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April 13, 1981
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~_? p us R~ rt UJLL I NUMULI : 8113 ENTRY DA, E: 13 Aril 1981 C! P-C L- W Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00 06002 - - ASSETS USED TARGET ING K NOW'LED,E PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE SESSION, SOURCE, MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FJR _.ESST~ ti DATES KEY RESULTS PROt~'IDEF A,;~tYST FOLLOWING SESSI ON SESSION rFORWARDED, BY THE SOtRCE 3ealea envelo e con- The interviewer knew that ;None. map containing the tgt I taininq a mimeographed information was required 1A I9 Jun 81 The analyst reported that the tLjt---2req.m-as ? This - tundra l i k e , f l a t . e Imation is of no sheets ice onds ?rN alue. man melt lakes. U OTE : The source reaches of globe, upreported ice ponds I high north. Elevated tundra & melt ice, railway extends to IThP tamp} is -+ -- S 1A an annotation of the of the tgt identified by ai jsecond session for first time with a like a point weather tundra at any time test facilit (flat at this targe i surfaces erected at an angle that is equal DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: July 1981 TASKING AGENCY: CRD/ITAC Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600 tgt. The first was IDCC-41, this is the I that there are man highly reflective Ino melt or tundra CLASSIFIED BY 163Oz JUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: July 2001 GRILL AM Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R0006006203` ASSETS USED DCC-41 #31 Accurate coordinates That a descri tion of a one. 6 May 81 11 May 81 This is a list of des- The analyst reported of the area were not pass that lied between criptars used by the that: We have very NOTE T MBW: SG1A available, therefore source. Large granite Coorde were i boulders. Moonscape. rovid d with Escarpment. Three neither confirm or JJ de & m in r h of a section of inch thick tar road. refute this info. only. ' Also a ma showin the Lorries. Leather Information from radical dis- site alon the western soled mens feet. Tres-` this viewer conflicts laceme nt S G1A sel bridge across gorge' with our information. makes ' oords This is the first ses-' Tanks guarding road to The pass is blocked extreme ly sion against this tgt. 11 pass. Tanks 15 miles 11 by ice & snow during uesti nable (NOTE: The word "path" from pass. The pass this reporting per- in mour btains. was inadvertently extends for about a iod. Its reported When t hey are used in the session bye quarter mile. He to normally be open i ?. three miles the interviewer. thought the tanks snuck to foot & animal hi h for et This might indicate through the pass from traffic from June it. that the pass is suit-1 China to a point about Sep. We have no able only for foot + d I 10-15 miles west of the knowledge of a road traffic. ! , pass. reported by source. Sandals or summer uniforms are not g E r o appropriate. See Attached. TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK To SOURCE DATES 15 July 1981 TASKING AGENCY: KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST INTERVIEWER FJR SESSION FOLLOWING SESSION SESSION FO`IIARDED BY THE SOURCE COMMENTS CRD/ITAC CLASSIFIED BY IG3OZ JUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: July 2001 A a, GRILT PIL A A, .III Approved For Release 2000108107: CIA-RDP96-00788R000600620003-6 PROJECT NUMBER: 8113 ENTRY DATE: 13 April 1981 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600620 ASSETS 0c '-D TARGETING SESSION SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FOR SESSION. FOLLOWING SESSION SESSin ' FORWARDED KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEE:('BACK TO SOURCE That information on of the area were not his desired, ie, is itIS 1A !available. Therefore presently passable, to La mimeo ra hed ma s what extent, is there any containin the name of activity, if no describe. !the tar et Describe most hazardous was used. The map part of pass. against this target but the first for this source. 15 July 1981 TASKING AGENCY: CRD/ITAC Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R0006006YbbZ-Y KEY RESULTS PROVIDED A'a ~,LYST BY THE SOURCE ( " C rq;tEFTS 9 Jun 811 Two principle avenues s The analyst reported roach to border. that: This report S There's an observation post. There's 4-5 mi. hazardous to traffic. Difficult to pour vast numbers of troops !through border. Initial Epproach to pass is a gulley. It will acco- any equipment you wanna Isites will be deployed there in the future, they will point west. CLASSIFIED BY: 1(,3 Z UL 78 MSG, HODA (DAMI-ISH} REVIEW ON: July 1981 PROJECT NUMBER: 8113 on the condition & use Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO0600620 ASSETS HSED TARGLTTMr tYn a-, n KNOiIE ' - ( E rlWv uLU Tu rEEUBAL, TU SOURCE UME S KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST SESSION SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED a INTERVIEW7R FJR SESSION FOLLOWING SESSION SESSION FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE C01-1 #01 The name of the tgt. The interviewer knew None. ,29 May 8J9 Jun 81 The source indicated hP'The nnalvst rPnnr- i 1 was desired. the elevation was very high. i had seen an L shaped ted that "on bal- horse stall type bldg. ance, however T Qt site contains a lot tend to discount the f metal, buildings, information supplied sheds, slate roofs. by #31 since it con- lThere's a group per- filets with our forming normal type holdings in the SG1A Tabor using poles. gunk yard, uncut grass,6See attached report. frozen in arts fence p CLASSIFIED BY: I630Z JUL 78 DATE PROJECT NUMBER CLOSED: 15 July 1981 ENTRY DATE: CRD/ITAC MSG, HUDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: July 1981 -Wy Gn"11 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788ROO06006200 u` - tp short section of lad- ders. Support legs, very large weeds, n!irnnlor rli nL ~hn.,..