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Publication Date:
February 5, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000501010001-5
- O 163O7JU(78
Approved For Release 2000/08/0t: IA-RDP96-00780E
Approved For Release 2000/1!/Q7%: 1?96-007888000501010001-5
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information concerning the location of an
individual identified by a photograph.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
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Approved For Release 20 QL08147,;,,C.! P Q EP.
+06 #31: I'm..uh...seem to be in a....I'm feeling, I'm over a, ...a
parking automobiles and cars in it. Across the....
across the parking lot is the front of a...four or
five floor...apartment house. Some sort of a building that's
got many balconies on this side of individual
balconies. I'm in a place that's green. Seems like I'm in a
place just off a highway.
#66: Describe the specific location in this scene of the individual
in the photograph.
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1400 hours,
5 February 1981.
This. will be a pre-mission.briefing to the remote viewer.
Okay. At-this time I'm-showing you a picture of an individual,
a photograph of an individual.
#31: Okay.
#66: You try to focus and remember that individual's image, and
during the session today we are going to attempt to locate
that individual and describe his present surroundings.
Later in the session we will move to a future time window and
describe his surroundings at that time. Do you have any
#31: Uh-uh. (Negative.)
#66: All right. You have 25 minutes to prepare yourself.
#66: Relax and Relax. Relax and focus your
attention on the individual in the photograph I have
Locate this individual right now. Locate this individual at
the present time, right now, and describe his surroundings
to me.
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#31: I'm in a...stairwell....type feeling. Like a stair, stairs
and I'm going down...back and forth in a... I'm in a basement
like in a...feel the concrete floor's cooler.
#66: Tell me about the individual.
#31: I don't know. It's like he...see him standing somewhere
.....see him standing somewhere. Like he's standing in a....
sink, a place that has bare concrete... like a basement or a
....common basement room. Like in an apartment complex.
There are funny things here, where I am. It's...there are
staircases to my back. I feel like laundry and sink, and
laundry and sink, and then washing. And, across this room,
there's something white piled in the middle, and on the other
side of that is some vertical... framing, phone
booths...boxes, like phone booth boxes against the wall.
#66: Okay. Change your perspective now, and tell me about the
greater building in which this area is located. Carefully,
without losing continuity change your perspective, and tell me
about the building in which this area is located.
#31: It's set up like a large apartment building. Possibly, three
or four stairwells...five or six floors...protruding, white
balconies on the.....street side. And, I feel like there are
two of them.end-to-end in a row with green space around them.
They're separated by green space and.... trees.... a little
yard like thing.
+15 #66: Okay. In what area-of the world are we?
#31: I think I'm in the......
#66: I didn't understand you.
#31: Wait.
#66: Waiting.
#31: 1 keep getting over the (mumble) board of the United States.
#66: I'm sorry, say again.
#31: Over-the eastern seaboard of the United States.
#66: All right. And, tell me now some of the imagery you had that
draws you to this conclusion.
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#31: 1 spinning.a globe and...every time I'd stop the globe that's
where I'd be. Over an outline that looked like that.
#66: Okay. Let's go back to the scene of the apartments. Take a
+19 look in the parking lot and tell me what kind of cars are in
the parking lb t.
#31: Cars look like.....there are many of them, and they are...
one is a little one that's-got fins on it...'bout chest high.
Reminds me of a Studebaker.... old Studebaker... Hawk...
#66: Okay.
#31: Split fins on this like it's a burgundy color, and it's like
a...Oldsmobile... Feeling of some others down the road....
that are bigger, like...solid back ends and some
vans. And, at that end.of.the parking lot is a.... seems to
rise up a little bit....... this grass covered knoll at.....
the end of the parking lot, and some sort of a...... looks like
an overpass way over in the distance.
#66: Okay.
#31: But, right behind me is all hustle, bustle. Like the major
road..... compared to where I am it's quiet here. But, it's
#66: All right. Now, I want to give you a couple of minutes now to
explore the general neighborhood on your own. I want you to
explore the general neighborhood on your own without reporting
to me, and see if you can come up with .something that you
can tell me. A phrase or comment that you can about
this neighborhood. The thing that stands out to you. Spend a
few minutes now on your own without reporting.
#31: ?There's ...just as you were saying that, there' image of
+23 green Holiday-Inn sign. Big, vertical green sign. ........
I'll look around.
+28 #31: To the...I,...this is a major city area here, and the overpass
is like a two-bridge overpass... over a major expressway. The
road it goes over is a five or six lane road which is the one
that this place is on. But, it's back the road
and...sort of set back from this road down the a
major red light intersection. Somewhere on the right side
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#31: down there is....a feeling of a Holiday Inn sign. But, it's
a.low building. Its a two-storey classic motel, not a hotel
building. Like a.motel, but.a motel building. And.......I
fixated on Atlanta a while back, when I was looking, was
toying very much with the position of Atlanta and southeast
+30 United States, and......this.being a major city and sorta after
I'd been thinking about i t awhile, I said I wonder if that means
that he's there, since I'm interested in Atlanta all of a
sudden. -
#66: Okay. Now,.I'm ready to do a time movement. I would like,
however, you to refocus on him-so that we can get him in a
time movement. So, refocus your attention on him and when you
are ready let me know.
#31: All right.
#66: All right. Let's move.with the individual in the photograph,
move with the individual in the photograph forward in time
to. 19 February-1981; forward in time to 19 February 81. Focus
on the individual and describe for me his location 19 February
#31: (Mumble)..... feel like I'm in an outdoor garden...full
with buildings around, but, there's one.building right here
that's like arched.. It has a roof.... bubbles on's a
roof like an old-fashioned football helmet. I think it's a
building that's surrounded by trees, and it's made out of
old gray cement block. It's got these ridges, on its:, roof.
And, it's sorts arch shaped. And, I feel's sunny
and the shade trees cast a shade, and the shade's on the
sidewalk-here. In and around and under the trees is cement.
Like a.barrel.there for trash and....a long black line....
like a.... wrought iron picket fence and........
All right.
out by the zoo.....
under the capitol or like a nice place
19 February 1981.
In what area of the world are you?
He's walking;.he's in dapper...he's a hat and a oxercoat on, now. He's sorts walking
like with a cane or a walking stick, too. I.see him walking
down the street.....
Let's see where we are.
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+37 #31: It's someplace...huh...the.more I look down at the coastline
i t'.s like he's-in New York ...... in the city. Looking at the
coastline through the clouds..... I keep seeing this....p....
long this like Long Island... laying like, laying off to the
#66: Okay. Back down on-the ground with him now, and see if you can
validate your surroundings.
#31: I.had a....earlier a.feeling of a....walking on a wide side-
walk to the left of a....picket fence....tall iron picket fence.
As I was walking down the.... very familiar as though I was
walking down the.... west side of..... Central Park .... on
5th Avenue...right about....the 80's, very pretty, and the....
very cosmo feeling of the way I felt when I was in New York.
Very nice.. Made me feel very..... very nice. Now, this is a
sorta open..a little concrete a little stone
building on the other side of the fence here. A little bit of
stone patio around it. But, this whole park feeling goes on
o er the other side....with the trees and the shadows of the
trees on the sidewalk--
#66: Okay.
#31: ---and the shadow'"s?where I am. To the left of me is a...street
...and to the left of that is a...I tell you, I've been here real life. It's....stone buildings over there.
#66: All right. You can draw that for me. Let's focus now
specifically on the most significant activity of 19 February 1981.
+42 The most significant activity narrowing your focus to the
most significant activity of 19 February 81. What does he do?
#31: Well, I....... it's funny, I'm up drifting. amongst the skyscrapers
.....somewhere else I was later on......that was away from where
I was before.
#66: Okay.
#31: Looking down the side of this big square building... sidewalk
way below, and he, he walked down the street and....walked
into the building.
#66: Okay. I'd like to interrupt you for amoment, and ask you to
just relax and concentrate and hold your comment for just a
minute while I turn the tape o w r. Just relax and concentrate
for a moment on the scene, and.then, when I turn the tape over,
you can explain it to me. Relax and concentrate. You may
proceed when you're ready.
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#31: I was... immediately down on the ground.....I was on the left
side of the street, and he was going up. It was a beautiful
.....ground floor, . street. level series of white, wide white.
polished marble stairs, about a flight of four or five and.....
and a.flight of.four_or five. more, and then up and into this
big mass of square building..... set back off this main high
....main street, with the...fountain ove;p' there, next to it
like. Had the fleeting thought of the U.N. building......
Ask me again.
#66: Okay. Focus your attention now more particularly much
closer,.down right down to the individual, right there in
front-of you, standing right behind him, watching him,
observing him. The most significant activity of 19 February
'81. The most significant thing he does.....his activity.
#31: I'm watching him. Wait.
+48 #66: I will wait.
#31: I dunno. He's inside somewhere, and I had this happen once
before. Both times when you asked me that question.... the
first thing I saw him doing is taking his gloves off....both
times.. This time ...he took his glovtis off and was standing at
a desk. He took his gloves off like.a man who's just came in
from the cold. Something. long and tubular he laid on his left.
He like threw it up there. It was tubular like a map tube...
tubular. It.was white. The next thing he did is I see him
reaching in.::under..on_3the_right side with his hands bare now,
+51 reaching down at knee-level on the right side of this table or
desk which is a wrap-aroundish. It must be wrap-aroundish
because on the left is where he threw the tube, and in front
of him by his right knee is where he reaches. I can't tell
if he...squats down and is looking for something or if he sits
down and reaches for something that he knows is there. But,
he does some action like that. But, he still has his overcoat
on like he is loading or unloading, retrieving or............
#66: Okay. Move outside now, and tell me about the building in which
he is located.
+52 #31: I keep looking up at this-dark windowed... sort of a "T" shaped
flank of a building. I have a feeling this cavity down below
it in.under me, I mean in front of me, like a cavity like you
walk up, and an. open breezeway there..... I think it's the one
I saw him go in. It seems like it's about the same.
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#66: Okay. Now, I have one more question. I want you to set aside
now all space and all time....
#31: He seems to be about 8 floors up. When I came by the building
I was...up off the street a ways.
#66: Okay.
#31: Okay.
#66: Now, set aside all space and all time and return your
perception solely to.the picture which I've shown you. Solely
to the picture. Broaden your perspectives wider, wider, and
wider, and ask of yourself concerning the picture, ask of
yourself concerning the picture, with what name is this picture
associated.... with what name is this.....
+55 #31: I had a...Uri before you even...asked the question.
#66: Okay.
#31: And, I had a...Vasiliev, like a cow...Vasiliev or something
like that about the same time.
#66: All right.
#31: These were just as you were beginning to ask the question.
#66: Fine. Now, I have no further questions concerning today's
work. If you have any other comments, please make them
#31: Can I have a couple minutes?
#66: I will wait.
#31: No. I don't have anything more.
#66: Okay. ..Fine. Let's prepare to draw that which you've
#31: Okay. On 5 February, sketch 1, I was in.a parking lot, a
automobile parking lot, outin.front of about a three or four
storey...what I.took to be an apartment building, with white
balconies for each apartment, like two stairwells in it,
and there.were two buildings. They were like side-by-side
buildings. I definitely took it to-be a American type arrange-
ment because of the.nature of the automobiles, and the size.
I just sort of.-presumed it was American automatically. I
didn't even have to look.around, really. To the right, and
to the right rear is a super-highway.
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#31: Sketch 2. That's 5 February?
#66: Yes.
#31: Okay. Where I found him in this place is in what_I think is
the right-hand basement. Sketch 2 is like a overview.
One thing I definitely saw was a damned green background
Holiday Inn sign. The rounded Holiday Inn sign.. The big, big
25 foot tall, rounded, flat pancake that they have sticking.
out in front of their places. Maybe, where this ...maybe this
apartment complex that I perceive to be two. separate buildings
is, in fact, the Holiday Inn. I don't know. But, somewhere
near there is this sign. Sketch 2 shows you a composite.
Center is the two apartment buildings. To the right of it is
a two-lane super-highway overpass, and to the left is, some-
where to the left is the Holiday Inn sign. And, a major inter-
section is down there by that sign.
Okay. The thing I want to talk about is that I said green
here. It's warm here, where one, two, three is. It is
most definitely warmer than here...and I had the feeling,
first of.all when I got into the session that I was somewhere
in central southeast. Somewhere in the continent of the
United States... comfortably inside the-continent of the
United States in the southeast section...and, then as I was
drifting one moment in between questions or some such, I sort
of hung up on where Atlanta was in. Georgia, and I started
thinking about Atlanta, Georgia...and, then I sort of spontaneously
thought of peach tree street in Atlanta, Georgia. Umm...and,
I definitely got the feeling that this area was.warmer than it
is here. in the northeast. So, I don't. know. Maybe's he's in
Atlanta. Maybe this is Atlanta. Uh...I had the feeling of
warmth. I had the feeling of more green, you know. It's not
like the place had been wasted and all the dead leaves. It's
like it was still semi-green and the grass was a little green
and there was still leaves on certain trees and that type of
Okay. Sketch 3 is where I acquired him, himself, is in a
basement of one of these buildings on the right side of what
I wrote down as being Peach Tree street in the suburbs. Uh...
it's a funny little room at the bottom of the stairwell.
It's like a laundry room, basement-laundry room feeling. Now,
when I was here,.I was thinking that this was a common use area
in a apartment building, and there were machines and wash sinks
on.the left, and there were two funny things on the right side
that looked like telephone booths.
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#31: But, after I.came out.of the session, I started drawing this
sketch, I realized-that the most significant thing about this
may be this long table with disorganized.helter-skelter piles
of what I think is used linen. Massive amounts of used
linen in the middle of this laundry room here. Sort of
implying to me that maybe this is a commercial place and not a
private apartment complex, but maybe it is the Holiday Inn
motel; and maybe it is the laundry room where they do their own
laundry in this big complex. I don't know. Just this big,
humble, jumbled mass in sketch 3.
You had me move to the 19th of February, and I was in a
different place all together. The central feature in sketch 4,
I.describe in the transcript you'll hear me, or you'll-I'll
say something that it's a building, and it reminds me of an
old-fashioned football helmet.. The place reminded me of the
type of an area,. parklike, public park-like area,-like around
the National Ariboretum, downtown. Washington, DC, around the
Mall there. Big, old, oak trees and fences around it, and this
funny building. Okay? I mean that was the atmosphere. That's
not, what the place...that I recognized, but that's the
atmosphere of the place.
Umm...when I shifted.from sketch 4 to sketch 5...uh...with this
high, spear-like wrought iron fence on the right, and this
long boulevard, really long, distant boulevard, this huge park
on the right side, I..s--, it felt very, very familiar to me as
being 5th Avenue up by Central Park. It really did. Central
Park is.just, this boulevard is just like 5th Avenue, and I
looked about the 80's, 84th Street, up in the really nice,
ritzy neighborhood, and I looked to the-left across this big,
wide street which I took to be 5th Avenue, and there were buildings
over there. I was like on the dividing line of two distinct
places, park, openness,. cool, funny shadows of trees, and on
thel--, on the right...and on the left were these big brownstones
from upper Manhattan. Umm...let me write brownstone in there...
Just block on block of brownstone apartment buildings.
Really ritzy. So, sketch 5 and sketch 4, combined, I sorta felt
that 'l was somewhere up around maybe 85 to 89 in Central Park.
Some place where inside the fence in sketch 4 is a funny building
like that, and have somebody cruise around Central Park, and
see if they find something like that.
Then I sorta broke away from that..., oh, and my man was
walking down 5th Avenue here in a heavy overcoat.. The whole,
the whole-atmosphere changed to one of coldness, because he
then had a.heavy overcoat, and he had gloves on and he reminded
me of...what was that guy's name we were talking about? The
guy who played topper ...uh.......
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Leo G. Carroll. No, not him. Not Leo G. Carroll. Reminded
of the fat guy with the heavy beard who played, uh, the
gentleman's gentleman in, uh...
#31: Sabastian Cabot. You're right, yeah. That's the one. He
reminded me of that type of- the way Sabastian Cabot would
dress up when he went out in the wintertime, you know, heavy
coat, hat, gloves and everything. Really dapper Dan type
thing. Little rotund, as well. Little on the rotunda...
Um, so I broke away from that scene.
#66: Yes, this is when I had asked you to focus on that one day,
19 February, and on the most significant activity that the
individual in the photograph partook in on that day.
#31: Well, to find that I was drifting up amongst big buildings.
This is definitely a city area. A different area than in the
first part of the session again. I was drifting up high, up
amongst some skyscrapers, looking down at the street level,
maybe 50 feet below me, and I could see my man walkin' down
the street, and he hangs this right and he walks up these
steps and he goes in the bottom of this big skyscraper that
I'm floating by.
And I went down and I relieved it again, and he enters into
6...the sketch 6. Sidewalk, goes up a few steps, walks across
a little flat sidewalk, goes up a few steps into this pat-
pverhanging with a patio on it, and goes into this big build-
ing, with these smoke, big super, super, uh, smoke plate glass
window, real.shiny, modern massive structure. And a fountain
on the right side, some sort of a fountain area down there
.e I don't know. I put it in there, I don't know how
far down it is really, it might even be a flag pole or two
hangin' around outside this place. And I sorta got the feel-
ing that this area of the woods now, if the other place was
5th Avenue, then this place was reminiscent of Park Avenue.
And somewhere aournd the U.N. building. Okay?
#31: And that maybe I was in fact looking at the front entrance to
the U.N. building, off of, I think it's Park, I'm not sure.
Uh, the Park Street entrance to the U.N., or whatever it is
Um...okay, then I went into the building. You still had me
tuning in on what this significant activity was. I don't
really know what the activity was. Maybe the activity was
just him,coming to this place. Maybe the activity was actually
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#31: what he did inside this place, which in 7, he has this rolled
paper tube, he walks into an office suite, to a
desk where he works, an 11" unit, throws the paper tube on
the left side by the window, out of which he can look and see
the neighboring skyscrapers, and then he either sits on a
roller type. office chair or he pushes the chair back and
kneels down by his right knee where I've drawn the "X" he
like pulls out a drawer, or he reaches down in under to. get
Both times. in the transcript when you asked me this question,
both times, the first thing that I saw was him removing his
gloves. Okay. First time you ask me the question I see him
remov- a man removing his gloves, standing at this "L" unit,
or standing at something. Then I asked you again, and immed-
iately the next thing I saw very spontaneously was him re-
moving his gloves, standing at this desk unit. Like coming in
from the cold. Okay.
Uh, at the very end of the session I was watching him do this-
pull this "X" out and everything and I guess you and. this
one last question to ask me, but before you, just immediately
prior to you asking me his name I was toying with the idea
that this guy's name was Uri or Uri, like in Uri, okay, like
a Russian first name. Uri. And I was sort of saying well,
maybe, you know, Uri, that's so, that's so trite, that's so
common, you know. And then the name Vaselie, Vaseliev, which
is really a twisted thing, Vaseli- Vaseliev, V-A-S-I-L-Y-E-V,
type, Vasilyev came in, like it's, maybe patronymic, uh...
came to mind. And that, I was getting that just about the
time you started asking me what, what his name was.
#66: Okay.
#31: And that's sketch 7. That's all I have.
#66: Okay, to ask you a couple questions here. Back on
the street scene when you saw him walking on, along the street
in, uh, both 5 and then going up the stairs in 6, and you see
this man who is, uh, I believe you said winter dressed and
reminds you of the way Sabastian Cabot might dress. And you
mentioned that he had a cane at one time when you were-
#31: Mm-hmm.
#66: Is this, did you see him with a cane or did he remind you of
someone with a cane?
#31: I think he actualy had a cane, I think he really was.. Because-
yeah, I think he really had a cane of sorts that.he was walk-
ing with. Cane or a bumbershoot, maybe an umbrella, I don't
know. But something that he used like a cane, you know, every
time he's step he'd put this out in front of him as well.
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#31: Uh, I don't think it was just a manifestation of his dapper
dress. I think he really did have it.
#66: Okay.
#31: But what I wanted to say is that when he got into sketch 7
the throwing this rolled on the table was not the
thing he had on the street. This was something different.
And I don't know where he got that from. He jsut, that was
his action when he got in the room. And I did not see a cane
in sketch 7. Maybe he had disposed of it-
#66: Okay.
#31: -somewhere else.
#66: Okay. Now I'm going to show you his picture again, and I want
you to bring to mind the memories of you seeing him on the
street walking and the memories that you have of the 19 Feb-
ruary time window, and I want you to tell me the differences
between the way he appears in the picture and the way he
appears on the street so that I might be able to recognize
#31: Well, you're worried about the New York, or the 19 February?
#66: Yes.
#31: He's dressed in an overcoat, a heavy overcoat of a dark black
cloth material, which is knee length, classic businessman's
overcoat. Oh, it's not a light color, it's a dark color.
It's not a fur coat, it's a cloth coat. Uh...muffler...and
a hat, some sort of a dark hat, which sorta reminded me of
the, uh, you know the, uh, the peaked cap, winter cap that's
sort of fuzzy and furry andit's like our service cap, our
overseas cap? Which one is the one that's this way?
Garrison cap?
#66: Yes. Not the saucer cap, but the garrison cap.
#31: Not the saucer cap, but the garrison cap, which has, whichever
one it is that has the dirty method of referring to it.
#66: Yes.
#31: But it's furry and fuzzy, itT':s cloth, and it looks sorta
Europeanish. Okay?
#66: Like the, the folded envelope hat that you open up and sit on
your head.
#31: Folded envelope hat.
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#66: Okay.
#31: Right. But it's a winter hat in that shape and mode. Okay?
#66: Okay.
#31: He's not wearing a watch cap, and he's not wearing anything
else. He's wearing the, the folded type...
#66: Okay.
#31: ...cap, fuzzy type thing, winter type. And he's got this
muffler up around him. Got a pair of dark gloves on.
Uh.......that's about it. I can't, I didn't observe, and I
didn't, I didn't try to find out what color slacks he's wear-
ing, winter sse.:it's all so drab. He's wearing classically
winter drabs.
#66: Okay, how about his face? Does he have, uh-
#31: No, he has no, no I did not feel that he had any distinguishing
characteristics, like a beard or a mustache. I think he was
still clean-shaven, heavy, rounded jowls, like this guy looks
like he's got kidney problems. Uh, but he's older. I don't
know when this picture was taken. But I have the feeling
that he's not so young as in this picture. Like he's maybe...
I don't know, something about him made him, made me feel,
now that I think about it, that he was maybe a little older
than this photograph.
#66: Okay... Anything else then?....
#31: No. That was the 19th. Now the thing...that he was doing on
the 5th is different. The 5th he struck me as being a totally
different character. The 19th he struck me as being the bon-
vivant, you know, strolling down.Park Avenue. On the 5th
when I was looking at him he struck he as being the guy hidden
away in the basement, doing some menial task. Not the bon-
vivant, you know, rather the guy, he has, actually ha had on
the 5th, his shirt sleeves were rolled up, and like he was
doing dishes, or something in this, in this sink. Some
menial type task.
#66: You're saying his roles are dramatically different at the
two dates?
#31: Yes. Very much. His attitudes are different, his roles are
different, but I think his attitudes were different. Feeling
on the 5th was he was some guy trying to stay outta sight.
The feeling on the 19th was that he could care less. He was
walkin' right down 5th Avenue and anybody could check him out
if he want. You know.
#66: Okay.
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#31: More assured than on the 5th.
#66: Okay.
#31: Um...and I don't know if the 5th activity was a:natural
activity, or an acquired activity. I don't, I couldn't tell
if it was natural and fa-, or fake. You know. Or a cover
activity, or a real activity or if he was, you know, if he
worked there, or if he was just rinsing out a few things or
what, I don't know.
#66: Okay. Are there any other comments you have?
#31: Uh-uh.
#66: Okay, I have no further questions.. That'll do it then.
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1. (S/NOFORN) Information provided the remote viewer prior to the session
is included as a pre-session briefin gin the transcript.
2. (S/NOFORN) At the beginning of the session, the remote viewer was asked
to describe the present (5 Feb 81) location of the individual in the attached
picture. Later in the session the viewer was asked to describe the 19 Feb 81
location of the same individual and report on his "most significant" activity
of 19 Feb 81.
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