heavy, very heavy built
individual - not quite short enough to be called
stocky. But he's got very , very heavy build and
his arms are . . almost grotesque they're so large.
Looks like he works out all the time, exercises all
the time or something. Very powerful looking
individual. Thick neck. And then I get the impres-
sion he's got sandy colored hair, dirty blonde or
sandy colored hair. That's. . . That's the only
one that I can describe.
4=f "a
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#14: All right. I have no further questions.
We're ready to draw now.
#27.5: Okay. I got an impression of . . . a row of
bay type doors.
This kind of impression with a slightly inclined
And these bay type doors had like smaller doors
in them.
It was kind of black metal ran along like that.
That's essentially the first impression I had.
The other impression I had was that hanging up
under the ceiling and looking down, I was actually
looking at this . . maize of walls. Like the tops
of walls. Let me see if I can do this right here.
What they were were sectioned off areas, I think.
I don't know if this makes any sense. There was
like windows back here.
On the back. And there was storage down in these
areas. You know, they were like partitions but they
weren't. They were like regular walls without ceil-
And they weren't all over this building. There's
just like one section of these.
Page 3, where the hostages were, I get an impres-
sion of looking into this room with a very low
ceiling. Get that impression. And it was like
this thing that went - no that's wrong. Went like
this down the one side. And was some kind of a. . .
partition or something. . . went down this one
side and I was just looking at a row of mats like
this and there was two windows at this end and that
was the only windows there. And there was a wire
mesh over the windows. Like a caging of some sort.
~t .
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? CIA-RD P' 6. 0788R000800770001-0
Approved For Release 2 , -RDP96-00788R000800770001-0
And there was clothing hung over this partition.
I'll just - you know, hanging all over it.
And piles of stuff on the floor like this. Like
blankets and stuff and books and, you know, just
garbage thrown everywhere and these people are
like sitting . . . on these mats and not really
doing anything. Reading maybe. You know, they're
just sitting around. There was eight people in
this room.
I really got an impression like this might be a day
room or something. You know, a party type room.
Not a party type room, a room where you would go
to sit and read.
#27.5: Or to shoot pool somewhere, play ping pong or . .
you know, almost like it was like a standard military
type dayroom.
And I don't know where that was in the place but the
ceiling was very low.
I felt like the entrance was this way.
And I had an impression of a . . . . . . another
group of rooms. I don't know exactly how to draw
Go to Page 4. It was just like I was looking at
the end of a corridor and there was this row of rooms
on the left. But there's something , something wrong
with the ceiling. It was like . . . these triangular
metal bracket type things. And they weren't. . . they
weren't touching the walls.
I don't . . . I don't know how to describe this.
Just corridor. And the first room had like tables
and the second room had like furniture of some sort.
And the third room had like a bunk type thing in it.
I don't , you know, its not very clear.
I don't know what else to draw.
#14: I guess that's about it.
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C.i? . uu i..
#27.5: There's . . . There's something really strange
about the ceiling in this place. Like one minute
I get a feeling of a very low ceiling; the next
minute I get a feeling of walls that are not fastened
to the ceiling. I see steel girders in the ceiling.
And then they go away. You know, there's just some-
thing really strange about the . . . like the corridor's
funny. But I feel like the Page 3, the room where
the eight hostages were, that was an area that was
towards the end of the building. Its like on one end
of the building.
I don't know what else to say.
#14: Okay. I have no further questions.
#27.5: I don't have any other information, I'm sorry.
#14: End of session.
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Approved For Release 200 , -RDP96-00788R000800770001-0
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he
would be working against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was shown over-
head imagery of the US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The
area designated as Area "H" was pointed out to the viewer by the
interviewer. The imagery is not included due to its classification.
Approved For Release 20 (1G M/' 'CIA-RDP96-00788R000800770001-0