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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800670001-1
REVIEW ON: /a. /---are coo?z
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800670001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/07CIA7R. R000800670001-1
5 6?C3'
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript
during the remote viewing session.
by the remote viewer reference his
of the viewer's impressions
At TAB A are drawings made
impressions of the target
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Approved For Release
1. (5) The viewer has been exposed to open soL e news media information
as well as classified overhead imagery. He ew he would be working
against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (5) At the time of the session he viewer was asked to describe
an area referred to as Area "J." e was shown overhead imagery of the
US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area designated as Area "J"
was pointed out to the viewer by the interviewer. The imagery is not
included herein due to its classification.
3. (5) The viewer has worked against this target in the past. The
viewer has not been told anything about the area he was trying to describe
except for its letter designation.
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I 1 1
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#14 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for security).
Alright #10.5, the time is now 10 o'clock. Before the
session, you looked at a overhead imagery of the embassy
compound in Iran. I want you to relax now. Relax and
concentrate. Go to the area marked off as "J," and
describe to me what is in and around the two smaller
buildings in Area "J."
#10.5 Ah...feel that I'm in the middle, between the two. Feel
+05 in the middle, narrow alley, cement blocks on the ground,
but I'm outside. I feel like I'm (mumble) between two
buildings. There appears in the...the walls (mumble) one
or two small windows that look out on this alley. I'm
+07 feeling more like I'm in a...a big...ah...storeroom than
anything else, in this one. A sort of an asorted mishmash
on the.. .1 think, looking to the rear, on the left wall is
+08 something that looks like a furled sail or a rolled carpet,
not too well rolled. It hangs at an angle, like one end lip
on the ground and the other end is above the ground. I
want to put a large door out the front. At least looking
out, it looks like a large door. A rollup type door, like
a garage door but I don't think thiS'isa garage (mumble) so
much as it is a place storing things. I thought I saw a bed
+10 in the back, a little bed like a single bed. Along the
right and under these little windows appears Io be...ah..,
some kind of low work bench or desk top in the?.1i
hobby shop desk; long ledge...ah...sort or clutt ed with
stuff on top. Getting a feeling more lik? and crafts
and glue and rosin and small tools,4L1.01TULty and things like
lThat. There's nobody in her, Irlis first One is...nh...
iddle of this room that...thnt all
+12 U' re's something n
this - without much extra space, but enough to go
up around.., there's something long and round in the middle
which sits up off the floor.
#14 Are there other rooms?
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1110.5 I think that it is the other 011e yet. I am still iii this
one place.
#14 OK
#10.5 I think the room is the building. The first building there
+14 is the big building. It is all one room. Very funny, I
would say...ah...this big thing which occupies the middle
of this room is a boat on a trailer. And the type of
trailer I have a feeling is two wheels in the middle on
each side, it's low slung and the boat image that I am
getting has a boat sitting up higher off the cradle than I
would think. The boat has something to do with the letter
"Q," has something to do with the boat. Ramsees's...ah...
I will try to get to the other building now.
1 In this room we have a feeling of asorted patio furniture
and umbrellas and tents and canvas...ah...I had a feeling
of game room but also used to store organizational property
for use in entertaining, not so much private property but '
-garden tables and things for entertaining outside on the
lawn. But it is a place people go anyway and.. .where they
can have a drink while dressed in sports togs, like a
cabana place, but associated with...ah...the...the
occupants and not a public place, but like a almost out-
door bar or little sport hall. It's hard to explain.
It's.. .ah...
This place appears to have windows up high, they're narrow
and they look out. Through the back corner of the place I
see trees outside, in that corner. In one corner is one
+23 thing that looks L-shaped, like a bar would look. It's
difficult to tell if it is merely stored there or if it is
also used there. I'm seeing garden, patio, outside dinner
parties scenes, all this stuff. There's no one here. I
will look around outside and...
I feel there
area, but t
moving gun
tilis end or
There are none
a little path that goes thrO)gh an open
t this area is only infrequently covred by any
d force, and no stationary guavoile-t6 be seen in
in the wood, the tre eath the trees.
here. Ehm...afraid that's
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#14 Alrighty.
+30 #10.5 Well, the first imagery that I had was a...ah...feeling of
a walkway inbetween two buildings. Stone type, not really
wide, you know, not really rather, but four feet, I guess,
type of a four or five foot walkway, like that. And the
feeling that in the front part.. .yea, perspective #10.5,
perspective.. .in the front part of this up rather high,
there might have been several windows up near the roof line.
And I had the feeling that the roof line has a little bit of
an overhang, but not much, and it's essentially flat, OK.
And the tall building is on the right, feeling like that.
Ah.. .di-di-.-di-di-di-di, OK, then I didn't see any door on
the front it.
And 2, I'm inside, OK. There's some little jog in the wall
here; I don't know how to explain it, other than just that.
But, laying along this wall is what looks like a big long
bundle of canvas with poles sticking out of the end of it
down in the corner, like that. It's essentially linear,
but it's, you know, what rolled canvas looks like, regularly
rolled like.. .like that, and it leans.. .and it hangs or it
leans against the.. .along the wall, like that, at that kind
of angle.. .fashion. And there's something big... that's the
funny thing, in this view, OK, the wall goes back like that;
there's something big here, back here in this corner.. .I'll
draw a double perspective, I have to. Back in this corner
I had the feeling like an old bed, you know, covered over
dusty type thing, you know, like something was just stuck in
the corner there. Along this wall is some sort of a... like
you would find in a guy's shop, OK, it's got a bunch of
drawers in it and it's got.. .like up in here is the work
area, it's like a work bench, it's got drawers in it and
it's got things laying on it, OK, it's got cans on it. Up
here in this corner is a.. .a relatively cleared space, OK,
for working I guess, and then there's more cans and stuff
littering on top of the table here; screwdrivers and hammers,
mallets, and stuff like that. Definitly a work bench,
definitly a work bench type of feeling. And there's the
other.. .there are the windows there. There's something
blocking in the middle, something big filling the middle of
this place.
#14 Which building is this? Is this the...
#10.5 I think this is the...of the two on the end, there's one
that's in near the big building and one that's out. I
think it's the one that's right in near the big building,
cause I think I.. .what I was here.. .1 think I just went
through this wall. OK, the feeling then...ah...looking
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from the back, my last view was from the back, was that here's
the job in the wall coming doNtp,41V6-1:11 Here is this thing
laying along here, that?hppre was this roli\down door, and that
looking right at me froM the back of the ro m then.. .0K. NoW,
it has the letter "WI associated with it, like a call sign.
It's not a large )oat, it's like a 20 foot sail boat -nOt a
little.. .not ajaittle one person sail boat and no huge
yacht, but a.Alike a 20 footer, OK, that's abs all I can
say. SomethAng that's like middle sized, 0 that you would
take a mast/ off and lay it along the ua .ecause you couldn't
get it in nywhere else, OK.
#14 But you...y
sails boat ca
have a feelin t the boat is a kind of like a
#10.5 Right, and that something associated with it is the letter
"Q," like a call sign starting with a "Q" or something like
that. Alright, and from the side it's got a little bit...
it's got a little bit of whatever that thing.. .the bump is
down there, OK. And the thing that was funny about it, that
I was talking about the trailer, is a.. .it's a low slung
trailer. The trailer is like.. .the feeling of the trailer
is that it's here, OK, and like that, OK. And that's just a
feeling there, from the dotted lines for the outline of this
thing. There, OK. And then here in the background is that
thing laying against the wall. Alright, that's all for the
first one.
And I Sketch 4 I was where the "X" is and I went
backwards, OK. And I had the feeling of a place that... like,
I'm not saying that this boat belongs to a person; this boat
is the station, you know, the.. .the embassy's boat, it's
organizational property. It's not personal property, it's
organizational property. And at this next anti-building out
there, also had a bunch.. .the whole flavor out there was
entertainment outside stuff, but that people would... like a
beach house flavor. I know it's not a beach house, but like
a beach house. Like where after a game of tennis, you know,
well come on, let's go on over and have a drink. Well,
instead of everybody in their sweaty tennis shoes, tennis
clothes, and everything going into the main house, they stop
by this little place which has the outdoor patio stuff in
it, and they sort of sit around and lounge around out there,
suckin it up, right, uith...ah...and have.. .have a drink
there and cool off and maybe putter around a little bit, and
just sit in this stored stuff, you know, not stored...
stored.. .it's not really being stored, it's just brought in
out so it doesn't get, you know, all dirty I guess, I don't
know. OK, and in here I had big outdoor pavilion type.. .ah...
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pavilion type umbrellas are the word I'm looking [or.. .ah...
yea, pavilion type umbrellas was a big thing. Ahm...the
patio type furniture all closed up and everything, patio
chairs, lawn chairs; the, collapsable kind, you know, the,
you know, that kind of a thing. OK...ahm...and bigger
stuff, I saw like large, long tables.. .large, long outdoor
tables. Just.. .this was all just sort of... essentially
around the walls, OK, and I have to fill it in anyway to
throw everything in there, but it was essentially along the
walls, but these big outdoor tables were like outdoor
buffets and entertainment, out in.. .out on the lawn type of
a thing. Ah...and...ah...people would come in here for
like.., for a little nip away from the wife, you know, that
type of a thing, you know. You know, before we go in and
shower up, let's have a short drink right here, you know,
and like come.. .this is the flavor I had, like poeple
would come in from...ah...or very casual and informal
entertainment...ah...well come out and let's go out and
shoot a game of pool. There might like be a pool table
out here so the men would leave the house and go out to
this place and they shoot pool and drink beer and the
ladies, you know, very casual, not.. .not formal entertain-
ment but casual entertaining, and the ladies would stay in
the house, you know, talk about -babies and everything else,
and the guys would come out here and talk -613tu4?state
secrets, you know, drink beer. The pool table only-11,
six pockets in it. It's an Iranian pool table - it's got
seven. Alright, that type of a thipg,OK, Jim-gowia?labe?-
t a.s----L+rifit--er-fttisf-rm-dstror"bOt&Cor and games equipment, but
used for informal drinking. That's all I can do. I didn't
catch a door on this, but I thought that I came through
from this wall here, OK, like that. And the bar was right
there to my right, and everything, and all this was scattered
around. And no people. Another thing is, OK, this is.. .this
is the feeling I had, OK, here's the walkway, narrow walkway,
here's the one with the boat in it, OK, and this is the one
with the bar in it. So this is Sketches 1-4, and this is
Sketches... Sketch 5 rather. Alright, now, around here I had
the feeling of trees, manicured type trees, OK. But, I had
the definite feeling that a walkway came around the corner
of this place and went through the bushes and the trees...
through there to the open central field, OK. This place is,
I guess maybe a hundred feet or so off of a central open...
You get the feeling that poeple could come walking across
that parade ground or whatever it is and they come.. .they
just cut like the back way.., the back way is down.. .a little
path down through the trees here, just...just a walk area,
it's not a paved path or anything like that, it just come
through the trees here and around and they hop in there and
d6 what they had to do and go on in the house or whatever.
) 7
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That's all I've got #14.
#14 Alright. We'll call it Lhe end.
104%. 4.11k? 4.4?444
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