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Approved For Relea _ . ,,,A-RDP96-00788R000800060001-8
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation_
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA-Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
?71 ,
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#66 This will be a remote viewing (edited
for security).
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and
concentrate now. Focus your attention.
You have a photograph of two individuals
Focus your attention on those individuals,
on their location. Relax and concentrate.
I have provided you with the approximate
geographic coordinates of the area and the
target for today. Relax and concentrate.
Focus your attention, and describe the area
to me.
+05 #31 Uh...I see a...getting this feeling of...
looks like a...see a light brown all wall
or something and it's a.. .urn got a beveled
ton. I think...a compound wall. I have a
feeling of...that I (mumbling) and (mumbling)
...a large opening with lines going down...
and a...metal work (mumbling) metal work
inside. And I could see through it. Um...
I couldn't tell if it has...seems to have
two sides. There's something funny about
the right hand side. It has something angled
across it.
I'm on the other side now, inside. I had the outside...uh...had the funny feeling
...uh...that right inside the gate there was
(mumbling) slovenly dressed. First (mumbling)
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...and and browns
with a...felt as though he had something
long and tubular by his right leg. He was
standing inside, but off side.. .behind the
wall. I have a.. .I'm inside now.. .swinging
+09 to my left...uh...there appears to a...
be a little distance from the wall a..a like
15 or 20 feet is a structure a. .on my left
#66 Describe the structure.
#31 I'm trying to swing to it. I will swing to
it here.
#31 (Mumbling)...I...try to refocus.
#66 We have plenty of time. Just relax and
concentrate. Relax and concentrate and
describe the target to me.
#31 I...a...(mumbling) somebody at the interior
corner of the wall at the back of this building.
...the seems to be light, possibly...uh...
+14 three or four stories high. There is a...
some sort of a narrow front step area leading
into the front of this place. Like, like it
may be a.. .a small, steps leading up to a small
front porch, but it's sandstone or stone and
cement and got a...this funny thing front porch
is a.. .encased in a cement wall. It's not an
open thing. Looks like maybe something like a
dormitory (mumbling) building. It doesn't appear
to be real wide.
#66 Alright. Move now up over the top of the
+16 building. Move up over the top of the building
and describe it to me.
#31 It's a.. .1 a...(mumbling)...a recessed roof.
Uh, some kind of a lip around the roof. (Mumbling)
...want to put a flat roof in there. I have
something in the.. .something that's square
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in the the back right corner (mumbling)
on the roof. It's.. .in the back right corner.
Box or something in there.
#66 Floating above the roof now, floating above
the roof and looking down, describe it to me.
#31 Feeling is very nearly square...very nearly
square. Looking down at it from a different
view had this feeling it had an X going through
it, corner to corner, corner to corner. Some
sort of a design or a.. .marking of some kind.
Roof now appears to be a...darker shade...uh...
#66 Ok. Tell me about the areas surrounding
+20 the building, holding your perspective above
the building, tell me about the area surrounding
the building.
#31 On a...two sides...uh...the right side, the
back a dead space abounded by the
wall. Let me try to get in there. All I see is open space...uh...seems like the
back space narrower than the side space...uh...
seems that the other side of the building...
I'm getting a funny backward 6 shape.. .some kind
of a aerial pattern of a road, maybe, but anyway
to go seems the road narrow walks
space on the other side of the building and then seems that there is a, structure there,
which -i-s_rather_a?,lower-drie or one and a half
stories tall. I guess small crack passageway
between them. I get the feeling that's tiled
or something in there. Like maybe a rain gutter,
or something. Funny thing is that a...I want
to say this building is got a low peak roof.
#66 Ok. At this time I have no further questions,
right now. So at this time I'd like you to
gather your thoughts together and perhaps make
+24 any comments that you want to add at this time
and prepare to draw.
c " ?
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#31 Uh...this side...uh...I feel shade around
me on the other side of whatever this open
space is and possibly...uh...a little structure
inside...with trees behind it...across the
street. I had the distinctive feeling that
there was a six shape here like something
like maybe...uh...a straight line with a circula7
drive off of it.
Uh...going back to the gate...oh...I was working
the tall building...uh.,.I had this feeling
that there might have been several high windows
in that which looked over the wall. In the
right hand of that ri...of the one of those
high windows I felt that there was somebody in
there. I mean somebody looking out. Like a
watch person.. .and I remember that when I was
up above the place.
#66 Ok. I'd like you to draw your impressions now.
What you had.
#66 Get you some light.
#31 Noisy enough today, wasn't it.
#66 Let's try to draw your lines real dark here.
#31 Ok. I had a.. .there was something on that. I'
don't know. I'm drawing a round shape on top
Of that thing, but I don't know. But here
...not as big as that though, more like each one
of them...vertical metal bars, ok...that makes
'em look too big and thick, they're not. There
just little.. .bars about an inch and a half,
inch bars at the most. They're like this
black. That looks better. Ok. I had this...
I had the impression of like this kind of work,
curveness and I had an impression of a curve over
the top. Ok. Then I had an impression of another
curve here Some kind of.. .1 don't know how
they're connected there...alright...and with a
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some sort of a buttress on each side of it, ok.
Looking like that. Alright, this is the in
thing I wanted to say. There's something funny
about the right hand side of this thing which is
not like the other side of it which might be a
little.. .it's as though there's something across
this thing that is shaped like this. Ok.
It's as though, when I first got there, I was
standing with my back to this buttress, looking
down the side of this gate thing. Turned to look
at it, and it looked like there was something
sitting right here by my eye that was shaped like
#66 Ok.
#31 Alright. Um...this was going the other way
into the background. I had the feeling that
there was beveled. You follow what I
#66 Uhm...
#31 It had a beveled top on it. Flat white. It
was lighter. This was dark...this was like
dark sand and this is a light beveling.. .ok.
#66 Uhm.
#31 And that's the corner of the compound, ok. So
much for that. That's all I saw to start with.
Then inside and through the gate, I'll just
draw a little bit of it here to give you the
flavor of it, right around that right, left hand
corner, I had the feeling there was a guy in there,
but just standing and looking to the right. It
wasn't like he was standing and looking out the
gate and it wasn't like you could almost.. .you
could see him. It was as though he was standing
back in here behind the corner a little ways.
Like three feet. So when he'd look out the gate
he'd look out this way into the foreground of
this.. .of sketch number one because he couldn't
look right straight out. Ok. There's the man now.
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When I hopped through the gate.. .1 ended Up
with (mumbling) kind of looking back at it
ok. I kept that thing...that double hump thing
just kept coming back. I didn't talk about it
at first. Finally it was there long enough
that I figured it was right. This is where
the guy was standing. He was like standing
right from there. (mumbling) a sloppy hat on
his head. On his right side he was...he had
a...a..let me show you from the right side
because that's the way I actually saw him.
I saw him as I was coming through the gate.
Impression I had was of his other side. Main
thing about it was this...I got
a definite feeling of that kind of stuff when
I.. .when I went passed it.. .holes in a barrel
ok, that kind of thing.
#66 Huh. That's funny looking thing.
#31 Just like that. Ok. That's this guy here.
Sketch four. Ok. Urn.. .0k. Way down here
in the corner, then.. .beveled top on that
sucker...heres the side of the building.. .ok..
looks more like that...alright...and this would
be about the front of the building here because
it's off-set. It's set back from where this
is. I think I've perceived two...if this is
three stories, in the top story window is a
man...and I had a feeling...when I first went
through that gate I had as I was looking down
that I took a look down what I think is just
open didn't feel there was anything
cramed in there. I felt it was just like an
open walkway...I felt there was another guy
standing down here...right in the he
had to walk around...back in this corner or something
...and there was a man looking out that way....
over wall...all I can do is just give you a
quick one of this other thing...
#66 Ok.
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#31 Oh. I'll do it on another one.. .1 felt that
this was a slightly peaked roof...there was
only about and a half type stories...
ok.. .but I felt that there was this...funny tilei
...passageway through there...I had the feeling
like rain gutter almost.. .and here was the edge
of that big building...the left edge of that big
building...ok...right down here like this it was was was funny because I had
this definite feeling it was just like one guy
could run or walk down this thing without going
sideways, but that was about it.. .like a rain
gutter...ok...and here's that building. This
one on the right. Five is to the right of number
six. Alright
I had the funny feeling that the front.. .on the
front on the right side over on
the right side of this building was some funny
kind of front porch apparatus.. .and it was off-
set. Everything was weird. It was off-set to
the right, ok. This is actually a porch,
although the perspective isn't going to show it
that way.. .I'll draw it in there so it looks
like a porch.. .that looks like a box...(mumbling)
...little perspective there...that's a better
way to do it, I guess, ok. Windows, or anything
like that, I'm not too sure of. I had the feelitg
of a lot of concrete and everything, but I really
didn't have a feeling for a whole bunch of
windows or anything like that in the structure.
(Mumbling).. .like older, ok. six. Now seven.
#66 You mean you had a feeling...tell me about
the windows.
#31 ...that there windows but that it was an older
structure and that there weren't an awful lot.
I didn't get the feeling that.. .that they were
different.. .you know.. .they weren't like huge
plate glass windows or anything like that...I
didn't really get much resolution, except over
here on.. .when I had the definite impression of
a guy looking out of a window. But on the front
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of this is essentially blank.. .1 just didn't
pick up any...any. feel for windows at all
#66 Ok. Although, you said that you think there
might be windows there.
#31 There may be, yes. But, I couldn't tell you
there are three across the bottom and there
about ten feet square.. .1 had no feeling
for anything.
#66 Alright.
#31 When you put me on top of the place
ok...there's a guy, there's a guy, there's a
guy. I had the fe....ok...this is what I was
going to say is here...there's the steps
and like this is the porch area here...see
how it's off-set. I'll dot that line in there.
...really go all the way down, 'cause I don't
have it there...ok...(mumbling)...wall...alright
ok...this is what I'm getting at. I had this
feeling that somewhere...narrow passage, I better
darken these up a little bit...ok. Alright.
Somewhere in here there was something that was
like a backward six, ok.
#66 Now, is that a...are you locating that image
on the ground there...
(turned tape over)
#66 You were saying about being above the roof.
#31 Yeah.I...when you put me above the roof, I had
the feeling that there was this X feeling...
that there was something square in this corner
and that I was looking down at this six figure
out to the left of it...this thing that was a
backward six just came...just kept coming back
to me. I had the feeling it was something big,
though. It wasn't just some minor little
thing stuck somewhere. So, I'm like locating
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it there because I think that's where it
would a drive and a (mumbling)
out, or something like that...uh...right at
the end of the session you asked me if I had
anything to add, and I had the feeling that
there might have been a small shack here and
that there were some trees inside the compound
on this side...ok...but that.. .over here where
I had been working all this was...
there were no trees I had the
feeling more like it was out in the open...
you know.. .that there wasn't any big vegetation
around or anything. Let me darken this one
up while I'm here. Ok. This is what I was
telling you the bottom right hand
corner of number six.. .you see.. .that's a
wall's not like it's an open porch...
it's not screened in or anything like that...
you see what I mean.. .it's walled in. It's
just the front of the building.. .and that's a
porch just on the other side of it there.
Ok. Six is up done. Ok. seven is up done.
#66 Is there anything else you want to say?
#31 No. This is a box. I want to write here
#66 Ok.
#31 I feel about average about this session though.
I don't feel there's an awful lot of stuff
distracting me...seemed like no sooner we get
started then...uh...
#66 You felt a lot of distractions.
#31 Well.. .sort of half-and-half...mediocre...
you know what I mean. I really had to work
to get it.
#66 You don't feel like it was a super duper session.
#31 No.
#66 Ok. Then that will do it.
(77.V77. 7
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