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Approved For Release 2000 / - it P96-00788R000400530008-3 U) T RFLE.ASAL?I.E TO ~~,I~ ; l { td c'A 1'IOraAL IJOP -H--S 3UBJECT: SPECIAL ANALYTIC REPORT INMRMATIOU (U) itEFORT REUI RJ MENT 1. (U) The information provided as enclosure to this report. W35 obtained ir. response to a collection requirement provided by your offi c e. The information is from an unconfirmed source, therefore caution is warranted in its use,. T:cis office has been tasked by the Commandir ; General, Intelligence and Security Command, to evaluate and comment on the operational value of the information provided, as well. as to ascertain the accuracy of the source. 2. (U) In order to comply with this directive, request the information provided as an enclosure be evaluated and comments be provided this office no later than SG1A 8- (s) Date Information was (A-tained: Times: FM ot ??0 9. (G(.) Specific infoniiation provided by the requestor in support, of required ,c-mirepa t.nrvr-.t i re o . 7. (S) Inter-rog; 1tor Nunibex: 3. (U) Section II contains special instructions for the icily t s. t,. (U) Project Number: 5. (U) .R qu e j V o r : ~.7_.~.,. .yJ_ .......,..,,f^- t _.,,}..... ? ~""''~ sT'fi + J^fil.~ Z0, 6. (S) Source Number: vided within ;action III of this report. targetiiV was: 10. (GL) Specific information provided. to the intorrotrator to aid in source 11. (eL) Specific information provided to the source for te? e(at oriental,ion wra3: CLA SSI F I EI) BY: MSG, HQDA (DAavfI--I Sr Re,,-.1 ew On: Dtd; 0516.'OZ JUL i Approved For Releas Q7,:,,,C -RDP96-00788R000400530008-3 Approved For Release 2000/b8~7IA-00788R000400530008-3 NOT RELEASABLE 'a) FOTdUGIN NATIONALS 12. (S ) Specific information rc nested b anal Est: SG 1 A - 7~.rsC l2, s/t, i?. (U) Date information forwarded: 14 (LT) Has additional ciat,a been requested. YE?` 15. (U) Priority: URGENT 16. (fit, ) Remarks: . Ls$ JJaS D~+~F~ ~,~y T!C'.~.~~-G/ ~r,~ 7-,`!~ i~J.~"v~??~.4.~0 _ tdzoY? -w~-S~+.gs,E,~,~._v!~ /hE rk.4~.)sc',',, _Sor .a;~ Zvi S G 1 A 1 a hl a, /._ INSTRUCTIONS TO ANALYSTS 1. (U) The material you have been given to review has been acquired from a new and potentially valuable source of inteil.i.gence. Work is currently being con- ducted on how to improve thb accuracy and rcl_iabil:i t,y of the data. Your atten- tion to the evaluation sheet and your remarks will b, the basis for our assessment of this new collection technique. Therefore, the effort you experxi will greatly assist us and will ultimately result in you scceivingg more information of increas- ing accuracy and reliabil i.t:.,y. 2. (U) While formulating your judgumonts concerning the information provided, the following comments concerning this new source of i nc, cdli Bence may be helpful. Foremost, the information is likely to consist of a mixture of correct and in- correct elements. Specifically: a. (S) The descriptive elements are generally of higher reliability than ,jLdd ments or labels as to what is being descrrLFed (recreational swimming pool may be mistaken for water purification pools, an aircraft hull. may be mistaken for a submarine hull, etc.). Therefcre, seemingly appropriate descriptive elements should not. be rejected because of nLu-:i.abeling. b. (S) The data often contains gaps (in a ?-build.irj complex, for example, perhaps only two of the buildings may be described, and an airf.. e.ld may be added that isn't there). Such gaps or additions should not. be t Ren to mean that the rest of the data is necessarily inaccurate. (S) Therefore, a recommended approach is to first examine the entire information packet to obtain an overall flavor of the responsa, reserving final. judgement; even in the face of certain errors, and then go back through for a more detailed analysis. 4. (U) If you have questions regarding the data vnu have received, or its evaluation please contact this office (IAUPS--H--S) at. any time. Approved For Release 20 00 0/0 Y :96-00788R000400530008-3 Approved For Release 2 ,; l,! ?p -00788R000400530008-3 NOT P11 EASABLE TO For?EI(.:N NNAT1ONAL 1.. (U) For the summary eval.uat.ion, please check the following boxes as to the ACCURACY* of the subnittei rnateri al. N/A ,a. (S) Geographical locale des-- cri.pt,ion (terrain, water, otc. ) b. (S) Large-scale manmade elemnts (cities, buil.din,,s, silos, docks, rail- road lines, airfields, etc.) c. (3) Small-scale manmade element,,; (,antennas, computers, tanks, missiles, offices, etc.) d. (S) General target ambience (re- r ri search, production, admi.ni strati.on, stor. age, troop movement s, naval activity, air activity, weapons testing!, &,c.) e. (S) Relevant speci tic aci;:'Lv-i_ties (nuclear testing, missile firing, CBW storage, FLINT mnni.torlxC,, etc.) f. (S) Personality (physical des-- criptions, actions, responsibilities, plans, etc.) 11 El 0 11 El El E-1 2. (S) Overall Ut ility o NONE 1:1 MARGINAL Ef il>EFIJL [j 11E1RY USEFUL 11 [ii .*Definitions for the. accuracy scale are as fo11ows. 0=1itt_le correspondence (Self explanaat.oiy.) 1-Mixed results (Mix of correct grid incorrect elements, but, enough of the fencer to indicate source did collect against target,.) 2=Good (Good correspondence with several elei,i .ruts rnaL.ching, -,om.e incorrect information.) 3=Excellent (Goad correspoz Tenor with tiri'uirl~itnu us uni ue matchable elements and rela- tively little incorrect information.) UNK=Unknown.. T';/A=Not, Applicable. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400530008-3 Approved For Release 2000/6oid7- `A-RlP99-00788R000400530008-3 NOT RELI'MABLE TO 1DRETGN NATIONALS (U) Detailed evaluation sheet: S~~eci is Trauscx t;/fix =!k' Itcmms a. ( ACCURACY `'cure. h. ( J. ( ( ) Any additional comments which you wish to provide should be noted here: j. ( ) Any positive recommendations which you wish to provide ;should be noted here: /,. *C )-A0P* l otcReleage ;2000/@8iO7ii:>Ql4;,RDP96-00788R000400530008-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : R'DP96400788R000400530008-3 NOT RELEASABLE TO R'OREIGN NATIONALS) C>. (S} Is additional iafonubt.ior. &-sired? ~'I?S LA- Flo a. (s) Priority: URGEN'T' [j__~_ ROUTINE F b. (S) Items: (I. } lOTIE~~q' _ ~~c'o/r x1; ( 2. } Tpr~1:T TK s9,a @ c^-d Ttt~E ca fc',e~ ?JeG-, y La4j-. I x e~- - (Signed) S_ICNI/fURE (Printed) NAME, GRADE (Printed) TITLE?, or OFFICE Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400530008-3