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Publication Date:
December 21, 1979
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Approved For Rel -RDP96-00788R000800310001-0
RLA50N: 2-301 C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000800310001-0
Approved For Release 2000/0Blp
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the-target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
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#14 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for
Get a ve
I wart you to focus your attention on the building
of the previous session. I want you to project
yourself into that building, and describe what you
Seeing sa
e room with chairs:
y strong feeling th
niature auditori
Ong room out f
..uh. wai
like a m
wh'b.1e and the lower area is only partial floor.
Orhe is only partial floor. The upper floor is the
a general functions area... like a...auditorium type
atmosphere and there's ..uh..(mumbling) }awn floor---
he chairs appea
room is
or something. There's
nt. Some kind of a foyer.
guish the hallway for some....
sense...I sense it's there. Getting a ...getting a
very strong impression that..uh..this is some kind o
't dish
to the rear right.
musky odor. . Liyke mushrooms, ,,,?", ,o?mething.
Also get the impression I'm smelling some kidn of a
herb, or something like.. .either some food significance
here. It's an odor. .:uh... ~':Can'V e PI that. It's
but it's lower level and it's's built
like a window with a bunker. I think most of it's
underground, for some reason. It's like I'm gettin
a session of this building, I don't know where it's a
kitchen or something. There's..uh..a hallway goes
left and around. I'm getting an impression of..uh..
L shaped hallway, off of that with some form of hote
room type..uh..quarters.It might be..uh..BEQ or BOQ
or something. When I'm in the L area, I sense..uh..
sense a lot of water, for some reason. There's..uh..
Going down a hallway I get the impression..uh..
like a snack bar or something. (Mumbling) big room
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box shaped machines. There's a lot of box shaped
Imaybe it's clutter ...uh...I get a strong feeling of
mumbling) I don't know the words, but (mumbling)
mushroom shaped object. I think that's associated .....
se rated .... but, there ar - groups. I don't know
how to lain.-that:'"-Thore's some kind of a
group. They're not really a group, but they're
separating people...... here s a o 0 9
here. Appears to be two groups ...8 or 9 people to
impression of a concrete block or something like
that. Big concrete walls. The room with chairs
has got a raised..uh..area long wall with curtains
all around on that raised area. I get the impression
there is something being arranged there. Some kind
of arrangement is being done. See great stacks of
papers. There are hostages in this building.. .but
I am having trouble seeing exactly where I'm gettin
strong impressions of room divider or something.
~Tlumbling) people next to 'em. thin walls
t ' 1 t F h sta es
somewhere. It's very disjointed. Impression of wire
there's ..uh..I want to say wires.. .al lot of wires
not functioning, anyway. I also get the feeling that;
they are tall and thin . They're like..uh..size of
coke machines. I don't know what they are. They're
machines. I don't know what they are. They're..uh..
e"xlusively Marine guards ...and..uh..I'm getting
distinct the.. uh.. the warrant
officers in one of the groups, he's in the other
group. It's not the Marine guards. He's in the
!other group... the guy with the mustache and the
Feel like ...feel like strongly familiar with this
building. I don't ..... very strong familiarization
with this building. I don't know why. The..uh..
I sandy hair. There's..uh..other guy with dark black
hair ...very...very large person-not large in weight,/
but, very broad shoulders ..... very tall...mid-40s
and he's got black hair. He's in .....he's in the t
other group. Seeing what looks like a row of metal,,
wall lockers. Row of metal wall locker doors, or
something ..silver handles...don't appear to be
arranged the way wall lockers should be. Very weird.
I keep trying to iron out the function of this building.
#14 LOk. Well I'll ask that later and perhaps it will just
pop up for you. When you were at the lower level,
the underground type level of this building, was it
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Oh..I..uh..get strong impression that there's..
uh..these wall lockers are there. Metal doors.
and just faintly see gray metal doors.. .like
wall locker doors with the vents in 'em.
Keep thinking..uh.... keep thinking that I don't .....
keep thinking that musky smell... .while I'm there.
I don't know what that is. There'
wires. They either go there or they are mounted in
the ceiling there .......
Ok. Why don't we go back upstairs and...I would
like you to describe some of the hostages that are
upstairs, other than the one grouping that were all
features in the face. Gives the impressio
mustache, and the other tall black haired
There''s..uh..there's a guy ...what I call
craggy looking face. He's..uh..a lot of
expression. A lot of worry lines.. .very
impression that he's there. Sandy color
One of then is a warrant
a very
late 40s
like he
aybe, 5'2"
the front.
tinted. IP not sure if he's ate?stage, though.
He wears\glasses. His glasses are 1
5'3" a~pears and he's..uh..going bald
dark brown hair. There's a little guy,
being thick set. He appears to be in hi
or early 50's. There's..uh..guy ...looks
has got a beard but it's a very close cut
and a\,mustache, dark brown hair, 140 poun
Some reason I don't se any windowt, and t~ he
musky odor is import ait Mushroom or seething.
.. something to do with. ~, .t~tae4 e that impressib
He's where th hostages are,-but I'm not sure if
he's a hostage. ^ r some reason, I'm not sure.
See all white walls where the hostages are. White
walls..uh..thin walls.. .small table lamps of some
sort. Tables... .desk type tables. Kind of loosing
this place now, for some reason. Get a very strong
impression this is.... uh.... an event type. It's a
place where events occur. Maybe, it's analytical when
I said it's p club or an organizQtional place. I thin
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#01 Trying to figure what's in the wall lockers. Not
getting anything.... wall lockers. Time I try to
look in the wall lockers, I see wires again.
(Mumbling) impression of wires. That's about
all I'm going to get out of this.
#14 Ok. Why don't we throw some light on. Did you get
an overall feel for the shape and plan layout of
the building?
#01 Primarily the hallway and.... as it relates to this
big room. I don't have any idea where this concrete
room is. I was getting it in broken up pattern for
some reason. It's got a lot to do with the noise....
#01 That's some kind of a one the
impression (mumbling)walls.... some kind of a small
entrance room up there. Behind this was...a...
just an open area ..... I don't know if this was the
main entrance to the building, or what it was, but
I got a feeling of arrangement in here, with chairs.
Something to do with chairs. Back here I got a
feeling like there was a raised portion to this room.
For some reason, to the right end, to the right
corner over here, where this arrow is there's a long
hallway, starts over there somewhere. Some reason,
I couldn't see it from inside this room. I want to
use dotted lines here. I don't know if this hallway
ran like these dotted lines, right outside the...
the room, but I got an impression of a long hallway
that made a turn to the left. Thinking it might
have been outside of this room, because I couldn't
see it from in the room, for some reason. When I
looked over here, in this right corner, I kept seeing
a big catty-corner table on a raised thing. I don't
know if that was a table or a piece of furniture, or
what. We'll call it a table-like object.
I felt like ..... as I was going down the hallway,
and I don't know how far it was. You know, if it was
past this large room, or if...... the back ..... looking
into a back room ..... large page two....
we'll call this going down this hallway ..... and making
a left .... as you made a left.... immediately on the left
I sensed there was a long room-- e., . And, that this
was some kind a place to eat.....
snack bar or something. I don't know what gives me
ghat impressi guess
the arrangement of furniture in there .... musky or
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like herbs, mushrooms, or something. A certain
arrangement of tables and chairs in that room, I
guess gave me that impression. But, going down
this hallway a little ways ..... there was a hallway
going off this way.... to the right, and, it went
down a ways and made left... and I sensed that...uh...
this is a smaller hallway, by the way. I sense
that both sides of this hallway were rooms of some
sort ...and, that this is where the hostages are...
and I felt, essentially, they were broken down into
half was on one half of the building and half was on
the other half of the building and the...uh...the..
t were in the ri t half. I'll
isolate how many to a room.. .and that.. .and whenever
I did that .... page three .... I was getting a very
clear impression of the-like a double thin wall...
like that, with people standing on both sides. I
don't know how to do this. With a small desk like
table on each side and a bed on each side. I don't
.... uh.... not much of an artist. . .and that these
walls, back here, were white. Now, I don't know if
I'm just looking at it without seeing the ceiling
and everything, but, that's the impression I'm getting.
There's was like a small lamp on each of these tables,
white shade. Just a little basic lamp.
And, I was seeing..uh..large, very large box type
machines. I don't know where these are. I sensed
they were like..uh..maybe to help identify an area
or something. They're li,,e.uh..large box machines.
They could be coke mac Ines. Almost '.anything. -I
don't know what the 'are. They're large box machines.
Same time I was ven impression of a raw of ...a
row of wall loc r type doors..,,arrd...uh..I was looking
at the upper ft hand ed df`'~these things, and it
looked like t is. (M ing) these doors with vents
and ound silver outline of a door handle.
I don't know. I was trying to see what was in these
wall lockers.... that's page four...I was trying to
see what was in these wall lockers, and every time I
tried to see in the wall lockers, I got impressions of
wires going like this five .... I couldn't..
you know .... this may be flat. I sure don't know what
the hell these are, but, for some reason I felt like
they were in the ceiling.
os ag
put.a star on the right half, to indicate die Marine
hostages were in the right rooms. Although, you
know I kept trying to.... uh.... I kept trying to
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#01 (Humbling) description I gave you on the people.
I.... that's just about all I can give you (mumbling) windows .... I didn't see any windows .... I sensed
there has to be windows in this building.... but, I
don't know. Don't ever see any windows.. .and I got
the impression like there was a box ..... the box type
room under the ground. (Mumbling)... just a very thick
wall concrete room..the door under the ground, for
some reason...and I...uh...for some reason associate
the lockers to that room. That's it, really. /
Boy, I'll tell you whoever does this one is going V
to have fun, 'cause I don't understand any of this.
#14 Ok. End of session.
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Approved For Release 2V-0941 lA:-RDP96-00788R000800310001-0
{.,13 i i_ #J a.P a iN2.. S1f.O..".
Y h( i13."4:?~. '0u b e X,.io.^ r tie 7 r # !~f; ?l` t re I.ia
as 1}i.1 J. as ciast;ified Gvt?3'F ie d iu jory . s #e :nevi
Lill C31 + i::; r d r ; .
2 I S At 4 i~: 'i.4 . of Lh : C;oo} '111, the vice :1 vas
t 1 l3r~
overhead imoy;ery-l o the US iboosy cu pou, din Teheran, Iron.
The area do i ii c oe as lrk ea I was pointed' i143... Ln thyicy ,-r- by
.}. .,.U F7. ? e i .y. r.,.i y io not included due to c nai s*iCat1Cn.
for session C 7 tvf1ich iiczta be i
Approved For Release 20 TP9iOb788R000800310001-0