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Publication Date:
December 10, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07"#
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R0 0116001`
Approved For Release 2000/08I , , P96-00788R000700110001-3
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document GRILL FLAME Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S),
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07~'?ClA-RDP96-00788R000700110001-3
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#72: This will be a remote viewing session for 10 December
1981 with a start time of 1000 hours.
It is now 10 o'clock. Our target for today is the man
whose photograph you have been shown. His name is
Relax and concentrate on
Tell me where he is now.
#27.5: Get an impression of city pattern like...around center
road with large circle in the middle and small circles
on the end. Give me just a minute.
...modern buildings... under construction some old, older
buildings, older buildings. Keep getting this pattern of
a C440r& way or an open area in this city. Seems like a
long runway with circles on each end, and large circle in
the center. See a river.
#72: From what perspective are you reporting?
#27.5: I'm not sure. I get one view of the side of a.....side, ground level, and it's just block buildings.
....and then there's block buildings, very modern architecture.
#72: What is the temperature outside at the building?
#27.5: Perceive cold. It's been cold. Not a lot of people want
to be out. Don't see any snow or ice or anything, though.
#72: What are the people wearing who 044, kZ
#27.5: I don't see any people. Just a minute.
There's been snow here. People are wearing very. heavy
coats-, like around.their ears.... like there's a very large
river that's,.... runs from northeast to southwest. That's
sort of southeast of the city. Get a lot of French and
English....... Keep getting this circle pattern with a
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CJF,TFTM, bmW8R000700110001-3
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~.? #27.5: ....runs back perpendicular from the water..... small
circles, large circles, small circle,ismall circle...
a lot of foot traffic ... city has a subway system....
but traffic.....very windy.
#72: How do you get to subway car?
#27.5: Inside buildings.....inside......just like they built
Malls over the, the entrances.
#72: Go down the Mall to where the subway cars are.
#27.5: All right. Double's.a double T corridors
shaped like T intersecting Ts.
four tracks, maybe.
#72: Where do you buy a ticket?
#27.5: See single, single booth, very narrow, tall, skinny,
booth's like a door....somebody goes
there and walk in the middle of this tall, skinny
area... escalators, underground escalators.
#72: Why don't you buy a ticket?
#27.5: Don't need one. Just walk and get. on. Keep gravitating
back to this circle and white path. See tall, five-
story townhouses.. Streets are paved. All American
cars.. All American vehicles. See very, very few foreign
.......see subway pattern. Just a minute.
It's like.... square-inserts .... can't tell. if it's a
dropped ceiling or a pattern in the wall.... it's got
a checkerboard pattern. Large squares, 2 by 2; two
by two feet.
#72: Relax, relax, content
Where in this city is
#27.5: See...three railroads off.the...road just...left of
the. large circle. in the runway goes up
like many blocks. Serves three radial roads that
initiate there and they run off on the left between
first and second radial road is tile. I see like
a triangular area of streets;across from a large street
there's a large, brown hotel, very run down........
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :-MI 700110001-3
#27.5: Apparently, they're apartments. Very bare. I get
flashes of dirty, white walls. Get flashes of
many foreign students........... Just a minute.
Appears to be a long,, low building across the street....
It's got..... with lights....... blue sign...long section,
no windows, just.vertical black stripes............
Kind of a continuing section of other, other building.
It's a one-way street.... place to park is behind. It's
one-way street exits in front of the brown building
across the street. Entrance foyer has got ........
no elevators. Brown building's maybe eight stories,
no elevator. It's a American city. Orange rug, orange
pattern. The walk-up has got split level staircase.
Something's wrong with the windows. They're not secure.
They're open. Road in front is four-lane, but outside
lanes are blocked with parked cars. Trees growing between
the sidewalk and the street.
#72: Relax, concen
the hotel is
#27.5: Keep coming out on a third floor landing...hallway runs
left and right.....left,.left,
left.side. I get a.......... just a minute.........
get an impression like there's supposed to. be like a
room 317 or 3-7-1, something. Only the seven's there
though. The other numbers are gone. It's like there
is this impression of the numbers being there. Door is
light brown. Stained latex paint. Inside got a......
whole floor pattern coming to a large room, closet,
right, bedroom right, kitchen left, bathroom :'.left. I
saw two windows, three windows...... one window in
kitchen, one window. in large room, one window bedroom.
Large room's only 10 by 12 max...bedroom is small.
#72: Okay. Now, go to the window in the large room and look
out. What is the most interesting thing you see?
#27.5: Facing window........ see backs ....~..:i.. of buildings
seeing throe h buildings... two o'clock. Apparently,
hotel with4haped arches doesn't fit city architecture.
That's. approximately four city blocks distance. Just a
minute. Three o'clock right of that see a school, three
story L shaped school sitting on a higher piece of ground.
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#27.5: Other direction....... 9:45.......... can..:t tell if
it's a bridge.or road through park.....very edge
of park got tall, old fashioned lamps .... maybe further
left than 9:45. Center of city isn't visible from
window. It's like 4-o 'clock, 3:45, 4 o'clock
#72: All right. Relax, relax, concentrate on SG1A
Why is SG 1 A
of interest to US intelligence?
#27.5: I just got a tremendous concentration on him...I just
got a tremendous stuff of information. See table, chair
part. of couch covered with maps and papers.. See money
.....some kind of radio or piece of electronic-equipment.
Getting of feeling of management organization .......
Think he's more important than just courier type person.
He's....key.player in some managed scheme of things.
Some ploy..... organizer. Get impression of funds from
like two, three origins coming together as part. of
organization. Not.a paymaster, but a user of funds to
organize something. See collective playing of three,
possible four elements involving perhaps 20 people.
#72: What does the plan relate to?
#27.5: I'm to get that...... only thing I'm
getting is......see string of like safe places for
interim storage of something....people. It' he's
organizing the spread of operations on the basis of
some kind.....f or secure storage of.people or material.
Ultimately, a.... ultimately, to stage s,ome_p,mul.tiple /
incidents, scenaria....getting an awful lot of overlay..
#72: All right, relax, concentrate. In your room there's a
piece of electrical equipment. Pick it up. Tell me
about it.
#27.5: Almost perfectly square, 3 inches thick ...8 by 8 inches.
Black ........inset group of knobs off side, double
switches right side. It's singularly manufactured piece.
Like.custom made...has coded, coded outputs...different
frequency outputs. Might be some form of initiator type
device... like bombs, automated detinators...sudden-_osre_-
whelming impression of bombs for some reason. Saw...
shoebox sze,_sophisticated plastio.type,....bomb constructed
with. electronic device attached. I don't know if this
is_.overlay. I was just overwhelmed. with these bomb type
devices, for some reason... ............................
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : j196-00788R000700110001-3
#27.5: Very destructive. SG1A
#72: Relax, concentrate, relax, concentrate on
Today is 10 December 1981. I
want you to go for d in time to 17 December 1981
....Tell me where will be. SG1A
#27.5: Just a minute.
#27.5: See a purple van....some kind of gold pattern on the
side.....kindof.... parked under the trees like in a
park area.....see snow on the ground now, for some
reason..... like some snow and ice slush. Trying to
find something here. See what looks like (not
audible)....A lot of people. It's night time. as well.
Seen with a small radio and this black device.....
Two women, young women sitting in this van.
#72: All right. I want you now to wait, wait, wait.....
(Tape turned over)
#72: All right.. You were describing two women in a van,
with a black box. Continue.
#27.5: Seems like he's just waiting...... See... it's
overlay....keep blowing things up in my head. I just
see him waiting. I don't......
#72: Relax, concentrate. Return to 10 December 1981,
10 December 1981. You are back in the hotel room,
brown hotel, third floor. In the hotel room were some
maps and papers. Describe for me the maps.
#27.5: Predominant color is, blue, green, but the
predominant color is red. Streets are indicated as all
white. Very large, detailed city type map. Appears
to be three or four, three or four special like tourist
maps. Like blow up. sections of out of. scale type representa-
tions of key areas....impression_of subway schedules,
bus way streets very important. Pattern
of traffic flow of .constant study .... many references to
p i1terns...traffic ..times" ofit at different lights
Past references to observe blockages, streets, observe
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ?P188R000700110001-3
#27.5: notes observed snarles in traffic..........
concentrations of peoples for some reason....
#72: I want you to look at the large scale tourist
interest areas of the map. What are the principal
area of interests in that tourist blow up?
27.-5: Just got my impression of three circles in the runway
again. Keep getting words key, keEy...Just like this
is key of city. Getting periphial circles now. I
don't know if I'm mentally circling it....circling
areas or if they are circles. Got an impression
events he initiates wi 1 be concentrated. pretty,
.41TAc'ity block area. Get a
much regulated to aljLQ-
eight sided star pattern_in.a squsre....when I
concentrate on the four square city blocks I get a
radiating eight point star pattern for.some reason.
See strategic place for trash cans.....external
trash cans like drums .... 55 gallon-drums.
quite out of left field probably very. important.
Trash cans! Green trash out to
have white tops or that's ice-or snow on top of the
green. That's all I'm getting. I'm starting to lose
-MNK\,SGRIPT UQ1.>TIwes P:T TN-16 At
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GOMME ff s O N3 VRAWIk4%
#27.5: Okay. Page 1.
#72: Now before you do page 1, let's talk about......
##27.5: Oh, let's save him for last.
##72: Okay.
Page 1 is the three-circle combination. This is an
impression of the three-circled runway. It's like
three circles superimposed over a long, wide, broad
runway type affect. Coming out from the one side of
it in this inner circle is this one maim road that
intersects the circle with the three sprayed out roads
that I talked about. an interconnecting triangle
across which the hotel or apar.tment.buildingis located.
I drew a dotted line around-that area. I blow it up
in a later page. The cross hatch pattern represents
a general flow of actual streets that overlay these
main roads. Which means it's probably a modernization
of an older city...infmy mind, that's appears
to be. I also got a mix of old and new buildings.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : Cl
#27.5: The older buildings really
good shape. They weren't slum areas or anything.
Page 2 is a blowup of the triangular street area in
which I've indicated what I considered to be a bar
type building...long, low silhouetted bar.type building
across from the hotel, which I'll label A. There's
two sides to this hotel so I divide it with a dotted
line. The X indicates .the place near the window on the
third floor. There's a building to the rear that's also
depicted the back of th~building. You can't see through
that. All you can see is. garbage and junk-at the bottom.
There appears to be at B brown stones that interconnect
that go away from the building to one side. And C is
another building on the other side which appears to be
an additional apartment building, and D across the street
is the.more residptial type brownstones. Incidentally,
the roads, I've indicated the singular direction roads
...the one-way roads with arrows and the label. one-way.
-way ay road ...... four
i~e front road, of course, is a two
#72: You label them as brown stones. Is that indicative of
their color, description or is that just a generic
#27.5: No. Just a generic term. They're all different sizes.
Generally, about the same size....three to four stories,
full basements....very narrow, all interconnected.....
walk up type ramp entrances. A lot. of iron bars. I get
an impression of a lot of iron bars. Sleezy neighborhood.
What I consider sleezy. Incidentally, the long, low
silhouetted bar.type building across the street is all
interconnected and the whole string of shops and things
over there.
Page 3 is an actual drawing .f the face of the building
is a plain structure. I mean.very little identifying
features. The left hand entrance or section A...there's
a recessed double glass door with some kind of a fog
glass pattern engraved in it. Possible two or three step
walk rails. Everything in this building is. in
threes. I get sets of three windows on both sides......
All apartments are identical ....where the stairs go
they're switch back stairs. They go up half.f light
and double back, half flight and double back. At.the
half flight level.there is a window facing the rear,
but not the front. There's trees. in front of the building
between the sidewalk and the road. As in shown. in the
picture the building shown in the rear is possibly
two stories taller. Much larger than a hotel.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : Cl 788R000700110001-3
#72: Would you say the hotel is about 8 stories high, roughly?
#27.5: Roughly seven or.eight. I can't tell if it's seven and
a full basement or.eight.
#72: But in that neighborhood.
#27.5: Yes. And, it's also, when I say it's brown, it's like
a light tan with a lot of dirt. You know, dirt streaks
under the's a dingy look.
#72: Okay. How about the front of the hotel? Trees......
#27.5: Oh, yes. There's trees between the sidewalk and the
street. Like a-double wide sidewalk. It goes right
from the wall of the hotel to the trees which is only
two or three foot open space.
Page 4. is a artistic rendition of what I perceive to be
out the back window of the hotel room. Twelve o'clock
means looking straight away. This is like a top view
looking down the edge of the window looking straight
the window would be 12 o'clock. At 2. o'clock I
depicted an example of the Moorish...:....:.. windows
in the building approximately 4 city blocks away.
At 3 o'clock parallel to the back wall of the building
looking out the window is a school somewhat shaped like
the drawing I've done. Distinctive L, double layered
L pattern to it. That's at 3 o'clock and that's about
6 blocks distance. At-about 9:45, eight blocks distance,
there is a like rise or bridge with a road that's either
in a park or on the edge of a park. And, it's got old
fashioned light stanchions all the way over-the bridge.
You can't see any of this from the back window without
looking through the building.
Page 5 is a drawing of the actual van location.
Incidentally, all of.this row was packed with
cars all the.way down. Car....and this van which is a
... it is about 150 meters down.the end of the sidewalk
from the first trash can. I just have a ground pattern.
I don't know if this sidewalks or pathways or gravel.
But, I got an impression that there was this grouping
of trash cans, and there's like a J symbol there as well.
I.don't know if that's.the edge of the walkway or a curb
but, the impression that I had was right out of left field.
I.wasn' I just got this information dumped
about trash cans.....this clustering of trash cans....
and the detination of) of ice and everything...I feel is
very, very important. In the upper left hand corner
I'll label B as an example of the trash can.
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#72: Are these the actual number of trash cans or just
a representation?
#27.5: That's a representation of how they're patterned.
There just seemed to be an abnormally clustered or
placed....... and I just got this impending danger
about trash cans.
#72: If you would see one of these trash cans......
#27.5: You'd throw your empty soda bottle in it. Wouldn't
pay any attention to it.
#72: Not unique to any of the other trash cans which would
#27.5: No. There are trash cans like this all over the
#72: Okay. And, they were built to be trash cans. Not,
say a cut off oil drum which was rolled down and placed
there and people throw trash in it.
#27.5: I'd be speculating on that. They look like oil drums
painted green to me. They might have been manufactured
by the same people who make oil drums, just to be trash
cans where they double the price and the city gets to
pay through the nose.
And page 6 is a drawing of the T shape intersecting
concourses for the.subway. That's the only thing I
can think of to draw to show generally what the subway
looks like. The upper end empties into a Mall area
of some kind. The downward legs of the next intersecting
section of Ts are escalators, and I feel like the bottom
portions of the legs of the T are straddling the track
area. This is only one area. I happened to be in this
one section of the subway. So, it may be different in all
the other locations. And, there's a pattern like the dimples
on a golf ball. I'm fuzzy now whether it was.octagontal
or hexagontal or square or what the hell it was. But,-it
was an indentation, regular type pattern. It might have
been ........ it reminds me of what they call pan construction.
It's.a way of laying in steel reinforce concrete,-but
.lightening the construction. It takes away X amount of
square footage of concrete.. It's relatively modern y
technique which would indicate the subway's probably
less than 15 years old. That's all I got.
Oh, there is one thing I want to add. Let's. talk about
this guy. I got some distinct impressions about the
individual against which I was targeted. My first and
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#27.5: ....primary instinct about the guy is that he's
extremely intelligent. You know, I.look at this
photo and I don't see any intelligence here at all
but I was struck during the session with his ability
and his intel.ldct...very ,very high. I also get an
impression that his background is very poverty type
stricken type background.and I don't.meanthat in a
porocial sense, but I mean like he came out of background
where he had no alternative into an area where he sort
of created his own life style. I get an impression that
he's probably.psychopathic and he has two distinct
personalities. His working personality; his very controlled
and moderate unassuming, and his hidden personality which
he displays through hsi probable violent acts...very
psychopathic...he is not a humane person.. He's
ideologically oriented, but to his own ideology. There's
no.......just get an impression like there's no real
governmental body of human beings on earth that he agrees
with. It's just that he's for sale. That kind of
#72: Would he act on the spur of the moment?
#27.5: Absolutely not. That would run completely contrary to
his grain, his intellect. _He's plotting, methodical,
very capable of running a very complicated operation
all from his.head. Which makes him extremely dangerous.
That's just an impression) get.
#72: How about if he had a plan going and something interrupted
his stage, could he improvise on the spot and continue
on with what he is doing?
#27.5: Most. assuredly,. most assuredly. Be a good man to put
away. That's all the impression I have. That, and I
ain't going-to stroll near any trash cans and brown vans
for about 6 months.
#72: Okay. We'll turn off the tape now and darken in the
drawings and that will be it.
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WA, 07
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Approved For Release 2000/08/
1. (S/NOFORN) At the start of the session the remote viewer was shown
the attached photograph and was given targeting information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer was asked to locate
and describe his activities.
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