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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800630001-5
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800630001-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 , 0788R000800630001-5
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the vi.ewer's impressions
during the remote vi-ewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
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Approved For Release 2000/ ' 0788R000800630001-5
#14 This will be a remote viewing session
(edited for
You have been shown an overhead image of the compound
area in Iran. I want you to focus your at ntion,
and concentrate on the building in Area "J." Project
yourself to that building and describe the impressions.
+10 #24.5 I'm inside ...familiar ...upstairs...hall. I
see a down staircase. (Mumbling) the rest of the
stairs... looking at open space...
I'm going to try to...explore the short end of the
In the..uh..ender (phonetic) room I have a feeling
..uh..largeness and openess windows around.. .there is
..uh..something at the left end of the room against
the wall and having a image of a..uh..
long table with chairs on both sides and the room is
There's something dark and..uh..linear that almost
cuts this room in half. It's to the left of the
entrance of the door at the end of the hall. It looks
like fil' .. .. .. of things
any little
le drawers.
-up partition the
room I can see over them into another part of the room
which has a depth to it past the door (mumbling) that
is ................ I am getting a continual feeling of
not reach to the roof. What I am
ooks like a library card file boxes
out tabs on the fronts of man
ever this.
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+18 #24.5 library..uh..liko a real library. It's funny
I jthere appear to be racks and tables.. .wall racks,
like book racks and tables in this section of th
room, but no people thatI see.
#24.5 Put it on hold and let me go back.
I think, in the hall again, looking the other way,
door at the end, I think.
+30 #14 This time I want you to go downstairs to the
main meeting room, and describe any activity or
personnel in this room.
#24.5 I have a ...feeling of very large overstuffed
chair. (Mumbling) si mumbling) with black
tapestry with tassels on it. This..uh..sits..uh..
with another on its side. A small table there.
I'm looking for people, but...
#24.5 I'm not tot any luck today. Can't find any
people. of being (mumbling Can't see any.
#14 All right. I want you now .....
#24.5 No good #14. I'm not having any luck at all.
No. I'm just not...not doing any good. Wish I
was but I'm not. I can tell.
#14 All right. We'll put down on paper what you got.
#24.5 That is disappointing too. Dam defenses were
up today. For some reason I could not let go of
my alert response, you know. Everything that
happened, I'd hear it.
#14 It was too quiet. That's the problem.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07,s CIA- -00788R000800630001-5
#24.5 The one time I woke up I got this.. .when I came
out I got this horrendous itch in my eye and my
nose. I tried to make it go away and tried and
tried. Finally, I just, you know, all it was doing
was doing was just like the goddam hook
was in my my face and it was just dragging
me back up to the surface, you know. I don't know.
But, I got in the short end of the hall. I'm pretty
solid about that. I don't what is supposed to be
down there, but, I ended up with some sort of a
funny room. I think it was in that end of the hall.
I think
I was upstairs. I'm not sure.
Perhaps it could have been upstairs, downstairs.
Well, anyway we'll put it down there.
Ok. First feeling was this. Right along here.
That's a bottom, solid bottom, ok. Here's the down
staircase. Down there. This is not the down staircase
ramp. The down staircase ramp is there in the background.
Like that. That-that goes across, ok. This is what
I think was the long end of the hall, and this is where
I was. To start with...1 tried to...I was dawdling
around there. I couldn't get really in good focus.
I knew I was there and I felt like I was up floating
against the ceiling to start with and looking down-
ward at this thing. What I think I did.. .well anyway
I turned around and I went backwards or to my or to
the rear of this picture... that's 2, ok. All right.
When I got in there I ended up with a rather large
type of a room. There's something ..... I wanted to say
there's a fireplace along this end. There's something
erect, upright, you know and it's against that end,
like that. Like that, ok. Up against that thing.
Oh...and here was a..uh..the backs of chairs. Like
this. The table like that., That type of a thing.
Ok. There. On the...ok...t
from the right-this is as
the door .... from the right s
foreground was this .t,ia? th
library. Nan;
3x5 file, th
all on soli
bro...I mean
thing. The
ravers in i
-trace file ty
t type thing,
piece but it w was
her side..
to make a pass
way th;
ack wall
ough I just come through
ide.... coming into the
t looked like it had a a card file and
e of a thing. Little
k. I don't know if it was
s wood was a light
..uh..middle town, wood
mething came out like this
gh there. I don't know
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what it was, but, I got the definite feeling that
there was something there. Like that. Had the feeling
there was another window, over here. Then, when I
went around I went through there. I dotted up to
here, looked back at the room and then I dotted through
there. That's to 3.
When I got into 3 I was just on the other side of this
thing so that I felt like, felt as though here was
the door, right, the back of those file cabinets.. .no
that goes straight up, yeah.. .comes over there and
there is the door that I came through. I think it's
a double door. Oh..and, the feeling I had was that
this was...had depth here and went back farther, ok.
Along the back of the room, like this, came along
this room, like this, all right. I'll put a couple
windows there. Oh-here in the foreground left side
is the thing that I thought was a bookcase which goes
right into the corner of the room, ok. It would be the
corner of the room, like that. Or something like that.
Then, that, looking over the room from in here .... oh,
there was something right here with its back to this
thing as though there though it was a..uh..
a couple chairs or a sofa with its back to this. I'll
draw two chairs, but I saw it when I was coming through.
Like that, ok.
end. Table. Here's the door. Window there. Win
Fireplace at that end. Type fireplace thing at that
oor plan, ok.
Then I had the feeling of a reading room. There was a
very dominant reading room, or library or research area
feeling in this thing that was hard to
explain. It wasn't table upon table upon table working
table. It was more like a casual reading room and a
library type of a situation, ok. Oh..more like..uh..
more like various size tables, various shape tables,
ok. You know. With the chairs pulled up to them like
that. I can see the dam place. God, I don't want to
put anything in there that is not in there. I had the
feeling that this ...ok..this feeling ...... I'm not going
to put in more tables or anything.... this feeling of
bookcase, floor to ceiling type bookcase, was here where
the X is. Somewhere against that wall, ok, and against
this wall where that X is. All right. That type of a
feeling where the area was surrounded... that' s it.
Four. T'll give you what I think is just a regular old
there. That boo ng. e here. ow
ow there. Ok Oh..table or Iwo. Chair
Chair there. That's the way out of it as I
was in a corner. Window here. You can't see that in
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'sketch. I guess you can.
e. Window ...IV for window o
Then, when you told me that's.. .when I faded out of
ff-hat one, you told me to go to the main conference
room type thing...I only.. .the only thing I got..
first thing I got was door. Didn't I tell you...yeah
I said a a feeling of this shape of a door
with a window in it...a hallway, ok...door at the end
of a hall concept. That's five.
Then six. The thing I had a feeling for was .....
big overstuffed chair, type of arrangement. Not a
bad overstuffed chair, is it. I really surprised
my art work today.
Getting better.
That may be it.
First thing .... let me drop back ..... I'll do that
for 7...the feeling that this thing sat...this is
round table .... the insert in 6... it shows, ok...table
there.. .chair ...and t other another chair
ike that. t le ..... ok ....
sitting like this..
No people! Cou d not find any
this type of thing. biau,
--~,~~ all the time. I went there .... you know....I was
sort of free to do my own thing to start ..... the whole
time I kept people right in ...when I got there and
I knew that was the job and I just could not find
anybody. The other thing that I had.... the other
fee 1 ' ~-Hed ~-? '--'- --+_
wi 6 b I had that first.... .hum.....ok.... old
fa ed glass and a martini glass sitting around
surface and then I went .... that's actually before
I had six. But, I ..... like I said ...I had.... when I
saw that I had the feeling that they were sitting
empty. That they had been there along time .... not a
long time but that they were there unused. There
weren't anybody around drinking out of them. They
were just sitting there. You know. Just sitting on
top of the table. That's all I got #14.
#14 Ok. We'll call that the end of the session.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 GIA-PD096-00788ROO0800630001-5
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open rce news media
information as well as classified overhea magery. He knew he would
be working against the hostage situati in Iran.
, the viewer was asked to describe
2. (S) At the time of the sesel,
an area referred to as Area "Y' e was shown overhead imagery of the
US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area designated as Area "J"
was pointed out to the viewer by the interviewer. The imagery is not
included herein due to its classification.
3. (S) The viewer has worked against this target in the past.
During this session he was not told anything about the area he was
trying to describe except for its letter designation.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0800630001-5