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Approved For Release 2001/03/0-t DP96-00788R000.IPP470002-4 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD FROM: Chief, Operations Branch, TSD/OS SUBJECT: Grill Flame 1. The purpose of sessions DCC-6 and DCC-14 was an attempt to establish remote contact between viewer 01 and _ SG1A SG1A DCC-6: was in an underground gym jogging on a tunnel type track. SG1A SG1A SG1A SG1A Correlation: +04 - - was was feeling tense since he was waiting for two people ahead of him to leave the area. +11 - _ was in a basement gym. +19 - - was jogging on an underground tunnel type track. Page 5, Item c - ~ was in a shower. SG1A DCC-14: 11111111111111111111was in a small office. Three transmitters were located in the room, but _ did not know the SG1A location. Correlation: Everything considered, none. 2. During sessions DCC-14, 26, 34, 39 and 47, _ was SG1A TDY overseas. The viewer did not know, location during SG1A any specific time period. The purpose was rather indefinite in that the viewer was to determine impressions regarding SG1A from a site picture. SG1A DCC-26: was traveling from a very backward country Yemen) to a modern Arabic city (Muscat). Correlation: The general impressions appear to cover Muscat and Kuwait at the same time. Diagram #3 was similar to the Embassy Compound in Kuwait--another recent traveler to the area stated, "The diagram appears to have been drawn by someone who visited the compound once some months ago." WARNING NOTICE jdi1::.11. ~r?? E SOURCES AND M-EU7IODS INVOLVED Dw7g3V1AT1VE CL BY SECRET 4TL~_ C7 ~SCL III ~:~'4'V 0" r,[ RJVEDD r-RO.9 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600470002-4 Approved For Release 2001/03/OTVURPRU ; 6-00788R000600470002-4 DCC-34: The Embassy in Abu Dhabi is an old dilapidated residential type building. U.S. personnel are not allowed to enter any of the residential areas. SG1A Correlation: +06 experienced strong feelings ou the lack of U.S. control over the building. DCC-39: The Embassy is in Manama. Correlation: Diagram #1 is very similar to an area where worked. +14 - IT" was experiencing a severe headache. DCC-47: The location is the U.S. Embassy Kuwait. Correlation: +07: There is an "L" shaped desk in Yemen. +16: hit his head on the "L" s aped desk and suffered a severe headache. Overall, it appears most of the impressions were from Yemen while the site picture was Kuwait. 3. Since the objective of this portion of the project is SG1A to establish remote. contact between and viewer 01, we believe any correlation is "plus"; therefore, we feel pro ress SG1A has been made. As discussed with the CO, #66, #01,and SG1A e N%e I future sessions with will have a definite objective--i.e., contact _ during specs is time periods. SG1A SECRET Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000600470002-4