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February 28, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07
: CIA-RDP96-00788R000800750001-2
REVIEW ON:...;./
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
2 ce
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800750001-2
Approved For Release 96 trertERrP96-00788R0008064fin
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session conducted
in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington,
D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide information relevant
to the hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and
use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame, Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the
remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
5. (S) The remote viewer was targeted against Michael Metrinko. The
viewer was aware of another hostage located in the same room, whom he
later identified as Richard I. Queen.4eThe remote viewer was then move :
forward in time to 28 March 1980. He described Metrinko as being in
a conference/seminar atmosphere along with many other of the hostages,
none of which were identified.
01 Approved For Re ase 200D/08/07 : CIA-RDP96.0 88 00,08007-500014 ?
Approved For Release "1/4 JILUI tLnrrec 00788R000800750001-2
#14 This will be a remote viewing session for 28 February
1900. The on-target time is 0900 hours.
All right #46 the time is 0900 hours. Our target for
today is Michael Metrinko. At the beginning of the
session I showed you a photograph of Metrinko. I want
you now to relax, relax, focus your attention on
Michael Metrinko. Project yourself to his location and
tell me what you see.
+03 #46 Got a beard. Much longer hair now. He's..uh..I got
the impression of a, of a room. Room there were 3,
3 cots at one time and there are only 2. Getting an
+05 impression of a kind of a brown, brown sweater which
he seems to use repeatedly. Room is..uh..bigger than
+06 normal bedroom, than cubicle type. Extremely bored
young man.
#14 Is there anyone else in this room?
#46 Yeah, yeah. It, it.. .tired of.. .1 see a deck of cards
I think, with a light blue, light blue checker type
with lines, deck of cards that are used over and over
again. There were 3 before. There's only 1. Now
there are 2. I don't know. The other guy is taller.
I was getting, I mean that I think he's wearing glasses.
I want to say that they, they seem to agree. They see
to buy the Shah theory. It seems to be the entire
incident is reputable to the Shah of Iran. Large consenses
here that..uh..they agree on this basic point.
#14 I want you to take a very good hard look at anybody
else in this room besides Metrinko. I will ask you
to identify them in photographs after this session.
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TF T"'
Approved For Release 2900p?COICTF'96-00788R000800750001-2
t..) L.
#46 I just see this one other guy. I see Metrinkos..uh..
+10 between 5 8, 5 10 this other guy is... .6 6 I tall,
broad, heavier set, at least...
As I see 2 beds lined up on the other side of the wall
there was a 3d one next to the door. It's.. .it comes
and goes. It was either there. It was taken out or
yet, but there's no occupant. Just 2 to the
room (mumbling).
Ok. And the other guy.. .1 got the distinctive
characteristics as (mumbling)...he's got a beard, too.
A heavy horn-rimmed glasses. I see a mixture of color
brown, dark brown and yellowish brown
#14 I want you now to leave this room
#46 One more thing, I think got the impression of a C.
I'm trying to get some idea. C, first initial M, may
be a J in there, something. This is like in a old
+12 English letter. Old English title. Looked like a C.
C or a G in old English with an M and a J in front.
#14 I want you now to leave this room and take a quick
look around this building inside and tell me if you
find anymore hostages there.
+14 #46 First impression was of long corridors, people walking,
, around in pairs. I don't know where the hostages are.1
Got the impression of the corridors ...light, light
wooden floors. Like hardwood floors. Looks like a
college dorm, or something. I don't know. Long
I don't know. I still got that impression of people
+16 walking around in twds and three's. It's confusing.
I don't think they are all hostages but a mixture.
It's as if the security was assured from the outside.
There's no, no big security stuff inside.
Approved ?or ase 2000108/07 : CIA-RDP96-4 8R01308007-5000/"'
Approved For Relea / : DP96-00788R000800750001-2
All right #46. I want you now to leave the building.
I want you to go outside and describe this building
and the area around it.
There's trees and grass. Big yard. It's like this
were a...dam...some sort of school red brick. Like the
two walls of the end of the building kind of protrude
beyond the side walls.
One side there's this big yard not in use so there's
a very much smaller yard with a tree line that's much
All right #46 I want you to s-l-o-w-l-y drift up into
the air, over this area.. .drift several hundred feet to
a point where you have a good view of this area. Describe
it to me.
I can only see trees. (Mumbling) only by trees. Again
the back yard.. .more pronounced than the front yard.
There's a corner of a yellow or white building on one
side with somewhat removed. There's another building
on the other side. Get the impression it's on a slight
curve, a slight curve. Uhite building has got..uh..
columns and domes. Kind of a reddish brick building
and the only distinctive feature has got 2 white cement
dull gray columns to the entrance. Not huge.
#14 All right #46 I want you to maintain your position.
I want you to close your eyes. I'm going to take you
to a different part in time. I want you to relax,
relax. I'm going to mo
month from today. e time is now 11:00 a.m., Iran
time he date is 28 March 1980. I want you to relax;
move to that point in time. I want you to focus again
on Michael Metrinko.
It's one month from today. I want
you to open your eyes and tell me what you see.
pproveri-Enr-P-01 ar--20DALON(114,
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#46 He's one of many. at a conference sort table.
+28 Wide open shirt, collar. He's answering questions
for the camera....broadcasting. I'm getting a
(mumbling) he's going to. .be against the Shah.
The people asking the questions are not Iranians.
I,There are 7 or 8 of 'em. This is the first time that
this guy's come to the realization that he's going
to be set free.
#14 do you perceive any other hostages?
#46 Yeah. A whole bunch.
#14 Do you see any of the Iranian terrorists or guards?
#46 Not participating. No.No. These friends aren't
going to go any place (phonetic). won't see 'em with guards anyway. They're
going to be in the backgroundsomeplace but you won't
see 'em. The hostages know they can't go any place.
Have a ..... the impression being conducted
with..uh..series. May be 8 to 12 hostages being,
being asked questions. It's going to be turn out
to be like a... in some instances almost like a seminar
#14 Tell me #46. Do you feel as though you're still in
#46 I don't know! Because feel, feeling the panel these
8 guys from Iran is in the back long round table.
I see mikes. Individual mikes. I can't see. It's
very dark. I would only be guessing. I don't get
the feel in New York.
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#14 I have no further questions #46. Is there anything
else that is important to add before I bring you back?
+37 #46 Yeah. Get the distinct impression'that this is a
the U.N.
That's all.
#14 All right #46. I want you to close your eyes again,
and I want you to s-l-o-w-l-y drift back to today,
28 February 1980. The time is now 0938.
Stretch your arms and legs a little bit. Well, how
do you feel?
#46 Ok.
#14 Uh...the first thing that you described was Metrinko
himself. Then you went on to describe the room that
he was in.
#46 Yeah. That was my first impression was the room. The
room was rectangular but it was not..uh..the small
cubicle that I had once perceived before. It was wider
than the normal little bedroom cubicle which is somewhat
narrower than.. .almost so little type that we've seen
before. This was much wider. It was a bigger type room.
It didn't seem like it was originally a bedroom. I'm
not going to redescribe him, except that I thought he
had a beard. And..uh..he was bored to death, and ...
his companion was this tall guy with the horn-rimmed
glasses. There was a third guy in there who was in
there but he was not there. He was there at one time.
What I had was a bed lined up on one side...not a bed
...a cot, sort of.. .impression of a white mattress
with...the bed is undone. ..keeps sitting down on the
bed. That was, that was a reoccurring impression;
and what I had something like here where
this other guy made his home. There was a door here.
Along here, this, this cot here kept being there and
not being there. So it was like in and out. This is
the room that I saw when I first located him.
#14 Did you notice any other furniture in this, this
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#46 Oh I saw like a.. .funny you should say that.. .but
(..uh..books like a library type book. Not extensive
I but maybe 3 or 4 shelves of books in this wall here.
Oh quite a bit of furniture. Little tables lik
coffee tables. Put that down. That's not really a
bed. It's a cot, cot. cot. Then I'm noLgoing to
put there not there. That's the one.. .I'll just say
number 3 that kept being there and not being there.
I think at one Lime there was 3 and then they turned
out to be 2. And there were chairs, and stuff here
It did not seem as if it was originally a bedroom t
jus been made in o
comfortable. I think the windows were here
around here which led to that extensive yar
looked out into the yard for some reason.
direction is off. Ok. That was it.
e place
sense of
#14 All right. Then you started to describe another
individual.. .you described as having heavy horn-rimmed
#46 Ok. Let's put him in cot number 2. That was his bed.
He was a little older. Not that much older but maybe
2 years, 2 or 3 years older. Much taller.
#14 I'll..uh..I'll show you some photographs after this
session and see if we can identify
#46 Ok. I was trying to pick up a distinctive characteristic.
He also had a beard which I think was grown. I was
trying to pick up his facial features and the only
thing that kept popping up as distinctive was the
brown, yellow horn-rimmed glasses.
#14 You also described, you also had impressions of the
letterome type of letters or initials.
#46 Oh! Yeah. This was like Gothic, old Englisft_type.
I'm very bad at..nh..nombers and stuff, but I gave it
a try trying to give the guy an ID. Got the impressio
of a those letters superseded by a J M or M J or all
in Gothic whatever that is. What was the next thing?
#14 Oh, you describ....then I moved you outside of this
room and you described long corridors, hardwood floors,
college dorm type feeling...uh..and people moving up and
down the halls in 2's and 3's. Is there anything worth
drawing on that?
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#46 No. It was just a very relaxed atmosphere. The
corridor was...peculiar thing about the corridor was
that the hardwood floors were kind to light, bluish
light and the ceilings were very white and the windows
giving on to that back yard. There was alot of light
and the corridors were quite spacious and there was
a very relaxed atmosphere with, with people in clusters
of 2's and 3's. And, you asked me if they were all
hostages. I did not get the impression they were all
#14 Then you..uh..I led you outside and you described trees
and grass, big yard. I had the impression of some sort mentioned school. You mentioned red brick.
#46 That was when you tried to make me pinpoint the type of
building. Let me go on and draw the... .later on you
tried to make me lo...pinpoint the location. I had
difficulty there. Only because I was too low and tried
to go higher and get a bigger perspective (turned tape
over) come back to that particular building after
some of the impressions.
What I had...trying to pinpoint features..uh..locations
and this is pretty high up, but what I had was a slight
bend...I think this was a road or something back here
...ok...but this was.. .I'm going to draw it this way
because I had to get...ha...real high to get a perspective
because it was, it was very spacious wanted
me to find the building and adjoining buildings, I got the
impression that... .closest adjoining buildings were
several hundred yards to the right and left. Took some
finding. And what I had here was a short tree line.
Then I had the building I thought he was in. A little
closer to the road but kind 'o in the background. These
are all trees here. And this was...let's just make the
building this way...with...uh..trees but not clustered.
This was like a big back yard and then another cluster
of trees way in here. So the cluster seemed to surround
the building but there was a big open yard. That was
weird because I saw grass there or greenery. There was
a few isolated big trees.
This other building was quite aways and it was something
like this. This was the flat red brick building. The
only peculiar thing to this one was the, the main entrance
was protruded and the gray small columns that, that were
holding this thing down. Ok.
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#46 This other building. The yellowish-white building
was around here someplace and this was peculiar...
let's just say number 1 is where he was; number 2 is
the red brick building, and number'3 was the yellowish
white building and the peculiarity with this one...
kind 'o strange ...see what it was like.. .was that it
had tall columns, like this, ok, and then there was
spirals and domes here, someplace. I don't think I
good shot of that, but got the impression
got a real
of spirals and domes.
Afte hat I mo-d you sideways time to the morning
of 8 March 1980 and you began descriiu. many people
ar und a conference type table.
#46 Two di
a whole bun
table.. .and I'l
something like a
like this. And,
kept coming back and
rent things happened here. Because th
'o light, all right, around this
raw the overview as I saw it,
e militar co
ome thing
ecide..whilethe impressions
...I, I kept seeing mikes along
this table. Then I also saw a podium with a bunch of
mikes here. I wasn't sure whether these guys would go
to the podium or just answer the questions.Atfirst
he was at the podium and then it was just round table... or eight guys were sitting down here you
could see the light reflect in this way but this was
completely dark behind him here and they were sitting
down and sort of monitoring and posing the questions...
later on I said it kind 'o.. .it generated into a seminar
type thing where the, the guys the table
would, would volunteer stuff and they'd start talking
about it. This was a round reddish table,
that...real conference, military conference table...
and they came in clusters.
Got the impression this kept going on and these guys
were in clusters of 8 to 10 people. Ok. These were
all chairs. Ok.
#14 That's pretty much it. Is there anything else you can
think of?
1146 That was the..uh..strongest impression.. .because I was
concentrating on, on Michael. Initially, it was one of
terrible boredom. Terrible, terrible boredom. And
wrestling with the idea of..uh..of landing ashore for
this thing here which was the reoccurring thing....
but, in this, this podium atmosphere there was one of
extreme relief.. .like I say. the distinct impression
that for the first time came to a full realization he
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was about set free. Tremendous feeling
of relief that I saw a much happier man. That was
very sLrong.
#14 Oh. Very good. I'm going to call this the end of
#46 Ok.
ela-Approved For R ase-2000108107: CIA-RDP96-0 ?8R0008007-50001-2.---
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?AO* ---veefFor-Wi.askele00i' 08/07 :CI
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11 7
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? CIA-RpP96-00788R000800750001-2
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he
would be working against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was told he would
be trying to locate Michael Metrinko. The viewer was shown the
attached photograph and asked to locate and describe the surroundings
of the individual in the photo.
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