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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R0 00650001;.
~ y 2
REVIEW ON: 6 '&oo
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800650001-3
Approved For Release 2000/ DP96-007888000800650001-3
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance wJth a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentapgunn, 11ashinl;Lon, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's
during the remote viewing session.
by the remote viewer reference his
At TAB A are drawings made
impressions of the target
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1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he would
be working against the hostage situation in Iran. .
2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was instructed to
locate Tim Casey. The viewer was shown the attached photograph and
was asked to describe the surroundings of the individual in the photo.
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Referring to page 4 of this transcript, the viewer states that he
saw two words associated with this session. During the debrief he
could only recall one of these words; VENGEANCE. The viewer seemed
somewhat troubled that he could not recall the other word. Several.
hours after this session the viewer was able to identify the missing
word as "Ombudsman."
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#14 This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
All right #31 it's now (edited for security).
You have had the chance to look at a photograph of
Tim Casey. I want you to relax and concentrate
and focus your attention on Tim Casey. I want you
to project yourself to him and describe the
surroundings and situation. Relax and concentrate.
+05 #31 Have a...have a funny ...I feel closed in...I feel
closed in...feel closed I'm in a low
ceiling room that's very low, only several feet.
The ceiling has a layer in it. Comes down and
layer has circles in it. At times I feel almost a
though I'm in a little nitch looking out at a
I feel a wall with squares in it. Everything is
white, light, polished, shiney.
I have a...a feeling I...uh...hovering now over a
tall and skinny ...T...uh..shaped building and the
end of the T is a big cap like a...(mumbling) cap
with lines in it, with circles in it. Like windows,
round windows in it. Around this.. .appears blank...
uh...around inside the's open around it.
+12 Feeling very strongly now the crown shape on one
end of the building.
I am now, again inside. I feel very strongly that underground. It's like a open area off
of a hallway. The...uh...confines...the closed in
feeling is as though I were in a subway. There's
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some main (phonetic) the hall and this place is a
...uh...appendage off the hall. It's ..uh..lighted
here but I have the feeling that from here down the
hall is dark. It's as though this is a lighted
landing and a...along a dark tunnel.
Let me get back down there a little bit.
There's some kind of a ..... it's very weird... structure
place. is...I'm (mumbling) drawn to this
wall with this squares in it.
#14 The wall is no barrier. Go beyond the wall and
describe what you see.
#31 Let me relax a minute and then get back in there.
#14 Ok.
Off of this wall there's..uh..another false wall.
in front of me. Is one on the other landing as well.
Kind of place is weird. It brings in men's room
landing brings in all sorts of associate
of words I never had before. It brings in morgue.
It brings in cloister. ...Uh cubicle..uh..little
anti-room. It's very peculiar and he's in the wall!
Or is hiding on the other side of this wall. I can't
get through. Grotto ...uh..grotto and all sorts of
things ......ugh
#31 Behind the wall I have the feeling of a rough
hewned out rock cubicle, baren, brown. (Mumbling)
too (or two) I want to get to the right side of this
wall and go around behind the wall to a...a bare
light primitive hanging ceiling (mumbling) bare rock
room. I want to say I see a man sitting at a table
in there as though he is cloistered away. Alone
in this gratto or this place...uh...isolative,
below ground ..... stark light inside. Somehow you
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I will work next on the outside of the building. to
get a description of that.
go left of this wall and there would be a passageway,
but, once you are past the wall you are in a cave,
tunnel...and...uh...I see at least one hollowed out
area that comes up behind this wall. It's very bizarre.
Catacombs!!! is the word I was trying to remember.
It reminds me when I was in the Rome catacombs!!!.
God! That's the word. I've been trying to remember
it. Now I can relax and go back. (Sigh)
#14 Ok. Fine. Very good.
#31 This is a very narrow winged building with several
or more stories in it. It's.. .appears to he a
dark rivuleted...uh..roof...many tiles, curd tiles.
The building is large in length. I'm not fitting
it very good, but it's much taller than wi'e. It's...
...curved Y
e or some f
ead of a
#14 Is this building located on the Embassy compound?
I was on the compound.
#31 My first thought would b no i I never felt as though
#14 Ha e you every felt that you were near the compound?
#31 No) Nor have I felt it was a place I've been before,
of the compound. It's a strange new feeling in
#14 Ok. Relax. Relax and let the impressions appear to
and I keep seeing a...u
with it as though a dri
the building itself. Ins
+32 i is entirety. I'm pushing too hard. I'm going to
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#31 I'm definitely getting a (sigh) .......
feel that I am outside in open area. The building
seems to want to take a Y shape now instead of a T.
he arms of this Y curve. They're not...and in the
enter of this curve is a feeling of a circular
drive (phonetic) with a park-like bumps in the middle
Iwith ...domed shaped which is not very big but is
a garden spot Looking at the Y from this I want to
say there are two outside sets of steps that come
on the left and on the right. I'm...I'm losing fast
here. I'm going to have to ..... I'm afraid of the
quality now. I'm getting alot of overlay. Two up
there at the surface. I carat keep my interruptions
out. There's something in the middle of this bump.
Some sort of a circular pattern a drive or gravel
or something that makes a circle in it.
Relax and stretch. Debrief, debrief.
Ok. the first thing that I am going
fleeting images that occurred to me
occurrdd to me just before the start
about is
Within 10 or 15 seconds from the start of this session.
Oh...I had this spontaneous imagery of a male figure
is all I can say. Male figure. Whether it was our
subject or not, I don't know. Our target, I don't .....
but the context of this figure, I saw it lying on its
back in a prone position. Simultaneous to seeing that,
I saw two...I felt like two words flashed across the
image. The first word on top, I don't know what it was.
I tried to remember it then I lost it. The second
word which came across simultaneously and below was
vengeance and I was able to remember that one as being
the last spontaneous verbage or feeling... anyway .....
It was as though I was reading it and it was moving
across the TV screen. I read it and I couldn't remember
the first one because I had to read it first. I remembered
the last one. That happened right at the time #14
turned the tape on. You know. Looking at that and
it disappeared and I heard the shuffle and the click
of the tape going on.... so I cleared that as best I
could thinking that it was just some sort of spontaneous
The first imagery I got after the start of the session.
was this initial very, very, first feeling that I was in
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a place that had a two layered low ceiling. I'll
draw on 1 the feeling that there was a ceiling here
and the ceiling went back like this and came down.
Like this. Like a carved out sub:ceiling within a
room. These ceilings here ..... the forward face of
the ceiling would be circles .... had circles on it
which at first I thought were lights but, I hesitate
to call them lights. The underlayer of this false
ceiling or this ceiling section had these circles on
it as well. There, that makes it look a little bit
better. That goes like that perspective wise.
All right.That's it. All right here's a corner.
Do I go ahead and change that (mumbling) ......
This is the ceiling here and here is the section with
the dots on it is this lowered section of ceiling that
comes down. That was 1.
Then, I had the feeling that 1 was moving to the wall
or had moved to the wall when I went to 2 ...I had
as though I was leaning against that wall with my
right shoulder and........ here ...that was the false
ceiling and that leaning on the wall here on the ri
side of the ceiling thing.. .that in this wall were
squares cut...or not cut.... were squares. Now my
perspective is all shot to hell, now. Like this.
That's not bad, I guess, now that I think about it-
Ok. Like this. Many squares as though they were
drawers or lockers at.... I thought they might have been
lockers or pull-out drawers with curious little rings
on the top of each one of their, ok. Small rings.
Finger size rings where you simply insert an index
finger and it will slide up over your finger and you
give it a tug, ok That should go like that. There we
go. Like that. That's the feeling. This was in an
illuminated area...same curious circular pattern .....
ceiling here ...... and, this is some sort of a long
narrow ..... as we go on will show.....ok ..............
#14 Ok. Why don't I go ahead and turn the tape over now?
#31 Ok.
#14 Ok. We' r
#31 ( Already I had the feeling of standing in the New Y
subway on a landing ...not that i t ' s in e , u
s`tm4 4 ftcture train pulling that's long
hall... .people get off and stand on this lighted landing
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e in under the earth...and, you know.....along the
back wall of this landing are these locker squares
that are built into a nice shiney linoleum or..or
shinny polished stone. That's important. It's a
very light and bright polished stone and there's
light out here ...or at least.. .it may not be coming
from those circles but there is light emanating down.
(Humbling) The feeling out here was that there was
some sor .m ..tunnel shape ame along here
li other...ok...thing like this whit appendage
it. This is the thing. It's off this tunn It's
ke an anti-step or side step off this tunnel thing.
So hat's not
a good sketch. But, this is darkened tunnel. This
is a darkened hall or tunnel. All right. This light
label that I have here, I just underlined it at the
end of this thing does not mean that there is light at
the end. It is to mean that there is light inside this
thing. The end itself is dark as well. My first
imagery there. Polished stone here, and this facing
here felt like polished stone. Marble. I had the
feeling that the facings on these drawers or whatever
they are, that these were also stone but I didn't feel
that they were metal or anything. None of this was
a metal feeling like that. It was very, very weird.
Then I had a feeling that I was inside one of these
...the one that I was drawn to...ok, was about ...I
kept like being drawn to one which ..or one of these
squares which was about chest high and just to the
right of center, I think ...... just to the right of
center as though it though it was...say
the one with the X in it. All right.
In 3 I had this feeling of peaking out of the drawer
or peaking out from behind one of these squares. That
was a really weird feeling. It was as though...there
was just a small crack of light...ok. Really bizarre!
I can't get over it. Just a small crack of light
and looking out I could see, you know, these things
that were out on the landing. These circular things
here, ok. The hallway ceiling on the other side of it..
was dark ...... ok ..... somehow those.... somehow those
connect together ..... and then this darkness here which
was the far side of the room .....was dark or where
this hall was was dark. This is all dark here. Crack
of light looking out of the, because that's precisely
what I was doing, wall through a small crack. All right.
Where was I. For some reason I automatically bounced
and I had the feeling of an aerial view ................
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e very long, very, very peculiarly long a
skinny building with many windows in it. Windd`us
in it like that. That should be relocated back
here I drew... the building without putting ......
do e one end of it. The spire of some kind.
Tall and skinny atit9'T-StT~pett, ok. Oh, in that..uh..
the roof is peaked, like that with lines in it.
As though it was slate or tile. All right. Then
I went back in. That was all I got back there.
Then I went back in. Drawing back into this place
5. What was my next one then. Again, I found myself
just standing on this thing that resembled a subway or
some sort of a room off a dimly lit hallway looking
and bouncing off these squares. But, then I got the
feeling that, ok, here in the foreground was a wall
and in the background was my wall. We'll call it
my wall, ok with all the squares in it there. Ok.
These are ordered squares. I'm just sorting of looking
through here because I'm...five minutes of square
drawing is a little too hard for anybody to handle.
I haven't been in this game for awhile ....... ok .....
these squares ..... ok ..... these are the squares with
the little "D" rings in 'em. Again the feeling of...
ok.... here is this overhead which makes the false
ceiling of this place. Bk. Probably should eliminate
that. Yeah. Eliminate that because this false ceiling
comes around it. It's part of this hallway. Ok. This
is the....there's this circles that are in the false
ceiling part that is going up anc this is the ...I'll
call it side of ceiling false, ok. This is looking in
from the hall .... hall question mark because I dnn't
know what it is.
Moved back up to the wall again and sketch 2 had taken
on a slightly modified complexion and that is that here
ok, ok, uh...and here is the darkened hall going off
like that. Now, how do I describe that? Darken hall
going that way, ok. Darkened ce' ng there and I felt
it was elevated, toc, by a s p or o. Ok, this is
the dark, darken hall going this way and back here, ok.
And, here is the e are , d, this is, in
fact, a wall re. A screened wall the end. Like a
partitione wall. Something that co es back in like this.
I'll call it a false wall, ok, and at here on this
side shie ed from the front, unle s you look for it,
was a split ok. A doubt oor. And then
other words the o would be behind .... ok on
sketch 5 I'll, I'll show you in clotted lines. The
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door would be here behind this wall if you looked
at it right from the front. Ok. I'll add to 5
here an edge of some kind because-it is an edged...
edge ...... edge of quote landing ok, and then this
is dark here because that's out in the hall ''cause
you're looking in the hall.
Ok. Back to sketch 6...uh..these are the door....
and then again are.... I'll just draw one set with
ditto marks .... I don't know what I'm going to do....
ok.... and then here again are these funny things....
you can see them in the wall, ok, ok, like that.
Now the only other thing....the only next thing I can
do for you is you said the wall was no problem. Now
for some reason, I really did not want to go through
the wall. I really had this very overpowering sensation
what I was looking for and the guy I was looking for
was in the wall. Ok. All sorts of very bizarre thoughts
was going through my mind. None of them good.
I had the image of him stuffed into a locker. I had the
image of him on a slab in a morgue. I did not have any
good feeling at all up to this point. Very, very,
heavy .... uh.... negative feeling. Ok. And, then, wheth
I was making something more from this point on I don't
know. Ok. Then I had the feeling that yes, I could...
I couldn't go through the wall but I could go around it.
All right...and, so I went down to where this double
door is ....the other end of 6..... at the distant end
of sketch 6, there. I proceeded through this double
door and immediately upon proceeding through the door
I felt the catacomb. Now I felt the catacomb feeling
before. I was getting feelings of carve out rock
and everything, but I didn't have any imagery of it.
I felt that I was in underground... .definitely underground
type thing .... ok..... I went through the double door
and it's as though ..... on doing sc I entered the catacomb
idea. In other words, a carved out rock passageway that
led off away from the building even, but it went off
somewhere, and that my guy was actually hiding in a
little carved out room in part of this catacomb which
was behind this funny wall that I kept looking at
ok. And, that's when I was talking about cloister...
not cloister but I was talking about grotto and
grotto underground, hiding away-you know...hidden
away from people. So for 7 I'll draw you an overhead
type diagram. Probably the best way to describe it.
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#31 This is the landing edge. Here is the false wall.
On each end is the false wall. Each end. There's
a false wall on each end. It's symetrical in that
feeling anyway. Here were the doors. this is the
grotto feeling... grotto catacomb feeling began and
that back behind here was this ...was this place.
Cavern, or carved rock, carved room (sigh). I don't
know if there was a door on that end but it's
symetrical, and this is the wall with squares.
Ok. Then for 8 I'll give you a sketch of what I saw
in there and that is just this. Imagine this roughly
carved out room. Just very, very rock wall with
a single light bulb hanging down from somewhere in
this corner. I didn't even get in anything. It's
just .... it's an unshielded.... unshielded is the word
....unshielded light bulb in this cavernous room.
To the grotto hall and that in here, then,
oh, I need to number that. That's 8. And, in here
was this guy.... or a guy hiding away. All right.
And, that he was sitting at some sort of a rough
hewn table. Sitting there, ok. Man in grotto
...boy this really sounds like in grotto
hideaway ...... it really is. I'll tell you talking
about...really, you think, you think that's bad you
ought to be the guy sitting here talking about this
stuff...then you know that you are flipping nuts....
log) Anyway. Man in grot o
a single unshielded light. But, the thin
me about the whole thing is that I wor
get that word catacomb out. That'
#14 Perhaps that has some very heavy meaning.
#31 These are barron, bumpy rock walls and the floor is
the same. I'm not kidding you. I've been through
the catacombs in Rome. It was as though I was back
in the catacombs in Rome. Anybody that is rea....
....that is listening to this or reading this and
they've ever been there will know just what...what
I am talking about.
All right. Then I went back outside. I pretty well
bubbled to the top and I went back outside. I waited
a little bit and then tried to go back out. I figured
I wasn't getting anywhere here ...or anymore. My
building then took ..... I had a side view of this
building first ....... ok..... definite feeling of...the
cathedral approach again.. .you know....a monestery or
something approach here would be....with little ... with
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little curvy windows there sticking up. Again,
the feeling of four or five rows of windows. I'm
not going to say stories. I'm saying rows of
windows. Very little windows. Very tall and skinny
structure. Here we go with these little squares again.
For a fleeting moment, I wanted to put..uh..for a
fleeting moment I wanted to put..uh..a stairway entrance
on one end of it. All right. Here's a perspective
again. Don't worry I won't do all the windows.
Ok. Now, presumably this cap stand or this cathedral
type thing here on the front .. ..tha is the front
right ..... and then according to my h sketch when
I came back here I would se a T sha But, instead
I went up in the air and I of the eling that this
place was more Y shaped than T s ed. Like this.
I got the feeling of..uh..that was my feeling of
curve. Ok, that's just a feeling of curve there.
That's all I want to get across on this. Building
becomes Y instead of T. Then my last sketch
Then my last sketch 11. I'm looking at.... here's
11 ..... I had this ..... I have this feeling of a
circular pattern ..... drive or walkway, ok and that
here in the background this is white, garden bump.
I could find flowers and stuff on it. Whether it is
I a circular drive or just a circular pattern, I don't
know. The radiating forks of this building are like
this. In other words, I'm up in here looking back
in the background and that ..... I want to do it this
way....there are staircases.....let me tell you
something if this thing is a miss I know just....
I won't have any trouble identifying a miss again.
Let me tell you. Another thing. The whole building
is dark brown stone feeling. There's the roof.
There's the roof to the other part of the building...
would be there.. .and the background you would have
the dome ...... dome in the background. What did I
want to do there? Oh. Then 2, the many windows
All right. And, the only other thing that I can
throw in that I seemed to recall is just as I was
beginning to fade out I had the feeling that the light
circular pattern had emanating rays off of it. Like
little walk ...... ol