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Approved For Release 2000/08
DATE(); 051,630Z3UL78,
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1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information on a target of interest to
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing informa-
tion provided the remote viewer.
Approved For Release 2000/08/0 11,' P96-00788R000400500001-3
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours,
9 October 1980.
Relax and concentrate now. Relax and focus your attention
on your target for this morning. Relax and focus only
on your target for this morning:
Place your attention solely and completely on your target.
Relax. Relax and concentrate.
Focus on the target now and describe the area to me.
+03 #46: Ah, this is some quite high.... Looks like a, like a port
city...very, uh with the, uh, with the water
runnin' right....dark facilities and the city on the left.
#46: I'm in front of the bow of a big ship, black ship.........
And I (mumbling) the structure sort of a red line in
the top of the hull and then black...
#66: Ask yourself what is it of importance to the target?
+07 #46: Oh, some kind of more like detection warning...purpose
is detection.... Like a Russian troller or something
#66: What is it you are sensing? What is it that you are exper-
iencing that makes you say detection?
#46: Revolving... .antennas and gear.. .superstructures. Course
it's just an impression coming from the vessel...of several
active antennas on top of the superstructure.
#66: Tell me again what's on top of the superstructure.
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#46: I get all kinds of shapes of antennas. PanHantennas small
antennas...oh, active or revolVing.
+09 #66: Describe the size of the ship itself.
#46: (lumbling)'s wider than a destroyer, but shorter...
fatter and yet more
#66: Study now a profile of the ship so that you might be able
to draw it for me later. Study the profile, working from
the front to the rear.
#66: When you complete your study of the profile, describe for
me the climate in this area of the world
#46: Right now it's damp, kind of (mumble) the 60 degree
#66: Fine. I have no further questions about the target at this
time, but I would like to give you the opportunity to explore
the target on further on your own. As you do, ask yourself
what is the most important aspect of this target that I can
learn. As you explore the target on your own, ask yourself
what is the most important aspect of this target I can learn.
#46: I gotta tell you it early morniriO, before... it's almost...
#66: Did I understand you to say it's early morning?
#46: Yeah, it's be...before daybreak or at the daybreak.
#66: All right.
#46: I think it's most important function is still connected with
detection and it has something to do with a bright shaft...
It, uh..seems to move directly from on of the detecting
apparatus antennas to (mumbling) to the superstructure
with this, uh...I don't know. Electronic deciphering device
and then the shaft goes all the way down to the lower struc-
ture of the ship
#66: Is this last comment in response to what is the most impor-
tant aspect of the target?
#46: Yeah.
#66: Remember now, in great detail, everything
that you have seen. And when you're ready let's prepare to
draw that which you have perceived.
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#46: Something about this turn as well. Something about being
able to see....see....see through the, um, through the
ocean floor. It's like a mirror you would see through.
You could see the ocean, it's depth and something else.
#66: What is it that you are experiencing that makes you say
#46: It's just like a window that would be placed right at the
bottom hull of the stern so that you could see right
through the stinkin' thing...... Something about...the
uniforms of the crew that There's a color of red on
an all blue uniform... On the porn-porn at the collar where
the...below the neck, supposed to be something. I'm all
through unless you got something else.
#66: What is it that attracts you to the uniforms?
#46: The red....the red, uh, the red trim.
#66: All right.
#46: This appears to be a, kind of a dress uniform for, uh,
enlisted people, I think.
#66: All right. I would like to ask just one more question.
#46: Go.
#66: What is it that you sensed, what is it- did you have a
visual, a mental, a hearing- what is it that you actually
#46: I was tryin' to find out who was manning this thing.
#66: Yes, I, I'm referencing this window or mirror in the rear
of the hull.
#46: Oh, that. Yeah, I was looking the ship over and seeing-
I knew what the purpose of this superstructure was, and the
detection I was getting, kept a changing, getting a changing
picture of the stern where it would change from the curvi-
ture to a two section portion of that cutaway, like you would
have in a...for, uh...for salvaging something. It kept
changing on me so I thought I'd take a closer look at that
#66: All right. Is there anything else you have to add now?
#46: No.
+23 #66: All right. Let's draw the impressions you've had.
#46: Okay.
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#46: Okay, I'll label the general overview as, uh, number one.
And I'll just draw a grid. On the right hand was, uh....
(can't hear due to background noise)...this was a seaport
area, with the docks here, and the city area, pretty popu-
lated area, here. Okay. And my attention was eventually
focused right here.
#66: You've drawn the "X"- there!
#46: The "X", this is where I found attention was to
this, this vessel.
#66: Okay. Now move to page 2 then, and draw the vessel.
#46: I'll try... The way I got this thing was from the front,
really. It was a weird thing, 'cause I was standing in front
of it and I had to move up to it. What brought my attention
was this superstructure, so I wanna draw it from the front
then I'll draw it from the side.
#66: Okay. I believe you saw if first from the front.
#46: Yes. (Mumbling) Let me start tilkh what I'm seeing. I
was, my attention was captured by this...superstructure of
the ship, which was white And I have all kinds of
antenna type things here... Okay. And this would've gone
to the deck. Something like this if I would have longer
This would've been the...the bow.
#66: Okay.
#46: Okay? Somethin' like that on there...
#66: Okay, so you're up above a little bit-
#46: Yes.
#66: -looking down at this ship. Okay, why don't you label
your antennas...
#46: Yes.
#66: And the bow of the ship is towards the bottom of the page
then, so-
#46: Yeah.
#66: Okay. I see it, mm-hmm.
#46: Okay, I'll try a side view. Okay?
#66: Mm-hmm.
#46: To me it loomed very big, but I know it's just because of
the close proximity.
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44 ;q),,?.4.117,,
#66: Okay.
#46: I can draw impressions, but I can't draw for the sake of
drawing. And there was a...well, let me see...the hull was
very black, dark blabk...
#66: Okay.
#46: That's pretty dark. And there was a, uh, sort of a red line
here, on the side. And then I went to the superstructure
here (mumbling) is where the antennas were. Something like
that anyway.
#66: Okay.
#46: And the water line was dull red too And it was out of the
water. Not out of the water, but portions of the water line
are showing.
#66: Okay. As though it wasn't fully loaded and you could see
that the-
#46: Yes. Yeah.
#66: Okay. Label the antenna area. I know you didn't draw me
detail, but just...okay So we have a white supbrstruc-
ture, with a ' strip at the top of the hull, then a
black hull, then you can see below the water line a little
bit, where it's kind of a dull red.
#46: Yeah, yeah.
#66: Okay.
#46: And, the, uh...the stern portion kept changing on me. And
I'll label this as two different sections, from this type
of stern...Okay, that's from an overview type thing, to one
that was square and broken up here.
#66: Okay.
#46: Okay. And they're kind of intriguing. "Cause I (Warited,AIL
it to settle down on one of those two, so I'm tryin' to find
out what the purpose-
#66; Okay, why don't we label those "A" and "B". "A" being the
drawing of a round stern, and then-
#46: Yeah.
#66: -your, that, a changing impression to a drawing B where it
was a stern with an opening in it.
#46: Yeah.
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#66: Okay. Talk a little bit more about how you felt about
#46: Yeah, I was, because of these changing impressions I was
trying to find if this served a purpose too, and that's
when the idea of the mirror came in, and had something to
do with looking into the ocean, right through the stern.
And that was about here. And note that I went back to the
round stern to find it.
#66: Okay. So when you were confused about this stern thing,
I understand you say then that you thought about some
mirror type thing that you'd look through to look down into
the water.
#46: Yeah. It's as if it were part of the hull, built into the
#66: Okay.
#46: -so that you could see directly into the ocean.
#66: And when you had that concept, that seemed to be in the
rounded hull-
#46: Yeah.
#66: -type configuration.
#46: Yes.
#66: All right
#46: Okay.
#66: Now what was this thing, uh, about-
#46: Oh, yeah.
#66: -an antenna and a light shaft or something?
#46: Oh, yeah, yeah. When you're try-, when you're pinpointing
me on that-
#66: Most important aspect of this target, uh-huh.
#46: I concentrated on that, and it comes from on top, say in
drawing two, okay, over the superstructure. Something
related to these antennas where it's a direct pull. Now,
well, let me explain it first. Then it all went, all the
way through the superstructure and was picked up here by
electronic type gear...a monitoring type station, and went
all the way down to the hull. All the way to the bottom
here somewhere. So, if I were to draw it of course you can't
see it.
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#66: Okay, so in drawing three you're depicting, uh, something
that does what now?
#46: It is a white spherical antenna type thing that goes through
the entire height, uh, of the ship, from the superstructure-
#66: Did you mean to say-
#46: -attached to some antenna from all the way down to the
bottom of the hull.
#66: Okay, now, you used spherical, did you mean cylindrical?
#46: Cylindrical, right.
#66: Right.
#46: Yeah.
#66: A white...would you use s-
#46: It's very shiny.
#66: -spherical or cylindrical?
#46: Shiny, like, uh, shiny steel, shiny-
#66: Okay, and you called it some sort of antenna thing?
#46: Yeah, it's connected to the antennas.
#66: Connected to the antennas on top?
#46: Yes.
#66: And it goes down...
#46: Okay, that's an electronic monitoring station.
#66: At the hull you have something you've labeled electronic
monitoring station.
#46: Yes.
#66: And then where does this cylindrical white shaft go?
#46: All the way through. All the way down to the hull.
#66: And it goes to the hull?
#46: To the floor of the hull.
#66: Okay
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#46: I don't know what to call that, a lead or a pipe or a...
I don't know.
#66: Okay.
#46: It's a shiny cylindrical tube.
#66: Did anything happen down at the hull line?
#46: No. Empty mostly.
#66: Okay.
#46: Okay. Anything else?
#66: Now the uniforms seemed to attract your attention.
#46: Oh, yeah.
Did you feel like you wanted to-
#46: That was a parting shot. I was tryin' to find out who...
who was manning the vessel.
#66: Okay.
#46: And I just-
#66: Why don't we move to another page here, page 5.
#46: I have two distinct impressions where...these, you know,
you've seen these sailors with pom-poms, this was...a red
#66: On top of a sailor's cap?
#46: On top of a sailor's cap.
#66: I see.
#46: Okay. Then in the sailors uniform...there was some red
here, red border that seemed to be meaningful.
#66: Okay. On the shirt portion about the chest?
#46: Yeah.
#66: Okay.
#46: This was red, I mean white background here, and gray or
black stripes or something. But the red seemed meaningful.
#66: Okay.
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#46: And that was sort of a...uh, EM uniform.
#66: Okay.
#46: Might identify who the hell it was.
#66: All right.
#46: I don't have anything else unless you can think of something.
#66: No. Let me review your drawings here and see if there's
anything else... Okay, I think that that about covers it
then. You have a port city, and it's a large populated
city area. You were attracted to the portion of the
place by the "X".
#46: Yes.
#66: At which point you felt there was the ship, so we moved to
drawing two. And at one time you called this in size, um,
like a Russion troller maybe it was a detection type thing
or something.
#46: Yes, yes.
#66: Okay. Fine. I don't have any further questions then.
#46: Okay.
#66: Thank you.
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l. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the viewer was told only that he would be
given geographic coordinates at the start of the session.
2. (S/NOFORN) At the start of the session the viewer was provided the following
geographic coordinate:
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