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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ~- IA-Rnpa~..nnisgR000800450001-5
-._ s,~.,~. ._.~ ,. ~...._e.. ..
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
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Approved For Release 2000/~/~7;.-~lA=RDR9~~610~88R000800450001-5
1. (S) This- report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, jti'ashington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as rate intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Irlterpretatior_ and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing .
Protocol"(S}, undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer`s impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the~.~target
site. At TAB B is target cueing;information provided the
remote viewer.
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/~6.5 This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
OK now for the past few minutes you've been
thinking about, studying, concentrating on the
photo that I showed you. For the past few
minutes you've been thinking about, studying,
concentrating on the photo that I showed you
(mumbling) Malcolm Kalp. I want you to relax
and concentrate on the photograph (mumbling}
Malcolm Kalp. Relax and concentrate and
describe (mumbling)...
+07 ~~14 I see...ah...I started with seeing a..a coffee
table...had the feeling I was in same se.rt-of... or something...large plush office.
I perceived a large desk to my left so I looked
towards the desk...behind the desk were large,
tall windows, or door type windows...large glass
area behind the desk. Feeling that there were
books and things around this room. It appeared
to be some sort of official office...ah...high
office of a high ranking personnel; large office.
rather plush.
As I was viewing the scene, I had the feeling I
was in a overstuffed chair. I'm
not sure if someone was at this desk sitting. The
lighting coming in from behind was so bright it
blotted out any detail. Sometimes I had the
feeling that there was just a high back chair and
other times I had the feeling that somebody was
sitting there. (sigh)
/~6,5 OK. Step outside this room and tell me what you
:,:~ y~;~
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d ~. S_ ~~
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+15 414 I can't get rid of the feeling that I've been
here before. Ah, when I went outside of the room
I...ah...saw a...well there's a large open room
there which is kind of a receiving area from the
main entrance. It's more of a residential type
place...ahm...oh I don't know how to explain it.
And then I flash back into this room and it's v_e_
similar to the room I described in one of the
earlier sessions with one n_ f t-hP women. I believe
".,,_?~,.I..-had her reclin ni g on a couch in a library ~e,~?
atmosphere., whatever. For some reason this room
feels the same but looks different and as I wen
out the access to this office or room was
identical with the other session and the scene
jjust outside the office was very .,much the same
except that as I ex"ted the doorway` my
imm fate right was a tall stand with. ~l.Fi
vase on ~~.-.-~an.tq~re~~?~~po~'t~as"e or vase.
~~6.5 Did you see any people?
//14 I didn't see any but I felt the presence of people.
Perhaps I...I dirin't see any people in the...this
ceiving area...this entrance way...or...I'm going.,
have to find a term to call that. f3ut I
perceiv~eople around, perhaps outside of the- main
.. ~ T %~
behind that desk in that room.
feel more strongly now bout...about somebody si?t~-i'Fig
4f6.5 Can you describe them to me?
x/14 (Sigh) I don't get much of anything for facial
features.'s a male, maybe in the 50's...
late 40's earl 5 ' ..
o come across...I don't know where...
j(mumbling) but I get the feeling he's trying to
impress or come across as a good guy...trying to
our su sec y ored or`"n~a state
of shock. It's...ah...from the beginning there's
been kind of a feeling and it's getting stronger interrogation situation.
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//6.5 OK. Relax now and change your perspective and go
outside this building and tell me what you see.
Go outside this buidling and describe what you
with being Iranian.
ah...he is definitely not the student type,
definitely very professional and I...I really
don't...I, for some reason I can't identify hi
ah...the guy is trying to be very benevolent...
~~6.5 (mumbling)
~~14 The individual sitting behind the desk
~~14 Outside...I ah...I was gonna try to take the
shortest route which is through the windows or
doors behind this desk...for some reason I was
blocked from that so...I guess I'll go out the..the
main or front entrance.
46.5 Uhm uhh.
clear imagery but the impressions oY that...ahm...
there are columns out in front, stairs leading up
to the entrance of this building and I'm not sure
how many. Dne~ thing~`h~fiave a ecr't~-del for is
there appear to be four guards outside of his
e and these were very military looking:.-.-..the"y v
buildings and stuff go by...for quite some
distance and then (sigh) I'm trying to
ocus and go back to (sigh) I'm not getting any
in a vehicle driving down the streets watching the
his building all of a sudden I seem to be (sigh)
~~14 I'm having problems staying in one place. Ah...
while trying to focus from the outside looking at
were n' ot"tire-~d-~y~~.~N=~t~a`~e` were formal type
guards...spit and polish type.
~~14 Ahm...Before...ah...There appeared perhaps two at
the entrance itself and two at the street level.
The two at the street level seem to be kind like
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they were still guards but were acting more as...
as doormen or something. There's...yeh...ah...
there's an area in front where vehicles or cars,
whatever, pull up and drop people off - pick
people up.
46.5 OK. You see anything else you want to add?
~~14 Yeh, I could throw alot of things together in a
nut shell. Ah, before the session, this is gonna
sound crazy, but before the session officially
started...ah...I was focusing and concentrating
on the subject and I had...ah...the picture.,of a
vehicle or car seat and then I'd picture of...ah...
the most detailed picture of a crapper. Ah...a
then a ... fie'session star e , we meted
out in this office type room and course, I don't
know, maybe the individual in the chair was...was
a good guy, I don't know, it was hard to tell.
He'd...ah...the...the subject was sitting there
seemed to be ignoring the individual or bored or in
a state ofw,~hoo4~-~.:afi ::the-"~d~viClual sitting
behind "the desk did not appear what I "~-KGs"expect
as appearing as an Iranian. Ah...seemed ~o
very official type location, place, building, and
would appear that the subject was brought there,
talked with, talked to, interrogated, and was taken,
when they were finished was taken away which is
perhaps what was happening when I went outside and
t caught up zippin down the streets.
~~6.5 ~Jhy don't you relax, relax ancf~'"~~a` U~~ ~n~""'do some
drawings of images that you have, OK.
x/14 All righty.
x/6.5 OK. tJhy don't we try to do some drawings here.
~~14 Ah...drawing No. 1, I'll put things...try to put
things in kind of a perspective in how they kind
of started coming into place.
~~6.5 OK. Better watch your mike so you get picked up.
(mumbling) (laughter)
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x/14 - OK. I felt as if I was occupying the same position
as...ah...ah...Mr. Kalp. I felt that I was...ah...
I was sitting right in the same chair he was.when
things started falling into place. Ah...(PAUSE)
~n a room with ah...high ceilings..high ceilings.
The first thing I saw..would be about here...was
(long coffee table and this was a very, you know,
j' very rich wood...I was admiring the wood, it was.'
1 much nicer than the one we hive here. It wa_s solid,
might a, might of had been carved a little bit or~-~,,
something and over here to the left is a very large,
and again, nice wooden desk...ah...em...aged, old
desk, very heavy, very impressive, and_ behind= ti'iis
desk was...appeared to be a...a very high backed
chair. I mean really, you know, exclusive,
executive type or whatever.
~~6.5 OK. I had the feeling it's all relative, you didny
think this was an ordinary office.
~~14, this reminded me somethin
'similar to ah...ah...general's office or the
president's office or, you know, something lik
~~6.5 OK ,__ _
~~14 Uery...ah...very high level. Behind this desk...
ah...were tall, almost seem to be kind of doors
like, but...ah...I'l1 call them windows, OK, and
with many narrow panes of glass; these aren't bars,
these are windows (PAUSE) and in front of these
windows were hung...ah...sheer curtains, see-
through type that allow light through. It almost,
for some reason they almost kind of remind me like
doors, like they could open out...ah...and as I
said there appeared to be some very sheer curtains
and the light was coming through there...ah... so
profusely it was difficult to see who or what was
sitting at this chair because I was looking right
into the light. Ah...and from my position, I was
here in a high back, over stuffed chair staring
straight ahead, not paying to much attention to
what's going on over there; just staring straight
ahead - like at the coffee table when I first got
the imagery I may have been identifying with the
subject and doing exactly what he was doing in
focusing on this table and, as I said, I looked to
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the left, now there were...I didn't pay a whole
lot the walls over there but
there was a large carpet on the floor...ah...
colors or whatever I don't know, I had a feeling
I~ehind me there may have been a cabinet or some-
. thing with books and stuff like that and there
iuere...there was at least one large picture on
this...this wall here...ah.
46.5 OK. That's pretty good (mumble)...
x/14 That's No. 1. No. 2, as I stepped out...outside
of the room...ah...No. 2 I'll make kind of a
layout to how I felt I was or where I was
or how.
OK...ah...I'm labeling the stuffed chair as
subject and the desk...ah...I was gonna say I'll
put down person who belongs to the office but
I'm not absolutely sure that this person
actually belonged in this office or whatever.
X66.5 OK
X614 Ah...I'll just put down other individual. This
individual was trying to come across very
congenial...ah...but the subject didn't seem to
be paying much attention to it, as if he was
rather weary of the impression. I stepped
outside, would almost appear to be steps,
now this...this is inside here somehow, but this
is a large...ah...reception area I guess you would
call it, rather empty except for decorative type ~,~
things, whatever, and immediately after...ah...
stepping out of this...this doorway, and there may
have been more space this , out here, T"m~,ot
sure, but there seem be a large, a tall ped stal
type thing and a vas'e...ah...would,be about chest
high or whatever;~for some reasor~r'that...that came
out. Now this .~s the main ent nce, here. See,
double doors an' they're no solid glass through
the old type doo with ne...panes of glass and
stuff, and,~...ra,_.fac. ,._::.h~d_the feeling that there
was"'"~`~~ouble double set of doors;'~i ee there was
.-`another set here. Ah...this should be`tzind of
like a breeze way and out he ,.were some steps and
sere was a... ~~'" a the feeling there was a
guard positioned here, OK, and then...ah...there
_H ~ ~ "YT`i w '1
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Approved For Release 2000/08/4~n~::.Clf1-R~P,~96-007888000800450001-5
might have been some sidewalk or something out
here, and then, out here is the street; we'll
even put a vehicle out here for whatever reason,
and I had the feeling that there were two more
guards out here on the street which were kind of
like...acting kind of like doormen or whatever,
and like I said, these were...these were uniformed
type...ah...very spit and polish...ah. Sidewalk,
I don't know what else to lable it, there's an
area here that's some type of concrete or pavement
or whatever.
~~6.5 Any of these guys armed?
~~14 Yea...we11...yes...I...I had least
the two up here by the doorway...ah...but I had
the feeling that they were military type.
~~6.5 Yea. I understood that when they ca~cross
pretty loud and clear, OK.
~~14 Ah...somewhere in here there may be some columns
in front of the building to this entrance or
whatever; I had the feeling. of some type of
columns but I couldn' first they looked
huge and then all of a sudden they didn't--3ook so
hugh; they looked like they might have been, you
know, kind of like you'ld see on a porch or
something - not very sure.
~~6.5 OK, here.
~~14 Ah...and what really threw me and...and when I
tried to wipe everything out and start over
again because immediately moving to this...
outside this office area I saw this reception
type area which reminded me so much of the
session I did with...after one of the female
subjects, OK, and then I went back in the room
and the room layout almost reminded me of the
identical type thing, but was rearranged
~~6.5 l~Jas that the session we had in the glass.
4/14 I had...I had...ah...something in a glass case.
t~Jell this reminded me so much of this
room but it was different.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: C1A`:~213R4~~f~1~7&$8000800450001-5
~~6.5 (Mumble) gonna track that one down.
x/14 Ah...because where I had this subject sitting
there would have been a couch where the female
subject was...was reclining on here, but it was
very much, very much the same and this out here
was much the same.
#6.5 OK, I'll track down that other (mumble).
x/14 Ah...what else did we have?
4~b.5 That's about it, heh?
~~14 Ah...I described going down the...the...going
down the street and that was really...that was
odd; this was the first time it was so clear to
me, I felt like I was sitting in a vehicle,
moving down the street, I could see the building
go by and...and the street...the intersections
and stuff; the thing that...the thing that
surprised me is that I didn't...wasn't aware
any other traffic.
x/6.5 And yet you're able to get yourself back here?
/~14 Yeh...what...well, I kept going down the street
and it was fascinating cause I never had that
feeling before but I decided well I'm not gonna
get any where this way, in fact, can't even
draw a picture of that, so I decided to go back
and that's when I I went back to this
point...and that's when I saw these...these
guards out front, etc. I could draw you a nice
picture of a crapper too that I saw, but...ah...
no, that was odd cause I had...I had a perfect
picture of a crapper...ah...and then went into...
to this session.
~~6.5 OK. How do you feel about this session?
~~14 (Sigh) It doesn't make sense.
//6.5 Did you feel like you were on the com~ou~ d?
//14 (Sigh) Boy that's really.. o I did ' I didn't...
in fact, I felt as if I wer somewhere e1se...I
elt like I was in the city or near they, but
... as... in '
~l. a
c7ic ee
away from it bu~T
other words if I were on the compound I was looki~ig
r, - -
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~d~for these...ah...student type guards and all Lna~
t's interesting because, you know, you
~ Th
mentioned when you were out there looking for the
female, that...obviously was on the compound
~~14 Yeh. Well, this would be a...the type of a
building, an office that you might
compound, but the...the things that don't fit are
these guards who are...were definitely spit and
polish and this individual...ah...this other
'individual here who was...seemed to have command
of the situation in the office appeared more of a
G~~rnnoan f-vnF? than a Iranian or, you know, Mid-
yda~ci~~ .,fir.., _. ----~
'rather heavy set, kind of balding, I'ld say late..`
well, I'ld say early 50's...ah...and dressed very
well in a suit and tie, very neatly, as if he werq(
some type of diplomat or something himself.
46.5 ~ OK. Anything else you want to add?
~~14 No, that's all I can think of.
x/6.5 OK. Uery good.
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1, (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information, classified overhead imagery and photographs of many of
the hostages. He knew he would be working against the hostage
situation in Iran.
2, (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was told that he
would be locating Malcolm Kalp. The viewer was shown the attached
photograph and was asked to describe the surroundings of the
individual in the photograph. This was the first time this viewer
had attempted to describe the location of Kalp.
ADMIN NOTES: Sessions CC53 and CC54 were conducted at the same time
with different viewers in separate rooms using the same target cuing
information. (See also CC51 and CC52.)
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