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Publication Date: 
January 21, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM )~ V--/- - d // 4 / NALS REVIEW ON~C Q y ( CLASSIFIED BY:MSG,DAMI-ISH DATED: 051630ZJUL78 GRILL, FLAME Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-66 #66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours, 21 January 1981. It's time now to focus your attention to focus your attention on the target for today. SG1A Relax now, relax and focus your attention: SG1A One target, one point, one target; focus on one target. Focusing your attention now move your perceptions through space in present time to the target area, and describe the target to me. PAUSE +02 #19.5: I got a...a very flat plain like area...very rugged mountains ... It's like's almost at the very edge where there's a...elongated, narrow valley....... Sort of looks like..... a...mostly very small towns. I see...barracades +04 the.....wire. It's forward edge of a perimeter of some kind .....trucks, half track type trucks are.....parked to the rear..... Something black. Just a minute. #66: As you focus now on the target of interest, as you focus on specifically the target of interest describe only your experience as you perceive the target area. +06 #19.5: Getting images of many troops...with tan colored uniforms. Like bivouacked or camped. Keep looking for............. vehicles, but I only see minimal vehicles. I don't see any armor ...except half tracked type vehicles. It's like .....I a small town nearby, but keep getting images of a large river or edge of a coast or water line of some kind..... south. Approved For Release 2000/ .1f-00788R000500820001-7 Approved For Release 2000/ :/ .: I -00788R000500820001-7 #66: Okay. Move in closer to the target on the ground, move now on the.grour,d at the exact target point....on the ground at the exact target point, and now describe your experiences to me as you focus on the target. #19.5: See a...there's either a partially constructed road or +08 highway or it's been damaged... can't tell which, but there's pieces missing from it..... I see a lot of troops. PAUSE #66: What is the present activity at the target..... present activity right now? +09 #19.5: I see, ah, bivouac...dug in fox holes, sand bags, type in- placements... small cooking fires...very heavy concentration of troops, ah, many, many. They wear a funny helmet. #66: What is it you experience that makes you say funny helmet? #19.5: I keep seeing upside down white soup bowl type shape.. wi h . you know, light covered canvas or a weather worn or washed out canvas... covering. It's just many troops dug in...a lot of camoufalging...distributing something... it's like food. #19.5: See very few civilians. #66: Okay. Now, as you're in this environment ask yourself for +11 the headquarters area. Ask yourself as you stand in this area where is the headquarters? Ask yourself where is the headquarters? #19.5: Ah...back in a...I heavily dug in area. Many bunkers.... tunnels...see tunnels. I heavily dug in. Many supply ..... supplies there in the tunnels...... I get a feeling of..... imminence. #66: Expand this.... +12 #19.5: Ah.....some form of preparation 'as been made. Keep getting a feeling of coming conflict, coming battle, but I don't, don't see an enemy. Raid type battle. It's as if they're gonna reach out for the enemy. They're going to go look for Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :`CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 Approved For Release 2000/ 8 Z.a 00788R000500820001-7 r rn.r #19.5: the enemy. They're not.....that's wrong choice of word. They know where the enemy is, but they have to go to him..... if border type situation a movement across the border. #66: Okay. Describe your.... surroundings right now. What is your perception of where you are now? #19.5: Jungle...many troops...edge of mountains. I keep getting this river. Huge river like Mississippi looking river.... wide. #66: Okay. Describe the troops to me. Pick out one or small group and describe them to me. #19.5: Small wiry, Asiatic, got a funny looking, that funny looking helmet wearing a washed out canvas. Don't see any tabs, no rank... carrying... it's like an old fashioned, like automatic rifle, Russian. #66: Okay. What is the general atmosphere of the place? How do the troops themselves feel about what they're doing there? How are they reacting? #19.5: Just a minute. #66: Fine. I will wait. #19.5: Tired. Long way from home and tired. Too much war. Get a ...get a feeling of distrust for decisions being made. It's as if it's not quite the right thing to do. Why do it if it's not necessary. #66: All right. I have no further questions about the target area. If there's anything you'd like to add about your perceptions please do so now. #19.5: Wet! Everything is wet! It's like a warm rain or warm mist and has.something to do with why they are not fighting. That's all I got. #66: Okay. Fine. Let's prepare to draw the perceptions you've had, now. #19.5: Well, on page 1, I got the mountains, and it's like a river valley running, I guess, southwes-t to north, I mean southeast to northwest. I drew in a possible border conflict area, and then the road which is either partially constructed or very old and falling apart. Very small town on the edge of the river. River is up to 1/2 mile wide. Major troop concentration area with an asterisk where the headquarters is, and the rest of it is all like flat jungle type area. Approved For Release 200 '1 l F96-00788R000500820001-7 Approved For Release 2000 I=Mg2 -00788R000500820001-7 #66: Okay. And you, when you got down amongst these troops then, you seemed to feel that they were there for some purpose? #19.5: Yeah. Like there was, they were prepared or preparing for some kind of border clash conflict of some kind. Where they would have to go to the border or across the border to inflict casualties on their enemy; they're supposed enemy. And, I got also a feeling like they were a long way from home and were worried about some other enemy at the same time. I don't understand that. It's like they were fighting on more than one front, or they were trying to hold more than one front, but looking to start another fight. Which is really crazy. And, on page 2, I have a as I can do drawing of what kind of uniform it is. Shorts, tan, no markings, no tabs, no metals, nothing, no rank, and cloth covered helmet that looks like, kind of like an upside down bowl with some tie strings, and a Soviet type automatic weapon. #66: Okay. And, what was the climate in this area? #19.5: Humid. But,.not overly warmed but very damp like a fine misty rain, and humid. Probably say around the 90s. 90 degree. That's essentially it. #66: Okay. Anything else you want to add? #19.5: No. Just a bunch of 'em. #66: Lots of 'em. #19.5: Lots of 'em. #66: And, in comparison with American unit size, do you have an idea of what we're talking about in comparing it with the size of an American unit? #19.5: Yeah. I would say this is no less than a battalion. #66: No less than battalion size. #19.5: No less than battalion size. Our battalion size which is quite a few number of troops. #66: Okay. Thank you. Approved For Release 20 , lb [\LDD96-OO788ROOO5OO82OOO1-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 ed For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820 r Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96 007 ROQA500820001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 ON Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500820001-7 Approved For Release 200 A 7 . 6-00788R000500820001-7 TARGET CUING INFORMATION REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION DC-66 1. (S/NOFORN) Prio r to the session the viewer was told that he would be provided a geographic coordinate designating his target. He was told that his initial task would be to describe the designated target area in the present time window. 2. (S/NOFORN) At the start of the session the remote viewer was asked to focus his attention on the target area designated by the following coordinate: SG1A NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 200 Z.. -00788R000500820001-7