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Approved For Release 20008n1 6-00788R000400350001-0
DATED. 05163 ZJUL78
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GaI191?5RIA M E
Approved For Release 2000 / 0788R000400350001-0
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information on a target of interest to USI.
The mission was to describe the activity within a target structure.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document,
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
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---- #66:
This will be a remote viewing session for 1430 hours,
31 July 1980.
Relax and concentrate now; relax and concentrate. Focus your
attention on the structure in the photograph I have shown you.
Focus your attention on the structure in the photograph I have
shown you. Move your awareness now, in present time to the
structure in the photograph, and describe your perceptions to
#31: Hmm...okay.
+10 #66: Describe the activity in the structure at the present time.
#31: Hmm....get this idea this....umm...guy sitting there
word tuning came to mind....earphones, shirt sleeves....
#66: Relax and concentrate now, and ask yourself, ask yourself, what
function is served by this activity you perceive. Ask yourself
what function is served by this activity you perceive.
#31: He's..just a reading...he's reading something. Has things on
his ears and he's sitting looking down and reading. He's
waiting to hear something. He's waiting to hear something.
#66: Okay. While he is occupied reading here, and waiting to hear
something....ask him to tell you about what he is waiting for.
#31: He said..uh the first thing he did was pointed up in
+19 a corner....he said "that." I said, show me in pictures
and I was suddenly looking up from a high up way front face
of a building, and someone was walking out of it on a sidewalk.
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#31: It was as though I was peeking from a roof down the nearby
#31: What do you do here? I monitor and listen. And, I asked, "What
do you monitor and listen to." He Said, "Human voices."
#66: Ask him to show you a picture of from where these human voices
#31: He..uh..ha, ha
+25 I..uh..(mumbling) said that...I saw a..uh..some sort of a dome
building...light colored...set back amongst some trees There's
lawn in front.
#31: Give me a minute. Let me get back. I was doing good.
#66: I will wait.
#31: The...registered and controls...the's..uh..has..uh..
intercepts a..uh..carrier from some sort of a..uh..large wall
unit that's located in the....the actual dome area of whatever
this other building's a large gray wall unit about
8 or 10 feet's..uh..sort of longish...and I..uh..
think that the place being targeted is, is the White House.
Because of this dome and..uh..the gardens and everything around
it. But, the unit that's doing the...the (mumbling) is uh..
intercepting whatever is..uh..up in ..uh..the domed in shaped
area. That's what I was drawn when I first saw it
I..uh..there is a..uh..been asking him for..uh..key word
Something that starts with a J
Go ahead and
#66: This activity which you perceive as a intercept is linked
somehow....there is a carrier somehow....a deme shaped and a
perception of White House. Explain location and description of
large wall unit.
#31: It's the center of the carrier is in the target building
It's the thing that's being listened to or listened
for. It's the microwave with..uh..telephone equipment that
is being victimized, and at this time...but, it, when I asked
where the target was, and who in target was...I did not get
individuals that I got...umm....this big wall of equipment
and I did not get individual little equipment, but rather this
big thing that looks like a computer against the wall
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#31: And, it's..uh..several sections like a wall switchboard unit,
and..uh..I did not see any seated people or working desks
attached to it. I just saw this big, long, tall and skinny or garbage green or garbage tan...light
+38 and colored thing. That was at the target building though.
Jongo...something with a G is a key word that's being monitored
for or something to do with a key word anyway. Jongoe, jongoa..
#66: I have no further questions about the target situation. Do you
have any further comments you'd like to make prior to drawing?
#31: Give me a few minutes, please.
+40 #66: I will wait.
#31: The..uh..2 and a half years..uh.. The..uh..tex (phonetic) name
Well, that's about all I got.
#66: Okay. Fine. Let's return your focus now to the
#31: That should be no trouble.
#66: Prepare to draw the images you have had.
#66: Okay. The first thing I want to do here before we draw is to
go ahead and turn the tape over, because we are out of tape
on this side. So, I'm going to do that now.
#66: Okay we're ready to go.
#31: (Mumbling) Ha, ha.
#66: So the..uh..
#31: That's like saying "so what do you want me to do."
#66: Uh...the imagery you first had, I don't know what it was,
because you just said okay.
#31: Yeah. I was standing outside again. But, then no sooner that
I say okay, then somebody started tripping down the hall again,
and I...lost itIthen I decided the best thing to do is to back
into the place. So, I turned around and waited; sort of looked
across this roof area, and then just slowly moved my focus
slowly to the right until I found the corner of the building.
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#31: Which was like right back here. Corner of this structure,
or whatever it was. Then I said, you know, that's when I said
okay a second time or something. I guess. Anyway, I let you
know I was there, but I really wasn't looking at the place. I
was standing back to it. But, I had this corner... .it. was
sticking right here, so I put my arm in it, you know, and I'm
sitting there saying, this is where I want to stay, like this
#66: Okay. The primary thing you talked about now, was a guy sitting
there with earphones on
#31: Aha.
#66: ....and, at first the activity was, he was sitting there, and
I asked you to. .elaborate a little bit on what the activity was,
and it turned out that he was not doing much, but reading and
waiting. Waiting to hear something, and you later related that
he was going to listen to human voices.
#31: Yeah. How do you draw somebody you don't know how to draw?
I'll start 1 over again. All I can tell you is just what little
bit I had.
#66: Okay. I got 'em (phonetic)
#31: Humm
#66: I'm..was concerned...the information I wanted was, uh about what
he would be listening to or about what this area, which you have
examined previously..uh..
#31: Aha.
#66: ...was operating against... At that point, since you seemed to
have someone there doing something, I figured he was the best
one to tell us exactly what he was doing, and what he was
operating against rather than trying to point you down an antenna
or seek the information another way. It would seem that he
would be the one that would have the information that we wanted.
And, I'd be interested in now for you to..uh..tell me what it
was, what information it was that he related to you; in what
form that took place.
#31: Okay, Well, it was sort of like peculiar. It's the first time
I ever tried like that, but I remember your conversation we had
had earlier some or two ago. So....I don't even
know where to begin drawing, because there's not really that
much to draw out of this thing.
This guy is It looks like a deformed..uh..he's not deformed,
but I mean he looks deformed from my sketch. Uh...there. That's
about as good as I can.......sitting on...some sort of a high
swival stool believe it or not and the vast majority of the
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#31: time he had his...I was positioned behind his back, and on his
left shoulder. Uh...So, anyway he's sitting there, like that.
Let me just work on this awhile. Let me just get it down so I
can start remembering what
I had like was like a manuscript book. It wasn't a little
book. It wasn't a paperback. It was like a regulation almost.
Something that would be like a field manual, and, at first, I
thought he was doing some tests or something; equipment tests,
and was reading. But, he was actually sitting like this with
his head in his even though it is not visual here....with
his head in his hands, sort of looking down, reading
something that looked like an open manuscript. I couldn't
detect if it was handwritten or whatever, but it was oversized
paper. It was not like in a novel. It was like full-page size
paper opened up, okay. And, I had the feeling that he was in a
swival chair. And, the reason I say that is because one time
during the thing I imagined him turning around to me, and when
he turned around to me, he like spun himself around, and I had
the feeling he was on a swival chair, and spun himself around.
So, that's sketch 1.
All right. I didn't know what to do so I asked
me a question that was like, what is the main function of this
area or something like that, and what he did, he pointed up to
his Tight. Here's the guy, pointed up, okay, to his right.
Like, you fool, it's obviously that, and I'm sitting there, and
there is this...big thing, which I didn't get a real good chance
to look at. But, I'd seen it before. I had the feeling I was
looking at that same funny antenna thing that I had described
before, that looked like the looked like the ribbon candy idea,
with the funny protrusions off of it. In other words, like, well
that's some you know. The attitude was like, well, that's
obvious, dummy. I mean, you know, that's what it's all about.
And, he just points up in the corner. Like that, and I took a
look, and I said, "Oh, Wait a minute." "You're going about this
the wrong way." I said, "Okay." Tell me in pictures what the....
and I forget what your words were there, that I was trying to
repeat, I said tell me in pictures, and I had this feeling
.....okay wait a minute okay, man points to apparatus
above, and at other end of structure. That's 2.
There He points to that. A very surrealistic man there.
All right. Then, when I dropped back, and I said, "Wait a minute."
Show me in pictures what this main thing is here or again using
the words that you had said, and I had this feeling I was looking
over the edge of a 5 to 8 storey building; was looking dOwn,
across the street at a building front. Don't ask me to identify
or sketch the building front, because it was just this quick
picture, and it just blurred right out okay There was
some street walk grass, and then
I had the feeling that this building was taller than the one
I was looking at, but I was just looking over the edge down at the
bottom of it. So, I didn't see what was So, that
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#31: was in answer to "show me in pictures." Oh, and the main thing,
is that two guys, two.. .two men were walking out, and I couldn't
figure out what in the hell this guy was trying to tell me
two men walking out of a building, big deal! So, I figure, well
that isn't going to cut it. I'm not going to get anywhere using
this method. Ha ha, ha.
So, then what happened. I, you know, and I tried the route.
I went back there, and I said..uh..okay, this is what I saw....
you know, again remembering a conversation that you'd had several
days know....this is what I saw. Is that
right? And, he says, "yeah, that's right." But, the communication
was really snippish and superior, you know. He was the superior.
In other words, he didn't have any time for me. So, I was really know, it was like I was using some elementary
technique, and he gee, you know, come on, know,
that's right, but, you know, you're obviously, you're, you know.
You just don't know what you're doing. So, that point in time,
I had to try something else., I asked, "What are you
doing?" And, the answer was and now I was back in this place,
okay. The answer was, "I am monitoring." I said, "What are you
monitoring..-...what are you monitoring for?" To listen. What
are you listening to. Human voices. Okay. So, by this time, I
started to know...get...okay, well, obviously, direct
interrogation is getting a little bit more, and I said, "What
key word, what keys words are you listening for?" Meaning,
in other words, he obviously was bored to death, and was just
waiting for something to come through the air that he recognized,
okay. So, that's why I used the word "key word". In other words,
something that would alert him to do whatever it is he has to do
to listen, and the word was. .........Jongoe, Jongoe, and......
and I'm sure it was Jongoe. Because this was earlier in the
session. And, I said, this doesn't make any damn sense. What the
hell is Jongoe? And, I said, well, you know, that doesn't make
any difference. Maybe, I've got it a little mixed up. Like maybe
it's something else that sounds like Jongoe, and I heard it. Okay.
So, then I said, "Okay. does this work?"
You know. How, how, how does this work. And, the answer was,
"I'm listening to a carrier." No. Wait a minute. Now, how does
it work. What is the target? And, the answer was, "The resident
establishes the target." Like in the idea of what you fool,
they're more than one. You know. There's more than one key word.
There's more than one target, and the resident establishes it.
Was the word. At first I thought he was talking about the resident
of the target. Wherever the target was. But, then I realized.
Then I left-brained a little bit, and I realized the resident....
the Soviet resident, the Resident, you know, the head honcho....
and wherever this place is the resident establishes the target.
So, I figured, well, okay. that waa a dumb question to ask.
And, I said, okay. Now, where is it that the target is
(mumble) That's wrong. I'm getting mixed up again.
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#31: The resident establishes the targeting. And, something, words
to the....or an idea to the affect of....well, how, do you do it.....
do it, and, then I got the words the carrier. You know. We
listen to.... this carrier. There is a carrier transmission of
some kind, and I didn't want to put in microwave or telephone or
you know, whatever, so it was just a carrier. The idea of
carrier though was a communications carrier, a signal carrier of
kind of some modum, and I didn't want to ask anymore to get too
technical and then throw myself out of the saddle, and start
analyzing it. You know. Well, obviously
I could easily say it was probably a microwave a microwave
link or something like that, but I didn't want to ask the question
then I wouldn't have to be faced with analyzing for an answer.
Then, I said, where is the target or where does the carrier come
from, and I saw this dome shape
with pillars. By this time at this time, then, obviously's a solid dome on the top, and open
open looking pillars, but I'm not sure...and structure
unidentified unresolved is a better word. The structure
goes that way. It's flat on the top. So that was 4. That's
where it came from.
And, then I was........the next.......question I had was actually
one of myself more than it was one of him, and I said, well,
where is this you know what is this dome that I'm looking
at.....what is it from, and I had this
feeling of a treed park area These trees are in the foreground
like this, and peeking through the trees
I'm drawing it right overlaying the trees because that's the
It's just a square boxish type of place, and that's when I
got the feeling that I was looking at the White House, and that
over here on the left side of it was some other sort of a....
building of importance. Which I felt was the...what is it
the White House offices over there. That other building that's
on the street corner and to the left of it
And, this is a treed, large treed park area with grass in the
foreground and everything. Okay. Then, I was saying well,
okay....well, I asked another question then. The question that
I asked was, "Where, in relation to this dome is the other end
of the carrier?" Okay. And it is somewhere up in the dome
or up in the bottom level of the dome, I had a feeling that I
was looking at
#66: Will you put an X then on, on 5 where you think the thing is?
#31: Yes. Right. about a 4 divided and the 4 parts
uh...this is ceiling height type of an affair...light metal
Sheet metal type of overhead high, like 7 feet. Maybe
15 feet long; wall unit; sheet metal; light framed electronic,
piece of electronic geer, otherwise unidentifiable except....
computer like. All right.
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#66: Okay. And, this is from where the carrier emanates?
#31: Right. So, then I had run into the thing. I could have said,
well, obviously,this is something else that has to do with
the carrier. But, I just dropped the issue right there. I
didn't say, well, was that a voice encryption device or was that
a switchboard or anything like that. I did ask, "Is that a
telephone exchange?" And, the answer was negative vibs
nobody said no, or nothing said no; it was just well, if it
was the telephone exchange it would be people walking around
and obviously, some remotely automated piece of equipment
that has to do with this thing, but not necessarily a telephone
exchange. Nothing to do people chairs,
no stools, no desks, no nothing. Of course, all I saw was like
it on the left side of the room. Uh so then I was afraid
that I would end up with just analytical garbage. So I dropped
that...pursuit of that issue to where the target was and
what was at the other end of the carrier.
#66: Do you make that comment because you didn't find a....for example,
a telephone or a radio at the other end of the link?
#31: No. I didn't find an individual. You know. I had sort of
been figuring well, obviously, it would be some sort of individual
....or a office is what I had intended. Okay. By this time I
had gotten embroiled in identifying the White House and this
suspicion... .1 felt it best not to pursue it any farther because,
obviously, who lives in the White House, you know. I'd either
get Zbigneu (phonetic) or Jimmy, you know; Zbignew on visits...
that type of thing. So, I just dropped the issue because I was
afraid I would just fabricate of you know, a transmitter...a
person....targeted or a targeted office. Uh
And, that's about the essence of everything that I got. I got
back:I was afraid of ending up in some strange place, so, I...
wanted to keep one hand on this guy's shoulder. I came back, and
I tried to concentrate on him a little bit, because my concentration
had been messed up by the 5 and 6 idea here. I .remoted from the
target, and I wanted to make sure I didn't lose track of him and
just go off into the deep blue. Aha I had the feeling that
he was..uh..whoever this, ...I started asking him questions about
himself, and I ask, you know, how long had he been doing this,
how long had he been here, the idea was 2 and a half years
and sort of casting out a little net for....what a first name was
and I got Demetri, first name, and..uh...still, throughout the whole
thing was this..uh..what do you want to call upning(phonetic)
ship or this upishness in the communication. So, it was a lot of
difficult to get anything out. I interpreted this attitude as
being like, you know, a looking doun OUT:, barely cooperative type
of attitude. Now, whether I don't know what was happening....
I'll leave that up to someone else to figure out. That was about
it. And, this key word thing. I came back and I asked that again,
at the very end of the session, and I ended up with the same one
of Jongoe. Whatever the heck that means.
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#66: Do you uh I'd like, because a word seems to be
important for you to pick one of your drawings where you first
came across this word and write the word down the way you would
write the word down.
#31: Okay. It's between sketch 2 and sketch I
was after sketch 3 because that was...yeah between sketch
3 and sketch 4. So, I'll write it on sketch 3
Key word...question mark...okay...J-o-h-n-g-o-e. I don't know
why -o-e; it's just that it feels good. It felt good then.
Who...what was it...who. Why did he answer the...resident uh...
what...w-h-what is target.... .resident this sets. Sets isn't
the word.. Marks the targets.
#66: And, with his answer, the resident makes the targets, you had
some confusion by what he meant by resident.
#31: Yeah. I didn't know who, who or what he was talking about at
first, and then it was sort of like bong...plain, you know
bell says "the resident." The resident here. The
Soviet residence; the Ambassador or the key..uh..not the Ambassador.
Whoever the key..uh..KGB resident is what came to mind. That
idea. The resident. The head intel guy. In reality, the head
guy. Okay. Light green or..uh.. The best way I can describe this
is yak, green, computer in sketch 6 computer like..uh..unit
is the other end of the channel. And, it's located up here on the
top part. Somewhere up in the top center part area in which the
channel emanates from, okay.
The other one is the channel or the dome, and I don't remember
what, what that humongous (phonetic) question was you asked me at
the beginning, there. It had some magic word in it, but I'm sure
it was designed to make me do something, but I don't remember.
Ha, ha, ha.
#66: Okay. Anything else then?
#31: No. That word Johngoe was peculiar and I didn't want to place
too much puzzlement on it for fear Of get- also getting, you
know, thrown out of the saddle. That's essentially it.
#66: Okay. Fine. I have no further questions.
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Approved For Release
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was shown the attached
photograph and told that his target was the structure indicated.
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to elaborate on aspects
of the activity in the target structure.
3. (S/NOFORN) This remote viewer has been tasked against this target previously.
See session CD-88.
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