SESSION: D-99, RVER: 10.5, IVER: 14

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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 10, 1998
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Publication Date: 
October 30, 1980
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R000500260002-8.pdf74.67 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP.96-00788R000500260002-8 DATE/TIME . /yam ~jc7A SESSION [~ ? 99~ RVer IVer - z4 ANALYST 1 A __ TAPE TARGET PSI CONDUSIVE STATES: 1. Physical Relaxation: a. Was Rver able to physicall relax before and/or during "cool down" period? b. Did Rver appear physically relaxed before and/or during the session? c. When questioned, did Rver report a sense of physical relaxation in conjunction with the session? 2. Degree of Arousal: a. When questioned after the session did the RVer report he was able to achieve a state of "passive concentration" prior to and/or during t he session? b. Did RVer a ear to be in a state of "passive concentration" prior to and/or curing the session? 3. Sensory Input: a. Was there ambient room "noise" (to include all senses) before and/or during the session? b. Was RVer disturbed by noise before and/or during the session? c. Was RVer able to disregard the "noise" and concentrate on the task at hand? 4. Increased Awareness of Internal Processes: a. Did RVer report internally perceived sensory data? b. Did Rver express his confidence in the internal sensory perceived? c. Did RVer have REM during session? 5. Hemispheric Specialization: a. Did Rver exhibit a voice quality change? b. Did RVer's verbage exhibit right hemispheric behavior? (Lack of sentence structure, gestalts, etc.) 6. Altered View of World: a. Did Rver believe the task at hand was possible for him? b. Was Rver confident that he could do what was asked of him? 7. Importance of Task: a. Was Rver briefed on importance of mission? b. Did Rver display positive motivation concerning the task at hand? Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000500260002-8