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October 29, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 i INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 05163OZ JLJL78 REVIEW ON: GRILL FL"AME jQrjjnrT Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 200D1V RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION #819 1. (S/NOFORN) This report provides documentation of a remote viewing session conducted for training purposes only. 2. (S/NOFORN) Post analysis on target viewing indicated a considerable degree of correlation with the viewers impressions of the area. Many of these correlations were gestaltic in nature and not absolutely clear to the viewer from a training or learning standpoint. Some changes occurred in the target between when the outbound team was there and the arrival of the remote viewer; an exercise class had departed the area in the interim. Confusion experienced by the viewer was cause for some discouragement, but the viewer continues to be very positive in attitude and approach. There did not appear to be a great deal of overlay in this session. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the docu- ment, Standard Remote-Viewing Protocol (Local Target) by Harold E. Putthoff and Russel Targ, November 1978. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the targeted site. At TAB B are photographs of the actual target site taken by the outbound team on their first visit. At TAB C is target cuing information. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS ORCON Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/0 -00788R000500950001-3 #01: Okay. This will be a remote viewing session for 29 October 1981 and the on mission time is 0930 hours. Okay, #25 I want you to concentrate on _, and PM- the Colonel. They've arrived at the target S,Coij destination. I want you to concentrate on them. And go to the same target they're presently at. When you perceive information pertinent to that target, I want you to describe the information to me. PAUSE #25: I'm not getting anything. #01: Just relax. #25: Before. . Before on target time, I got . . . . . leaves. . . going up to the sky. . up the leaves. Either insLdeglass or glass underneath the leaves. #01: Describe how they looked inside glass. What makes you say inside glass? #25: Its like. . . If I were under the glass, looking up through the glass at leaves. I think its a glass . . no no. . Under the leaves or over the leaves, covering the leaves. . like a . . greenhouse might be. #01: Do you perceive any repetitive pattern tc the target? Approved For Release 2000/0816,P-00788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : J 6 007888000500950001-3 . . . A PAUSE 0(s) #01: Okay. Relax and . . think of ~.. Concentrate do only on,..... And will yourself to be where,,,,. "^ is at. Be where is. Go where ... is. it And wait for F?,,y to tell you something about the rapt target. So, concentrate on relaxing and wait for Tom to tell you something about the target. We'll wait. #25: Ungodly amount of static today. I can't. . . seem to get through anything. I asked how Murray was earlier and I saw intersection at . . . on Reece Road where the greenhouse is. There are some stores up at the intersection of 170, Reece Road I think and there's a greenhouse back there. #01: Okay. Why not . . Try not to decide where he's at. Why not you have him tell you some small things about the target. Let's not be concerned about the larger target per se, let's worry about . . . some significant pattern to the target. or color . . . The feel of the target. Gut feeling for the target. Ask him about these things. #25: Two patterns come in. One is a wavey line. Like you might draw. . . like a child might draw waves on water. If they were trying to draw water. And the other were dark lines that go . . . vertically up and down. #01: Okay. #25: Like a . an arbor for grapes or something like that. PAUSE Not a whole lot of them, just a few. #01: That's okay. We don't. . . We don't have to worry about what they are; just that they're there. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : QIAUEMIB-00788ROO0500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 #01: Follow these vertical lines. in either direction and see if they're connected to anything. #25: They go in the ground on one end. Come out of the ground. . . grow out of the ground. #01: Very good. #25: Other end seems to be connected by more lines. To each other. #01: Okay. Look at the angles of intersection. Try to remember what the angles of intersection are. . . of those other lines. Concentrate on those angles of intersection until a depth to the line forms and describe what occurs. #25: I'm not getting anything. #01: Okay. Very good. Why don't you . . . . concentrate on the field of those lines. And you reach out and touch those intersection lines. Tell me what they feel like. #25: Like wood. Unfinished wood. Cut roughly. #01: Can you sense age to this wood? PAUSE #25: 1 don't know. Fifty years just popped right out. PAUSE #01: Describe to me the impression you have of what will happen if we take that wood away. What is your first impression? PAUSE #25: Something fell. Green. PAUSE #01: Okay. We . . . We won't worry about what that was that fell. But describe the sound that it made when it did fall. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 ? R , R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIS 1088R000500950001-3 #25: Rustling sound. . . like leaves. Rustling of leaves. Rustling and rushing sound. PAUSE #01: Is'that the only sound? PAUSE #25: A. . . cracking sound. PAUSE #01: Okay. Describe . . if you can . . the type of fall. #25: The first impression of the fall was just a light. something very light fell. But now, I'm going. . . going back and the lines are holding something up. They're like stilts. I was feeling up the side of thing to see . . above that . . vertical connection at the top. . see what else was up there and I feel like shingles. Not asphalt, but like redwood or something like that. #01: Very good. #25: I think its stilts. I think they're stilts to support a part of a building. The rest of the building's on the ground. #01: Okay. Let's not get too fast. Describe to me why you would say redwood shingles. #25: Well, the texture. They may not be redwood. There's another kind of shingle that I don't know the name for, but . . . it has a rough. . . side. And its . . . they used to build houses out of it in the 50's. I think. PAUSE #01: Okay. That's very good. PAUSE #25: Its smooth, but it has ridges, that's what it is. PAUSE #01: Reach out, touch one, tell me what the temperature of that object is. #25: Cool. PAUSE Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : Cla*!000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-R j 000500950001-3 0 #25: Below seventy. #01: Concentrating on those ridges, describe for me the ambient light in that area. #25: Its a shaded area but its outdoors. I just ran my fingernail real fast down the ridges to feel them and hear a sound. If I heard a sound. . . I heard the sound. . . trying to describe it . #01: Okay. #25: Washboard. When you run your fingers down a washboard. #01: Very good. Describe . . . how these. . . objects are connected to the stilt type objects. #25: They're above the stilts. Its like a building. I'm looking off to my left; I can see a lower grassy green area. . almost like a golf course. That color. . that rich, green color. #01: Very good. #25: And its lower. . might have. . shallow water in it. PAUSE #01: Do you see any pattern to the green? #25: No, its grass. #01: Describe the boundaries of the grass. #25: On the far side looking across it, is taller grass,weed-type grass. Weed type grass. The other boundary on this side is the . . . is the target. It seemed like a building that I was describing. . with shingles. Shingled building. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RD 500950001-3 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 0788R000500950001-3 #01: Okay, what I want you to do now is to let go of these objects. . . and fall, and tell me what you hit. #25: Hit the ground. #01: Describe the ground. #25: No grass right where I fell. It was sandy, rocky. It was wet. There was a . . . I hit the . . my back. First I fell with my butt on the bottom, not with my feet. Just pushed back and let go. My back hit first not because I tilted in the air but because the ground goes down into a slope. #01: Okay, relax there on your back. And when I tell you to. . . keep your eyes closed now. . When I tell you to, open your eyes at the target. When you open your eyes tell me the first impression of target function. Okay, open your eyes. Describe the function. PAUSE #01: Describe why you say that. PAUSE #25: I can't. Its just a feeling. PAUSE See an older woman inside. PAUSE #01: Okay, why don't you ask her what she's doing. PAUSE #25: Well, very quickly I got - cleaning, but I thought. that was overlay, so I asked again . . and I don't get any . . . #01: Okay. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : dlA- 000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIAW000500950001-3 #01: Okay now, remembering everything that you have to this point, said. I have no further questions for you. What I want you to do now #25 is to relax and just think about the target and tell me any additional information that you think I should know. Just take your time. Use whatever time you want. #25: I saw asphalt shingles. Light colored gravel on dark colored asphalt - tiles or shingles, not tiles. What I'm up against is . . . or what I've been touching and feeling . . . I'm still life on the ground. . at the bottom of it is an appendage built out like a room built out. . . to the side of the main building. #01: Remember what that looks like. PAUSE #25: I just moved in it like the angle of (not audible). PAUSE Seemed like a little dirt road up by the side of the building. Probably a drive way. #01: Very good. #25: Trees over that. Seems to be lots of thick trees around. That's about all. #01: Okay. \ -- - - - - - -J _Y --tocro. home now. Its gone. #25: #01: Okay, relax and shake your arms and legs a little bit. I'm going to put the tape on hold. Come back to this room now. Just relax, take your time coming around here. #01: Okay, you're finished your drawings here. Why don't you start with Number 1 and explain your way through this. #25: Okay, Drawing 1 is a . . just a . . view of the stilts. At first the vertical lines. . that I first saw and that's. . that's pretty much what they look like even though this is a very simple drawing. The . . the . . . they were dark against a light background. #01: Um hm. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CL .- .__ F 000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/070788R000500950001-3 #25: And then, I don't know if there was . . . there seemed to be more . I keep wanting to draw one out here but then it starts to make a box and I didn't get a box feeling at all. And, so I won't do it, I'll leave it at that. #25: Drawing 2 is what the stilts evolved into - the double lines. . are now the stilts. And, I tried to . . I hung. . clung to the stilts right here, felt this shingle here labeled "A" and that's the feeling that I described - it was the rough ridges where I first said it was redwood and it felt like the . . different kind of shingle, the rough shingle. The building, I didn't draw in, but its here where I've labeled it as building or home. Here. The ground, this is sort of a hill that goes down and comes around like this, so this area's lower. #01: Okay. #25: Its really tough to draw. #01: So this appendage is sort of hanging out from the V' building. #25: Yeah. #01: Proper. And supported above ground on the stilts. #25: Yeah. #01: Okay. #25: I just got the idea that this might be water here so I'm gonna say - could be water. #01: Okay. #25: Okay. #01: Then you . . you des. . . can you describe for me the . . the type of shingle that . . . Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : C1A% .788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/0 il00788R000500950001-3 #25: Ah, yeah. I don't know the name of the shingle but its . . . its. . ceramic or a fiber type shingle that has an edge - if you were to slice it and look down the shingle it would look like Drawing Number 4. #01: Um hm. Okay. #25: Okay. Drawing 3 is a overhead view which I never got during the session but I tried to draw here. #25: Just to show where my view was. The star indicates my view. #01: Um hm. #25: The grassy area was out here. While I was looking at the grass area - when I wanted to go out to look at it to describe it, I made an effort to go around the building to get out here to see what was on the other side of the building . . #25: Which is blocked as you can see from that . . from my view here and I couldn't see. I couldn't move, I couldn't get out of there. #01: Where is the road that you were describing? #25: Oh.. Okay. The road would come right along here where I've written an overhead view. Dirt road. And it goes like right up against the building. #01: Okay. #25: Curves around this way too. And the trees were all around in that road. #01: Um hm. #25: Not in the road, but on the sides of it. #01: And you had a pattern, in Drawing Number 4 called wavey lines. #25: Yeah. That was one of'the first patterns that I saw . . #25: . after the leaves, which I didn't draw. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 e 9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : (.f JgJfJSJUUMMW0500950001-3 #25: But which I'll draw here in the middle and label it 5. This is just a cross section to a pattern that I saw. This is sky in here. . . #25: What do you do with the leaves. #01: Why don't you circle that 5 so it matches the others. #25: Okay. #01: Okay, do you have anything else that you'd like to add? #25: No. #01: Then let's go find out what the target is. #25: Okay. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 644788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 Li G4i a1RQLT5 Approved For Release 2000/087 :CIA- 6- 0 O001-33 Jv~ S + LTS t;T ft a. r t Approved For le se 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :. CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3 TARc~t : awe e Go 64+ t 4o- (13' 4-(2J13 4-p4 R& 3 Sow,, AL 3f,lts - RI file is 6 a R* 4.614 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500950001-3