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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: _CIA-RDP96-00788R000800540001-5
REVIEW ON: :3/ /;7' 1 ~'~' ca
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800540001-5
Approved For Release 2000 -~ DP96-00788800080054000 -~
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
Approved For Release 2000/08/,07.:''C'IA-R P96-00788R000800540001-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800540001-5
#66 This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
It's time now to relax and concentrate. Focus
your attention on todays' target. A target area
has been selected for you and this target area
has a letter designation. Focus your attention
now on that area. Relax and concentrate and
describe the target to me.
+05 #7 A large building, it's appears
quite old. Portions of it are taller than...
than the building is wide, narrow side. There's
pavement; it curves from the left to the right
side, across the front to...ah...a single walk
way that leads away from the building. There's
several walk ways; grass in the...the thing. I
know this sounds 'like... a building with a park
that I looked at before. The building looks
#66 Alright. Don't analyze your past thoughts, just
describe what you see.
+07 #7 This one looks older. it's ...ah...dark in tone;
has a like ...ah...there's portions of it taller
than others. I see old fashioned iron...fancy
iron.. .iron fence ...Lill ...cast ...ah...cast shapes
rather than... than wrought.. Al...masonry columns
and the fence...ah...iL's...ah...they're big,
square, fancy on Lop wiLb...ah...iron inbetween.
I thought I saw snow; it, look kind of...just here
and there on the... the posts. Ground did not
appear to be covered; just a...a little shadow
#66 - Focus your attention on the building.
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Approved For Release 2000M707 -: -RDP96-00788R000800540001-5
#7 It remind me of...when I first it I thought I ua s
looking at a...a rcelig.ious type building. I felt
the portions that were taller than others looked
like ...ah...ah...cathedral shape.. .oh. . .minaret
shape...ah...I see...ah...pointed shape portion of
a roof with a spherical shape a little ways above
the roof on a shast like shape; it's's
pretty small.
#66 Focus your attention on the grounds outside the
building. Move around the building and search for
#7 Ah...As standing in front of the building looking
away, I see some trees and I see a massive squarish,
ah...I guest it's masonry, over to my right...ah...
150 - 200 feet away. Ah...
#66 Describe the individual at the front on the
#7 The individual in front of the building? I didn't
see any individual in front of the building. I've
been focusing on.. .beyond the street.
1166 Tell me where the individual was you saw.
117 I didn't see any individual. I said I saw a big...
ah...massive masonry cube like thing to
my right. I'll look for people.
#66 Alright.
ADMIN NOTE: Interviewer mistakenly thought he heard the
viewer mention an individual in front of the
#7 Appears to be some kind of' ivy...ah...or low,
ground cover immediately adjacent to the front of
the building on each side of the... the big entry
#66 Describe this entry way.
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Approved For Release 2000 J6-00788R000800540001-5
#7 It projects sort of a building, and it's got...ah...
a vertical shape on each side of the entry way that
appears to be sectional rather than a continuous one
piece...pedestal like shape to either side extending
towards the...
#66 Alright. Move into the building through the entrance
way and describe as you go.
#7 I must be confused or something, I thought I saw
this from overhead; had one picture; I tried to go
through the door, I...I thought I saw greenery which
makes me think maybe a courtyard or something. I
definitely feel that, after traveling a few feet
through the door, that I...I'm looking down ...ah... I'm looking through another opening and steps down...a big open area. Oh, wait
a minute. I'm sorry. There's a big picture on the
wall. It' a mural's got
stately buildings on it. and... and grassy park like
area. It'''s more high
appears bright, like underexposed, it's...ah...kind
of washed out a little. I think it's a painting
rather than a big, giant photograph. Extends almost
to the floor. (Mumble) my left; like under the
#66 Tell me again about what's to your left as you come
in the front.
#7 I forgot. Oh. The big mural. There's a...come in
the front appears a...go a few feet and appears to be
a fancy hallway to the right and the left and
somewhere kind to my left is this big mural.
#66 And what's right in front of you?
+22 #7 (Mumble) for some reason it. steps clown; two or
three steps. I think there's ...I think there's a
very high ceiling in this area...ah...or I go down
the steps. I thought maybe.. .maybe it's domed or
with a openings up there near the base of dome and
light coming through.
#66 OK. Move through this building now, move through
this building searching for people. Move through
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP9.6-QQZ88R0008005400.Q
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the building searching for people.
#7 This building looks more like you'ld expect a museum
to look than a place where you'ld have people.
#7 I'm going down the hall to the left. It's very
dark and...ah...very fancy ...ah...shapes to either
side and the overhead. It's quite dusty and the
projections up high; you can see the dull gray. I
see someones feet ...ah...someone ...I see a...I see a
person ...ah...women I guess...ah...light covered
thing over her head...ah...down over the shoulders...
ah...face covered. I think it's a local women, not
one of ours.
#66 OK, move on through the building now.
#7 (Humble) I'm almost the end of the hall. It was
someone...ah...someone was lying on a carpet asleep
in the same room as this women was. OK. I'm trying
to get upstairs; I went down the hall on the left
end of the building... side of the building. I got
to the end; I'm trying to get upstairs and just...
ah...I just can't make it. There may be no upstairs;
I don't know. Oh, OK. It appears there is a room
with a...near the center of the building upstairs,
but not all the way...not all the way above the
hallway all the way to the left.
+29 #66 OK. Search this area for personnel.
#7 I see lights on in the... the room.:`: ...up high,
near t1'e center of the building. Real"-fancy wall-
papethere's a man standing up...ah... iere's
thre. other people in the room. They're sitting...
ah.. I don't now, I was trying to f ure out, one
of th ' of the seated is talking to the
guy star c u), but or two could be asleep.
##66 Who are these personnel?
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Approved For Release 200Q/08 07 r C A..RDP,96-00788R000800540001-5
#7 Resolution is very low; I'm trying to get enough make that decision. The one standing up is
ah...I think, local people. I think the ones
sitting down are too.
#7 The one standing up had a short haircut, so I...I
thought he might be one of our military types, but
he...I don't think so.
#66 OK. Move on through the building now.
#7 I've got a heck of a headache. I'm having trouble
with the right side of the building. I know I can
see in the dark if I want to, but this is unusually
dark. I'm going back downstairs and try that way.
I'm moving down the hall to the right,
roughly street level. I'm aware of rooms on my
left; the first one has a light in it. It's very
fancy and it's clean; not dusty. Someone sitting
at a desk.. .table, desk. I think this guy's one of
ours. For the life of me I can't figure out what
he'Id be doing in there.. .in a beautiful place like
this. Guy's late 40's I guess.
I'm sorry. I was trying to...ah...establish some
kind of communication here.
OK. I want to move on. I just disturbed (mumble).
He couldn't figure it out.
#7 Something... there was something about a bridge...
ah...curved bridge, causeway type shape, about...
ah...10 or 15 feeL off the ground, I couldn't make
out what it was...I couldn't finish it. I'm gonna
go on.
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Approved For Release 2wvyifj
#66 Alright. We've been at this for quite a while now,
+40 so take a quick look at the rest of the building.
#7 The places on the right... (mumble) right appear to
be closed. I mean, nothing going on. Yea, I still
say as you-there's more of the building as you
come, say in the entrance and you step clown in this
area. There's areas over there that I...that I
haven't looked at.
#66 OK. Well, we've been at this quite a while; we
don't have time right now to go look at those.
#66 Is there anything that you would like to add before
we draw the perceptions that you've had?
#7 I very carefully looked for guard type personnel,
and I didn't see anything of that regimentation. I
was particular confused by not seeing anyone near
the front door. That's about the only important
#66 OK.
#7 I might add, it sure is noisy around here.
#66 A lot a noise today. OK, let's draw then.
#7 I guess the first image I came on to was a...kind
of a black ariel view. Ah...had a very ah...a
fuzzy view of curved walkway in front a...this...
ah...big building which had different portions at
different heights; I couldn't focus on them very
clear but it reminded me of minarets or something...
ah...maybe a cathedral; portions sticking up, top
was very irr.egular...ah...I'm drawing this without
a street; I was later...later felt that ah...when
looking out the front that it...I was looking across
the street; it might have been this sidewalk like
shape. Ah...I was also aware of a...kind of a iron
fence somewhere in front of the building and I...
since I was seeing that close up, I dorn'L know where
it was inside Lho walkway or outside the walkway, but
it had...ah...vertical columns about every 10 - 20
feet and some kind of a shape on top of it and I felt
there was white stuff (mumble) on one side in the
shadow area like it might be some snow on that...
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Approved For Release 200QJTMXOO
.p 0788R000800540001-5
#7 I've drawn. ..ah...s;nrnething kind of like the fence
in the lower right corner of No. 1. Arid there was
low ground cover, something like ivy, on each side
of the doorway leading into this big building.
Looking at it, I can see it's not to scale. I'm
going to try and do a portion of the inside of the
building that...ah...I can visualize. When I was
inside the building, I felt that there was a lower
portion of the building extending further to the
left, down the hall, and yet that's not reflected
in what I thought I saw from overhead.
The mural when I was standing here in the entry
way... the mural was slightly to my left or in here;
it might have been on the face of this wall here,
and I think that might have been where I was
getting the feeling of a courtyard or open
brightness. I later felt that over this roughly
circular area there might possibly have been a dome
with some.. .some light reflecting throughway. I was
rather confusing to me, I couldn't get beyond.. .1
never did get into the place at the bottom of the
steps; I stood at the top and looked. Oh...ah...the
cube like shape would have been... that could have
been some kind of monument or small building, I
don't know. I...ah...think that's about it.
#66 OK. How do you feel about this viewing? About...
you commented earlier that the resolution was not
too clear. How do you feel in total about the
#7 Ah...there's a couple times that the resolution
just came in...just...just beautiful, and...ah...I
would start to work with that and I'M loose it; I
don't know if it was because of noise, I really...
I can't remember if noise was with that. When I
got near the man in the desk ...ah...resolution was
just fantastic. At one point when I was walking
down the hall to the left, resolution was out-
standing and when I was looking at the women it
was quite good. The best resolution was the marl
at the desk and it was very good arid...ahm...I
starting to go very deep there and something
happened and I lost it.
#66 OK. Anything you want to add then?
#7 Only that ...ah...we need a place that has less
#66 _ Yea, don't we. OK.'~` -
7 .., i>.a
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Approved For ReIease .2000/Q.8/07 : CIA-RDP9.6-0088800080054000
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800540001-5
Approved For Releasq,-qnjn/gR s' DP96-00788R000800540001-5
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information, classified overhead imagery, and photographs of many
of the hostage personnel.
2. (S) An area target had been selected for this viewer the day
before the session. Target designation information was maintained
by the Project Manager and the interviewer and viewer were not
told what the target was to be. At the time of the session, the
viewer was told only that a target had been selected for him and
that the letter designation for this target was in the possession
of the Project Manager. The viewer was asked to remote view the
target that had been selected for him.
ADMIN NOTE: The viewer was unable to attain his usual state of
relaxed concentration due to ambient room noise. This viewer is
also experiencing personal family problems at this time (father-
in-law living at home ~ near death). The target selected for this
viewer was lettered +JK." This was the first time this viewer had
attempted to describe Area "K."
Approved For Re&ease.2000/Q8/07 : CIA-RDP9.6-00 ,88.ROO08005400A -