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Document Creation Date:
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 17, 1998
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Publication Date:
December 16, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08 0788R000700040001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000700040001-1
Approved For Release IA RDP96-00788R000700040001-1
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impr
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the
reference his impressions of the target site.
5. (S/NOFORN) Target cueing included a geographic coordinate
copy of a photograph which was sealed in an envelope. Target
brought to the session by the requestor and returned to him at
of the session.
Approved For Releas
essions during
remote viewer
and a xeroxed
cueing data was
the conclusion
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#72: This will be a remote viewing session for
16 December. 1981 with a start time of
It is now 1010 _hours. Our target for today
is located at:
The envelope you have been shown contains
a photo with the target circled. Go to the
target and describe it for me.
#19.5: I get an impression of a river. Just a minute.
#19.5: It's a lara,jx2s.a..tana...u. Tends to be
outaide-77-6 cit . Keep gettin4-a
s over a river.
#72: All right. I wan.t_you to back in time, back
in time te 1200 hours on 9 June 1981; 1200
hours, 9 June 1981.
My first impressions...light, light industry
area pan-pancake type building, flat. There's
a...a bunch of.buildings connected. Predominant
building is square. See a large, flat square
#72: All right- I want you to wait and tell me from
what perspective are you seeing the buildings.
#195: The front in the air.. Like ah...500 feet.
There's a ahoebox shaped building to the right.
Therels.a circular building, .sides are made of's to the left...tall. (not audible)
#72: Come down to the ground.
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#19.5: Okay. Something's wrong. Something's wrong
with the last building.
#72: Describe the last building.
#19.5: Get a...getting exposed. .
aJb.1e oncret It' something's
VP.9f...sme1ls?like it's
------ See a-hole It's like
jagged horn------ It's 1141_complete alT something.
#72:sG1A All right. Relax. I want you to go to
#19.5: It's like...shoebox type building. It's got
some, ahl frontals.
#72: All right. I want you now to go below the
surface of the ground, below the surface of the
ground. What do you see?
#19.5: Get a, ah....:.,Theto's d:room.i.:::Itls Under a, it's
underneath some kind of a.... conbrete or
vatattype.area. See along tunnel like leading
to a room. See?like, ah...stack of rooms.....
surface-3 is ah.,.it's like.a vault type area...
Smaller room under the vault, and there's under that. Some kind of a lab.
Ah.......pumps and pumps and water the first
room. Getting a feeling of, feeling of power,
power station or turboned. It's like that
room's got some kind of equipment in it. Test
equipment of some kind.,
#72: All right. I would like for you to go to the
end of the tunnel and.walk out the tunnel.
Describe what you see.
#19.5: There's just a just a short ramp
and afire door. This isn't a normal entry,
exit. It's like a equipment access for
bringing in and taking out equipment.
#72: All right. Go out through the fire door and
describe what you see.
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Saw..... ..... it's covered by a building.
in a lab of some kind. This is all part of
the shoebox building with the frontals.
It's like stacked. It's inside the building.
#72: All right. Fran-, the end of the tunnel, I want
you to go 50 feet towards the building you are
#19.5: Okay.
#72: I want you now to go gai21._11g_Llulau7
ground and describe what you see.
A light bright
of the
ak_Ly. impression of...some kiill_a_gliglAs
Saw overhai-d mechanini?Zevices..ah...building
tii777ing. V.?????????????????1400MION?????????10.000,M1.
What do you perceive is the function of this
..handling some k
ma77171. 'm
some Crid. Somet
ifti-.a....Are handling
diolo ical
ielding. See wreckage of
ginTI?t55t's beertloken.
Describe the wreckage area of the
Ah...see blast marks in caLILE21Q,. Ah...scarring
on wa 1. ?7671-S?05-1-1k?T77UUW some kind of.AaLea.
It's claplusja.
What do you perceive caused the explosion?
Impression of a.pdd shaped tube coming through
the ceiling....?LiaLL_Llash, white light. Ah..
concussion, a lot of concussion. See vibration
everywnle, violent. Don't, don't see any
people though. Ah, some,kind of equipment
damage. Ah..high technology computer type
1172 What was the function of the computer equipment?
Some internal controls...controlling this building,
manipulating building. Everything, machines,
pumps, many safety things. I don't get a sensation
of failure on the safety things though. More an
external type.
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Approved ForRelease2000/08/07 : ClIFIRMK-00788R000700040001-1
#19.5: (Mumble) feeling of violence.
#72: What is your impression of why the building
was damaged?
#19.5: Stop success. I et sensation of silecess
.vergeor uccess. Wait a minute. There's
a...just a minute. Get a sensation that
something was being constructed different.
I get a manipulation of, a manipulation of
something or different reason. Can't explain
it. I'm getting a gut feeling for this being
a nuclear target and I'm getting overlay.
Now, I'm getting overlay of weapons. Looks
like weapons for some reason. Far away feeling
though. Like it's not there. I can't explain
#72: Okay. I want you to relax, wait, clear the
overlay, clear the overlay.
#19.5:? See square containers for ..looks like they're
set up in a...circumference around...some kind
of a small area all embedded in water....Something
like...not a, brerder type reaction, but like an
enrichment; an enrichment kind of place. See
this is damaged. his isIthe water tank
is damaged. Get a feeling this enr_kstipAs. these
isotopes are im 4, .4 That's 777?ffiey were
u now I can't find the radioactive
material. s not there.
#72: What was the purpose of the isotopes?
#19.5: In a bomb. But it's u. Keep
TFETTN-5?that as he answer, but it's not there.
It hasn't been built yet.
#72: Al]. right. That's fine. I have no further
questions for you concerning the target. Is
there anything you wish to add?
#19.5: Just a minute.
See a lot of damage. Something is reached very
deep in the ground...damaged this. That's all
I have.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA
Approved For Release 2000/08/0' ? g nr1702R000700040001-1
#72: All right. I now want you to return to
16 December 1981, 16 December 1981. I want
you to return to this place, return to this
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000700040001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000700040001-1
Approved For Release 2000/08/07:
(Drawing Description)
#72: Okay. We'll now continue this session with
some drawings and with some comments and
interpretations concerning the drawings.
Okay. Page A is a view of how the rooms are
stacked directly under this pancake shape area.
There's a tunnel going out to room A which is
one level under a square building on which the
pancake's, I'm not sure if it's actually resting
on there, or it's part of the square building.
And there is a room B under room A. I drew a
sideview and I penciled dark in the areas of
damage that go all the way, that are far reaching
.... It's like one side of the building all the
way down through to room B. I also got a feeling
that this was not the hot area or the nuclear
area, this building. But, it was more of a turbon
or water cooling area of somesort. And, then I
got a little mixed up. I'm not sure if the rooms
were under the pancake side or under the cooling
tower, shoebox side.
Page B is this sideview of this complex of
buildings. I tried to depict some kind of up
and down pattern on the front of this building.
Nonnuclear turbin function area on the left.
And, the nuclear active lab or classroom. type
area on the right. I'm not sure which side the
area of interest was under. There's a possibility
that it's under both. I don't know how to explain
that, but that's the feeling I get. The tunnel
exited into the main square type building with a
pattern on the front... What I call a control
#72: So the area may be under one side or the other
side or both.
Right. I was either in the area or I was outside
the building. I'm not sure where I was.
C is...I tried to depict what I meant by the
bomb like objects. I got a feeling it was more
like a bomb than a rocket, but it was elongated.
#72: This is the odd shaped tube through the ceiling?
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I'm not sure what I was trying to explain then.
But, let me :finish what I'm doing here and I'll
try to explain that.
This is like a lead inget type shape and I got
a feeling for like 3 distinctive striking types
of explosion. There were very bright, white
flashes and hard.and shattering type explosion.
And, they were like one behind the other on the
same impact area. I just get an impression
like eating down through the ground sort of
affect. And, it did do damage to the interior
of this control area. And,
immediately to the left in this same room,
which is what I call the water tank manipulation
area...and also a tube area in the manipulation
Let's go to page D. I drew what I perceived to
be some form of tube coming down from an upper
area through shielding. Which is in the ceiling,
floors, the walls. Inside the shielding is a
water tank area. And, there's a container in the
center, which is odd shape..:and there's like
holes and extended rods and tubes and things
coming outside that. I feel like the right side
of this is all damaged. The water's run out ...
you can see the scarring, the blast scarring
and the concrete in the shielding and all that
sort of thing. I darkened in the damaged area.
And, I guess that's essentially it. I'm not sure
what...I think this is the tube that goes down
into the room that goes into this container area.
I started getting impressions of bombs all of a
sudden, and I don't know why, but I did. When
you were asking me, you know, the extent of
damage, or how it was damaged, I started getting
.. impressions of these bombs.
#72: The drawing is a graphic with an appendage
on the end of thatdrogue type thing.
#19.5: Yeah. Like a drogue type parachute. I just
got a feeling of drag. Like this thing was in
slow motion and just hanging down into the
hole left by the previous one and then the one
behind that. It!s like....firing a bullet at
the same time, over and over and eating a hole
through the target. I just got a feeling like
they weren't in a hurry to get these there.
It's just more a question of trying to lob them
into the same hat, so to speak. Like throwing
cards into a hat.
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#72: Okay. Is there anything else?
At one point I wasn't getting any nuclear
feeling at all about the building. And, Lc
all of a sudden I was getting an active nuclear
feeling about it. But, that appeared to be
associated with a lab or classroom. So, I'm
not sure if this is a nuclear power plant or not.
#72: Okay.
It may be some kind of a lab. More of a lab
than a power plant. And, they need some kind
of turbin power to operate the lab. That's
the impression I got. That's all.
#72: Okay. That completes the session for today.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000700040001-1