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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000400270001-9
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: ta-RDP96-00788R00940027TT
Approved For Release 2p0Ora8A7r.t. Ciar96-00788R000400270001-9
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information on a target of interest to USI.
The purpose of this session was to describe the activity within a target struc-
ture in a photograph.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document,
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer.
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#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 1000 hours,
22 July 1980.
#66: Relax and concentrate now. Relax. Relax and focus
your attention. Focus your attention on the target
in the photograph in the sealed envelope #8027.
Focus your attention on the photograph in the sealed
envelope 8027. Focus on the target. Move now to
the target, and describe the target to me.
#01: Cog...cogwheels some kind of cogwheels.....
+04 There's a steel...steel plates
The open end of...some kind of a container...
two tubes stickin' out it's part of the metal
plate,..part of the metal plates
There's a it's like a...long...shape
sort of like a cigar shape....and the, uh, the cog
wheels are on one side
Get an impression that it's armored in some way...
There's a...special protections
+10 #66: You may have focused on this target in a perspective
which is not...relative for me to understand. I'd
like you to acquire...the target again from the
beginning. Start all the way back to the beginning,
thinking about 8027, the picture in the envelope.
Move to the picture, and then through the picture to
the target. And this time approach the target, ask
for information, so that I might be able to under-
stand the descriptions you provide. Ask to see
the target, so that I might understand your descrip-
tion. Look for new target imagery, so that I might
understand the descriptions.
#01: It's oblong with glass...something that looks alot
like handlebars.. .shaped or bent like handlebars...
#66: Break that out for me.
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#01: Tubular...object, bent in a modified, uh, "U" of
some kind... It's either attached' to, or fronted
by glass. Get an impression it' an oblong
or. egg shaped piece of glass. It may be that, uh,
I'm looking from an oblique.
#66: Okay.
#01: Could be round.
#66: Put your hand on it, and then look around the
immediate area. Tell me where you're located when
you look at thls thing... Put Your hand on it so
you don't get lost, and look around, tell me where
are you when you look at this.
#01: Like on a street corner
#66: When you look at this street corner, from what
perspective do you see it?
#01: See it from like on a concrete pad of some kind.
I'm standing on the edge of a concrete path. Word
aluminum comes to mind.
#66: When you look at the intersection, which direction
do you have to look to look at the intersection?
#01: Over right shoulder.
+15 #66: Look down at your feet. What's under you?
#01: Sort of smooth, white concrete. Only it's not...
feels hot to touch, I guess not stone, but, no...
coarse metal.
#66: Okay... Now turn around and tell me what's behind
#01: Some kind of...tall objects, like pillars. They
got thin, thin lines in front of me... Get a very
tall, tall building with long thin lines that come
down in front...
#66: Okay, facing that same direction, look down to the
ten feet right in front of you and tell me what's
#01: A black metal...
#66: Okay. If you stand where the black car is and look
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#66: back from where you came.. .what do you see?
#01: I see tubes again, fastened together.
#66: All right. Tell me about the tubes fastened
#01: It's like, uh, they're not...real large, they're
like laying on something soft, pliable. I get a
lot of.,.container of some kind...Uh... It's got,
uh...two predominant sections.
#66: When you say container, what size are you talking
#01: Long and, uh, narrow, like something you could hold
in your hands... No, much larger, I think...
#66: Are we talking about a suitcase, a table or a house,
or a building?
#01: No, we're talking about tubes...Uh...two feet...
two feet, I think...tubes.
#66: Okay, you see tubes connecting together, and the
feeling is something like two feet?
#01: There's one tube on top of the other.
#66: One tube on top of the other, uh-huh.
#01: Side you know, like side to side.
#66: Okay.
#01: Perhaps two feet in length.
#66: Okay... What material is it?
#01: Uh, something shiny like, uh, aluminum, polished
aluminum...or stainless steel, light, I think
polished aluminum.
#66: What do you see is the function of these tubes fas-
tened together?
#01: Uh....1 think it's, uh...something to do with, uh,
pictures.. .pictures or, uh, something viewed, some-
thing seen.. .like something targeted...
#66: Break that out for me.
#01: Like he would target something on the tubes, but it...
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+25 #01: I feel like, uh-..making some kind of picture.
I don't,. I don't understand this,. It's like
you look through it, in some 'way. Uh, some...
It concentrates, uh, light, or something.
#66: These tubes serve to concentrate something.
#01: Yes,
#66: Okay, Now you've talked-
#01: Like, like a...a...a, they spread something...
Like light or something.
#66: Okay. You've talked about tubes on top of each
other, connecting, and then you talked at one time
about a peculiar bend, a horseshoe like bend, I
#01: Yes.
#66: You explain a little bit more how this fits together ?
#01: Uh...different pieces, I suppose. The bent, the
bent bars go one way and the tubes go the other way.
#66: All right. Have bent bars one way and tubes the
other way?
#01: Correct Seems to be bands or something on
this as well.
#66: Break that out for me.
#01: Uh, some kind of strips or stripes or something
goin' around the side...grooves maybe, lines of some
kind going around the side...going around the sides
of the tubes... There's, I still see glass there
some way...something reflecting light, like glass.
#66: Okay. Do you see personnel associated with this?
#01: Two.. .two people... I don't, I don't know how they
fit, it's just two people.
#66: Okay, stand where this is, stand in the same point
in space where this is, and look out from this.
#01: There's a...I'm looking through like a prism...
glass prism, or something... It's like, uh, I can
see three different ways by looking front, all at
the same time... There's, uh, person in front of
me on my left, sitting like, uh, looks like the
dashboard of a car, or something.
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#66: Break that put for me.
#01: There's dials and things in front of him, and he's
sitting in like a car seat, seat like in a car...
#66: Okay...
#01: Have a hot feeling, for some reason, being where
P66: Yes... Step back away from yourposition, and look
back again at what you described before these tubes.
Interconnecting...tubes, horseshoe shaped tubes...
Do you recognize this to be similar to any other
shape or form in your memory?
#01: No... I can't,uh, I can't make this into anything.
I can't overlay this with anything.
#66: Okay Is this object or apparatus stationary
or mobile?
#01: I think it's stationary.
#66: Okay. In performing the function it performs, does
it require movement to perform it's function?
#01: Yes, it does.
#66: Describe this movement to me.
#01: Ocular...uh...
#66: Break that out for me.
#01: Uh, gyroscopic, up and down, vertically, horizontally,
side to side, and tilt, front to rear, possibly all
at the same time. It's what I call ocular movement,
the movement of the eye, the human eye.
#66: And for what reason does it move?
#01: Precision. Uh...maintain a fixed, uh, adherence to
somethingwbut I don't know what.
#66: All right. Is this apparatus...or object electrical
in any way?
#01: I get a,..yes, but I also get a feeling for, uh,
for, uh, kilojoules, like, uh, some kind of light
power. I don't know if it absorbs light or...
expresses light in some way.
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#66: Okay, my next question was whether it was an active
or passive device.
#01: It's, uh-..I think it's an active device. Has,
has to actuate...something... You know, like a
sixty/forty feeling for...for sixty percent active,
forty percent passive. It's got a dual function...
Having an awful difficult time concentrating on this
target, for some reason.
#66: All right. Well, I have no further questions about
the target. If there's anything you'd like to add,
please do so now.
#01: No, I can't add anything.
#66: Okay. Let's go ahead and prepare to draw, then.
#01: Uh, I don't, you know, like say, from what I've got,
remote viewing wise, I don't know what this target
is, but...I also had a lot of, uh, had an awful lot
of overlay and everything, and I was tryin' to fight
this overlay off. Like when I first, the first
thing I saw, which was the tubes, and when I saw like
cogwheels I immediately started wantin' to make a
tank. But that, in fact, is not what it is.
These are just some kind of cogwheels. So I was
continually fighting this overlay off. I saw, you
know, I'd wanna make a city street, and, uh, I knew
that that's not really what it was, and I was fight-
ing that off. It was like I was getting very ge-
staltic impression of what the target was, like a
small portion of the target or something, and as a
result, I'd think up what I was gonna make it. So
I was continually fighting off this, uh, this overlay
#66: You had some difficulty in acquiring a target, like
you usually do?
#01: Yeah, I was a little conf-, say I, I haven't, uh,
I have never gone against a photograph that's stuck
off somewhere before. So I was concerned about,
you know, what do I do to access the target, do I
go to the photograph itself?.. If I access the
target is it something like what my target is? And
in that case, do I go to the wrong one? You know,
do I go to the one that it's like, or do I go to
the real target. Uh, if the target's been destroyed
or altered in some way since the photograph was
taken, am I gonna rAgcognize it as the appropriate
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#66: All these thoughts were-
#01: All these thoughts are going through my mind, and
I'm wantin' to access the real target, you know?
One of these, will the real target please stand up,
you know, kind of effects. So I, I recognize,
because of my difficulties, that I had a lot of
overlay, a lot of cm4.44/04490q4,Jof overlay, and so it's
very possible that I was throwing valid data out,
as well as the overlay.
#66: Okay.
#01: In my, my perception of what was overlay and what'
wasn't, you know, it mighta been erroneous. But, uh,
I'll draw what...
#66: Draw the things you did see.
#01: Right, and, uh, you'll have to put up with that...
Okay, these cogwheels were like very large drive
type cogwheels, that's why I wanted to make it a tank,
but I couldn't make it a tank, 'cause I didn't see
any treads or anything like that. But I did see
these cogwheels, and I did see, uh, an association
with these, some very heavy, thick steel planks,
or plates. And, uh, I got this kind of view of
these steel plates. Maybe this'll give you, by
drawing these out, these'll give you a location for
the cogwheels on the actual target.
Uh, 1 looked to see if there was rivets, or welds,
in association with the steel plates. And I can't
tell which, but I do know that there were no rivets
visible to me, so this, they were probably welded
in place. Uh...
#66: Okay, so the way it sits in your drawing is the way
you saw it.
#01: Just the way I saw the cogwheels, right.
#66: At one time you tried to make it into a-A7ehicic or
a tank, but what you actually saw was what you've
#01: Just what's on page one, that's exactly what I saw.
It's definitely not a tank.
#66: Okay, in your experience, that you look
at the picture ?and I sae the picture, these things
that you've described as cogs, do they look like any-
thing else to you? What other things could they be?
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#01.: The only other thing that I can remember ever see-
ing like this would be and they'd be 'much bigger,
and that would be some 'forth of paddle Wheel, like
on the aide of an old Mississippi steamer or some-
thing, you know.
#66: Okay. Knowing that the large and small in perspec-
tives are left and right, sometimes a problem in
remote viewing.
#01: Yeah, I, I-
#66: If they were not large, if they were small, what
would they be? First of all, how large were they
in remote viewing, what you thought was large.
#01: Well they weren't as big as the Mississippi paddle
wheel type...things. These looked very much, a lot
like, uh, you know, some sort of fan blade.
#66: Okay.
#01: But I don't, you know, I don't have a feel for the
exact size.
#66: Okay, so you had some sort of plating and then these
shaped things here.
#01: These cog shaped things, yeah. Why don't I just
label Tem cog shapes.
#66: okay.
#01: And, uh, then the second thing I had was, uh, tubes.
And I had the impression of a...
#66: Well, you had a city scene you said-
#01: Uh, yeah, I had a city scene, and I was reading
that as being overlay, I kept wantin' to make this
big New York City scene, and I kept fightin' it, and
cutting it out, and, uh...
#66: By New York City scene-
#01: You know, big, big buildings, and...concrete and
steel and sidewalks, white sidewalks and everything.
#66: Okay.
#01: And, as much. as I wanted to do that, I had a dis-
tinct feeling that this was mostly overlay.
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#66: Okay.
#01: So I, I concentrated harder on the target, and the
only thing from the 'street scene that made, that I
believe attributed to the target, was when you had
me 'standing in one place and you asked me to look
down', and I saw what appeared to be white metal,
like a coarse-metal that I was standing on.
#66: And you said it was hot?
#01: And it was very hot, yes, and, uh, by coarse metal,
it's the, uh, I don't know if you've ever seen
this kind of metal before, it's got like the, what
I call chicken tracks on it, and what it is, it's
for traction... It's like, uh...
#66: Yes, I've seen that pattern imprinted on sheets of
metal that one walks on.
#01: Right, yeah. It's like, uh, when it gets wet it
keeps you from sliding or falling.
#66: Okay.
#01: This kind of pattern...
#66: Okay.
#01: Okay. And this pattern was like white, so recon-
centrating on the target, trying to get rid of the
street scene, I kept going back to... Oh, then I
wanted to make automobiles. For some reason I was
having these automobiles in my head. I felt like
that wasn't pertinent to the target, that was over-
lay of some sort. So I started cutting out the auto-
mobiles, and I wound up going back to the tubes.
#66: So this apparently...uh, the most reoccurring image
to you was of some sort of tubes.
#01: Right, tubes. And, uh, well that and the handle-
bars, bent handlebar shape. I kept getting this,
uh, well, first off, I kept getting these two tubes
like laid one right over the other. And along with
that I kept getting this, uh, this like handlebar
shape. And the handlebar shape, like a modified
view of some sort. And then, this is the first view
that I had. And I got some kind of grooves, stripps
or wrappings or something around the tubes. And At
kept back. But then I had a, I had also an impression
of a, like this was real shiny, like it was, uh,
polished aluminum. And, uh, then the grooves would
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#01: come back, like stripes, and then the shiny aluminum
would come back.
#66: Okay.
#01: And, uh, at the same time, um, page three, I got a,
like looking from the side, I got this glass type'
appearance. I don't know what that is... I'll put
a dotted line in here to separate it from the tubes,
cause it's differenZ. I felt like I was looking at
a bubble of glass obliquely. You know, like from the
side. I don't know what that is. And, uh, I also
had a feeling of, uh, when you asked me if it was
electric, and I said yeah, I had a feeling like it
was electric, but totwas also, there was some kind
of light put out by it, or collected by it, and then
it was about sixty percent active and forty percent
passive. And that is, was a, uh...did I use
the word spread? I think I used the word spread.
Spread something.
#66: Well, first of all you said it condenses something
and then you said spread.
#01: Yeah, condenses and spreads. I guess that's about
it, that I can draw.
#66: Now, did you see these tubes in any other configur-
ations, because it's pretty senseless to me in draw-
ing number three.. I was wondering whether or not you
saw them in any other configuration besides that.
#01: Uh... I had a view, I'm not sure if it was a more
detailed look at the handlebar shape or not, but I
had a view like more from the top of this thing that
went like this...and this kind of effect, as if I
was viewing it from the top. But I'm not sure if
those are the, like the handlebar shapes, or not.
#66: Okay. I asked you-
#01: Oh, I saw end to end tubes. I think I mentioned that
#66: Yeah, you can tell me about that.
#01: But, you know, they looked like they were different
sizes, 'Q_ they were like.... I had a tube...
and then a tube....and then a tube. You know, like
they were different size tubes fastened together.
#66: Are those two different drawings that you're giving
me, and number four?
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#01: Yeah, I'll separate them with: a dotted line. "A"
is the handlebar thing, and "B" is the end to end
#66: Okay. Now did I see on the end to end tubes you
also put your stripes?
#01: Yeah, it's stripes, or lines, or grooves. I tell
you, they're very much like grooves, I call 'em
stripes first, then I said they were lines, and now
I'm eallinl 'em grooves. Oh, there was something
initially that I had, that I mentioned, that I did
not wipe out as overlay. And that's page five,
when you said, okay, standing on it turn around and
tell me what you see, I had the impression of seeing
two long straight lines, what I called thin lines.
And they looked like this, and I had an impression
of two fine pillars. I don't know if I mentioned
that or not...that shape... I'll label the pillars
pillars, these were fine lines... I don't know if
those were important or not. And that's it, I guess.
#66: Okay, one other question. I just want to see if
there's any other imagery. I ask you whether or
not this thing moved in any way when it was asso-
ciated with it's function.
#01: Oh, ocular, yeah.
#66: What kind of, did you see any separate or different
imagery at this time?
#01: Yes, I did. I saw, okay, okay, this is gonna be
difficult to know, it's hard to draw
movement 'cause you gotta know before and afters.
It's like this... Uh, it's as if there was an arm-
ature, okay, that... I'll draw the armature the
way the armature to be... Now, when you
asked about movement, this is the...this is the imp-
ression I had. I pictured this thing that looked
just like this...and...I'll show you what I meant by
movement... Side to side movements, and ...and up
and down movement and then this element, around
which I'll draw a circle, could also move, you know,
the, up and down and sideways.... Like there was
complete unrestricted movement in any direction.
Like you can manipulate a crane, or a front hoe, type
device. And then a man had somethinl to do with
the movement, 'cause 1 saw a guy sitting in a seat,
looked a lot like an automobile Seat, he had a con-
trol board in front of him. And that's it.
#66: Okay. A man controlled this movement this thing made-
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#01: Certainly.
#66: -and the movement had something to do with the
function of the thing.
#01: Oh, yeah. I got the Movement as being, you know,
like when I said sixty percent active, forty percent
passive. Like it had a function both passive and
active and when it was active the man was moving
#66: Okay.
#01: I'll tell you, you know, uh, in page six where I
drew this thing, I know it looks a lot like a crane
there. But what I was picturing in my mind when
you asked a particular thing about movement, does
it move, or something like that, the first thing
that came into my mind was the old, the old dentist
type drill apparatus, it's got all the cables and
lines and everything on it, that he could pull
around and drill your teeth in any direction with
that kind of thing. That's what I had a picture of
in my mind, and that's the only thing that I could
probably connect with. And that's it.
#66: Okay, I have no further questions.
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1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to the session the remote viewer was told only that he
would be working on a new target of importance. He was given no further cuing
data prior to the session.
2. (S/NOFORN) At the beginning of the session the viewer was asked to focus
on a target depicted in a picture contained in a sealed envelope numbered 8027.
The viewer was never shown the picture. The envelope was actually in a locked
briefcase miles from the viewing room at the time of the session.
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