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Publication Date:
December 15, 1981
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proved For Release 2000/08/07 . CIA-RDP96=007EC8R00117-00-08,040'874
n Einbassr
Ortota Radcliffe
in government has sped
a half-million dollars get-
old 'embassy on Wyoming
tio shape as an official gov-
guelt house.. -
intelligence reports con-
es of an alleged Lib-
will" being sent to the
tates to target the president
government officials,
international terrorist
Carlos Bich Ramirez
anlez has Surfaced.
Attorney Richard Shadyae,
mokeiman for the Libyan govern-_,
Ineq, jokes about the idea of Carlos
Onnug to town. Raising the specter
'f the infamous Carlos is "a little
opworn," he chuckles. "But if Car.*
os comes to town he's a pretty fas,
Onating character, so maybe we'll
put him at the mansion."
'Carlos wasn't exactly who the Lib-
yans had in mind when they con-
tracted with Georgetown Desir
,Groupvto renovate the mansion.
"Before the American government '
told the Libyan diplomats' here to
See WAYS, C11, Col. 3
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000700050008-3
Annrovail Fen- -Rtlftgm4iii-,nnn1ncuri7 ciALonDein_niviiirt' ohnn7nnfivni3gi'
iVA I'S horn Ci
,leave last lcday,. the Libyans were
hoping it would be the ambassador's
residence," says Shadyac.
Shadyac says he find s it ludicrous attention When he noticed the front-
that Israeli intelligence is, aPParentlY,.. door .standing open, though it had..
fui4iishmg the 'information- so thee'T been sealesltritualiatiew with war
. United States can discredit 'LibYall ; And the Lilifan-government seal last
leader Muammar ,Qaddafi. He says I, May
the United_ States hopes..Qaddefi'''. Gookin says the buildhig has since
won't become chairman of the 1. been resealed 1 and the .oginer has "
ganint,ion of , African Unity,., "hut agreed not to enter it withodt State
just the oPI?osite happening.' Department.permission. He also says
What Shadyac doesn't find the State Depariment is trying to
crous is how the sealed and locked 'work out a solution between the Lib-,
former Libyan People's Bureau on .:eryans and the owners, who want to.
21st Street NW was "violate:I?' this .repose it. '
fall while it was under the "cm cus- Part of the difficulty is that the
torlY and ohntror of the US= gwe, ,Libyans have no protecting power,
moot. or foreign government representing
41e landierd brike
= - ,'" their interests here says Gookin.
into the place and violated the"sanc-? '
tity of the pramises, and ig. ikgediy,. But Shadyac says the Americans
refuse to accept the country the Lib-
an inventory- was taken," saYs yens designated, the United Arab
Shadyac, who filed a letter of Protest Emirates; creating a kind of diplo-'
with the State DePartineut* "The, tnatic Catch 22. '
U.S. said it was very sorry and re- t
gretted the incident and, has taken . "The' Americans," , says ShatlYse,i
t back control. Now the State Depart - are playing
very hard ball
t wants me as trustee Of the ,
el.ifi3rim government, to take over the " If well-heeled friends of Barbaric
-prethises and remove all the prop- and George Bush hadn't comet
through with $187,000 m donationsi ?
Associate Chief of Protocol Rich-, to redecorate the Vice President's;'
ard Gookin says whin the Libyan? gouge, the vice president:Was going!
ease ran out in mid-October, the get stuck with the tab, says his
buildings owner, the Washington wife.
Circle Theater Corp., sent a letter to They especially needed -chairs, she
the secretary of state stating. the told reporters invited in for a look at,
need to enter the building and win- ,.,the results, which inauded, new car;
teen it. .; peting and upholstery. ,S0 I:just orr',4:
"The letter arrived late one Friday ?, as cheaply as possible." INvol
afternoon, but because it was ad- ,? weeks later when 'a friend called toi
dressed to the secretary of state, no ask if she could help rain money to:
one saw it until early in the following ';' redo the house, Barbara Bush ac-
week," says Gookin. "In it, they said cepted, citing it as an example of!
they wanted to enter the building what having "faith" can do.
the next morning, which they did." ? "Otherwise," she said, chuckling,
It was Shadyad, though, who "it was.all minx to be chtrgeJ to
called it to the State DepartigipprOM welease 2000/08
on top of everything," said ?Nancy.
Thurmond, presenting packagehr
.two of her and BA Bentsen'gdfa-
vorite Washington journalists-I:Jur-,
mg a coffee they gave at * ur
at?Oliva.,de Havilland;laSeasons HoteL
the Mysterious buyer of the Frantsk 'In case you all didn't knovoit?,tm).
:Biddle house in Georgetown. 'that' "an angel," said.Betty Beale,
sold for $800,600 at auction this fail= ?into her package to find a so
She seemed to fit one deseriPtiollPf titre Christmas Angel whose file
.the anonymous buyer circulating: an embroidered earioatore_of )3ege,s..
aroundtown ? that" she -lived in(the needlework of public relations
France.' but . was , not "-French. Now.; whiz Mary Pettus). "If youl4oked4
from de Havilland? who in the past, awful, if I didn't like the party! dr if!
has considered settling here, comes` ' there was hair in: the soup," Beale.
the !final word:. ,She can't buy any- continued, "I didn't-mention
,Fratbingnoeyatiheasa:eahadays,firattheresells are her rholomu:., defunct"' cantwPastangfetendtotonbestarqu.ite:: Plaice
. of those Already on the market. book, I'm telling it , not the wak
wrote it, but the way ,it really v)
in Park. And the way the wealthy as ,Betty," 2 said Yraelda Dixon, a-
social French are fleeing socialist r colleague of Beale's on the new:,
when you deserve to be,i' Everybody in this room is excepted."
8 p.m.?WAMU-FM (88.5) Fred Fiske
, Show.: Dr. John Kelly of the 'University of New
tiarnpshtrit discusses whales.
1" 1185 ext.?WTOP-AM (1508) Larry '
Show.Qohn P Hilyt, president of the U.S.
^ gte Society, is guest. ?
? Woon?WEISL-AM (1310) Lunchtime in the
QunftV: the Best of Anne Murray._ _
? .! 12;45 p.m.?WAMU-FM (811.$) Play It
Ain, Ed: Ed Walker with swing and Ian
? music from the '30s and '40s. ?
'8 Am.?WPGC-FM (95.5) Too five count-
' ildwn with host Bruce Kelly. '
10 Is.m.-4VWDC-FM (10Ll) Sc4k1 ,Rocw
R? eottesttiCall 432-1.101 nu midnight.
6 ini.?WHUR-FM (96.3) Morning Sound:
mus.l.cv7rAg.egitevis till 10 a.rn? iF :
.yf Diane Rehm discusses. guests"her(ntaltItitsc?13
Dr, AnnamMa Jacob, National Institutes or
Health; Elizabeth Srnolent, NOVA Women's'
Medical Center. '
' 11 a.m.?VAIL-W(1450) Author Hugh'
Rawson talcs about his book "Euphemisms &
^ ,Other Doubletalicw
/0 egraftypiljlta-otYt alti5b 0 7 0 0 5 0 008:3Anrt Ti-eqw.
^ 10 a.m.?WE1A-FM1 (90,
Concert: Cathedral, Court
'Consort music of John Jenkins, performed by
English,Consort of Viols. _
3 p.m.?WGMS (570 AM, 103.5 FM) The ;
Renee Channel, Show. Smetana: "The Bar-
tered Bride Dances"; Walton: "Crown Irn-
. Pedal"; Saint-Saens: "My Heart at Thy Sweet
Volce.TessarInl::Sonata in D.
? i
630 13.111.=-WE-TA-FIN(903) The g J
-,ferl;n 4
Program with Both tiara& Grim Hoterg*
Suite, O. 40; Svendsen: Quartet A Moor, w!
OD. 1: Nielser Flute Concerto. '
? '8 p.m.?wETA-FM (90.0)Evenki frri-,;1;
cert with Fr
ench National Orchestra,
? Maazel, conductor; Margaret Price, 'soprano. ,
9 p.m.?V4GMS (510 AM,103.5 FM) Great
Works In Music, with Paul Hume. Schubert:
"Die Winterreise."
8.111.?WGIVIS (570 AM, 1015 FM)
After Hours. Beethoven's Mass in C. :