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Publication Date:
February 22, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000800720001-5
( R~
REASON: 2-3O1c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000800720001-5
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1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) Session conducted
in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington,
D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide information relevant
to the hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and
use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document,
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S),
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote
viewer reference his impressions of the target site.
ADMIN NOTE: After this session the viewer was shown several photographs
of U.S. Embassy personnel in Iran and asked to identify any of those
mentioned in this report. He identified the female as Elizabeth A. Swift
He was then asked to identify the two individuals who wou e
ported to a hospital on or about 22 March 1980. The viewer identified
one of the men as being either Rnrt C_ Moore or Richard H. MorefialcL-
The other individual was identified as possibly being Thomas L.Ahern,
A 0~
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1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open
mation, classified overhead imagery and pho
hostage personnel. The viewer knew he w
hostage situation in Iran.
rce news media infor-
graphs of many of the
d be working against the
2. (S) At the time of the sessi* the viewer was asked to describe
an area referred to as Area "A. The viewer was shown overhead imagery
of the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area designated as
area "A" was pointed out to the viewer and identified as the U.S.
Embassy building proper. We were specifically asked by the requesting
agency to provide the above information to the viewer. The imagery is
not included herein due to its classification. During this session
the viewer was also asked to move forward in time and asked to locate
the hostages and describe their situation.
3. (S) The viewer has been targeted on area "A" in past sessions.
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#14 This willbe a remote viewing session (edited for
All right #19.5 at the beginning of this session I
showed you some imagery of US compound in Iran.
I pointed out an area designated as area "A" which
is the Embassy building itself. I want you now to
go to the Embassy building. I want you to explore
that building and describe any activity or personnel
in this building.
#19.5 I don't know. There's of maybN,-4 or ople
I can find in the building. I'm finding teem on the
second floor back in the..uh..conference type room. 1
Appears to me. .u .. mbassador's o rice, or
something. They are just dis g some ping. Get
a strong impression that this building has been thoroughly
stripped and..uh..everything of value to them is now
located in thig A ear to be 2 or 3 very large
b gvet" o files and papers. s n
hat one of the 5 people is..uh..not part of their
There's..uh..nobody else in the building, I don't think.
Least that I can see.
s. . U n . .nU 6LdLJeb dluiiy Li lu. .
'warehouse type building that I described before. Think
' See Session CC 97, page 3, porn rcaph 7
tw% 0 a a
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#19.5 / Still. .uh..still a large group of hostages in the
two little buildings. Appears, appears to be 3, 3
rooms in one of ?? ??
o76 -hostages in each of those rooms and there's
..uh..2 rooms in the other little building. That has
I about 6 in each room. Think the..uh..think the
majority of the ones that are moved are the..uh..N1arines.
+14 arine guards. They have been moved
two separate oca ions.
There's..uh..a woman hostage in the t
house type buil ng. -me tine guards are in the
di ing with a (mumbling) a udl-*orium. Strong impressi
of a z az c all in the auditorium, high ~"ng and
large floor. Building look~ike a backwards "F" with
a buiMing connected to E and that'sw ere the
auditorium is.
Get a strong feeling that..uh..there's some reDaration
for ..uh..some kind of a move, but I can't tell ir it's
a move acros e compound or if some of the people are
going to be moved off the compound. Strong, very strong
impression that somebody is going to be moved. Get..uh..
just a minute.
Got a strong impression of a..something to do with a
blu .. h a...
s like a royal blue, and it's be ng used to
..uh..people, I think, or equipment. I sense alot
uh..l sense alot of egui
wearing..uh. kind of para-military type coveralls.
Getting a st nu feeling of a tininatir for some
reason. I don't think it's coming from the hostages
77'arge ot moving this equipment, or whatever it is, in
the van is..don't..uh..don't appear to be the same as
the group. They're from outside. They have beards,
black, black hair ~b.lack hair and..uh..very
Looks i , oomething, and that's..uh..
equipments being taken the place where the
auditorium is. Two, two people that appear to be in
Got a sense of..uh..the word consolidation, or something.
I think that's important. Associated with the move.
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##19.5 //A think they're going, they're going to consolidate
everyth~. ~here in the compound near the i
auditorium. That's all I..uh..that's all I'm going
to' be g tting.
#14 Ok. Would you like to move sideways in time?
let me know when
#14 What I would like pydt-o do now is jus lax, focus
your attention on the one month from tod y. Relax and
I want you to locate the hostages ascribe
surrounding situation.
#14 All right #19.5. The date is now
vague impression.
#14 Ok. I have no further questions.
#19.5 Ok.
#14 Is there anything you would like to add?
urnt-Lugor something. It's a Greyhound bus that's
/)hey won't, they won't come in the compound. I see a
Most, I think are Iranians soldiers. Wearing..uh..
Lome kind of camouflaging and they are by the gate.
#19.5 See..uh..see..uh..hostages in a building with a glass
top..see..uh..many..uh..many guards there. Let's see.
I got a strong, get a strong impression of a..uh..a
siege kind of like atmosphere. Very critical atmosphere.
I see..uh..looks like some kind of soldiers at the gates.
#19.5 Umm..I get a tremendous feeling of de ression! I'm
trying to..uh..feel a feel from the ios ages and I
just get a tremendous feelin of depression. It' s
almost overpowering. think ere s going to be a
compound to a hospital in that month time, I think.
couple of hostages that are going to be mvoed from t
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#19.5 Two I think. I don't, I don't sense any, any
violance or anything associated to that moi . but
.. .. on now exactly why. That's all I,
that's all I'm getting.
#14 Ok. Why don't you stretch a little bit and when
you're ready we can start drawing.
Ummmmm....let's see ..... page l,/The only thi
that I got out of building Ais this group oNeople
and they were just sitting in this.. .like office room.
ome kind of a desk. There was like. .-D- .. is back j/
wall wad paneled and there was..uh..person sitting /
here at the desk and it was like..uh..2 people sitting
over here ..... chairs. Not very good artist. And
2 people sitting over here on this side. And they
are all sittin there discussing something.. And
sitting over here, like to the sl e, was..uh..stack
-777 go/
of boxes. Appeared to be rather large boxes. Four
or five boxes over here. There was a rug like this.
And this wall was..uh..dark paneling, wood.... windows
back over here. That's essentially about it for there.
#14 You mentioned one of the people you felt was not part
of a group.
#19.5 The guy with the arrow. The guy sitting at the desk.
I'll say he's not ny part of the group.- I
would say ..uh.. toccay "ou , now, 11U is
s i t t i n le. I just
e this sensation he's not normally there.
group identity. I don't know exactly what I mean by
that, but, it's just a very strong feeling that I have.
utside the compound somewhere. He's not
#14 Then you moved to a part of the compound where you did
feel the hostages were being kept there.
#19.5 Well, on page 2. I'm going to divide it down the
center 'cause I got two almost identical layouts.
I I sensed a building shaped like this with a corridor
like that and there's a..uh..there's a 2 rooms there
and a room over here, and there was like 6 in one room,
6 in another room, and 6 in another this
house number 1.
#14 Uh....were you actually in there?
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#19.5 I just .... it was like I was looking down and there
was no roof and I was just counting bodies in each
of these rooms.
#14 Oh.... did you notice if these people were separated
#19.5 You mean by partitions, things like that.
#14 Yes. or if they were all in a group and were able to
#19.5 They were in a group, ok. I got almost like a barracks
impression. You know like..uh..the old..uh..the large
bay type areas of a barracks where you would have 3 beds
down each wall of the bay and you go to the next bay
and there would be 3 down each wall, and you go to the
next bay and there would be 3 down each wall. I got
that impression. I had the exact same .... now this may
be the same exact house, you know, with a snap view
both times, but I oot a feeli
house, for some reason. Same corridor. Same layout
rr=oms exact-Ty-7-1-7-1 got a, got a feeling like there
was..uh..6 in this room and 6 in this room but this
room was empty . The one with the asterisk was empty.
I was trying to relocate the warehouse type b5,eol ng
//hey were keeping Marine guards as a sepa to gy~up.
I got an impression which I will do on p e 3 , J
I don't know why. Just an H pattern. MayNQ..irr'"!:, " a
parquet wooden floor that's layed out in a H pattern.
You know. Alot of little H's or something. But,
there's an H pattern associated with this floor. This
is some kind of a auditorium. On the other side of
these partitions I ha heTeeling like I was seeing
and all I could concerning this floor was
I kept trying to look for something I could
an open area like floor and that this floor had..uh..
I got an auditorium impression then instead-.
completely different instead of a warehouse impression.
I got the idea I was looking through a paper thin
divider like thing on the left that zigzagged. Like
this. This was a wall, and that this was a large area,
t oms, like this, and Te ,
there were 6, like 7 people. There was like 13, 15
but, there were an equal amount of people in each on
of these rooms. I felt this was where the Marine
uards ar
it's either the same building or i '
building with a a-fa--SS o . i e g=s op. Some kind
a ome kind of sky light you can look through it
and see the sky. Oh.... I felt like this building
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noty'ure what it is. There is jus t of
some kind of equi men#-_the ,_as well, ok. I'm
with the H pattern on the floor, they are moving
and I got the feeling like they are oring
p there.. .stock piling it there, omethin
Ok "- Vou--described-also you felt there w
Something that bothered me. Ok. I had the Marines
and the other people in the small building and I
couldn't find the woman ....that bothered me a little
bit, so I deliberately went looking for woman or
women that were hostages and I had, I assumed the
third house....and the reason I think I did that...
is I saw, I saw a short L shaped corridor, like this
off of which was a kitchen, and then a room behind
he kitchen is where I saw a woman.
#14 Do you feel that you could identify this woman from
a photograph?
#19.5 Uh....I'm not sure. I could give it a try.
#14 Ok. We'll try that later.
#19.5 Ok. I might be able to. I'm not really sure..
And I'm assuming this is another house. I'll call
this another house and I don't ...the..only.... like
I say, the only reason I'm assuming this is another
house is because of the kitchen. You know was a
small tidy, neat little kitchen like you would find
in a house. I also got the impression that..uh..
this, this woman has been in this place for quite
some time. She hasn't been moved, ok.
Saw a royal blue step van. The impression I was
ooking at like this. Something like this. It wa
ike a royal blue and was being used to move, move
quipment, and..uh..
#14 Did you feel the equipment was being moved into the
location or out of the location?
#19.5 It was being moved across the compound and, ..:uh..
I would hesitate to say whether it was being newly
brought into the compound or just being moved across
the compound. At the time it's being moved I sensed
its being moved across the compound. I don't know
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0 8
if they just brought it in or if it's been there
all along. But, I just, I just get this consolidation
feeling like they're moving across the compound, for
some reason. And, that was going towards the..uh..
what I call the auditorium building, type building.
I guess that's all.
#14 Yes. At that time we..uh..cooled down a little bit
again, and moved (edited for security)
You described the hostages being in a building with a
glassed top.
#19.5 Yes, just a big building with a glass top. I don't...
that's what came to mind.
#14 You described seeing many guards. Were these guards
in the building or outside of the building?
#19.5 They were in and out of the building. There were alot
of them in the building, surprisingly. A great many
more than I'd been associating to the buildings before.
It's..uh..and had kind of siege atmosphere to it. You
know, like maybe all the guards in the compound were
in this building as well as all the hostages.
#14 Ok. Did you have the feeling that all the hostages
were in this building or were there....
#19.5 All but.... for some reason I..... there was 2 that I..
uh.. I felt like there was going to be 2 hostages they
were going to be evacuated to a hospital. I don't
think it's going to be for a violent reason. I think
they are just going to be sent to a hospital. I don't
understand that. I don't, I don't get a physically ill
feeling about it. I don't think they are going to be
physically ill or anything. I just get this sensa-
tion that 2 are going to be moved to a hospital for
some reason. I don't .... I can't expand on that. It
was a very vague impression.
#14 Did you have any feeling of how things were located?
For example, in relation to the rest of the compound
where this glass Lop building was located, if indeed
it was located in the compound.
#19.5 Noe can tell you the glass top building is loci
in compound somewhere but I don't even get an
impressi ti df`?-Gtiat- kind of building i is or ow it
looks. It's just a very vague I get. I feel I wasn't
all together at that ...that particular time .........
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I wish I could be more accurate about it, but I
can't. That's really about it, I guess.
#14 Ok. I have no further questions. How do you feel
about the session, itself?
#19.5 Oh, it was a real good session. Surprisingly, it's
..uh..I feel like I couldn't.. .for some reason I
couldrall eeft e nn alot of detail like I would
normally but I had really s non
feeling. Like the siege feeling, consolidation fell know, they are really ..... really, I just
had strong impressi_ o_nf f~l=?~ .,,-+
-"tee==- - - _
an a a..... I was trying .....while I sensed I was
Wj4Eting really good feeling during the session I tried
to center on the hostages to get their feeling, and I
was just.. .almost overwhelmed with depression.40II011
mean just a really overwhelming depressive feeling.
Almost a disorientation type feeling. Aside of that,
that's all I can say really.
#14 Ok. End of session.
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