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Approved For Release 200151#1107,15.triljlt! rfir107438R000400760001-5 NSCOM GRILL FLAME CROCRW SC_SS 1 ON ASSIF YID BY :MSC 5H DATED? 5, 6,Y.711,11_78 NOT FILLASABLE TO 17 Of-1,, MN NAT TONAL.) TEW UN: al OOP Approved For Release 201.mi on.p, . -muruo-U 69100F61.0AME . ///' _-_ - Approved For Release 2000/ - wspoomeillik[00.0..-,.=-::00788R000400760001-5 SUMMARY ANALYSIS REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION D-32 1. (S/NOFORN) This report documens a remote viewing sesion conducted in compliance with a request for information on a target of interest. The mission was to describe an area designated by UTM coordinates. 2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detaiLed in the document Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's tmpressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B in target cuing information provided the remote viewer. At TAB C is analyst data. 5. (S/NOFORN) This remote viewing session was conducted concurrently with Session D-31. Approved For Release 2000/08/07. GIA---RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 IlEilaStL :CC. IN21.?2 C) Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 TIME TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION D-32 #66: This will be a remote viewing session tHr 1330 hours, 8 September 1980. PAUSE Relax and concentrate now. Relax and enncentrate. Relax and SG1B +04 #07: #66: +06 #07: +08 #66: +10 #07: tention on your target for today. Your target completely on your target for today. Mrive now throug in the past twenty-four hour period to he target area and focus on that period of time durin c the normal work day. Move now through time in the past twenty7four hours to the target during the normal working day and describe the target to me. PAUSE To start off with...I got strong linear pattern...strong vanishing point in the background, light looking from one end of a group of parallel lines..uh..seem to..uh..come together way down there. I'm about 100 feet up. I see...a big.. uh.. I lost it. SG1B PAUSE Focus on and describe the target from 1,000 feet. Got it... It appears..uh..a big, a biti, a big, a big building or something like a big warehouse or a hangers with some kind a buttress from the sides. Got..uh..mnre than three. But..uh.. some seems to, to be on my, my left. IL appears to looks like very long road there. I think it's a runway, to my left, and other buildings to my right. Focus now in time, in the past twenty--Tour hours during the normal work day, and describe the activity at this location. PAUSE Umm I'm looking ....I'm looking through this house..uh..uh.. west. But, I see..uh..large..uh..very large..uh may not be that, but I think it's a bH airplane to the very large crowds..ppople?.outside, outside Something extremely abstract keeps moping around in my Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/000400760001-5 Only thing I can compare it to, mo-, mo- model of molecules. Like ....very geometric..uh.. spheres and long linear connectors hetween?ummmm?spheres. +12 #66: Ask yourself, ask of yourself, what does this picture I sec have to do with the target. Ask of yourself what does this picture I see have to do with this targrt, and report the answer to me. PAUSE #07: Uhhh..ummm great quantities of paper pr nt outs data, data, a lot of data.. .tests, some kind of tests, tests of some kind. Data collection on some kind of test. +14 #66: Ask yourself to disc-, ask yourself whA kind of test is this. Ask of yourself what kind of test is this, and report the answer to me. #07: PAUSE Ummm...I don't know...looks like, two, linear, tubular thing. Looks like a damn, two hot dogs and a very hot bun that putting out a hell of a lot of heat. It's rounded on the top with these two things inside. It's like if you cut across the bun with two hot dogs inside of it, you see the ...a rounded dome on it just.. .doming up with tremendous heat. PAUSE #66: Focusing now on this imagery, describe the location of this that you see. #07: Oh.. .1 don't know where this is. #66: Ask yourself, where is this that I see. #07: Uh...I don't see anything. Wait a minute, just looked at a frame, a frame in front of me, there is a shore line sweeping around from the bottom upwards on my left side appears to be a gulf ..uh..uhh..of wsIer. Could be I'm seeing a portion of a lake with the land on the left. It appears like a peninsula. +18 #66: Move even closer and describe the immediate surroundings. PAUSE 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96;00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 mimmismaimb #07: I lost it...Somehow...ended up on the ground here. #66: Describe it to me. #07: Oh! It's nothing. I just, I was trying to move in on this, and the whole thing went blank. started looking around it, looked like I was...on the nround of a cave or a tunnel or something. Just overshot?....The walls are raw. They haven't.... Don't appear to be much showing. I came back up. #66: Before, you spoken of data being produced. Data being produced reference a test. #07: Yeah. I just think there's...asking myself some question I've since forgotten. +21 #66: Ask yourself now, what is the nature ol this data. Ask yourself what is the nature of this &Ia. PAUSE #07: I had a strong, a strong sense of feeitng..... If the hot dog had anything to do with it...?.must be a release of energy. #66: Tell me what is it that makes you say Lhat. Report your raw data. #07: The..whether the hot dogs...left overty heated and hot dogs in the buns were about to pop. I didn't want to dump +24 that. I wanted to wait until I got better information. But, all the data coming around the big computer print out sheets indicated some kind of data crunching. I asked myself about the significance; I immediately felt some kind of testing. It wasn't raw imagery. It was just strong feeling of information gathering, tes!_ing #66: Of what material is the hot dog imagery? #07: I didn't hear you. #66: Of what material is the hot dog imagery? #07: Of what the hot dog's made out of. #66: Yeah. #07: I don't know. I never thought about. See-- 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/ #66: Describe their composition to me. 88R000400760001-5 #07: Appears to be....a reddish, doughey, dough like, thick, like the latest playdo. It's got a very.... It's plastic but pliable consistency. That seems to be contained in this hot dog shape. Hell, it looks exactly like a hot dog to me, but the bun, bun portion seemed to be vibrating, pushing outward....great pressure. I just caught it. It might went in time. I don't know what happened to it. It''s not much. +28 66: All right. Let's try to recapture that moment. But, this time ask yourself for a picture of the Lest, a picture of the test. Ask yourself for a picture of the test and describe this picture to me. PAUSE #07: I must be too close. I've got to try again. I kept getting imagery I can't describe. Foil like I.. .close as I could describe it.. .1 was like about one inch away from the candle flame looking at it with great detail with one eye I could see a very hot inner proportion with a wick and bands of color going out from there. Out to.. different colors on the way out and it was vibrating and it looked kind of shaped pointed top like, like candle flame and the sides were curved like a flame and moving outwards. I kept seeing all kind of erazy colors. It's don't mean anything to me. I'm going to back off. #66: All right. As you back off away from it, simply put a filter up in front so as to block these distracting images so that you can see very clearly. Simply put a filter +30 up in front of you so that you'll block these distracting things and you can see very clearly. #07: Hmmm...It looks like a pear (phonetic) shaped thing. Just blew it all to hell! I'm getting mixed up with overlay. It's something I experienced several months back. #66: Report. #07: It feels like I feels like a smart bomb hit a cement bunker, cement hangerette type enclosure, and just as it was just going all to pieces I saw red streaks impinging (phonetic) on it from another, another angle I don't know what to make of that. 4 Approved For Release 2000/wow...I- REITM-M-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-Illapa6i00788R000400760001-5 #66: All right. #07: But, I, I was comfortable with the torps(phonetic) pear shape disintegrating, and then I was overwhelmed with the smart bomb idea. I don't know II just #66: How did the bomb come to disintegrate? How did it come to this condition? #07: I don't know. It about a 45 degree angle to the earth's surface. Appeared to have peneTrated. It was either stored or penetrated. I just caught it in position disintegrating. Then, I suddenly got a memory trace of some other, some other stuff I'd worked on. #66: Okay. #07: #66: somewhere else. I, I think the smart bomb bunker must be overlay. It's so close to some work that I did with the camouflaged people. PAUSE All right. Let's focus solely on the imagery from this session then. Wipe out the overlay.. .solely on the imagery from this session. Describe haw this torpedo like object is sitting right now. #07: Uh...hell, it isn't. It's...I caught it kind of disintegrating. Let me back up. +35 #66: Back up in time and describe how it's sitting. #07: Appears to be pointing down a little hit, but Oh! Hell. I can't handle this when you said...pspp(phonetic) pspsps (phonetic) skylights sitting 1 saw a cradle rack. I didn't see that before, so I think I just #66: Did I understand you to say something about cement, cement block of some kind? #07: I said cement.. .bunker like thing. 1 Ike a cement hangerette. #66: And, then you said, That.. .what is it Lhat is in this bunker? #07: I see an aircraft that I think is in There, but, this torpedo thing seems to definitely be in there. #66: Move forward in time now and watch far this disintegration that you detected. Describe what happens as you move forward in time. Approved For Release 2000/08/fl7 IA Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : C1A-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 #07: I see an aircraft or a model of an aircraft inside of something. Brightly lit from below. 1 iko an explosion or a flash or something underneath it. I can't hummmmm... I see wires going all over patte(phonetic) pattern of I don't know. I've...fteling they're some kind of sensors. Something to do with the wires. Now, I've lost the torpedo, it's... 'his is too slow. I can't handle it. Too slow...white blue light. Dirt. There's an explosion. That's about ii #66: All right. Now, you've watched through time the torpedo object, and you've watched several events happen through time. I'm interested to know how that time of that relates to present time, right now. Are we looking at the future; are we looking at the past; are we looking at the present? #07: Gosh! I don't know. I didn't know there was time. 1 Was just I was just I was just sitting here looking I have to work on that. #66: All right. Watch the sequence +41 #07: Hold it! God damn! I don't know. 'here's some stray input there.. ..a big ...metal sphere with....some kind of precision tubes sizely positioned, kiHd'a into it. It just hit me. I don't know what it is. I'm going to work on time now. #66: Okay. As a suggestion to work on the Lime situation, follow the sequence through one more lime, and when you get to the flash point then look at your calendar and tell me what day it is. PAUSE #07: I don't know. I keep.. .1 keep seeinu the seven mixed with something. (Mumbling) I'm sorry. The flash keeps getting in the way. #66: Let the flash ask, let the flash act in illuminate the date so you might see it better. Lei the flash act to illuminate the date so you may see il better. #07: I've got a.....kind of God damn! #66: Okay. Relax and look at it for a moment; just relax and look at it for a moment while I turn over the tape. #66: Okay. 6 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : C1A-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 #07: I can't handle it. I gotta, I gotta seven 'an a nine, it's jus' ...uh...I can't choose between them. #66: I understand you're having difficulty Iucusing on some sort of time matrix with the events you've seen. #07: That's fuzzy, you know, the way it curves to the left at the top. It could be a seven or a nine. It's near the top of the calendar..... #66: Okay. #07: second row. #66: Okay. Let's examine your imagery once again, and for this we're going to need a flash filter as we watch once again the events, the torpedo object, we need a flash filter so that you won't be blinded by the flash, and that you'll be able to see clearly the altitude of the explosion. Follow the events through Lime once again, and describe the altitude of the explosion. #07: looked to me like it was 41 was under an aircraft. I thought the aircraft was wside something. #66: An....I understand that you feel that Ube aircraft is not airborne when the explosion happens? #07: I didn't think it was. I saw.. .it could be...noise of the bunker hangerette thing. But, I kept seeing the bunker hangerette thing. I was looking out to try and see what was in there and I saw this aircraft which a flash lit it up from underneath. I looked around for the to see if the walls of the hangerette was gone, and I couldn't see it anymore. I just saw black and everything was gone. I lost it. From that, I just assumed I was somewhere close to ground level. The torpedo like thing was when it went was about 45 degree angle nose down (mumbling) got a flash of some kind oi racks about that time uh....the nose of this thing. ...kind of funny. +50 #66: Describe the magnitude of the explos m. #07: I don't know how to do that. #66: Would you call the explosion small, medium or large? #07: I can't deal in relativity. I say this thing oughL'a raise hell with four feet of. is a hydrogen bomb; it's small. Other's ) hundred pounder it's pretty good size. Something electronic seems important. That could be recording. 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96=b 0400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CrAg1elme8ie0788R000400760001-5 #66: All right. We've been at this for quite a while now. I have no other specific questions about, this target. But, I would like for you now to comment as you see fit on the imagery that you have seen. #07: What I seemed conflicting because I suspect overlay. Testing was feeling was strong....explosion and disintegration seems strong; information and data collection seemed fairly strong. #66: And, what is the nature again of this information that's to be collected. #07: I don't know. I just observed. I.. .never asked myself that. I assumed it was gather data on. I don't know destructive force, I guess. 1166: All richt. Anything else you would like to add before you draw those perceptions that you have had? #07: No. Except that one point there trying to slow down disintegration my pulse got awfuliy heavy and eratic. Almost felt like cancelling out. I don't know what caused it. That's about all I have to add. #66: Okay. Fine. Let's draw the perceptiuHs that you've had. We would like to have some pictures here..uh..number one of the torpedo like object that you have perceived. So, it's good to do that one. #07: Excuse me. My mike cord's caught on something. #66: It was just me. I was standing on it #07: You were standing on my cord! Okay. Now, I saw the thing as though it were pointed downwards to my left. #66: Redo it again, then. #07: Yeah. I just want to see if I can gcl the feel of it with black pencil, and I'll #66: Okay. #07: I couldn't.. .back along this point, I get the shape too well past this point, but I felt back a few feet past that there was some kind of...?must have been fins or something I couldn't get it exactly straight, but rather than it being long with the sides parallel, it seemed to have a nice curve to one point sometime very late, I saw a thing that was shaped on the end I saw something very weird like that. I've never seen anything like it, and it could have been just overlay of some type, but I did see Just about this portion Approved For Release 2000/08/096-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-Ria96j00742R000400760001-5 #66: Okay. Why don't we make those....uh.., A and a B. #07: An A and a B? #66: A, being the torpedo like object, and h being a shape that you perceived later as being...uh...the front maybe of the torpedo object or what did you perceive #07: I don't know. It was the same blamed angle that I saw the other. I'd been trying to look at this thing, and trying to figure out if the thing was a torpedo or if it was a bomb, if it was a rocket.....I muldn't identify it, and while I was doing it, this thing Flashed in real strong. #66: You mean B. #07: B flashed in real strong and disappeared on me. Oh you want those in ink, right. #66: I just couldn't get the attachemnt of the tails to the frame, but I felt there were some kind of fins there. Okay. Now on page 2 if you could draw a picture of the airplane that you've perceived. You seemed to see it several times, and did state once thal it was rather large. #07: The, the first aircraft that I saw very early was not the thing I saw with the light flash under it. #66: Oh. I see. Okay. Well, show me the thing with the light flash.... The thing that's connected with the torpedo object in someway. #07: Nummm....I've lost it. It's a t can't remember the nose too well there, but I could sec the under portion, you know, really under here, really I-et up, very, very bright. Oh... I thought I was very close to it. I felt that the thing that lit it up was over my right shoulder, and I thought I was up close to this thing, and looking up at it. #66: One time you called this an airplane or a model of an airplane, too. #07: Yeah. I don' t know why the hell I said that. I don't have the feel for that now. #66: And, as you draw it, is it airborne? 1107: Well, it felt like it was hainging, you know. I was seeing this hanger, hangerette like thing, and this thing seemed .... I looked up when I thought I was in this dark enclosure looking to see if there was anything there. I saw the aircraft, and I was looking up at it, and I was wondering why it didn't have wheels down. So, I don't know. I something happened there. I Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-FDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2OOOIO8IOTIA #07: don't know what all happened, but....._....I don't know. It didn't have......... It must have been airborne. I saw no wheels down. Okay. This aircraft doesn't look exactly right, but.......... #66: #07: #66: Now, did you.... torpedo object. No. I could see from me. I'm confused a littic bit about the Is it attached in somcway to the airplane? thoughLs separated Because you just just s;tid that the explosion was over your shoulder when you saw the flash in the airplane. #07: You know, I don't think the torpedo thIng was in that aircraft. #66: You don't think it was ever in there? #07: I don't know whether it was ever or noi.. I felt that the aircraft was lit up by it. Although, t didn't turn around and look to see if that was the torpedo thing. I was just aware of this bright (mumbling) figure like I hadn't seen or felt before...and...I didn't expect that. I was looking to see if there was anything in there, and I saw the aircraft. #66: Okay. #07: And, I saw it light up from underneath. And, I don't know whether the thing was in the hanger or outside. It was black. #66: Okay. Then, let's move on to page 3 HOW and draw this thing that you call a hangerette. #07: Aha. This is going to be awful difficult, but I only saw portions of it, and I'm sure I'll fill in from memory, because I worked a problem like this...uh...with the agency in, what was it, oh yeah. #66: You're speaking of working this from..uh..photocyaph imagery or something. #07: Photograph interpretation, yeah. #66: I see. #07: I don't know. (Mumbling) some kind (11. bunker. #66: Okay. Let me see if I can review this again. lo Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 #07: I'm not seeing that much with all of the imagery that I was...... was going by me. #66: Okay. You have something like a mound of dirt or something over the top of the....... #07: Big, cement reinforced concrete... .bunker like thing shaped like...... #66: Okay. And, when asked what was in there, you felt that #07: I felt that the, and I may have...saw he bomb again I said bomb or torpedo like thing, rocket, whatever, and when I saw that I figured... .well, you know I was asked what's, you know, where this is or what this is or something, and I thought well, it musi be in there. I didn't see them actually together, bui I felt that they were. It might have been overlay. I don't know. #66: Did you see. .did you feel the aircraft was inside this (mumbling). #07: That's what I thought! I thought an aircraft was in there, and I looked around. I saw the flash, and I thought, well, gee, the hanger's going to go too, and I couldn't see the hanger then. All I could see was the aircraft (mumbling) from underneath and blackness And, when you said, look and see what's in the hanger, I saw the aircraft. I naturally thought it was in the hanger right there. #66: Okay. Then, when we tried to fix this event in a time pattern here, the beginning of the session was somewhat confusing because you started out having imagery what looked like an airfield. #07: Yeah. I saw parallel lines, and vanishing in the distance, you know, closing #66: And, then some other buildings and yea called it an airfield, at one time. #07: Yeah. Warehouses or hanger like thicqs, I thought. #66: And, then you said something about, ...... it. #07: That was interpretation, I guess. #66: Well, at any rate #07: I thought there was a very large airuraft, and a lot of people outside. I don't know. I gal a long blank there. I don't know what happened after that. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 aCIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 :4f0146111g96z788R000400760001-5 #66: Okay. Then, you said that you had to report something that was very vague, and made no sense, and it looked like molecules connected together with tubes or something. #07: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it looked like, well, it looked like a model of, you know, you might see effective some molecule or DMA or something. I've seen pictures of #66: Like you see in a school science class or something. #07: Yeah, yeah. Big marbles with shafts ronnecting between them the shafts being (mumbling) eight, or ten times the diameter of the sphere. I tried to figure that out. I don't know what happened then. #66: Okay. I asked you what that had to do with this session. What days this figure that you said had to do with this target, and then you said something about tests and data. #07: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I saw computers and computer printouts zapping out, and I really felt that this was..uh.. testing or evaluation of something very strong. I don't know why. #66: Okay. I think at this point we were a little bit lost in time, and we didn't know exactly where we were. Do you have anything else on theguidance in time? What are we talking about here as far as a time for an occurrance for this event? #07: I thought the, I thought the..uh..thc paper printout was after the event, not before, and 1 felt that data crunch was to better understand what had happened. Therefore, this implied to me that a greater understanding of what the phenomenal was, was desired. They said test to me.. .is how I arrived at that. #66: And, this test, in itself, this whole thing called the test, how does that relate in time to us right now sitting in this room? #07: I don't...I'm not sure. I don't know. I didn't play with the time thing too long. Only towards the end, as I remember. Oh, 1, I tried to look at a calendar and trying to see the month. I couldn't make that out whether it was a plain, square, white calendar with big block, black letters, and I thought I was inLo the second row. I thought...I thought seven or nine beeause whatever it was it seemed to be heavier at the top, and that's interpretation, you or Hine...single diget. ...Now, I did see other diget come in faint in lattering 12 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 #07: tone but I didn't use 'em in this. The heavy black numbers were what I thought what I gave you. Oh.. as to whether it's future or past relative to now the nature of your question somewhere niong the line would indicate this is logic. Wide awake logic tells me that it was, I think you said past twenty-four hours or something. #66: Well, we started out trying to work activities of the past twenty-four hours, but #07: Logic would tell me it was some where in the past but I feel, I feel future. #66: Okay. What makes you say that? What'; the feeling? #07: I don't know. Just a funny feelin L I felt, I felt very, very nervous and hyper-and my pulse quickened. I wanted to get away from there, and I kept feeling well, there's still time. I can get away from here. The thing was disintegrating around it. I felt it's okay. I can get away from here, and I felt pretty calm, and, just from that feeling I have a kind of feeling it might be in the future. I felt I had Lime, and it was going to cccur may be relative to, ot other time. I don't know. But, I didn't play with the time thing too much other than some of these suLlte feelings like that. #66: Okay. Is there anything else you woutd like to add now? #07: No. Don't ask me to draw those molecule things. It was quite comp---I saw a lot of complex shapes. The heat expanding outward, greater in the horizontal position than the upper position the way they peaked. The very sharp point above rather than a round mushroom thing. It was like the heat was moving outward rather than upward. But, that was about it. #66: Okay. Anything else then? #07: Can't think of anything. #66: That will be it then. .13 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDF'96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP9 -00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000 8/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 TARGET CUING INFORMATION REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION D-32 1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was told that at the time of the session he wuld be given a UTM coordinaft and map sheet number. 2. (S/NOFORN) At the start of the session the viewer was given the following data: 3. (S/NOFORN) Durind the remote viewing session the interviewer encouraged the viewer to elaborate on his descriptions as advised by the control analyst. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 SG1B Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400760001-5