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Approved For Release 0 P96-00788 R000800140001-9 GRILL FLAME PROJECT SESSION REPORT CLASSIFIED BY: Director, DIA DECLASSIFY ON: 5 Dec 1999 EXTENDED BY: Director, DIA REASON: 2-301 C (3) (6) GRILL FLAME ~f-e IN I I I Approved For Release 000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R000800140001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800140001-9 T REM,"O`1'., VIE\;'ING (RV) SESSION CC20 This report documents a Remote V e,vi_ng (RV) session Collcu~ .c i in compliance \v_i_th a _rque~L from SOD, J3, OJCS, i.ShiIOI1, T).~. 1he purpose of the ~L.., 1C)I: ,`,'as to p c?T ici- iniorliff tloli relevant to the hostage s ii_tuation in the mbassy compound in Teheran, Iran. 2. v 1_lt',lei' s lip i cession of ~~ e ~l_r provide u. 2.~ raw intelligence i ata and as such have not been subject. to any i ntermedia.te analysis, evaluation or collation. Intern elation and use of the information provided is the r:_ ,pons ilit~ o the requestor. 3. (S) The ?nrrotoeol used for this session is detailed ill the docu e n ]_l ame Pro Locol , 1,1SAA Applied Remote Vie\ving Protoco S), unciaied. 4. IS a. transcript of the viewer ewer's impres,,;Jons the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawi_ng~z; made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. tit SALE B3 i target cueing inrorm~l.tion P`oN7j_C3Ot-A' 'the rep of e viewer. Approved For Release 200 .. '8/ Y'- : !ClA-RDP96-00788R000800140001-9 Approved For Release Oq`8(,07. ; CIA-RDP96-00788R000800 0001-9 1, 2 TRANSCRIPT -r ~/ l1 66 '.Phis will be a remote viewing session security). _ or the past. few minutes you have been studying a photograph. Focus your attention now on tt 'ove designated to you on the photograph as a ea C.;.-M now to area C focusing your attention. 1]fix! a-0a concentrate and describe the area to me. :E in:, some kind of Duel il._,ng that has a walk and a i, ire that comes out to it. Feel a long (murncAing) in front ...a long front face of this, structure ...n rrow three ,or four feet wide walk. It goes up to a main door. I think I'm on the other side of the thing from the yard. I en ei 66 the house to the right. There is a... several poles along that thing too. Give it the looks of a house or a.. .something like tha'.. Perceive a step up to get on that thing. I think I'm in like a carport or a. ..a sometn in:? like that. It seems open on the front siC e but seems black in the back and there's a funny peculiar jot; in it. Like a box sticks out into it. l-'ll go 066 Alright. Fine. Relax and concentrate. I :.eel that Vi-11 in a center. portion going 11.011-3 the wal.l.. I passed I th ink the el.t.r to this place seems to be a WOOdE'n door with small , glass ja110uujht. of seein(- i him turn like his tour is about 300 feet or so from about... in front of this place... looking out ...303 feat- to the right or so. Like he just strolls alon_l Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800140001-9 Approved For Release 2000703702 _ -. P96-00788R000800140001-9 f6.6 Move back now End focus on D, area D. Tell me more about this ar:,ea B. PhUSE 13l I got a good shot of ...... like round leath:_r stuff... like bean bag chairs. Right before, I had a feeling there was a...that I was at the hallway entrance and that there was a sofa type thing, black, under the main frost window, and along that other wall........ 1 ha i a fec ling of someone walking upstairs ..... not L:u;,stai-_-u;, upstairs. I'm up there now. (mumbling) s:.e time and , through the ceiling second floor when I came I had the feelin'.i there wags someone a< .:ing down tie hallway, right at me. My first impression was it was a woman. Long skirt down to m, id-calf, dark skirt and wearing some kind of cloggs or so-nothing. I had her turned into...down the end of he hai_J....des;cribe it..... the other end of the building and I saw her go into... like she made a right turn, went inside, sat down and crossed her legs. It was all one sweeping motion of feeling, you know. But, no:-,w I'm down there and trying to find out ,ghat is happening. She didn't..... she was not carrying anything.. ...she was empty handed when she came over me...... she...uh il n I'll describe it as though it was a room built like a ...the feeling I have is .it's built like a restaurant booth. My feeling the woman- moved through the door, shifted to her left, began to turn and sit down at the same time and avoided a table edge, seated herself on a bench next to a wall, with this low thing in front of her which occupies much of the room area and cross her legs, and Go-] knows what she's doing, or %,.hen she was ever there. Ga Tcll men a l itt_ Le hit more about area D, hFwre. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800140001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800140001-9 ,431 I'm afraid I can't. I don't know. I'm just not getting anything. 1166 Ok. That's fine. Let's stop now and do some c1rawing. r31 Ok. we go.. .first fleeting impression.. I was looking at a.... what do ...want to ca' T. T'iiat's what made me think that I was there, because this was a wall. 466 Ok. Make your lines nice and dark there. r3l Ok. And it was like... this has a low tile roof or someLhing...and the second thing has a low tile roof. That was the image I was using, the target with but t._hat's the first thing I saw. For what worth it is. l;ltllOUi~ !1, I got ~:, G,_..g ',.h:.-,hat some sort- of a Then, 1i?1.. feeling drive, and here on thy:' right... there was a big overhang here... like I was looking out and under this overhang. Here on the right side of this drive was a wall. In back in here I'm in tho hade...gnd that this was some kind of a waikw,y. Th:t is the hypothetical end of the inclosure. a front porch.... that went down to this door. Something in here jogs and I don't know wha,_ worth it or what good it r,uch for floor plan. This is a door-you know Florida jaJ_louse...Pan,::ra jailouse windows ...... you know what I mean .... jaIlouse glass about that thick. Porch overhang ..... long porch... that's dark enough... that's three. Ok. four. What did tt ifl -j . I find that ei .. interest-!,O P~ 11 ?,66 Insido arcl C here.... z 7 ' 11 dT_ aw ty re ~l ler_ ; they're not. that i ,~~~ress? ~. C. Feclinq eaoo~tic;l framed doo~_ , w >den f ~~-r.. d _}al_1_o use r~ :~d