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Publication Date:
January 30, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500870001-2
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 200
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Approved For Release 2000/QM 0788R000500870001-2
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer. At TAB C are comments made by the
control monitor during the session. See also Session DC-76.
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours,
30 January 1981.
Okay. This is going to be a pre-mission briefing. Showin g
you a picture of a building. What we want you to do this
morning is to go to this building, and describe some things
for us. I want to show you the building. It's a brick
building consisting of these areas here that I'm showing you
with my finger. It is not this white thing sticking up in
back, and is not this other red thing behind it here. But,
it is this area in here.
#01: Okay. It's the whole building. Right?
#66: Yes. Now, at the beginning of the session, I will read you
the coordinates to that building. Now, as you know, coordi-
nates can be off a little bit. So, the coordinates that I
will read you at the beginning of the session, I want you to
go to this building at those coordinates.
#66: Okay. Now, and you can keep that, if you like, in this building,
the picture I've shown you, what we want you to do is we want
you to locate this gentleman that I'm showing you, and you can
see his picture is taken right in front of that building. Okay?
#01: Okay.
#66: Now, this individual is going to be in that building. Okay?
We want you to locate him, and describe the area that he's in
in the building. Okay?
#01: Okay.
#66: Now, this individual knows that he's under surveillance, but he
has no idea what type of surveillance.
#01: Okay.
#66: Okay. So, we want you to locate-this individual in the building,
as you can see it in the background, and describe his immediate
surroundings. In order to start you off I will read the coordi-
nates to that building to you.
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Do you have any questions?
Okay. You may keep those pictures with you, if you like.
Just let me study him for a second.
Relax and concentrate now..
Relax and concentrate.
focus, focus clearly, cleanly, perfectly:
#66: Focus on the target building at these coordinates. Focus closer
now, closer, closer..... Remember now, only the time period 0900
eastern standard time; exactly 0900, eastern standard time, today.
Focus on an individual whose picture I have shown you, and
describe his immediate surroundings to me.
#01: Getting a room, and it's about 30 by.40 feet. It's a little
strange, the entranceway to the glass wall. ....
section of glass walls. This side of the room, there's........
like tanned, like gray type metallic finish to the walls. Think
it's only, only partially carpeted. Inside a glassed area,
there's no carpeting.
#66: Tell me about the individual. Tell me about him.
#01: I have him.....back amongst a group of....metal boxes and tables,
some kind of glass cabinets, sitting.... sitting in like a chair.
It's more like a folding chair, and he's ....doing something at
a table, apparently writing on a clipboard or something.... a, a
binder notebook of some kind. Get a....kind of an impression of
+03 lights going on and off, flickering somewhere. He's looking
at a, kind of a, I'm gonna describe his 'mmediate surroundings
left to right.
#66: Okay. Ah, is this as you face him or as you look from h1s
#01: Looking from 'his,, perspective.
#66: All right. Proceed.
#01: Ah...just a minute.
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#01: Ah, to his immediate... left, there's a, appears to be a desk of
sorts. More like a work table. Got some personal items on it,
like pictures... things that's scraps (phonetic) ten feet away.
Proceeding clockwise, there's a wide, white table with a hole in
the center, and there's a box or something affixed to the hole.
Perceive something electronic in that area. Proceeding further
to the right I.get blue, color blue, a lot of blue. Ah, pastel
blue, boxes, cabinets of some kind. They're in kind of a diagonal
or row to his front. Proceeding further clockwise directly in
front of him is a corner of a glassed-in area. Ah....just a
+06 minute. The other people in the room...there's three, possibly
four other people in the room, and they're working as if he's not
there. I don't know if they're ignoring him deliberately or if
they think he's just working too. But, they're working as if
he's not there. I get an impression that this is a special case
that he's there. He normally would', wouldn't be.
#66: Okay. Let's proceed with the description directly in front of
you now.
#01: Dir-, dir-, just a minute.
#66: I will wait.
#01: Gettin' out green, something really strange....I get like two
....oh, oh, just a minute...... I get something that's like
half a carrying case or part carrying case..... I get an
impression of like something that reminds me of goal posts, like
looking through chrome goal posts. Get like a slant face in this
case. Circles of black.... Some kind of snap catch or fastener.
#66: Okay. Let's proceed with the room description before we
get down to particular.
#01: Moving, that's like a table...moving to the right farther there
is a...another desk or a table in a T position to the one he's
sitting at. And, there are many chairs there. As if this is
like a...a sit down work area. Sense partitions in that direction
as well. I don't know if you can enter the partitions from this
room or not. There's a glass wall there, I think. And, that's
confusing me...partitions. Going further clockwise to his rear
right is the entry door. Has an entry door, and there's like a panel there or a black design feature of some kind.
It's like a...just a second.....
#01: It's like a piece of wall. Goes ceiling to floor and it's black
or it's trimmed in black. I can't...tell which, and there's
the door which is glass, mostly glass, some metal, and that's
essentially the, Get a conference flavor to it as well.
Sort of discussions..... I think there's discussions in this
room as well. It's a cold room. Feeling like it's colder there
than the rest of the building. Drop ceiling. Cables, cables.
I got cables. Cables on the floor, cables along the wall or
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#66: Tell me about this glass case.
#01: Okay. Just a minute.
#01: I'm not sure it's glass. I get this the case on the
#66: When you described an area to his front, and a little bit to
his left, you said there was something encased in glass.
#01: Aha (affirmative). It's like a separate area. Just a minute.
+13 I'm getting all different walls. I get a flat object. It's
like a roll around box inside the case, and there's a black
donut, donut shape on top. It's got a knob protruding through
the center of the top, and it looks like this, this donut shape
looks like the top of a hat sitting on top of the box. It's
like two or three of these in the glass case.
#66: Okay. Tell me again about those people that you perceive in the
#01: Okay. Just a second..... I get three for sure. Possibly four.
They're...all of 'em are.well-dressed except one. All wearing
suits. The other one that isn't wearing a suit has got a tie
on, but he's like wearing a coat, different coat. He's the one
going to the glass, glass area, cased area.
#66: Okay. I want you to go with him. Stay with him, become one with
him, and describe for me in detail as he perceives this glass
case. Go with him.
#01: Okay. Just a minute. Okay. He's in a.... he's in a room with
some kind of machines. There's a very audible hum. It's louder
than a hum; it's a roar. It's like machines going. I don't,
I don't see any movement. I see...see lights though. Different
kinds of lights. There's a lot of square switches, depressed
type switches. Most of the machines. on are, are same, same size
that appears kind of lining a wall....... I'm getting ah, getting
either a wooden table or.....highly polished surface. Think
it's wood. It's, got what it appears to be some kind of
solid state cards or something laying on it.
#66: Okay. Let me interrupt you for just a minute. .I need some
continuity here. I have kind of lost where we are. We were in
this room with the individual whose picture I have shown you, and
you picked out one of the others in the room, who you felt was
well-dressed. Did you say......
#01: He's wearing a tie, and some different coat.
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#66: And we were also discussing a object in glass case or a glass
cased area.
#66: And this man with the tie was walking towards the area, and I
asked you to go with him and explain this area, the glass cased
thing to me as he approached-it. Now, I'd like you to relate
the experience that you had as you attempted to do this. I've
kind of lost track of..... what happened.
#01: Just a minute. Let me.....
#66: Certainly.
+19 #01: Ah. I think the problem is terminology. This area is a glass
case. Inside there are glass cases that have something within
them, and this man is one of four working in this glassed area
with these cases. The case that he's working with presently has
got something of glass within it. It's round. I see movement of
a metal spindle of some kind going up and down. I don't....what
looks like....a bolt of something. Just a minute...........
I don't know what this......
#66: That's correct. Just explain what you experience there. It's
not necessary for you to figure out what this thing is. Just
describe it to me as best you can.
#01: Just a minute. It's gonna take, just a minute....................
Get a... like a square container section with a...what appears to
be something looped through it, but it's, the loop's moving.
So, it's hard to, to know why it's there. I get motors running.
Precision motors. There's a...there's a, a multi-switches to the
motors. There's something to do with... delicate balancing type
wires. Like an in-, internal cabinet safety switches for dis-
engaging-motors when doors are-opened. I see a rather extensive
wiring harness, but a great deal of the interior of the cabinet
appears to be air space. I get cooling fans. I get an impression
that this either-their functions, their function primarily is
the motors. They're very well balanced.
#66: Describe for me how I get to this area. Describe for me the
entranceway so that I might get to this area.
#01: It' glass wall inside of a metal wall, inside a metal
room.... I....where the target subject is, is the same room. I
think this is a section of the room that's walled off with glass,
and glass cabinets in this walled off section. Having trouble
understanding this. .It's's almost like it has to be
a dust, relatively dust-free environment, for some reason.
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#66: What are you experiencing that makes you say this?
#01: Dust covers. Everything has got glass covers, glass wall room
inside a regular room, and......
#66: Okay. Tell me about the entrance to the regular room.
#01: That's the, that's the glass and metal door.
#66: Go outside the door and tell me what it looks like from the outside
as you face entering the room.
+26 #01: Got a heavy door, like fire door..... No windows to this section.
Some kind of a....locking device. It's like an inner control
device you need, and you require. It's like a cipher lock, but
it doesn't look like a cipher lock.
#66: What is it you experience that makes you say that?
#01: I see a group of circles, and it's like looking through the metal
door. I see.a group of lockings, cylinders, and there's....
there's a place that is on the face of the door that has to be
touched.... sequentially in some fashion.
#66: As you stand outside this door, tell me about your immediate
surroundings as you stand outside this door.
#01: Ah, just off center from the T intersection in the hallway,
hallway is the long section of hallway as I'm facing away from
the doors to my front, short sections of my left
and right go to additional T sections. A mix of gray metal and
wood on interior, and a dark rug like a... I want to say orange,
but I think it's more rust color. Very thick. Ah, doors are
dark brown in some of the sections. Main, main hallway goes all
the way to a, another wall by the entrance.
#66: Turn and face the entrance now, and back away from it.
#01: Okay.
#66: Now, as you look at the entranceway in front of you, how do I
know that I have found the.right door. What tells me that this
is the right room that I want to go to?
#01: Just a minute.
#01: Feel like a small metal bracket in the upper right other door
about eye level. It's black. It holds something black. It's
got.white letters on...first letter's A, and...that's all I can
+30 get. First letter's A, the rest is is just.writing
to me. I don't.... looking for a room number, but I can't see
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#01: one. This is one of few doors with internal security
#66: Okay. I want you to do a continuity check now, by going through
the door very carefully, and trying to find the area that-you were
in before by going through this entrance. But,. be very careful
not to wink. Walk down the hall slowly, so that you can draw
for me the exact path that you perceive. And, let's check and
see if this is the right entrance.
#01: There's a, entering the door, there's a...section of room that's
30 feet straight away, and like 15 feet wide with desks in these
and there's, glass section of wall to the left with
a door in it. This is the glass door, I think, with the metal.
Going through that is another room, I described earlier with the
people, and now within that room is the glass area.
#66: Okay. Now, at one point in the session here you perceived a
carpet. Can you tell me where that carpet is located?
#01: Yes. It's....outside the main door in the hallways, and just
inside the main door in the desk area.....There is no, no carpet
in the, of the room. It's gray tile floor. Square
tiles, like .... square tiles.
#66: All right. Fine.
#66: All right. Now, let's continue on our path now, out the room, and
out the main entrance now, and proceed on now outside the build-
ing, out in front of the building, and position yourself out in
front in the building now. Now, at this point without reporting
to me, I want you to go around the building very carefully now,
and smoothly, proceeding at ground level around the building,
and when you get back in front tell me when you're ready.
#01: Okay.
#66: Now, you'd have gone around.the building, I want you to tell me
in your opinion as you've walked around the building, and looked
at the building, what is the distinguishing characteristic about
this...building. What would identify this building from all
others? You may go around and look again.
#01: Okay. Just a minute.
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+36 #01: Ah, black, blank doors and black windows. I can't see.any kind
of...hardware, like open windows or door handles or
everything's blank... blank..... Don't even see any signs......
Think lack of anything would be....way of describing building.
#66: All right.. Okay. Now, setting yourself in front of the building
again, I have no further questions about the area; however, I'd
like to give you time to comment now on the perceptions you
have had.
#01: I'm ...gettin' nothing to add. I, ah, I don't have anything
to add.
#66: Okay. Just remember everything that you've seen clearly,
cleanly, and accurately so that you might draw for me.
#01: Okay. Page 1. General description of the area. The center
hallway, I've drawn. which I call main hallway is the way out of
the building. the short T, what I identify as T inter-
section, and then the short hallway goes either direction to
other hallways, T intersection. Go to the right towards that
T intersection there's a door, which is the main entrance door.
I'll mark the-main entrance door with a one, and when you enter
that, that's a desk area, left-hand wall is metal with some glass.
But, I don't know exactly how that glass is laid out in that
wall. I do know the door's adjacent to a part of that glass.
You go through the door, which is door two, and that takes you
into the main area of the room, down the center of which was a
glass wall with another door.
And, I had a feeling like this area both sides of the
glass wall is the area that's not-carpeted. In the side
without, in the side.entered through door two, there's up here to
be desk, bookcases, and tables, or at least items that look
like that, and like the bookcases might be metal racks of some
kind, but they're shaped like bookcases. If you go through
door three, which is in the glass wall, you are into what I
call an equipment area.
And, inside there are the blue, blue boxes or glass cases, and
an L shaped table with no lights, and the two hat top boxes
side-by-side, and some other rectangular formation in.the room.
And, I marked with an asterisk the location of the beacon.
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#66: Tell me about those lights again. Several times you mentioned
lights, but I never got......
#01: I kept. getting changing colors or changing lights or blinking
lights. It had. something to do with this one table, and I don't
know if it's....some form of electronic equipment or if it's
something through spectrographic type display or...........
#66: Okay.
#01: I don't know what it is, really. Just lights, lights are. changing.
So, I 'spent a lot of time on the glass case. So, I don't...........
#66: Aha. Any other comments you want to make?
#01: No. That's it.
#66: Okay. That's fine.
#01: I can draw any of this in detail later that you might want.
#66: Okay. That's all I have.
#01: Okay.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/Qi 600788R000500870001-2
1. (S/NOFORN) Information provided the remote viewer prior to-the
session is documented in the pre-session briefing included as part of
the transcript.
2. (S/NOFORN) At the beginning of the session the remote viewer was
provided the following coordinate:
3. (S/NOFORN) Attached is the building photograph which was shown to
the remote viewer. The individual photograph is not included herein at the
request of the customer.
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1. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer and the interviewer were not aware what the
target was nor who the agency was that we were supporting.
2. (S/NOFORN) The session was monitored by the INSCOM Project Manager and two
representatives from the tasking agency. During the session the following
questions/directions were given to the interviewers by the personnel in the
control room:
a. Double-check on the number of people that the remote.viewer is reporting
are in the target room. Then, have him focus on one of them and describe what
he is doing.
b. Have the remote viewer go around the glass case and describe it.
c. Have the remote viewer leave the room and go stand outside the entrance-
way to the room. Have him describe the entranceway as you would see it as you
approached the door. Look for any signs of a room number.
d. Is the rug on the floor? Tell us more about where it is.
e. Have him go outside the building and walk around the building. Ask him to
tell how we can identify the building.
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