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April 4, 2000
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Publication Date:
October 16, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300910001-9
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300910001-9
Approved For Release 2000108107
r - r
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
SG1A compliance with a request for information concerning what is known as the
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as
raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate
analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information
provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer. At TAB C are analyist comments.
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300910001-9
Approved For Release 2000/f 8/ . I - 00788R000300910001-9
#66: This will be a remote viewing session for 0900 hours,
16 October 1980.
M o entrate. Focus
Relax and concentrate now.
your attention once again on that you know
well by this time. Focus your attention once again on the
Move now in present time to the target area,
and when you're ready, describe the target to me.
#07: I'm at the gate ........................
#66: Describe the condition of the gate right now.
+03 #07: I was lookin' at the fence...Just a minute...........
Last time I noticed that...either this fence or one nearby is,
uh...appears to be masonry up part way, and then, uh, right
along top of it...get back to the...gate .......................
It's not the same. It appears to be, uh...some type of
obstruction blocking the gate...
+06 #66: Tell me about this obstruction...
#07: First I thought they were metal sawhorses, but they're......
metal...street sign... not..... Not meant to physically
prevent entry, but more as a...a symbol, a warning. Do not
pass beyond this point. Looked like a ladder, lantern or
some kind of light on one of the things.
#66: On which side of the gate are these?
#07: I think they're on the street side... outside.
#66: And where are you when you observe this?
#07: About the middle of the street. I was having close-up
problems again, I was too close so I backed off....
#66: Look all around these barriers and describe in detail the
scene in front of you.
#07: The damn thing's not very symmetrical, so it's hard
to describe, but it', form geometric shapes
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that don't seem to have any rhyme or reason that...almost like
somebody piled junk there. There's somethin' about the gate...
Oh, this goes, somewhat of a distance and to my right and
#66: Are there personnel or vehicles associated with these barriers?
#07: But I saw a symbolic weapon, rifle type, similar, near here a
moment ago. I was sure there must be a person attached some-
where, but I didn't...I lost it 'fore I had time to examine
that. I was movin' along lookin' for that lock and I saw a
gun tube right close to my face. I didn't feel threatened,
I just thought it was... symbolic, that there are small arms
here for some reason.
#66: As you stand at the gate itself and face the street, describe
the location of the barriers in relationship to the gate.
As you stand at the gate-and face the street.
#07: Well,, ten feet over there to my right is a...someone
slouching with weapon...guns, shoulder strap. Barrier, one,
two...four paces from, from, from the gate. About four meters
from the gate.
#66: In which direction?
#07: Away from the gate.
#66: To the right? To the left? Directly in front?
#07: Straight ahead, to the front. I never noticed it before but it
feels like the, where the gate is it's kinda...indented. Like
I think I see more pavement in front of me here than I do to
my right and left.
#66: Move now to the barriers. Move and stand among the barriers...
#07: Yeah.... What about 'em? I...
#66: Describe the function of the barriers as you perceive it.
#07: Uh, to keep people out, I don't know. I...I don't know
whether it's locals or foreigners, but I just assume it is, uh...
keep out locals. I believe there's maintenance around here
somewhere, I don't know, but I saw some kind of lantern on some
of the stuff.
#66: Okay. Stand among the barriers now and listen very carefully.
I want you to focus, looking straight down, and move 50 feet
off the ground, so that you might see clearly...
#07: Okay.
#66: Now you look straight down from above.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA R-I60788R000300910001-9
#07: Looks like I got, got, got conglamorate, oft uh, linear shapes,
going all different directions. I can't seem to, uh...make
them logical. If something is intentionally designed and
constructed it has order. This seems to have little, little
repetition, uh, little order, little lodic, lo- lo- logic.
It...more like a linear stack of...debris.
#66: Move down to 20 feet above the ground and look around on the
#07: Mm...Looks like...not too clean on either side of this area
either. It's...not clean streets like you would expect...
like things have been either purposely or casually tossed
Wait a minute... There's a...there's a hole in the pavement
over there about- oh, it's big enough to put a car through...
into a...cavity underneath, like a storm drain or something.
#66: Explore this area.
#07: Stand in front of the gate it...(mumble, mumble) there.
#66: } o to the area now. G o to the hole in the ground. Stand at
the edge of the hole in the ground and look down into it.
#07: I see bits of rods and...bits of rods and pipes...rust, uh...
cement... Eight, ten feet deep.... A hole, hole looks some kinda
...m-m-main burst or something and just...cement seemed old
and rotten. Does not look like; uh, do- do- dos- doesn't look
like a crater, it looks a hole fell in the street.
Maybe it was dug through, I don't know. Edges are rough,
+20 #66: Move your position of observation now from the top of the hole
to standing in the hole, and look around you, and describe it
to me.
#07: There's a big pipe down least eight inches in
diameter with a big valve...big, big handle on the valve looks
new, rest of it looks dirty, rusty. There's... there's a big
tube behind me. Down in this hole if I face...I face the
buildin'...the valve is in front of me to my right, and
behind me across this cavity... there's a big tube, about a meter
across, it's about...a meter above the floor, it...goes away
from me, behind me, it...seems like it had some kind of grating
on it. It doesn't seem to hook to anything this space.
#66: Are there personnel associated with this hole?
#07: Uh, I'll have to look.
#66: Are you alone in the hole?
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!!F-1011C. I
#07: There's two people down there.
#66: G o over to those-
#07: About 15 feet to the l-, my left.
#66: Go over there and find out what they're doing.
#07: Not a damn thing.
#66: What were they doing?
#07: They're putting, uh....they're plumbers, so they musta been
workin' an this pipe here...
#66: What is it you experience that makes you say that?
#07: It's been disturbed, and they got plumber's tools...great big
wrenches lying around. There were some other people in here
yesterday. 'Bout five of 'em. I don't know what they were
doin'. Funny, I wouldn'ta thought they wore hard.hats, but
these two guys got hard hats on. One of 'em has a...a light
on top of his helmet, and it appears to be white or light in
#66: What color are the hard hats?
#07: It looks, looks cream, light, almost white. I woulda thought
it'd been yellow, red or somethin'.
#66: Move close to them and ask them their reason for being in this
#07: It's addition of something, adding something... I feel that it
...not, not electronics... see thing you screw together. It's
something new, it's not, not, not maintenance, addition,
#66: Where does this hole lead? If you go down in to the hole,
where does the hole lead from here?....
#07: Well, if I'm facing away from the gate it goes to my right and
left, and there's a meter size tube straight ahead that goes...
I don't know, straight ahead, wherever that is.
#66: This meter size tube leads away from the gate and the building?
#07: Yeah, it seems to be normal to the fence...but, but, but I
don't feel that it's lined up with the gate. It's to the right
over there... By the way, I'm standing in front of the gate
#66: What's the status of the gate now?...What is the security
status of the gate at the present time?
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#07: : I saw a weapon again.... It must be under...some type of
weapons protection from somewhere. I see a chain but I don't
see a lock. I don't know what's happenin'. I've had tremendous
trouble focusing on the gate...other imagery in vicinity crisp
and clean...
#66: Let's move through the gate now and on to
which you know well. Move through the entrance a you ve
gone through before and describe for me just inside the entrance.
#07: Just inside the entrance I feel the closest wall is to my
right... There's a desk there to my left.
#66: Is there anyone at the desk?
#07: Behind....No, there isn't. I thought there was, but desk I'm
seeing is rather more attractive than I had remembered. But
there's no one s-s-s-s-seated, no one seated.
#66: Okay. Listen carefully. Listen carefully. Standing there at
the desk, standing at the desk, very carefully now, standing
right at the desk, ask yourself where is the person that nor-
mally sits here. Where is he now?
#07: I don't have to ask. He's standing over there talkin' to
someone right over there. But he's not seated.
#66: Move to him and eavesdrop on the conversation..........
#07: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... It's not important...
#66: What is it that you sense that makes you say this?
#66: Mmm... I'm trying to listen in on affairs of state and...and
the guy to the right's talkin' about a new baby and showin'
pictures. Dark-haired kid.
#66: Describe the dress of these two individuals.
#07: One to the right is,'s not a western suit, it's a...
primarily tans, but I'm having trouble getting... shape on the...
the way the clothes hang, but it's definitely not, uh, not a
western suit. The man that belongs at the desk is in...dark
trousers, and I think it's a white shirt affair. Seem to have
some kind of, uh, some kind of hat on.
#66: Is he armed?....
#07: I think so. There's that, uh, air about him. I'm having
trouble focusing on his body, but I...I don't see a weapon but
I feel that he is armed.
#66: Okay. Now as you-
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#07: It's not in his hand, so must be some type of sidearm or
#66: As you stand and look at these two individuals, the one in the,
on the left, who is the one who belongs to the desk,the one on
the right, move closer now to the one on the right. Closer and
closer, and ask him if he's involved with the work in the hole
out in front....
#07: Yeah. Yeah. It somehow.... involves this place, it either
disturbs or directly involves this buildin'. He's, uh...
thick black mustache, 5' 8".
#66: Ask him his role in this association with the hole in front.
Ask him his role.
#07: I asked him that and I see all kinds of methemabonical (phonetic)
equations and...wheels and belts and levers flying in front of
me. I got no words but that he's some type of engineer. I
feel...he designed some concept that has to do...and he's some-
how or another concerned... concerned about this building.
#66: Does he work in this building?
#07: No, I don't think so. He...the man at the desk can't satisfy
his needs. They appear to be waiting for somebody else...
someone who can make some kind of decision relative to his
#66: Okay.
#07: They both seem a little embarrassed... kind of makin' conversa-
tion while they wait.
#66: The man on the right, the man on the right...
#07: Man on the right.
#66: What nationality is he or what national allegiance does he
#07: I think he's apolitical, but he appears to be...uh, Arabic,
4166: This is an outward appearance?
#07: That's an outward appearance.
#66: All right. Move closer to him and explore-
#07: I feel he was, uh, educated, uh, in the west, for some reason
I feel he was educated in the west.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-R1 F 00788R000300910001-9
#66: Move very, very close to him and explore his national allegiance
at a subconscious level. As you do this ask him his name.
+42 #07: He's got a hell of an ego...I asked for a name and all I see
is, uh...Arabic writings in the air over his head... He, he,
he doesn't have any strong political feelings, but, uh....
something, something about pride.
#66: Have you seen the Arabic writings over his head clearly enough
to reproduce them?
#07: Oh, gosh, no,'s too abstract.
#66: Okay.
#07: I can't really.
#66: Okay. I want you to relax and concentrate now and we will
explore this from another perspective. Relax and search his
person for an identity card. Search his person for an identity
card, and I will turn the tape over now while you relax and
concentrate and search his person for an identity card.
#07: I was tryin' to go through his wallet.....Des Moines, I guess
that's Iowa, I don't know, Iowa. I don't know what the hell
that means. I saw an identity card that, uh, looked terribly
western...a business suit, uh...a mustache, shortish hair,
conservative cut...and...western writing letters. Down on the
lower right is a...either somebody's crazy signature or...some-
thing in Arabic. Card doesn't seem to be standard size. It
seem to be slightly smaller than...than my identity cards.
#66: Where is this on his person?
#07: It was a little brown leather wallet like thing. It, uh-
#66: What's the color of the card?
#07: I thought it was kind of a...a blue-green or something. Tried
to pin it down, but it wasn't a bright blue. I have trouble
with blue and green anyway.... pale. By the way, there's some
...background somewhere is some...
#66: Describe the-
#07: Engraved pattern, you know.
#66: Describe the upper left portion of the identity card......
#07: I see layers like peeling back the layers of sheet the pages of
a book, like lamination. I see green page overlaying...but
there's a unique number there.... I gotta back off. I'm so
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Approved For Release 2000/08/0l SCI 788R000300910001-9
#07: damn close I can only see a small portion at one time... I
can't back off.
#66: Hold it in your hand so that you might use your normal vision
to see it.
#07: There's somethin' here that disturbs me...
#66: What is it you're experiencing that disturbs you?
#07: I backed off to hold this thing in my hand and...I looked to
see if he was aware of what I was doing ...and I saw a big
side with...stalks and grain overlaying it and it reminded me
of the hammer and side that, and I. saw that instead of seeing
him. I don't know, just thought I better dump it 'cause it
disturbed me. I don't know where I saw this, but I looked to
see him and I didn't see him, I saw... silhouette, it was brown
against the light background... came back to the wallet. The
photograph appears to be further to the left. And more space
at the bottom of the photograph than there is at the top. But
I'm still seeing some kind of stamped number, which does not
have the crisp clarity of other printing on the card.
#66: Read this stamped number.
#07: Ah, hell, I can't read numbers.
#66: Simply tell me what it is then...or ask him what it is..........
+55 #07: I don't know, I sense that this stamp also overlays the...
overlays the photo somewhat...and the ink appears...purple
lavenderish kinda color. But it definitely looked like a stamp
that had been... I'm having trouble conversing with him.
Try again.
#66: Ask him where he was born ..............
#07: Someplace with snow... someplace with snow.
#66: He's shown you a picture of where he was born?
#07: I asked him a question and I saw this image. I don't know
where I got it.
#66: Tell him that this is the image you saw and that you need a
further explanation....
#07: Okay......... Ah, he was probably born in the United States.
Sure to hell don't look it.
#66: What is it you experience that makes you say this?
#07: I, I got him years ago in a school... eight or ten years old
that sure looked American to me. I first thought that maybe
he was educated in the United States. I keep getting either
Darmouth or Yale or somethin' like that.... Good knowledge.
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#07: The fact I saw him in a...what looked like American school...
eight or ten years old makes me believe that he didn't come to
? the United States to get educated. I assume the kid I saw
running around was him.
+60 #66: Before, when you asked him his name you saw letters, Arabic
letters above his head. Tell him that this is what you saw
and you'd like him to spell it for you in English..........
#07: He can actually think in Arabic, he doesn't just speak it.
Can calculate and...develop logical Arabic.....
I'm sorry, I...I just can't make his name important to me.
#07: I felt there was an "F" somewhere in the first, maybe the
first letter of, I don't know, his first or last name, I'm not
#66: Turn now to the man who normally occupies the desk. Turn now
and focus your attention to the man who normally occupies the
desk. Move close to him and ask him what is the normal function
of this building. What goes on in this building? What is
this building's normal everyday function? .....................
#07: Right now it's....his most important function seemed to be...
some kind of communications... I feel it...something to do
with interface, business ventures of some kind. Some kind of
#66: This communications aspect, ask him for further explanation of
this. Tell him to explain this to you...
#07: I feel that........(mumbling) would be considered routine
business traffic, seems to be interlaced with other forms of
...interlaced with other data... It is not apparent....
#66: What form of communication is this?
#07: There was radio and wire... primarily least I
see antenni....
#66: And what about the most important aspect of this phase right
now, right now?
#07: This phase of what? I don't understand.
#66: This communications, this radio, this wire. What is, what is
the most important aspect you've said that right now there was
something that was going on that was important. You examined
the function on a normal basis, a normal day-to day-
#07: Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were...where was I... Oh, yeah .....
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CPA 00788R000300910001-9
#07: I seems to convey information about the state of affairs...pulse,
attitude of the peoples of the area, and information pertaining
to U.S. interest. There appears to be attempts to...make the
information ....... to keep the information from being vulnerable
to local intercepts. I try to...I can't...some of this effort
is formating... Apparently new equipment... apparently some
kinda new something... has been recently installed to make this...
easier, more efficient or something. I feel that, I don't know
why I say this...I had a very strong feeling that some modifi-
cation, some small component or something has been...recently
brought in and installed. Have no idea about concept of what
the hell it is.
#66: What is it you experience that makes you say this?
#07: It's almost like someone standing in the side lines when I'm
having a conversation with someone. Keep interrupting me with...
information not part of our conversation. It's an
awareness. It kept interrupting and intruding on...on my effort
to talk with this gentleman...
#66: Move now, move now from the desk, and on throughout the wall to
the northeast corner of the building. Move now from the desk,
on through the wall to the northeast corner of the building...
Now describe the room you're in.
#07: I haven't made it yet.....I saw some kind of ring and...strong,
strong magnetic field. I felt...just for a moment that I....
something about very accurate focusing or aiming or something...
Something about reduction or something about... minimal side
lobes or...apparently local intercept would be extremely diffi-
cult. Intercept must be some distance away before it can occur...
I'm getting very tired now and I'm going to to piss myself.
#66: Okay. Well, let's, uh, end the session now. I want you to
remember very clearly what you've seen. Remembering very clearly
now, bring your attention, focus back on me here in the room.
Move your arms, move your legs. Breathe deeply several times.
Admin note: The control analyst requested two drawings of the
viewer. There will be no narration for these drawings.
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Approved For Release 2000/Q8/Q 4: 1/-RQR 00788R000300910001-9
1. (S/NOFORN) Prior to this session the remote viewer was told only that he
would be returning to which he had previously described.
No further information was prove e .
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session the viewer was asked to elaborate on selected
portions of his perceptions as directed by the control analyst.
3. (S/NOF(R N) This viewer has been targeted against several
times over the past few months.
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