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Approved For Release 2000/08-NYCIA-RDP96-00GRUALDELal
0-44 ( 6Lc
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400590001-4
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information concerning the activities of a
SGlik ship identified as the
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor,
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer. At TAB C are control monitor comments.
5. (S/NOFORN) This session was conducted concurrently with Session DC-42
on 111330 Dec 80.
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1300 hours,
11 December 1980.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax. Relax.
on the Focus now on t
a ship you know well, at this time. The
ship you know well, at this time. Focus now on the
and describe it's present location, it's present
location to me.
Focus now
+03 #31: Mmm This ship is moving, it's at sea
It's at a elongated "L" body of water... It's at
one end of it, sorts on the left hand side above some sort of
a intrusion in the water like a place where the land comes into
the water more...more towards the left side than line
sorts comes up and out. A block that...juts up on the left
#66: Focusing now on the ship, focusing now on the ship SG1A
in terms of our intelligence interest, in terms SG1A
of our intelligence interest, describe what this ship is doing.
Describe what the ship is doing in terms of our intelligence
+08 #31: Ship is returning...,the ship is returning
#66: All right. Now focus even closer, even closer, closer, closer
on the ship itself. Now you perceive on the ship, on the ship.
Look now through the ship, scanning through the ship as it is
at sea, at the present time. There is a key person controlling
the activities aboard the ship. There is a key person who
controls the activities aboard the ship. Scan the ship as it is
at sea now. Is he there? Is he there on the ship, this key
person who controls the activities? Is he there on the ship?...
#31: Some man wearin' a dark sweater, almost turtleneck, with a
cap, like a mate's cap. He is standing in the....there, uh,
he's standing outside someplace exposed in the, where it's white
and metal all around. Someplace where he can look over a metal
ledge like he's out on an open air part of the...the
back part of the boat. He look up and he look down over the
#66: All right. Now...
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#31: I see mountains and a...mountains up front....on the horizon
there are mountains, and a gash in mountains like a...a place
where the water narrows to...
#66: Okay.
#31: ...go through some skinny area. Not super skinny, but area
that's several miles across.
#66: Okay, let's not get too far- don't let things away from the ship
attract your attention. Let's not wink away from the problem
at hand. It's very easy to do. Focus your attention now back
onto the ship, back onto the ship, and focus on this key indiv-
idual. Tell me about him specifically. What is he doing right
#31: There's a pair of binoculars over his...head, and he's standing
exposed face to structure on the left hand wing. And he is
standing and looking ahead at the mountians.
#661 All right.
#31: He is alone.
#66: Place your hand on his shoulder and ask him, ask him what's
+15 going on. Ask him how things are going. Communicate with him.
#31: They're about to enter the channel...
#66: All right, fine. Now maintaining your focus, maintaining your
focus on the key individual with your hand on his shoulder,
maintaining contact with him, him, we are interested in him,
only him. Listen carefully. Focus on him and move in time
+16 plus 24 hours, plus 24 hours. And as you are with the key
person plus 24 hours, describe your location to me.
#31: Down below I have...out on the bow I am watching him lifting
tarps and walking amongst the equipment on the bow, and check-
ing boat there.
#66: Ask him, ask him what is going on now. Ask him how are things
going Communicate with him in this time window
Just relax and concentrate, relax and concentrate. Relax and
spend this time communicating, relax, relax, relax.
+20 31: Everything's goin' okay, he's just off watch. But I had a....
feeling of him walking down a set of big wide steps in a village
of some kind, or extra large village maybe. Buildings around and
a...something about sarnus or a port of call
coming up or something.
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#66: Okay. Focus your attention on him, cOmpletely on the key
person and move once again in time forward, forward in time to
+22 2 days from now. Move forward in time till 2 days from now,
2 days from now. And as you focus on the key person describe
your location to me
#31: Feeling of two. big white, uh, square like containers. Feeling
of him directing some activity. Feeling that to my left was
a, uh, c,...round canvas thing like a cover on the back end of
a truck was there like a military truck cover. I don't know
what the two big white rectangular things are, think he's down
below in some hold somewhere, some deck.
+25 #66: Now ask him what he's doing. Ask him how things are going.
Communicate with him in this time window
#31: Says, uh, little bit concerned about whether he makes the,
whether he gets away with this, he's got a...some sort of a
threat coming up, like a random ship inspection or something
that causes some sort of a problem regarding whether he's gonna
be successful or not. It's like there's no real reason why he
shouldn't get away with it, but. it is sort of a crunch point
where he might fail just by chance.
#66: All right.
#31: I think what's happening is he's moving, there's some rearrange-
ments in cargo.
#66: Very good.
#31: Playing like a peanut in a pea here, like he's switching some-
thing around...from one place to another.
#66:- Hold your attention on him now, hold your attention, focus
solely and completely on him, and move in time plus one more
+29 day, plus one more day, 3 days from now. Move in time, holding
your focus on the key individual 3 days from now.. As you focus
on the key individual 3 days from now desCribe your location
to me
#31: Two things, I...believe the ship is hove to at wherever it is
that the...thing has to be done I.. .feeling of him being a...
maybe ashore and some sort of a curvy roofed place that looked
funny, almost pillowy ceiling, curved over. But in this place
+30 he is some place of business, place of government business,'
like paying a toll or customs. And then I had a launch with
him in it coming up alongside the boat, and him getting back
on the boat.
#66: Focus now much closer, much closer, right down to him. FOCUS
now right down to him. Ask him what is he doing. Ask him
how are things going. Communicate with him in this time window.
#31: I asked. I said "Did it work?" and he said "Yes, it did",
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#31: rather disgustedly like every time he goes through this process
he gets ripped off, like he thinks whatever it is that happened
+32 is exhorbitant or too much. But you gotta play the game type
of feeling.... I asked him "Where to next?" and he Said "home".
#66: All right, holding your focus on him, holding your focus on
him move 4 days from now, move forward one more day to 4 days
from now, 4 days from now. And as you focus on the key indiv-
idual describe your location to me. Four days from now, focus-
ing on the key individual.
#31: Just boat movement again
+35 #66: 1 didn't understand.
#31: It's just moving, that's all...
#66: By what method does he move?
#31: On the boat.
#66: All right. In this time window 4 days from now ask him what
he's doing,- ask him how he is getting on. Communicate with him
in this time window...
#31: Ah, how are you doing, he says..."I'm doing well". He said,
uh, feel he's more assured of himself now, everything seems to
+37 be goin' all right. I asked if he had any more obstacles and he
said one possibility I got a feeling of one, he still
could get caught or, uh...eaught if, uh, if somebody found out
what was happening they could still get him at one...another
country could get him at some other bottleneck area on his route,
but it would have to be a stop and search at sea because he did
not have to stop, but that those people would be willing if they
found out about it to come out and hassle him. But that if they
didn't find out about it they wouldn't come out and hassle him.
It's not like he had to stop and submit.
#66: All right.
#31: Routinely it would be like if they caught him at the last min-
ute. And that is like .a couple, two or three days ahead.
#66: All right. Let's move now just one more day, focusing, focusing
+39 'solely and completely, move now to 5 days from now, 5 days
from now, and focusing solely and completely on the key indivi-
dual describe your location as you. stand next to him, this key
individual. Five days from now.
#31: He's like, uh...he's like, uh, moved down the right. There's
a stairway on the right side of a ladder on the right
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#31: side of the, uh, bridge. I saw him coming down it, he's out by
the water, he's comin' down the stairway backwards, or rather
frontwards. Like a steep staircase or ladder. He came down
then he walked out across the deck toward me, toward the bow of
the boat, I thought (mumbling) were on the right, uh, somewhere
out there in the water there might be another boat, cruising in
some sort of a parallel course. And he was like going out in the
bow to do his, thing and look around as he's supposed to look
#66: Now focus tightly on him as he: goes about his activity', and ask
+40 him what he's doing, ask him how things are going. Communicate
with him in this time window.
#31: Well I had, uh he's doin' his routine now...
It looked somewhere aorta close between, uh, north coast of
+42 Africa and Italy and the football, Sicily, and he's just doing
his thing...
#66: Okay, fine. Focus very closely on him now and move forward in
time one more day, one more day, holding tight to him, and as
you focus one more day ahead in the future, one more day to 6
+43 days from now, 6 days from now. Stand next to him and describe
your location to me. As you move forward in time one day, 6 days
from now, focus on the key individual now as I turn over the
tape, focus 6 days from now on the key individual. Relax and
concentrate, concentrate, concentrate, as I turn over the tape.
The key individual 6 days from now, 6 days from now. Describe
your location to me.
#31.: (Mumbling) for the last couple days I haven't felt anything about
mountains. I get a coastline again. Coming into another area
where the coastline is Up front, little ways, still a little
ways away, but I'm not getting down at the end of the
Med in the next day or two. They're still, I just see him doing
+48 his, I had the feeling just now of a radio message but, some
sort of a radio message. I just see the guy doing his thing,
he's just, you know. How many times does he look under a canvas?
I don't know.
#66: Okay. Now rather than observing him, rather than observing
him and his routine, ask him, ask him how he is doing, ask him
how things are going. In this time window, 6 days from now,
communicate with him
+50 #31: Feeling everything's all right and sort of...minor things wrong
with the ship, ship needs some sort of a weird valve and, uh,
(mumbling) on some sort of bright and metal rod to...seem to be
some problems with it. Nit-picky stuff, nothing important.
Where hes concerned about getting stopped and inspected is at
Gibralter. Something about being vulnerable as he gets in near
land in-the Gibralter area... Somebody could comb up and pick
him off...
#66: All right. Hold your focus on him and move forward one day,
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#66: move forward in time one day, forward in time one day to 7 days
from now, 7 days from now. And as you focus on this key indiv-
idual stand next to him and desbribe your location to me, 7 days
from now.
#31: Now he's on the bridge and he's there with another guy and it's
a very special time so he has to be up there with him. Feeling
of maybe a mile or 2 or 3 away on the right side of the ship is
a,land mass and tall mountain area. Other boats, other ships
around...all types, and some little sailing thing and other
larger ones and...ahead and aft. And he's there with this other
guy and they're making sure everything's goin' all right.
#66: Now rather than observing what is going on, move now closer and
closer and closer to this key individual and ask him what he is
+54 doing and how are things going. Ask him, communicate with him
in this time window 7 days from now.
#31: He points out and he says "Yes, can't you see?"... And every-
thing's sort of orderly and all the ships are one behind the
other and there's nothing to worry about and...reasonably clear
day, If the little ships stay out of his way everything'11 be
#66: All right, fine. Focus very, very closely now, on the key indiv-
idual, focus very, very closely on the key individual and I now
free you from all time constraints and time Windows, so that you
may focus solely and completely on this individual, this indiv-
idual that you've been following and monitoring. Describe him
to me. Tell me about him, tell me about this key individual....
+56 #31: He must be, uh, 40 or so, clean shaven, Caucasian, about 6 feet
tall less than 200 pounds and in the 70's, 170's or 180's.
I think he doesn't have any family, he's only one
Hair's a little bit longer than ours, but not toomuch. Feeling
that it was curly, or curlyish, wavy curly, black, but not kinky
sort of black but it's curly...
#66: All right, fine now. Focus now in this past time period where
you have been looking and remember the time period now, remember
back in your scan to the time period when he was moving cargo
around down in the hold, move back to that time period now and
describe this cargo to me....
#31: Well it's, uh....something with a trailer that's not associated
with it...that's palatized...military equipment...that has some
sort of a rectangular hole in it...making like a rectangular
tube at an angle. I don't know if, that's in the trailer or if
that's in the other thing. The feeling of this trailer that's
pulled behind something.
#66: Is this military equipment assembled or disassembled?
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#31: Well, I don't know. The thing that's rectangular looked like it
+63 was hollow so it might be empty... I didn't see the full thing
yet. Know what all it is, all I know is that it's something
that's pulled behind-something else
#66: Okay. As you look at this in. the whole now it might be diffi-
cult to see how it all fits together all crowded down here in
the hold, all crowded in the hold, stacked and put away neatly.
I want you now to put your hand out and touch it, and the minute
you touch it you'll get a picture in your mind of what it looks
like when it's used. Reach your hand out now and touch it and
let there be a picture in your mind of the way it really looks
when it's being used. Describe the picture that comes to your
#31: It's like a rocket launch, a removable rock- multiple launcher.
Some sort of wheels on it, a big box it sits at an angle off,
off vertical on, the feeling of lines inside that big box that...
#66: Okay.
#31: Like it might be the tubes or anything. I had a feeling of arrows
flying out of the tubes, or the lines being arrows rather.
#66: All right, fine. Now is there other things in the hold, is
there other things besides this that you found? Remember you
saw him moving equipment around and rearranging things. Are
there other things there?
#31: Sure, there's plenty of stuff in here. That big, long, round
diameter barrel., 15 or 20 feet long, about 4 feet in diameter.
Still get the feeling of the reariend of that truck, the canvas
on it. There was some other thing that was, uh, really funny in
shape, it looked like a old bren gun carrier, tracked and
stubby. And then another feeling that something stuck up outta
that, like al some sort of a tube stuck up outta that. But it
looked short and stubby compared to the size of the tube:, or
the thing that stuck up out it...
#66: Okay, remember all these things that you've seen here, this
stuff you call military equipment, remember each item that you've
seen down there. And now I have no further questions concerning
the ship If there's anything you'd like to
add please do so now.
#31: No.
#66: All right, fine. Then bring your attention to focus on me in
the room here and let's prepare to draw that which you've seen.
Move your arms, move your legs, take a few deep breaths and pre-
pare to draw.
#31: Okay. Sketch one, day one, present day. I have the ship is
under way, is steaming, uh, in, in the direction of one end of
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#31: a large body of water, but I felt that there was land around
it.. You know, likepuh, maybe it was in and coming, getting
ready to come out of the Black Sea or something like that. A
coastline all around it and that ahead of the boat some good
distance, some BO miles maybe or somethin' like that....yeah,
you know', a long distance, was a projection that stuck out from
the left that had mountains in it and then sort of went, sub-
sided back in to the left. And then we got to like some sort
of a natural channel about 20 miles wide or something. All
right, and then sort of g-, just a generally round shaped coast-
line on the right.
Uh, our guy, whoever our guy is, is on the bridge standing with
a pair of binoculars, as shown in s-s-s, no, as not shown in
sketch 2.
#66: That's 'cause it's another day.
#31: That's another day, yeah. Okay, I didn't draw a sketch of that
'cause- anyway, he's just holding binoculars around his neck.
His interest is concerned on the mountains that are on the hori-
son up ahead and the interest in entering this channel. Okay.
Uh, function is that the ship is returning is all I got. Ship
is returning like that is as pertains to the intelligence aspect
of this ship is returning.
Day two-
#66: Which is one day.
#31: Which is actually one day in future...uht I have, find my guy,
again the ship is at sea, uh, I: find my guy out on the bow.
Oh, in day one, which was the present,. I find the guy on the-
what is it? Starboard side of the boat, out on one of the little
wings there, and I marked an "X" on the Xerox of the photograph
that's to be his approximate position. He was like outside, but
covered over, uh, like a breezeway or somethin' like that.
Day 2 I've got him down on the bow somewhere and he's just like
off duty, off bridge duty, is what I mean, he's off bridge duty,
but he still has his duties to perform and part of them are
checking the hold covers, the hatch covers, and that kind of stuff.
And that's what he's doing on day 2. And, uh, while he's out
there I try to communicate with him and I get this feeling that
he's possibly thinking about a port of call which is coming up,
which is Something like Sarnus or Sardus.
Uh, and I like flit to this image of him walking down this
white marble staircase and there's white, whitewashed building
all around and it's an irregular little street like some sort of
a little fishing vil-, you know, an upbeat fishing village would
be. You know. That's what I think, I don't think he's there,
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#31: I think he's thinking about being there in the future, from
future day, one day in the future.
Okay, sketch A. Uh, find our guy in the hold of the vessel, I
think. He is, this is actually sketch 4 is day three, which
is 2 days, 2 days in future... He's down in the hold, there's
large white boxes around that are -predominating in the background
as though they're containers., like there are containers on board
the ships, like containerization. But he's,Sort of concerned
and hes directing the mov ement and adjustment of some palatized
equipment, which is over here on the left side of sketch 4.
And part of that equipment was like, I got the feeling of I was
looking at the back end of a duece and a half with the tarpaulin
cover over it. And there were some other pieces, very vague of.
at that time very bague of tarped equipment and palated equip-
ment, and he's like directing a couple guys maybe with forklifts
moving the stuff around.
And I had the feeling that he was like concerned about some up-
coming thing, and what he was doing is he was playing find the
pea in the walnut type thing, you know, where you- he was moving
some other stuff around in front so that nobody could see the
really neat 'stuff that was in the back. In the event that they
got looked at, that they got inspected.
Day 4, sketch 5, 3 days in the future,.. I had two feeling, uh,
on sketch 5 and 6. The first one is that he is ashore, and he
is in some little, uh, governmental office some admin office of
some kind. Avery peculiar thing is this arch, it's an arched
room, at the back of which is some sort of a desk for like
taking care of people, and there's this line of people, men and
women, about 5 or 6, and he's standing in this line waiting to
be waited upon. Arched roof around it, and it's like he's wait-
ing to pay tax or do something quasi-official, like a toll or a
tax payment and arrange something like that. And the roof of
this place is oh, gray, pillowy type of ceiling, like it's seg-
mented and arched, as I've drawn in sketch 5. Then another
feeling from this day, which is 3 days in the future, day 4, is
that he chug-chugs back to his ship, and that he boards back on
board his ship, like having done some menial chore on shore.
And he's taken back to board this ship in Some sort of a small
After that, which is day 4, day 5 is an at sea feeling again,
sort of a feeling of relief as though the big thing that he had
been worried about earlier has now occurred. That's day 5, I
didn't draw a sketch for that, 'cause there's nothin' to talk
Sketch 7 is about day 6 or 5 days in the future. And, uh, in
this feeling I have the feeling that he has like...I had the
feeling, I was, couldn't get anything outta him except just
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#31: garbage. This sort of relief that the big thing was over and
done with and that there was some sort of a little problem
maybe in the future, if everything went okay there wouldn't
be any problem and it was little likelihood of any problem in
the future, so he really, wasn't really spending much time on
the possibility of getting intercepted now if anybody had found
Out what was going on.
To the right of the ship which I take to be the north was an
area, land mass, I felt was Italy and Sicily. On day 6 the ship
is proceeding past Italy, past Sicily and north of the North
African coast. Other than that I don't know what to talk about.
That's like his location at the time. I got a little bit of
an aerial.
Sketch 8 is also day 6, or 5 days in the future. And part of
the...yeah, I'm sorry. Ske- break that. Now, sketch 8 is day
7 or 6 days in the future. He was concerned essentially with
some mocks-nicks stuff, uh....some sort of a pipe was in the
bowels of the boat were giving him problems. And mocks-nicks
stuff... Okay. Uh, possibility of some sort Of a radio message
occuring now on day 7, which is 6 days in the future, some sort
of like some sort of a commOnications. I've written in here
dit-dit-dit-dot7dot-dot but I don't know if it was open text
or morse. Um, I had the feeling more that it was open text
actually. So I'll scratch that out.... Clear voice....
Uhl some mountains, again my feeling of mountains up on the hori-
zon as though they're nearing some other place where the water
runs into the shore. Okay. Essentially boring. Again some
very, very little concern, some minor concern about the possi-
bility of being intercepted at this late date.
Sketch 9 is day 8 or 7 days in the future. And.I have this
feeling of like heavy mountains right up close i maybe 20 3 miles
from the ship. Uh, little ships and boats over near the moun-
tains playing around in the background, shooting things at each
otheri screaming at each other, fishing, whatever. And that in
front of the ship is like another ship that's going away, and
that like, uhi sketch 10 I show that, I have this feeling like
they've arrived at Gibralter and that they are going through
the channel at Gibralter. The mountains are over here on the
right, little boats, large boats are out in this seaway and
they're moving through.
#66: You're spying this is Gibralter or it's an area that looks like
Gibralter might look?
#31: No, I'm saying it's an area that looks like Gibralter, .but you
know, that's the big heavy mountains on one side, and I didn't
have any feeling for any high ground on the other side. That
type of thing.
#66: Okay.
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#31: But again, another canolized place where ships go one after the
other. Ten, eleven. Now, you directed me back to talk about
the things that I saw down in the hold when I was down there.
One thing 14 feeling I had was, first of all this is late in a
long seasion...thing I had was like staring down a rectangular
tube that was made out of some light pia- light metal or plastic
that was like OD in in color, and that it was long, it was maybe
long, but I only saw it from the end. But I had the feeling
this was some unusually long thing, maybe 8 or 9 feet. And
the only thing about it, other than rectangular is that each of
it's corners is flattened off, so it's actually octagular.
That's sketch 11.
Sketch 12, feeling of some little...
#66: This is when I was asking you to tell me about the equipment in
the hold again?
#31: Yeah. Equipment in the hold. Some feeling for a small piece,
like a towed wagon that had some funny square thing on it that
pointed up at an angle, like a multiple rock- towed multiple
rocket launcher piece of equipment, with big black tire on it.
Um...okay. I've written down mobile, multiple towed, T-O-W-E-D,
multiple rocket launcher. That was a Strong feeling,
Lib, you asked me if there was anything else around there.. There
was an awful lot of stuff around. I did not feel that the hold
was empty, as a matter of fact I felt that the boat was pretty
well loaded. But the thing about it is that there were maybe
2 or 3 of everything and that there were prObably other things in
there that I did not see. I had the feeling that there was
other stuff in there but I only got like a shot at 2 or 3 of the
things to look at. A cylinder feeling, light cylinder, light
colored, light toned cylinder, segmented cylinder barrel, 4 by
15 or 20 feet long. Uh, this was like a light color, like a
steel would be it's light toned, like a reflective as opposed to
painted black or something.
Sketch 13 is the feeling of the duece and a half type truck
again,.... Sketch 14 is an interesting, funny combination of
input-. 1 don't know if it's, what the heck the thing is. I
describe it in the tape is being small like a bren gun carrier.
A bren gun carrier is a World War II piece of, piece of British
World War II equipment that carried about three guys, all it was
was an automatic weapons carrier and it was tracked and it was
very low and very small, not a big massive tank,. tank, tank.
This thing sort of was reminiscent of a, a snow, cat type of
Okay. Small, compact, oh- another feeling that comes through
is prime move, like something that's tracked that tow- pulls some
other big things behind it. I wanna write that down 'cause that's
somethin' I just remembered.... Like a snow cat or a bren gun
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#31: carrier. Maybe only 4 bogie wheels on the side and a couple
carriers and everything. And it's not a tank, it's not stream-
lined andballietitellytapered and everything. It's very block-
ing. I've drawn JUSt boxes on top of these treads here. Please
understand here that that's not the real shape, that's the idea
of the shape, because otherwise my shape is in- the shape is
indescribable. It's blocky and square cornered and angular up
against rounds. And I saw this thing sitting with some sort of
apparatus on the back which had, uh, a long tube in it. And I
don't know where this long tube thing came from, but it had a
single long tube. Now I know that they have some- I know that the
Soviets have something like this that is- it's the tracked mul-
tiple rocket launcher. That's the gestalt of it, is small like
that tracked multiple rocket launcher. But instead of having
the boxy rocket launcherrgoody on it, okay, it had a tube. One
single tube sticking up out of the back of it.
#66: Okay.
#31: Of pretty fair size.
#66: Now again you say that this equipment is not the only equipment
on the ship?
#31: No, I don't believe this is all that is there, but this is all
that was either in that area or all that the guy is interested
in for intelligence purposes.
#66: Okay... Now, I'd like to go back to one portion which you skipped
over in drawings because it wasn't necessary to draw and just
ask you One additional question that doesn't involve you drawing.
#31: Okay.
#66: When you described the individual you described his physical
makeup to me. Do you have any comments at this time about his
personality? What kind of a guy is this key person that you
spent some time with?
#31: What kind of a guy is he?
#66: Uh-huh.
#31: He doesn't have much time for young wipper-snappers.
#66: You- do you have any comments about his personality? You get any
feeling about him at all that you'd like to comment on?...
#31: Sort of sharp and preemptory. Uh, regards the whole thing as a
pain in the ass. You know, not my talking to him so much as this
whole mish-mash that he's involved in has been just a big pain
in the ass and he's sort of a little, you know...
#66: Okay.
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#31: Irritated about it...chafed about it, irritated about it. Uh,
and I got that mostly because he just didn't wanna talk about it
that- much. You know, he just didn't, you know, well, god, you
know, I think about it all the.time, dori'have to talk about it
too, type of thing. It's really eating me out, you know, giving
me a...
#66: Okay.
#31: A case. And, uh, I don't know, what else did I say, mid-forties,
curly dark hair and sort of an aqualine nose and I don't think
he's married, 'cause I...course who know? Maybe he just doesn't
think he's married. He might be married. But, you know, I just
didn't get any, really feel for it. I was mostly tryin' to answer
your questions.
#66: Okay, good. Do you have any further comments then, about your
impressions of the target as you worked it?
#31: Nope.
#66: Okay, fine.
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1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the viewer was shown the attached
SGlik photograph and told that his target would be the sister ship which was
called the
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to describe the acti-
vity of the "key person" on board the ship for the next seven days. The
viewer was asked to describe the location of the target ship.
3. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to elaborate on por-
tions of his pereeptions by the interviewer as directed by the control monitor.
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1. (S/NOFORN) The control monitor (CM) only was able to listen to the very
end of this session because he was busy monitoring session DC-42 which was
being carried out at the same time.
2. (S/NOFORN) The following questions/directions were given to the inter-
viewer by the CM during the session:
a. Is the "key person" still on-board (day 7)? If so, describe him.
b. Is there any cargo in the holds of the ship (day 7)? Describe.
c. What is the viewer's overall feeling towards what has been going on?
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