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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000
ECA jf()
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800640001-4
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : -RDP96-00788R000800640001-4
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, 1). C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
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1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he
would be working against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was told that he was to
locate Tim Casey. The viewer was shown the attached photograph and
was instructed to locate and describe the surroundings of the individual
in the photo.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800640001-4
Approved For Release 20001 8/C'w.DP96-00788R000800640001-4
#14 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for
All right #01. The time is now (edited for
security). For the past few minutes you've been
shown a photograph of Tim Casey. I want you to
relax and concentrate and focus on Tim Casey. I
want you to find Casey, describe his location and
any impressions that you have about him.
+04 #01 Some kind of a room. Strong impression of a room.
It's got a slant ceiling. Single window. The..uh..
doorway's a little unique. It's got a round top
doorway. There's a..uh..appears to be a 4...4 poster
type bed in the room.
+05 A re...recessed window. There's..uh.light tan and
light wall schrank type...double doors. Color of the
room is tan. Looking through 2 window and I see ...uh..
like an inclosed garden. There's no leaves on the
trees. There's a..uh..wall. There's..uh..large
factory type building behind it. Get the impression
he's...he's on the 3d floor of this place.
+07 Very heavy wooden door.
There's..uh..I get the impression that he can go
and come from this room, if he wants. There's a..uh..
zigzag staircase outside the door. I have trouble
seeing the building because I think it's part of a
larger group of buildings that are all connected.
There's some funny looking entrance way. Like an
overhang with..uh..appears to by one
edge. It's a very European looking building. It's
ne ..a roa . 1 e tial road,
ike that. A street, neighborhood.. .and there
rundown fence across the street.. .and then there's
+09 a dropoff. It looks like..uh..railroad tracks.
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. ,
#01 Strange kind of fencing like in front of the building.
Uh..sort of a wing pattern piece of hardware on the
front door. It's made of metal. It looks something
like a..uh..something like a door knocker, or something.
+12 I get the impression he can leave the room but he
can't leave the building.
+13 Very European flavor. I don't.. .1 don't know if
it's the design or the contents of the building or
the people who own it.
#14 Do you perceive other people there?
#01 I perceive some uh....some kind of government
person... .got a bald head... .rather drooping mustache....
slight frame build... .maybe 5 feet 4... .what appears
to be....uh....a young man with a dark beard... .they're
sitting by a table on the ground floor they're
+16 just talking
#14 Tell me what they are talking about.
#01 I don't know. I get the impression that they can't
leave the building either, for some reason. Saw....
can see mountains from the front door... .it's like a
...uh..the impression that..uh..looking at the mountain
is like looking to the Northeast. Where the sun comes
up. There's a big factory. Maybe 6 floors behind
the..uh..this location. I don't know what it is but it's
got all windows. Very large building. Lot of trash
in the street. I got the impression it's in a real
good neighborhood.
I also got the impression that the..uh..face of the
1 building iskk. Zoef,safackl=0 lutl'esi;Lfihcc.)vftteered
door but it's got..uh..heavy shutters or some kind of
wood nailed over it.
Keep getting the impression of..uh..diamondshaped
design over the door. I don't know if it's the
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outline of the overhang or it's..uh..the edge of
the roof design. Have an impression that's very
close to the..uh..Embassy compound. Maybe it's
like a 3-block walk to the Embassy compound. If
+20 you came out the front door, you would go left and
then left again and then right to get to the
I can't see..uh..what side of the compound it's on.
+21 He is being watched. Uh..
Get the impression that..uh..he feels..uh..that
he's a prisoner but the people watching him don't
feel he is. I don't know how to explain that.
That's about it, I think.
#14 Ok. You've done a very good job of covering
#01 V y good impressions, today. I don't know why,
b t this guy's an MI type.
#14 Uh...when you first looked at the photograph
you said you had the feeling somebody
#01 I had a strong feeling that somebody in our group
knows him personally, and I don't think that..uh..
clearly he was not in the compound when it was..uh..
taken by the..uh..Iranian, so-called students. I
keep getting "our ace in the hole"
feeling. I don't know precisely what that feeling
is. I don't know if that means..uh..the..uh..the
occupation people in the compound know where he is
and are holding him or if there isn't a certain
I got a strong feeling that it's politically
connected, for some reason. Perhaps a..uh..there's
a political reason he's being held there. I don't
know how to explain it. Distinct European flavor
of the place, though. That's really about it.
I get the strongest feeling that he speaks European
language as well.
#14 Do you have a feeling of what language it is that
he might speak?
3 .
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#01 Uh..One of the..uh one of the gutteral languages
is German or a Mock country...Check or something..
Slavic language uh. I don't know. that.. .on
the same length feeling it might be wrong.
+27 #14 Ok. Are you ready to draw some pictures?
#01 Yeah. Let me look at the back of the building one
more time.
#01 Ok. Page 1. The impression I get of this.. .this
room is that there is a..uh..slanted roof. There's
a..uh..door to the side. It's got a round top and
over here, to the left is a window that
is kind of recessed.
#14 This is the interior, right?
#01 Yeah. This is the interior. And, in this room, there's
a impression of a a..uh..a bed that's got
4 legs.. .4 very tall, you know.. .legs. Against this
one wall there's a large wooden type front that's..uh..
tan and it's got wooden doors. This entry door to
this room is very heavy. Maybe wood like pieced
together like that. Thsi is the window, over here.
Page 2. I get the impression that if you were to
..uh..if you were to stand outside of this door...
trying to think of how to draw'd be standing
on a landing. Sort of like this with a wall here, and
that these are steps.
#14 That's an overhang too.
#01 Yeah. No, this is like standing in a landing over
#14 Oh! I see.
#01 The door this way, and that there's a curved wall here,
like, and these steps go around in a curve way, like
this and that there's another opening at the bottom.
I don't know if that's very difficult thing. It's like
if you went down the steps and go around a curve.
That's what I meant by zigzag steps. Do another room,
call it room below.
Page 3. Looking out the wind'
that there was a recessed win
came right down to the edge
a very deep ledge. Maybe a
ot the impression
e this. ceiling
ow and there's
ne-half. Through
ow. Li
f the wi
oot and
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this window you can see the, the edge of the
building next docr, and it's 3 floors. You see the
top edge of a wall. Just like a garden with trees
/:that are bare now, 'cause it's..uh..winter.
Exactly behind these there's some..uh..some other stuff
in here. There's a very large building back here. It's
maybe..uh..5 floors with windows all the way down.
Big factory of some sort.
I get the impression 4..looking at the
front I get the impression of an overhang coming out
from the front door and that this is glass, and that
there's this front door and there's a window above the
ground to the left. It's got..uh..wooden shutters of
some sorr over it. There's a little walkway over here,
and there's..uh..fence, and that this is another
walkway over here. Somewhere over here is the corner
of the building.
On the front door, I get the impression like there's
..uh..kept wanting to call it "like wings." This
ki f a a door type
nocker of some sort. I don't know if that s imp
It might be for identifying the door. This is..uh..
peach color, the building. Some kind of plaster over
stone. Brick. This was metal hardware on the door.
And, that..uh..from the front of this place there was a
road like;the walkway was here, and the fence going
back up to the building and across this road was some
trash and then a drop-off... .and then railroad
f. tracks at the bottom. Quite a few of them. Maybe
6 or 7 sets of maybe there was a
railroad yard out this way... .and that the direction
of this arrow down the walkway was..uh..towards
compound. That's page 6.
Guess that's about it.
#14 You said something about a diamond shape.
#01 Yea ag ? .. .rt of
e building or if it's something significant in
area or what it is, but I got a distinct impression
of this design and I don't know what that is.
don't know if it's a roof....edge if it's
dire -u
a...just a
pattern, but it's a large pattern. Like it would be
a window shape or something. We'll just call it
large pattern. It might be some significance to
that... .the doorway.
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#01 I guess.. .page 8...I felt would
come out... this was the road...and that was the
walk and this building connected to a
building that does this. Maybe connected to more
than one building back here. I don't know. Feeling
that the factory was down here. If you would come
down do a left and do a right and this would take
you to the compound....and a left.. .and a left.. .and
a right. Maybe the total distance would be..uh..
4 or 5 cityvblocks. That's prQ.aigly it. Very clear
LS'mpressions.?Very European flavor fd/r some rea
I don't know if it's the building....people...or if
e's not even in Iran. Very European flavor. I
onestly believe this guy's MI. Probably speaks a
lovic language. Probably somebody in our group know
' personally or has met him at one time.
That's about it.
#14 All right. We'll call this the end of session.
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