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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 10, 1998
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Publication Date:
May 1, 1981
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07t'VlfFRRR,9M 00050(Y440001-9
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
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1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted
in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote.viewer's.impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote. Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of.the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the. remote viewer. lLt- 7-9 j ( e_ke-
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.W ,
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours
1 May 1981.
Relax now and concentrate on the target, concentrate on the
tar et
S G1A Focus on the target, locate your perceptions i
time at noon, 12 o'clock,. today, 1 May, 1981,. focus at noon
at the target, focus and, focus and describe the target area
to me
?+02 #01: Ah...half covered, ah, rectangular object, brown, white edge
....very large.... triangular corner-is below ground level.
It's a overhang...hilltop...little vegetation ...... zero...
zero vehicular traffic-double set of asterisks on top of
the rectangular form's like a. plant...
get a feel for some kind of a medi-cal ceiling. There's
some kind of sterility to it. Laboratory like.
`%n/' #66: And.your position of observation as you describe this to me?
#01: Dead center overhead 500 feet.
#01: Sandy brown. Don't see any green...for some reason. It's a
big sand mound.
#66: From this center point let's work the compass. To the north
of the center point describe this area.
#01: Get a semi-circle train moving away. It's not really a train.
It's a pattern of movement... lights, windows... shaped in a
left to right semi-circle.
#66: And now to. the west?
#01: Black derrick,. tall, even sides, four (phonetic) oblisk
pattern with a six pointed star.
#66: To the south?
#01: Large, open area... different shade or different color....
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#66: To the west. I'm sorry. On around to the east.
#01: Mountaineous area with a singular road. Very isolated
feeling. Nothing there. Just road.
#66: All right. Now, focus more intently at the target now,
focusing more and more intently, more and more clearly,
one specific time window, 12 noon, 1 May 1981, right there
at the target 12 noon, 1 May 1981, describe the activity
to me.
+09 #01: Activity is non-human. Its automated, automechanical
form of movement... something to do with acceleration in
automechanical movement in a circular motion, clockwise,
but., it's not a full circle. It's like elements of
material moving.
#66: And, your relative position of observation as you describe
#01: It's overhead.
#66: Okay. What's your altitude?
#01: 500 feet.
#66: Okay. Let's move up to 5,000 feet.
#01: See...only difference, I can't perceive-can't perceive
movement from.5,000 feet. Only perceive reflection of
something. from square object under more square objects..
light reflection. They're off of mirrors... Rectangular
+12 mound object is...(mumble) connected and fulcrum
shape with the road running through the center to large
clear areas. The sandy color rectangular is dead center
in the upper right box. Still no green.
#66: Okay. From this altitude I'm going to read the UTM
coordinate again, and from this altitude let's see where
you are attracted when I read the coordinate. Are you
#01: Okay.
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#01: Apparent.... I'm drawing backwards, like to. higher altitude
....drawing backwards, higher.
#66: Okay. Say to yourself sa to. our greater perceptual
self, . I want to see SG 1 A
#01: ....tell if it's a. sun or a large oval.....
keep.overlaying it. I keep translating it to like rocket
exhaust ports, looks different. It's a......
it's a.form of airborne vehicle, but I can't identify it.
I'm drawn to ovals. They kind of go
like a (phonetic) wave wave form.
#66: In your position-of observation you look at these?
#01: Traveling with them.
#66: Okay. Let's try to gain a little bit of control. Let's
return to their points of origin. Ask yourself for their
points of origin and describe that area to me.
+17 #01:c, Get the starfish pattern again with the modified six points..
444in some kind of.a metallic rack or something with holes
.....Seems to be a slide. I get the.cur-, cur- the box train
like structure with the windows and a light behind it the
movement ...I.get a sliding fashion. Large, metallic object
of-some kind and it's-point of origin....I saw a clockwise
movement, but I don't........ can't expand that.
#66: Okay. I'm ready to move in time.
#01: Okay. SG1A
+19 #66: All right.. Again,. coordinate move to the
coordinate target area. forward in time to 8 May, noon on
8 May 1981, and describe the activity to me.
#01: Impressions of many, many noises, sharp reports, clattering
type noise. Have moving type vehicles
#66: Why do you call them earth moving type?
#01: Bulky, metallic, very wide track, yellow., color is yellow,
for some reason.
#66: Okay.
#01: Also shifting dirt. Earth is being... wreathe... a fair
amount of personnel present now.
#66: Describe.
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#01: Only organized in groups wearing like hard hats. Just
continual movement in group. ... Don't seem to be
organized for anything... particular..
#66: Tell me again about these sounds that you heard.
#01: Like metal banging on metal. (Mumble) ear clank clashing...
like ...noise envelopes folding in on themselves going from
moderate to loud-enough that they go.beyond hearing range
frequency wise ... static, static in duration..... quick to
moderately long in duration, not pleasant...
#66: Okay. Describe for me the specific location of this
activity in relationship to the overview.
#01: Centered ...between-open edge and mountains in: southeast
corner of the overview far below the, the...large slow
S shape road going.from mountains across the...fulcrum square
box areas. Would say it's 10 kilometers from dead center...
My point of origin.
#66: All right. Now, focus back on the activity, focus now back
on the activity. I'm going to by days,.-I'm going
to count forward in time by days. Watch the activity. I
want-you to tell me to go faster, to go slower or to stop.
We want to find out what the result of this is. You ready?
#01: Just a minute .....................okay.
#66: From the eighth of May, plus one, plus two, plus three, plus
four, plus five, plus six, plus seven, plus eight.....
#01: Just.a minute. A Christmas tree form, ground pattern.....
I have lack of earthen vehicles, lack of people.-...observable
people. I sense there.are still people there. (Mumble)
Christmas tree form, like ornaments on the ends.
#66: Examine one of the ornaments.
#01: Looks like a......pocket, earthen pocket.
#66: And in the pocket...
#01; Still spike.
#66: Relative position of observation as you look at this
#01: Oblique (mumble) oblique. Looks like the pike, the old
fashioned pike, chrome tip on a flag pole. Sort of reminds
you of a cupcake with a candle.
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#66: Move over the top of the pocket 500 feet and look down.
#01: Circle with a hole.
#66: Move to the south, on the ground, face it and describe it.
#01: Spike.
#66: Your perceptual distance from it?
#01: 400 feet maybe, 300.
#66: Give me 50 feet.
#01: An erector set, gears,. hydraulics of some kind. Just had a
glimpse of wheels. That may-be overlay, though. A box
sitting on wheels. That's overlay, I think.
#66: Just relax. You're facing it.....
#01: (mumble) feet...... that's all I get...... that's all I get.
Had an impression of something-that looked like a.......
looking at an overly large, double edge razor standing on end.
#66: Okay. Now, you're fifty feet from. it, and as you look at it
you can see the other side to it. There it is in front of you
and around the other side there's the other side, and over
there is the rest of the thing cut out on the ground. Now,
go over to the other side and look back and describe it to
#01: I can't. I'm starting to overlay it. I.....I'm drawing
pictures now.
#66: All right. Now......
#01: I'm starting to draw stack fins and everything.......
#66: Empty your impression on me and then we'll move.
#01: It's all right. I was creating in my mind a flat like
table top. tilted to one side with a row of stacked fins on
it, and I feel like that's mostly creative so......
#66: All right. Move now over the Christmas tree pattern, 500 feet
again, over the Christmas pattern 500 feet. Now, remember
we'll still plus eight days from 8 May, still plus eight days
from 8 May.
#01: Okay.
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#66: over the Christmas.tree pattern. Now, look down.....
when you went to one of the pockets tell me which one you
went to.
#01: Second from the top, right.....
#66: Look to your left and count down four pockets.
#01: From the top?
#66: Yes. Go now to the fourth pocket and describe it to me.
+34 #01: Large crane . .. it's expanded, vertical to the ground....
it's got's multiple engine. That's all I get.
#66: All right. Move back now over the Christmas tree 500 feet.
Remembering the pattern that you have seen in the Christmas
tree..... looking carefully at it, I have no further
questions about the target, but while you remain at .8 May,
plus eight days, it is now time for you to comment as you
see fit.
#01: I.... I.can't see the base the Christmas pattern......
Some may not be a base. That's all I got.
#66: All right. Calibrating then on 8 May, plus eight days,
16 May, 16 May, maintaining your position over the
Christmas tree, maintaining your position over._the
Christmas tree....... move.... to one thousand over the
Christmas tree. Now, focus on the Christmas tree, now
.....very carefully..... close your eyes, close your
eyes, and we are going to move to 16 June, 16 June.....
#66: Open your eyes 16 June, and describe the Christmas tree
to me.
#01: I'm not getting anything.
#01: Not getting any input.
#66: All right. Focusing on 16 3une, focusing now.on 16 June,
ask yourself one question, ask yourself one, and only one
question 16 June......... ask yourself for the information,
any changes in the Christmas tree.......
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~...~' ~:~. 3 #
#01: The only response I get is a. relocation, but there's no
change in Christmas tree.
#66: All right.......... Remembering clearly, perfectly and
precisely all the imagery that you've seen, and all the
perceptions that you have had, move now back through.time
to the present.. Focus your attention on me, here in the
room on the sound of my voice, move your arms now, move
your. legs and take a few deep breaths and. prepare to draw
the imagery you have perceived.
#66: Move your arms, move your legs.
#01: Okay. On page 1 I had the, I guess I should put an arrow
to where I started from. I'll mark it start. Now, this
dead center over the start, and what that is, is some kind
of a very flattened, perimedal roof type shape that's half
buried in the ground which acts as an overhang which you
can go up under, and it's in the middle of a patterned
area on the ground. It looks like two waded ends of a fulcrum.
And, the fulcrum itself breaks across the center of the S shape
road coming out of the hills in the right. To the left, or
to.the west there's an oblisk shape tower. I don't know
what that it. But,. to the rear of this designated area
with this flattened triangular shape, there's a glass and
metal squared tube like bit. Has an indication of motion
which I called clockwise motion.. Because I got a feeling of
sweeping to the right, from left to right.. I don't know
what that. is, but there's reflection off the glass there.
And, then down on the bottom right shaped corner is the
tree shape area, directly south, or to the bottom of the
page is the open area. Marked as A in the tree shaped
area. is the pocket area on page 2, that I drew on page 2.
#66: Okay. Now this tree shaped area is where you first
perceive some sort of earth moving equipment that you thought
was in the area.
#01: Right, right. They were just pushing all kinds of dirt
up and all that sort of stuff, and.....I'll mark B, is
actually the first place I went in that tree shape area.
That's where I had the metal spike.....with the.....looked
like the tip of a flag pole. Okay. The one I drew is
the more complicated one which is area A on page one.
It's on page 2, and essentially that's what it looks like.
I don't know what it is, but it's metallic, and .....that's
it. That's all I can say about it, really. I don't know
what to tell you.
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#66: How did you feel about this session, the imagery you
#01: Weird. Oh, the imagery is good,'s just a
weird session. I don't know....I don't have the foggiest
of what I was targeted against or anything.
#66: Okay. Any other comments?
#01: Which means it's probably it's pretty good.
#66: Any other comments?
#01: That's all I've got.
#66: Before we close down then, you've drawn another drawing
here .... number 3 which was kind of an expansion of your
start point that you indicated in drawing number 1. Tell
me a little bit about this drawing number 3.
#01: Okay. What this essentially is, is a very flat permiddle
form...four-sided perimid with an edge around it, and
it's constructed very geometrically and it's kind of
imbedded back into a dirt mound, and there's an opening
on one end, and an overhang area like with an opening, and
coming out of the back of the dirt mound and going off clock-
wise into the distance is this, this box like conveyor or tube
or whatever that's got some movement in it. And, has glass
of some form affixed to it. That essentially-is it.
#66: Okay.
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1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was told only that
he would be provided a UTM coordinate and two time windows at the target.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the remote viewer was directed to elaborate
on portions of his descriptions as advised by the control monitor.
3. Target Designate:
011200 May 81 at the site
081200 May 81 at the site.
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1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session, #66 was provided a piece of paper
with the following targeting information thereon:
Also contained on the piece of paper were the directions/EEI:
a. Describe the general area of the target.
b. Describe activity at the target.
2. (S/NOFORN) In-session guidance: During the session, the.Control Analyst
provided the following guidance/direction to the interviewer at the times
b. +21 min: "Move (#27.5) forward to final completion, and describe
what is being done."
+25 min:
"Have (#27.5) get into the pocket and describe it."
+28 min:
"Have (#27.5) visit the other pockets and look in."
e. +32 min: "Have (#27.5) move ahead in time one month to see any
changes, try to determine if it's completed yet."
f. +35 min: "Come right up front and ask (#27.5) if there are any
changes in the Christmas tree."
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Q0 L. %0 1 T M'T'
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session, #66 was provided a piece of paper
with the following targeting information thereon:
Also contained on the piece of paper were the directions/EEI:
a. Describe the general area of the target.
b. Describe activity at the target.
2. (S/NOFORN) In-session guidance: During the session, the Control Analyst
provided the following guidance/direction to the interviewer at the times
a. +20 min: "Where is this area in relation to the overall area?"
b. +21 min: "Move (#27.5) forward to final completion, and describe
what is being done."
+25 min:
"Have (#27.5) get into the pocket and describe it."
+28 min:
"Have (#27.5) visit the other pockets and look in."
e. +32 min: "Have (#27.5) move ahead in time one month to see any
changes, try to determine if it's completed yet."
f. +35 min: "Come right up front and ask (#27.5) if there are any
changes in the Christmas tree."
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