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Approved For ReIeasec TE1DP96..00788ROOO8OO180001-5
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R000800180001-5
Approved For Release 200 - DP96-00788R000800180001-5
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol:(S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
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#66 This will be a remote viewing session edited
for security).
For the past fey minutes now, you have en studying
a photograph. Focus your attention ow, on the
area designated to you as area J Relax and concentrate
on area J. Focusing your attention on area J, describe
the area to me.
#27.5 (mumbling), I don't know...saw (mumbling)
stones...I see...uh..chandlier ..saw the door..square
foyer...steps going down..see a split level foyer..
steps going up on both sides. There's..uh..appears to
be three people on side foyer.
#66 Describe these people to me.
#27.5 They're..uh..they are Iranians and they're talking.
#66 Tell me what makes you say they're Iranians.
#27.5 I don't know. Just feel like they're Iranians. .
#66 All right.
#27.5 There's..uh..I don't think there is any basement in
this place. Just a lower floor when you come in.
There is...uh..some kind of an open area, and there is
tile floor. Big square tiles....light gray...gray and
brown tiles..some kind of tiles. There is. .appears to
be a desk in the foyer. Doesn't make sense. There is
a round kinthof desk in the foyer. There is someone
else sitting. They're talking on a radio.
#66 Describe the radio to me.
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#27.5 It is almost perfectly square. Maybe 17 inches
wide and about 17 inches it is about
a foot high and a foot deep(mumbling) the center.
Little black outlines over it, and there is..uh..
switches going on both sides.
#66 Describe the location of the radio.
#27.5 Sitting on the desk. (mumbling) behind the desk.
There is somebody eating in the room. Four or five
people eating in the room.
#66 Describe the people to me.
#27.5 They appear to be Iranian students. They have guns.
#66 Describe the guns to me.
#27.5 They are rifles. Some kind of rifles with clips
There are lamps on the tables...there are little tables
of lamps. There are eagles in the lamps. There's
a bookcase. Bookcase on a wall, and just chairs,
easy chairs. This room is fastened to..uh..some kind
of a kitchen. Kitchen is..uh..light shades of blue
a lot of darker to the tile and blue. Blue and gold
colors. There is..uh..three or four people eating in
here too.
#66 Describe these people to me.
#27.5 These are..uh..these are women. Some don't have any
guns. They're women. Iranian women. Dressed like
men, though.
#66 Describe their dress.
#27.5 They're wearing..uh..things like somehow field jacket
and dark pants, black pants and there's..uh.. (mumbling)
hoods on the jackets. There's..uh..looks like second
floor is just rooms.
#66 Tell me about the rooms.
#27.5 I sense they're bedrooms but there's no bedroom
furniture. There's. .furniture gone that should be there.
There's a built in thing like along the wall. I don't
know what that is.. .like a desk. There's people in
each room.
#66 Describe the people to me.
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#27.5 There's..uh..two people in one room, and I think
these might be hostages.
#66 What makes you say that? Tell me of your raw impressions.
#27.5 I get a trapped impression. Cage impression.
(mumbling) watching the door. They're not bound.
But they can't leave. (mumbling) there's one in
another room and there's two or three in another
room, there's three (mumbling) is on the left side
of the building..three rooms.
#66 Three rooms.
#27.5 Three rooms.
#66 All right. Move on through the building now.
#27.5 There's..uh..stairs go to another floor (mumbling)
Looks like a roof but it's another floor. There's
an elevator that goes to the third floor, too.
Like a small..small apartment. It's been ransacked.
I don't see anyone there.
#66 Ok. Move on through the building now.
#27.5 There's. .there's a room with a fireplace. It's on
the right hand (mumbling). There's cots in the room...
some kind of beds. They don't belong there. There's
no one there. It's like people sleep there. There's
two..two people on the roof by the apartment.
#66 Describe them to me.
#27.5 They're guards. (Mumbling) it is a big gun (mumbling)
#66 Describe it to me.
#27.5 It's on a tripod and there's broken glass...standing
on a piece of furniture and....broken glass around it.
I don't understar It's broken glass all around
it. an s by the corner. .0 niture and it's
..0 .half in and half out o ap tment. (mumbling)
Doe 't make sense. 1-1-s on the roof but it's in the
apartm s slot of broken glass. The guard
is by (mumbling)..he's on the roof. Doesn't make
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#66 Tell me more about the guard.
#27.5 He's..uh..looking in something. He's holding
..he's holding some... .he's looking in a reflector
..something. .holding glass..he's looking in a glass.
It's very cold there.. .windy and cold. I hear singing.
Some kind of a singing.
#66 Move now through the building and describe it to me.
#27.5 Think there's..uh..three parts to the building.
There's a right part and a left part and a front part.
There's alot of large rooms that are empty, but there.
.....there is a dining room maybe with 30 chairs and
a long table. Dishes there so I think that's a
dining room. Dishes and there's...uh...library
With a desk and two couches and (mumbling) else.
I can't put these rooms together, for some reason.
The floors...different floors that blend together.
Like they're not all in one spot. They're..floors
are different levels, and they're not all the same
floor. Many short steps. Feel like I'm far away.
There's two walls that have a lot of glass in them.
I feel like I'm high.. .high's a lot of cooking
and everyone is eating except the hostages_aren't eating
...very tired...that may not be right there's
..uh.. m Uling).-two-offices-Iike .(mumhitnig)-af-the
uilding. They're bedrooms with very tiny kitchen.
Like some kind of motel room like fastened to the
building. I don't understand.
Ok. We've been at this for quite awhile now. I have
no further questions about the target area J. I'd
like you now to make any additions, any statements that
you would like to make about the area before you draw.
#27.5 I think there's only..hostages here...only guards...
Marine guards...there appears to be a whiteness between
the hostages...a common thing...they may all be military.
Kind of young. Maybe they're all young (mumbling)
That's all.
#66 Ok. Fine. Sit up and draw then.
#27.5 I had alot of trouble deciding where the floors were
in this place. It was like they were all indifferent
stacked levels, you know.
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#27.5 I was just saying, I had alot of trouble telling
where the floors were in this place. Because they
were like all different levels, you know. But, I
got the impression, coming in the door, that there
were some kind of steps that went down...and there
were steps that went up on the right or the left,
both. This is like the entrance way...and there's
a chandelier right here. I'll draw a big circle with
big Xs in it; I don't know how to draw a chandelier.
These are up. This was down. I felt like there was
kind'a like a circular desk type thing...some circle
type arrangement here. I got the impression it was
something hard, like a desk top, and there's a radio
sitting on it. Now the radio is a very interesting
radio. I'm used to seeing flat, oblong type radios,
you know. More flat type than these kind.
Page two I'll draw what I think the radio was like.
This thing was maybe, I guess you'd say it was rectangle
but, it looked very square, boxy shape. It was like
..uh..this kind of a design on the front. Three white
(mumbling) marks on it. It was like a shield piece
here with a big knob, and there was switches over here
and switches over here. That's what a radio looks like
when you're remote view it.
#6.5 This guy was talking on that thing.
#27.5 Yeah. There was a guy sitting right next to it and
he was talking on it. I'll mark him in with my
circle and X. And then somewhere in this direction
was a large room. And, on the large room which will
be page three..felt like there was a door in the back
of the large room. We came in this way...I was like
I was standing in the large room looking in the direction
of the arrows so I...I didn't see any entrance way
behind me or anything, but, it felt like this was a
corner of the building.. .this heavy darkening corner
and this was a door that went to kitchen. I got the
impression that there were like small tables in here.
Signified by these blocks and...uh...some large chairs
or couches or something....big easy chairs, what they
appeared to ale. I might have been looking at ends of
couches, or something. And, their are people sitting
in here, and they were eating. On this side, over here,
were windows. I sensed that there was a window, over
here, and in the....oh, somewhere between this counter
and that large room, which I just felt like was to
the rear of that counter type thing, there was a floor
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with a square pattern, very large blocked type tile
floor sort of a light and dark pattern. And, if you
went in the kitchen page four...felt like if you
went in the kitchen I don't know how to draw this
because....ok....large room. If you went into the
kitchen, I got the impression that somewhere here, was
the sink and stuff and back here in this end of the
kitchen was a door that went that way and a door that
went that way, and there was like a table back here and
there was three people back here and they were all in
them. They were eating. I didn't sense any windows in
the kitchen, at all, but, there was a distinct pattern
of light blue and gold and alot of know..
the ceramic tile in blue and gold.
Then this big room there were four or five
people in there and then I sensed that there was a
different floor. I don't know how to explain this, but
it's like. ..if you were to say, how many stories are
in this building, you know, your first impression would
be to say two. When you ask how many floors are there
in the two stories you would have to say five or six.
That kind of impression. Like there are different sections
of the interior that are different levels, and, this
section of three rooms, I got the impression of a right
hand wall.
#66 This is on...what page now.
#27.5 This is on page five. Got the impression of right
hand wall, and there's three rooms. And, there's like
a corner here. When you come around the corner I got
the impression there was a railing of some sort,
which I will signify with these dots. Felt like the
railing was behind me as I was going diagnally across
this way, and their are stairs in this direction.
There's these three rooms, and this... .1 don't
you know, I don't have a feeling for the size of these
rooms...just I felt like they should be bedrooms but
there was no furniture in them. (mumbling)... .windows..
and there are people in here on these cots. Cots, or
mattresses or something....and there were two in this
room and there was one in this room ..three in that room.
Page six. I had a distinct impression of this thing
fasteneleto the building....this might be on the interior
of the building... .like there was a zigzag in the hallway.
And, there was two very large rooms, like apartments.
I got distinct impression of apartments this was
some kind of a counter or sink in the back. Something
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like you would find in a real swank hotel. The easy
chairs, you know, and the fold out beds and all that
this is a hallway of some sort. but, there was
nobody in there. I just got the feeling that it was
Seven e impression of, I guess you would call it
a wa 1 with an elevator. And, right next to it the
door, stairs, and this was like a large open room
with other rooms going off it. In someway, shape or
fashion. I don't know how to explain this, but this
was like another floor, but the roof and I felt like
this whole side and this whole side was glass, and
Itoover by this corner is a piece of furniture that is
half in and half out of it. There's some kind of a
large gun sitting on this piece of furniture and the4s
roken glass all around it. There was a guy standing
here and there there was a guy standing here. You could
walk out of this area and just (turned tape over)
This guy was standing here looking in some kind of a
glass. Maybe he's drinking something. I don't know.
I'm not sure if it's here or somewhere else. But, there
was a fireplace somewhere in that place. Big room
with books and a fireplace. Another big room looked
like a got the impression of a dining_ room. It
had a big table like a conference table but had alot
of chairs ....but there was dishes everywhere....I
think it's analytic that I called it a dining room...
but there were dishes there. It could very well be
a dining room. I had alot of trouble with these
different sections because they all appeared to be on
different floors. I don't know how to explain that.
I kept looking at the stairs trying to figure out just
how are these stairs arranged. I'll do it on the page
of the radio. I don't need to use another page for it.
(see page two)
I got the impression I was looking at the side that I
was looking at the this... .you
know.. .just multi-levels of stairs.
put that in a circle so I won't get it screwed up or
anything. oJust stairs going everywhere....up and down
....and sideways...little short....
#66 Write some words on it...stairs.
#27.5 Stairs. Little stairs going everywhere...just going
everywhere...that's what they were doing.
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#6.5 I think you described it excellent.. .beginning when
you were talking about a split leveltype arrangement.
#27.5 I get that impression like it..that it's multiple
split level. Split level is not very descriptive,
you know. It's like it is more than that.
#6.5 The..uh..door. What was the door like when you came
into the place?
#27.5 What was the door like? The front door is very
decoratively carved, heavy wood doors Two of them.
Two of them.
#27.5 Two of them. And, you go through the doors,
you're in like a very large foyer type thing that is
really not a foyer because it is split level. That's
the impression I got.
#6,5 And, this is down stairs.
#27.5 That's down the stairs. I sensed that as down the
stairs. I called it a counter because it's hard enough
to support the radio. I don't get a permanent impression,
though. I don't know if it's supposed to be there or
if it's not supposed to be there.
#6.5 If I came back up here, and went up these stairs, ok,
if you can visualize that, what would be right up here?
#27.5 I see nothing there at all. I don't sense any set
light. You know. Just a light area. It's possible
but, I don't see anything there #6.5. And that's
somewhere behind that counter thing, like to the rear
of that.
#6.5 Is this the area where you saw the bookcase also.
#27.5 Yes. There's a large bookcase there but I don't know
where it's at. I just kept getting flashes of a book-
#66 You haven't drawn one room you described on the tape
and that was the area you called a library with
books and fireplace.
#27.5 Oh. I can do that.
#6.5 Is the tiles that are light blue and gold or is it the
colors of the walls and everything?
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#27.5 That's the general color scheme of the entire room.
The color in the ceramic tiles is definitely blue
and gold. Like a light blue and gold mix...some
kind of pattern and design....that could be analytic.
Say Persian design but that would be stretching a point.
#6.5 These stairs are going down?
#27.5 I don't know. Just a feeling I had stairs and railings
behind me and that there was a 90 degree turn coming
coming down the hallway.
#6.5 Yeah. You had been talking about the hostages and
all of a sudden you said something about a stairway
going up. I am wondering if that's the one we are
talking about.
#27.5 If that's what I said that's very possible it's an's a down stairway from the hostages' room.
#6.5 Then you skipped ahead (not audible)
#27.5 Yeah. I don't know if that's really in the
building, but..on our own level or floor (mumbling)
up there in fact completely separated from the building.
I just felt like you would just have to walk away
from the building to get to those.
#6.5 In your summary you said that you felt all the
hostages might be Marines.
#27.5 Yeah. Marines, or young or there's some common
bond between all these hostages There is some
general descriptive thing. Something unique
in pattern wise.
#6.5 Now we are up in the roof. We got two guys up
there and we got one machine gun. Where is that?
#27.5 I don't know if that's a machine gun or not.
I get the impression that's a large gun. It could
be a telescope, I don't know. That's the impression
I get that's a large gun.
#6.5 You described it as a tripod with a gun.
#27.5 It's like some kind of large piece of furniture.
It's like this entire section was ripped out to put
this piece of furniture there, and there's broken glass
everywhere. This is all glass down both these sides.
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#27.5 I just get the impression this is a new floor,
entirely. but it's also the roof. Now this is
analytic, I don't remember seeing anything else
other than this big room with a couple of small
rooms off of it. May be a bathroom or something
off of it. I don't know what those small rooms were.
Looked like small apartments....that's what it looked
like. That's also the only place where I saw an
#6.5 You mentioned a room with a fireplace. You mentioned
a dining room and you mentioned a library. Might be
three different areas. I don't know.
#27.5 I don't know where the fireplace was, but, I did see
a library. I can draw you a picture of the library.
Page eight.
Got the feeling came in this door here. I didn't see
anything on the right but I saw bookcases all the
way down. I saw bookcases back here and I saw a
desk. I saw a large couch. Couple small tables
and lamps. That's it. Appeared to be a reddish
colored rug, like this out here.
#6.5 If I had a diagram of this whole building, where would
this be? Do you know?
#27.5 Where would this be? The extreme bottom floor, right
hand side (mumbling). If you were standing in front
of the door it would be the rear right of the building.
Either adjacent to or just in front of the place where
they were eating. I got that impression. Not the
dining room. The place where they were all sitting in
easy chairs and eating.
#6.5 Ok. Same question on this dining room. Where is the
dining room located?
#27.5 I don't have any idea. I just got a picture of a
light green room with a big long table...probably
30 chairs and dishes everywhere. I'm calling it a
dining room because of the dishes.
#66 Is there is anything you feel you would like to add
about your imagery? How you felt about this session.
Anything you would like to add at this point?
#27.5 No.
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,.)) ? 1 -2-e?
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: - P96-00788R000800180001-5
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he
would be working against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session the viewer was shown overhead
imagery of the US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The imagery is
not included herein due to its classification.
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