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February 27, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
Approved For Releas / : C DP96-0078880008007 D
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon,
Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide informa-
tion relevant to the hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy
compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (5) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and
use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (5) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AiM1SAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (5) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote
viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is
target cuing information provided the remote viewer.
5. (S) The viewer was targeted against any activity taking place in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. He did not see or describe
any hostage personnel, but did state that there were some on the
compound. The remote viewer was also asked to describe activity taking
place on the mornings of 5 March and 12 March 1980.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
m8a 10% ETmw
#14 This will be a remote viewing session for 27 February
1980, with an on-target time of 1400 hours.
All right #31 the time is now 1400 hours. I want you
now to relax, concentrate and focus your attention on
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. Project
yourself to that compound and position yourself in such
a way as to observe the entire compound. Describe any
activity taking place.
#31 I'm .......... first I...uh..saw a very peculiar "Z" shape
metal frame which is a stand. It was as though this
thing was large and was outside in a parking area, and,
as though on top of this stand is a large propellor,
propellor or something. I'm on a building top looking
down at it in the long parking lot parked against, in
etween some vehicles. I think that the building I am
on is possibly 2 or 3 stories high. It has an awning
overlooking a simple modern door in one corner. I wasp
first over that corner, and now by looking past the
funny metal frame I was able to observe an open field.
Now I am standing on a ground level outside this corner
and I see merely a modern blank wall building. It has
simple entrance way at this end of it.
tJj compound?
anywhere on
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I'm over the trees, I think, into parade field
slightly forward of a parking lot. Where o?
#14 Do you feel the presence of the hostages
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#14 I want you now to locate the hostages and describe
their locations to me.
#31 Have a light building and seems to be "L" shaped my
end.. .several stories. At the far end there appears
+16 to be some low awning work of some kind around the
edge of the building... around the corner or something.
Kind of..uh..awning work.
efore. They seem to be hovering around outside it.
I'm getting an idea of a funny place I've never seen
+18 //It has an awning roof with (phonetic) these temporary
awninos covers the sidewalk. It comes out from its
'L" shaped though and the awing seems to be at this
end of it. Not end of it, but in this side of the "L.;
For some reason I'm being drawn to this building. I
can't ...don't think I've ever seen this building before.
'm going in but (phonetic) is a funny curved archway
+21 f/ for an entrance. A very old style ho...old style
hotel flavor, almost. Plenty of curves, front no door
And the porch is a "L" shape's a porch. It's "L"
shaped off to the left but at the T, at the elbow of
the "L" shaped thing. I get the feeling this thing is's like somebody carved the foyer out of a
sand castle. There's glass windows at the ...head f
ti"e -Ur-at the 90 degree angle to
I can (phonetic) see like a lobby or a lager arq .,
an is ow people co~ me in. lere's a counter of
tsorts. Something low and wooden but, it's opened
behind it. Around the windows and to the right there
are seats there or chairs.
Light carpeted floor. Have all quiet feeling like
people talk in whispers here. It's almost like .a
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
hotel lobby. Like an old hotel.
#31 Leaning with my back on the counter. There's a
pillar on my right. Looking back at this door, the
whole face of this thing here seems to be glassed,
but, it has a symbol single door. Around on my right
then the room goes a little farther to the right and
then goes out away from me to the front wall. Now,.
I'm saying that for some reason looking out through
that right corner, I can see outside passed the
blockage of the porch. It' I can see out
the open end of a tunnel there which is the end of
the porch and can see light outside. If it was day
I would see pry open p `ked like area. If it was open
there would e a cii lar drivewa}}..just on the edge
of my visio and I ould see buidings on the far side
of the driv
So now I beat the hell out of this lobby and I haven't
seen one person yet.
#14 All right. I want you now to leave this building. I
want you to go back outside. I want you to s-l-o-w-1-y
drift up over the compound until you get a very good
view entire compound. Once you do that,I want you to
close your eyes and retain that vision. Retain your
position. When I ask you to open your eyes again, you
will have moved forward in time to 27 February 1980.
Ok. It's now 11:00 a.m. in the morning, Iran time on
February 1980. One week from today. Open your
...describe generally the activity.
Today's the 27th #14.
1 thank you. You still with it?
Uhmmm...let me go back. Today's the 27th.
Hummm. See now, what you had to do was move
me back
and then move me back-ha, ha, ha. You should 'o had
me go back to the 21st. Ha, ha, ha.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ;,S(;RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
#31 Give me about 5 minutes and I'll try again.
#14 It's ...I'm having a difficult time too, fighting to
keep from sneezing and coughing and blowing my nose.
#31 Ok.
#14 All right #31. It's now 11:00 a.m., Iran time. It'
5 March 1980. Describe the activity taking place in
the compound.
#31 Had a..uh..image of a routine type of activity. Some
+38 people walking out in front of this building. I think
my first building some people who were guards sitting
on hsurrct-ms"-(phonetic) scratching head .... have a --p- cture
of a black, dark car coming through a gate bein]
allowed to pass through a gate ...a limo (phonetic).. Type
erving ine. Like in a cafeteria holding or plates
Uh..the limo (phon tic) pldture as a ...tall, slender]
elderly and caucas'an man ..hawk bill, sharp features
arriving and getti g out s tho gh to have a conference.
He is all that is located..u ..appears to be in an
area of all asphal s. I all obblestone feeling
of cobblestone eve ywhere Reddish cobblestone. For
some peculiar reason eeling I have is that the
red of the cobblestone matches that of the basic steps
that he must go up. The steps are not wide. They are
not excessively wide. There are very few of them. It's
as though he is to enter a side door to a building.
Rather than a front door. I am getting vertical light
lines around it. Some look as though there are a few
columns here.
#14 I want you to leave this place now, and resume your
position over the compound. I want you to again close
your eyes and relax, and when I ask you to open your
eyes again, it will be 11:00 a.m., Iran time. The date
+43 will be 12 March 1980. I want you to relax, concentrate.
I'm going to have to stop the tape and change sides. I
just want you to relax and maintain your attitude.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
Approved For Release 20QQj0,&( RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
#14 All right #31. It's 11:00 a.m., 12 [,larch 1980. Open
your eyes and describe the activity on the compound.
#31 1..uh..have feeling of'ting, chanting people, mob
of people chanting in unison..uh..along a...line.
An invisible line. At_ first-I thought hey.._were
looking through a gate. Then, I felt they were-1 ping
ssing through the street in front o ~ I'm not
doing too good here.
#14 AM right. Why don't you...
#31 I'm going to take a little walk and get back in the
saddle, I guess.
#14 Take your time. Come back. The date is now 27 February
#31 I had a real, right. Doesn't look like one, but,
anyway, there's one. Well, maybe 1'11 darken it up a
#14 I know you prefer pencil, but it doesn't show up too
#31 No. That's all right. I forgot. I'm out of training.
This was the funniest dam thing. I can't was as
though parked with these automobiles... right and here's
another one. This was the first thing I saw which was
really peculiar. It was as though.. .it was a open metal
stand parked here. It was really wild. ... imagine a
metal stand that went back was like crossed over
like that ...ok, and it came up...I'll draw ...I'll have
to draw a side profile of it. Anyway, somewhere on
sticking up on this thing, was as though it was a large
fan structure. This is it on the side. The feeling
was that it was like this with a large fan structure
on the bloody thing. I have no idea what it is but,
it was parked .... I had the definite feeling that the
dam thing was parked in bleeding.,.parking lot and it's
got something up top. Can't figure it out-but it's
front view would be like this with t1je
taper back down and then these come out in the front
again. There's a cross piece back there. This comes
up, and there are a couple cross pieces here, couple
cross pieces there, see. It's like this thing is a
side view and this is a fro nt.a `f `s like there
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Approved For Release
was something on it like that. Like a big fan.
Ok. And that is 8 feet, say, ok...and I had the
feeling that where I was, was.. .this is a parking
curb here.. .and then there was a...right in amongst
...that was stuck in amongst automobiles. I have
no idea what the hell the dam thing is. Ok.
That's this fan structure, fan, like a open, metal,
open metal fan, blades. It's like a thing.. .the
structure of the thing. . .the best way I can describe
it is you know these, you know..uh..aircraft jack stand
to use to work aircraft maintenance... how it will
expand up and.. .could be long, it could take on different
shapes when you move it up and down, and everything.
It's like that. It's, in essence, like that and then
when you look at it, it's open. You look right through
the thing...somebody standing on the other side.. .you
can see right ...see 'em, except where the pipes come
across...and it's like that. And, where I was... this
is the open field spelled correctly, ok...which is the
first open field.. .and I was sitting up here on the
edge of a building.
So the whole thing turned out to be like this. And this
building had just a raw overhang over it. A cement
overhang over the door, like that. Ok. Off into the
distance.. .it was maybe several.. .let me was
several feet, several stories, but, that's all...had
the feeling that there was..uh..cement stoop here,
and there was a ..... it was gra.... a walk came out a
little ways. Lt,.Wa5.grwass around like this, ok...and
aj.orncythe 'edge of the building. -*%L,. ,that here was a
parking area and here was one car. Here was tlleother
car. Here was the other car. Ok. And, then here was
~`R---..-.Z y--contraption. And here was another car here..,
Ok. Car. Ancf;''~is Y cent
driveway and this is the curb with grass. There's grass
here as well. This goes along here. I don't know
where that goes. And ....... there's some bushes along
here. Just some low bushes. And this is the open
field. The first open field. That was my first image.
I have no idea what the hell that thing is.
Ok. That was first. What did I get second. Second..
it looked like...what I thought I was doing.. .was just
hopping and skipping all around the whole compound
because then I had a idea of standing on a veranda
just a fleeting thought. I didn't even talk about it
on the tape ...I thought ...then UgM was over
at the big building that I orked last .................
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800740001-3
had. s god. fihnse 2 out houses on it and
everybody was tell r ug + UW
were-trims' quarters and that what the other guy
land I came up with was that they weren't maids
quarters but like story e sheds, and stuff.
Remem ...i was the one sai e boat
was in, ok. It was that one.... it was either that
one or it was the one up front at the other end
of the thing. Anyway, it was this idea was
this idea here .......
It was...1t was this Lniny 1UUKllly UUU. IIIU r~lw
Trees out- h abou
here. talked odd to
Nothing was talk about. Then It Was real
d the
dad l uildrn' I ha
what d shaped bthere before. ok...sort
really wir never been roof-- tall and
I d ne With a pea
that ked
me buildingut not, not really sup over the
feeling 0 askinny, of an overhang around this
somewhat and that awning
of tall and
skinny. Ok. n mere like this. ? a of a funny the
CA in
ok...dow some so, shaped an it goes
roof, of the building is
corner this building is come out and
and then the peak in it. 01<
background you se ItIs got windowsot out of ld it the
like that. top what 1 g wou
down be
from the like this.-.and here Ok???and
from the " look e that- at
would Something like didn't do the f ront
building awning awning.
this little the other
would be t looked. Ok. So Jill
here when firs
first building for 5? l It was as
of this really weird. know how
it was really??hasa carved out.sando castle at the
- this thing when you build d castle..w
th ell
ou make know a door for the sand
when a door
ou make The way y you just
and ou got . Yo y there.
ur caos the sand with y?uIt any t a real door. Ok. s s
y is you digsom door, likeoesa into the sid, that this
across. And, from
scoop out tunnel that goes
and that coming out
Ite ju to Iawas trying here
the a
door was
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=L W1 %L-i
DP96-00788R000800740001-3's a tunnel shape thing. 01