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Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-007888000700130007-5 Isaac ~. Armstrang, Jr. January 6, 182 Hqs. Dept. of the Army Washington, DC X0310 Attn: ACSI Subject: Cxeneral Dozier kidnapping Gentlemena I work psychically to help to solve criminal cases and would lilte to pass slang the following i~~~tez?pretation: 'I'he general is alive but ~aentally and physically distressed. He is going through a closely monitored program of torture; which is primarily related to the use of drugs and brainwashing tech- niques. :He is being transported from place-to-place, mostly in the environs o.f Verona or Vicenza, and usually in a yellowish- green vehicle (possibly a van). There is an advertising sign on the vehicle containing the letters A C (arid/or K) and Z. Among the numbers identifying this vehicle will be ~., 11, and iq. Possibly the product or services pertains to religious items such as artifacts or clothing and/or a newspaper, One of the points at which the general is kept is on a hilltop 10 kilometers WNW of the apartment where he was kid- napped. My National Geographic map shows that this might be on either side of the Adige River, but probably near the high- way to Trento. When you are 10 kilometers WNW (on a direct line as measured on the map) WNW of that apartment, look east or slightly ESE. Also involved,~aerhaps at the above location is a hilltop or mountain-top hunting area where the land is relatively open with patches of trees. The building cauld resemble a barracks or horse stables and ammunition is stored in it Yugoslavia as an area or a political faction is involved in some way in this situation, as are some of the OPEC nations, Look for information in Trieste. The group is a far-ranging, loosely knit international alliance that is religiously dedicated to its principles. `1~he labor movement/s are actively sponsoring it. The kidnappers actually did their work for hire involving m substantial pay- ment of cash. One ar more of those involved are or have been journeyman. plumbers. However, the key is a woman described as follows: Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-007888000700130007-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-007888000700130007-5 General Dozier cooperated with this woman in a project in the autumn of 1q6,, but the "coaperatiotl" ended in a series of persanal frustrations. A fang trip for a funeral and perhaps a romantic alliance occurred during their acquaintanceship. Physically she is medium height ('S"~, slender build but big breasts, jaundiced, yellowish complexion, dark brown hair, oval face with small, delicate features. Her eyes are dark" her voice small ar~d shrill. Her age is 38-~5 and she may hs,ve been barn on ar about Sept. 12th. Hex? disposition is neat, orderly, quiet and demure. She i.s a hard worker and loves tY~e earth. Maternal in nature she acr:epts much responsibility for little pay" is dutiful, meek and undemanding. Her parents have been a drudge to her, the mother an alcoholic and the father overly critical, and they may be help-- irag tca take care of General Dozier now. There were many changes in her early environment, domestic upsets, incomplete education, fear of her father. Her mother's problems (possibly the need for funds) are crucial to this woman"s involvement in this matter. I. D. Numbers include 1q, 26, 2 and 20. She may have a name similar to Virginia.. Initials may be R and I3. Others involved include the following males #1 - A leader who is boastful and self-promoting, has a Utopian, communistic outlook, and an engaging personality unless he has been drinking too much. Unfortunately he does over--imbibe frequently. Age mid-thirties. Possibly he is a former athletic star who loves horses. He is tall (5'31" to 6'1"~, weighs about 185 lbs. but is not paunchy. He is well-built, rugged-looking- has a ruddy complexion mottled with white spots, clear cut features an a long face, large light blue eyes, and light brown or blond hair. T. D. r-umbers '~, 11, lq. Letters Z, C (CC, CK or K), and ~. ~2 - A youth about 20 (perhaps in his teens), tall and slender (6', 150 lbs.), large-boned, long-legged, ruddy com- plexion, large nose, oval face, dark gray eyes, dark brown hair. He is rash and impulsive, ardent but quick. in love affairs and dashing madly after any skirt he sees, ener~~;etic but ner- vous and jumpy. His mind is shallow and filled with inconse- quential and inaccurate information. He will tell you incorrect facts because he just does not bother to learn the right ones. He may be or plan to be a law or ministerial student. He is at the end of hie rope personally and financially. He is fond of sports that involve chasing or racing. His I. D. numbers are 1, 7, 19. Letters A, Z, Q. Z hope this information helps your investigative team in Europe and will be pleased to try to fill in any missing details< Vey?y truly yours, Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RQ~~6~-cQ0~88~,~07-~-r