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Publication Date:
September 12, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300860001-5
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300860001-5
Approved For Release 2000/0SE 700788R000300860001-5
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any inter?
mediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing infor?
mation provided the remote viewer.
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#14: This will be a remote viewing session for 12 September 1980.
Mission time is 1400 hours.
All right, #36. The time is now 1400 hours. Your mission
for today is to go I want you to go to the
gate with the lock and chain. When you are there, please
let me know.
+02 #36: I, uh I approached it from the lock side...It's right
here in front of me... I, when I first hit it, it, uh...
different time frame, was wide open... (mumble)...
#14: Is it open at this time?
#36: I don't know what time I got here, but I saw it open and...
I started lookin' for the lock and when I found the lock
it was moved...
#14: Very briefly, is there anything more that you can tell us
about this lock and the chain?...
#36: Whatever The k-, the, the key on that damn lock...
appears to be silver colored rather than brass. I distinctly
saw... Here's two of the letters on the key, it says, uh...
I think it was a X.?whatever that'sworth...was a...steel
or aluminum color rather brass.
#14: Can you describe the key? Take a very good close look at
it... Keep a picture of this key in your mind. I will
ask you to draw a picture of it later. Okay, at this time,
I now want you to face north, north looking towards the
building, the building with a down staircase and the guard
at a desk on the inside. I want you to face that direction
.... Okay.
#36: (Mumble).
#14: I want you to move very slowly past the gate and towards
the building.
#36: Okay, I'll go back to the gate. I'm already at the building.
#14: Okay, I want you to move-
#36: Gonna go back...
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#14: As-
#36: Okay, I got the gate...
#14: Okay, while you're at the gate do you perceive any type of
sign on the gate? Or immediately to the left or the right
of this gate?
#36: To the left....(mumble) seem to be a smooth area towards the
top of this gate and I was tryin' to see if anything was
written on it. There's something...oh, I don't know, give
or take a few inches, 18 inches Woh and...28,30 inches
long to the left... I can't read it.
#14: Are there any colors associated with this sign?
#36: I was getting a strong, uh...a strong, uh...sensation of,
uh, white. And there was some red. The white could be...
could be, uh...very reflective...seem bright, that's why
I call it white...and some red.
#14: Okay. Now at this time I want you from your position at
the gate to move Very slowly towards the building that
we're interested in. As you're moving, I want you to look
to your left. Tell me what you see on your left.
#36: I got the flashlight tunne*ision again today. But there
seems to be some vegetation, and white toned...decorative,
uh....about a meter...I don't see anything to be sure that
size of it.
#14: Can you see anything beyond this vegetation?
#36: Oh, yeah, I see the top of some (mumble). I see a few big
trees maybe...maybe 30 feet or so.
#14: Okay, very good. 'I want you to continue, cOntinue on your
way to the front of this building. To the entrance. I
want you to go inside, and I want you to go to the desk
inside. What do you see at the desk?
#36: I see a person, uh...
#14: Describe this person to me.
#36: Fortyish, forty, uh.. .forties, Asian...male...light toned,
bright shirt, short sleeve...wait a minute...short sleeve.
I'm seeing a...a red stripe, narrow, a quarter inch wide on
dark fabric here somewhere. I think it's part of a uniform,
it's...something is draped over a chair over there. Like
#14: Okay.
#36: Narrow red piping.
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#14: As you came through the entrance, was this desk, is this
desk located to the left or to your right?
#36: Oh, I see it. It's, uh, on my left, and there's a door
somewhere behind it. Just beyond that a few feet is a...
further indentation to the left. I don't know whether it's
a hallway or just a...setback in the wall. It appears to
be on my left.
#14: Very good. Before we move on any further I want you to
take a close look at this individual sitting at the desk.
Do you perceive any arms associated with him or this posi-
#36: With him, on this position....
#14: Does this-
+15 #36: Yes, I feel a strong feeling of, I cant' get
beyond this place without, uh...I couldn't...I couldn't
just barge by this place. He's looking fOr a...the weapon
I saw on the table, uh, desk before, but I don't see it. But
I feel a strong...sense of restriction, like this position
is capable of stopping someone. But I don't see any weapons
right now.... Dark trousers, that's what it is.
#14: Okay. at this time- and I want to reinforce you, you're
doing very well. At this time, I want you to move on, and
move left to that indentation that you described beyond
the desk. To your left, I want you to move to that point
and go down what you call the indentation, describing as you
#36: Ahh, I was just, I'm not seeing anything. I...came up
against...a conglomerate blank...can't explain. an
extremely high frequency....uhh, p-p-p-piercing sound in my
ears... I color with decorative edges. I saw a
pentagon shape in the middle of it. This was over, over,
above my head...I guess about 45 degree Up, uh, above me.
Wanna try again and see if I can see Something in this...
something tangible I can get my hands on
Feels like a....somewhere I'm seeing...somewhere I'm seeing
+20 a...little...what do I say? Separation, uh...a little
gate in it, that doesn't restrict anything, except dis-
courages passage beyond that point. I can go beyond that
point then. I can't see all the way down through there,
but, ah...let me see I just went past it, just turned left
and there's a door on my right.
#14: I want you to go through this door and tell me what your
impressions are.
#36: Mostly very bright...cream, tan color...
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#14: You're doing very good now.
#36: It's high windows here...
#14: You're doing very well. I want you to describe everything
you see here, and now you Can tell me about the windows.
Where are these windows located?
#36: I don't know, I just saw them above me, above my head, but
higher than...real high windows, I...there's bars...bars on
this window anyway. They go straight through the door...
straight through the door. There's about a 30 inch inden-
tation in the wall to my right...shaped like a kitchen
cabinet... It's dark colored...electric wires... Ah...
I think it's some kind of a...I feel that it's some kind
of communications thing here, uh...
#14: You're doing great. You're doing very well. Please con-
tinue just as you're going.
#36: It's not a very big room...
#14: Look to your left. Tell me what you see on your left.
+25 #36: I saw...I said table, but then I see something that looks
like a...a bunk, or a couch or something... Looks like a...
a brown couch like thing I think...table here somewhere.
Oh, well, I guess near the door. Oh, there's a closet here,
uh... It's kind of specialized, it...
#14: I want you now, as you're looking to your left to look across
the floor. Pay attention to the floor. Describe what is
in the middle of the floor...
#36: Ah....I'm seeing a lot of stuff that reminds me of glass,
you know, that translucent, airy, reflective color that you
can't make up your mind if it's silver or glass. Flicker
imagery tells me it's that quality. I thought the...
also thought there was...something extending down from the
overhead as well. I thought it was some kind of a work
station of some kind, but I can't dope it out. And the
closet to my left it was, it didn't seem like it was for,
for coats. Seemed to have vertical slots in it, like...I
don't know. It's not for coats.
#14: Okay. I want you to walk in to the closet.
#36: Hell, I can't... It's, it's a door with storage bins and
shelves and things, no coat hanger.
#14: Can you describe the types of things that are on the
#36: Some of 'em are tubular things...small, uh, small parts of
some kind. Seem like...seem like one or two bins have got
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#36: something, they're like boards, uh, briefing
+30 boards, or, uh, chart paper or something. Shouldn't be
folded....I'm seeing what looks like a fancy ornate fire-
place where somewhere...a stove...
#14: Okay. You're doing absolutely super. At this time I want
you to move to the north side of this building. I want you
to move to the north side of this building. I want you to
look out through the window on the north side and describe
what you see.
#36: I see a at some distance there the darn thing
seems to be, uh...a building that's taller than it is wide.
I think it's, uh...from this angle it looks like the top of
it is, uh, is flat, but it, it could have a kind of a peaked
roof inside of there. The, uh, facade around the top. I
get the feeling I'm looking through a...I got a very weak
translucent image of looking through a small park.
I see a few...few trees, and a...walkway and...Something on
my right that for some reason is reminding me of a horse. I
don't see anything thaL..I had that kind of feeling.
#14: Okay-
#36: Street over there to my left about, uh...a couple hundred
feet, it goes away from me down that way.
#14: How far away from you is the building that you described?
#36: Ohh, it's hard to tell distance, but I'd say, uh, just be
a good, it's over three blocks. Maybe...maybe a little more
than that... Off to the left of me...what seem to be dull,
haze, I don't understand that. I get the feeling of a...
even more narrow spire or a tower like, uh, structure. Not
an antenna tower, but like a building tower. That would
be to the left side of the street that's on my left. And
it's way over there. Oh, there's buildings on this street
over here, I forgot to tell you that... Over there, further
to the right I can see, seems like the buildings are...
bigger on the other side of that street on my right than it
is on the side of the street near me. Between those two
streets I can see'things'Aherei-buttheybetweentthS.
street on my right and the street on my left, on street
ahead of me here I see...things that have less vertical
development. Whole thing seems kind of low key in that area.
Not very interesting to me for some reason. The buildings
on the other side of the street to my right, uh...I don't
know, they kind of seem like commercial buildings, big,
uh, big, uh, big...I don't know, three stories high or so.
#14: Okay. Let's- you've done very well. Extremely well. At
this time, remaining at your position at the window, I
want you to turn around. Turn around, facing south, remain-
ing at your location. Face the south and describe the room
that you are in
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#36: I don't know, I think I'm...up off the ground, I, I must be.
I'm not on the ground floor, I..,I'm getting...this doesn't
+35 look like a TOM. It leeks like a...big hallway. It's big
enough, it's got some...pretty nice old furniture in it...
And I see light way over there. I think I can see clean
to the other side of the...clean to the other side of the
building. Either that or there's a skylight over that, down
there somewhere. I sense it. This hallway must be shaped
like a cross, because I, I can see openings about a third
or so of the way down it open to my left and my right.
#14: Okay. I want you to focus on the walls. Do you see any-
thing on the walls that stands out?
#36: I don't know, I've got a...a linear pattern.
#14: Tell me about this linear pattern.
#36: Ah, it's very faint. Coming and going on it moves towards
me and then it moves away from me...kind of dark in here
you know.
#14: Focus-
#361 Just a vertical linear pattern.
#14: Focus on this linear pattern.
#36: Got my eyes on thb pattern, and that horizontal linear
pattern about waist high. Could be a wainscotting or some-
thing. Some kind of horizontal pattern that damn
high frequency whistle again.
#14: Do you associate a color with this horizontal pattern?
#36: Hard seem' anything, it's the same color as the...same
color as the vertical pattern.
#14: Tell me more about this vertical pattern.
#36: Ah, it's,..I'm sorry, I forgot. What'd you want to know?
#14: I want to know more about the vertical pattern.
#36: Oh, yeah...okay... Uh, it's very subdued light in here.
There's this, on my right there appears to be very dark
gray linear bands, uh, I guess a darker gray, almost
black... Seem to be a horizontal band about three or four
inches thick about waist high goes horizontal.
#14: Okay, at, at this time I'm going to have to turn the tape
over. All right, I want you to relax and maintain your
focus. I will try not to disturb you. I want you to re-
main at those patterns.
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#36: It's kind of boring looking at this thing.
Okay. :Ready to:change_the_tape..
All, right, #36. I want you to focus on the dark gray or
black linear band or bands that you perceive. I want you
to follow these linear bands, describing as you go along
what you see.
#36: They're out here on my right. I feel that it my
right. Goddamn! I don't know, I got a...I don't feel
good. I...
#14: Okay.
#36: Think my imagination's got the best of me here. I thought
along this hall here was...just went way down there. And it...
just for a flash of a second looked like...
#14: Okay.
h36: ...looked like I was in a as hell in
#14: Okay.
#36: I don't know.
#14: Where are you at this time in relation to the room you
started from?
#36: Well, think I'm still up here on this floor. It's above
ground level somewhere. I was looking down this...I was
looking down s looking south. Tryin' to see in this damn,
uh, damn outpost here. I could see light at the other end
of the hall and I was... Oh, yeah, I see where I am. The
wall to my right was a gray vertical pattern. I moved along
that wall and there was a hallway to my right. I'm standing
here looking down that hall. I don't know, I think I'm
imaginin' things. I would just as soon not...try not to
#I4: Okay, then don't try to analyze. I want you now to look
down that hall that you were looking. Do you see any stairs?
Look to your left. Do you see any stairs to your left?
#36: Oh, yeah, in the corner there's some but that's not down
that hall.
#I4: Looking down the hallway, if you were looking, where are
the stairs located from you?
#36: Right here immediately on my left.
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Very good. Very good.
#56: But they're right, you know? They're right...I can't see
them. I saw them a while ago.
#14: I want you now to focus on those stairs to your immediate
left. I want you to proceed up those stairs. When you
reach the top of the stairs describe what you see.
#56: Wait a minute I can't... .I'm having trouble
holding concentration, I...keep drifting off. Just a
minute....I...I feel that...this don't make any damn sense-
I keep looking at the stairs, and...appears that the overhead
of the stairs that goes up is round rather than...than flat
ceiling. It appears...
hI4: Okay.
#56: Rounded.
ha4: You're doing just absolutely super. And I have one final
request before we call it quits. I want you to move back to
the guard and the desk. When you're at that location, let me
#56: I can see it from here.
hI4: Okay.
#36: Okay.
#14: Okay. I'm going to move you outside the building, but before
I do I want you to take a look at this desk and tell me if
you perceive a telephone at this desk.
#56: It's not on the desk.
h14: Is there a telephone near the desk?
h56: Yes, but I haven't found it yet. Just a minute, I know...
not on the desk. I feel it's...around and behind and to the
right somewhere. It's not on the desk.
Okay, I want you to focus. Focus very carefully on this
#56: I got it.
#14: Okay. I want you to move in very, very close. I want you
to try and read the number on this telephone. This is
very important.
#36: 733 something, or a 933 something...
EC Rtt
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#14: Concentrate. You're doing absolutely remarkable. Concen?
trate. Concentrate on this number, the full number.
#36: 933...there is a I'm sorry, I can't get
'em in the right sequence. Have to see each letter at a
time, each number.
#14: Okay, give us these numbers.
h36: The 7 is a gray number. But the 933 seems to be black. The
number in a minute (mumble)...7339. But then I wander off
and I remember what I'm supposed to be doin' and I come back
and it looks different. Pretty interesting place here.
Okay. You've done very, very well. I want you now to move
past the guard desk and on out to the front of this entrance.
I want you, once outside, to turn around facing the build?
ing. I want you slowly to drift up, up in the air, until
you reach the rooftop level. At this time I would like you
to describe the roof of this building.
#36: Ahh...I feel there's a...I guess you call it a private
thing. Wall like facade around the top. And there seems
to be a rather shallow sloping roof, that's shaped, that
slopes in all directions. I mean that, uh, there's no ver?
tical fronts to the roof. It slopes downward and slightly
to the north, east, south and west. But the gutter line
seems to? that don't make any damn sense. Anyway, the
gutter line seems to be below....below the facade. Below
the parapet, parapet, parapet thing. Seems like a...hmm...
I get the feeling that there's metal in the roof somehow.
Like, uh, soldered metal. I see...couple protrusions over
there. That's be, uh, let's see...north side...toward the
norhheast corner I sense that there's a...something stick?
ing up like a...vents or chimneys or something.
.014: Is there anything more you would like to add before we...
.we quit? Do you perceive any box type shapes on this roof
or anything?
#36: I just told you about 'em.
#14: Very good.
#36: Seems they could be, uh, (mumble) they protrude upward.
They could be vent devices or a eixhaNey or something. I
don't know. They must be about...must be about...I don't
know...a meter or so across on one of 'em...about a meter
across. I can't figure the damn things out because it...
one of tem looks like a little...a little, like a little
dollhouse or somethin'. That's over there to the left.
Can't figure out how this roof has got a little slope to
it. 'Cause from the ground it looks like it's flat.
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#36: There's quite a few little things up here protrude up above
the...protrudin' up above the...roof. The roof appears...
very dark in color. I would have thought that it'd been very
light toned to reflect the heat. Appears dark. There's a
goddamn antenna up here somewhere and I been...I know, it's
probably like looking for the sky's blue, but...I guess all
roofs have got antennas, but there's one around here some?
where. I looked for a TV antenna but I didn't see it. I
think if I stand on the wall directly over the entrance...
I keep looking for the antenna to my left. But I don't
see it. But it's there.
#14: One last question before we break. When you're standing...
#36: I'm sorry, what?
#14: As you're standing looking for the anten4a, -which direction
do you feel you are facing?
#36: Oh, I'm standing....on the edge of the building, directly
over the, the door where I left the guard so let's see, that,
that makes me looking north, I guess.
#14: Very good. _I want you now to relax, and I want you to defocus,
I want you to unfOcus from this session?
#36: I'm awful tense for some reason.
#14: Okay, I want you to just lie there, relax. Take a deep
breath, stretch your arms and legs and slowly drift back
to this room. We mill pause at this time.
All right. We're now ready for debrief.
h9: Okay, uh, again #361 was the? when you arrived at the gate,
was the lock on the inside or outside of the gate?
#36: Oh, uh, I think it must have been on the inside, because I
was looking at the, the chain, following the chain around.
It went around across the, uh, the bars...
h99: Then what we perceive that?
And, I was looking for the, I was looking at the lock and I
couldn't see it, and then I focused very tight and I could
see it. So I don't think it was on the side that I was
when I was looking the chain go by. So, I, I think I just
focused in on the lock, and I think it must have been on the
other side. I don't remember asking myself about that at
the time.
#39: Okay, when, when you saw the silver colored key, where was
the key?
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h36: Oh, just in space.
#39: And letter S "a".
h36: "JIM, yeah. Yeah, those are really peculiar letters, they
were kind of stylized, like a, uh, trademark or something.
Would you, like those?
#39: Mm?hmm.
#14: Why don't you draw the whole key as you perceived it?
#36: I, I had trouble with the?
#14: As best you can.
h36: ?part that is, goes in the lock. I kept, they kept changing
on be.
#39: h36, would it be just as easy for us to go through the
questions and then let you do your drawings in peace?
#36: Well, yeah, what did, whatever you?
#39: Okay, Iwould, I would like, uh, one of the key.
h36: Okay'.
039: Okay. The smooth metal plate you saw on the gate, red and
#36: To the left.
#39: To the left?
h36: Yeah. Oh, that, that was on the gate. Oh, oh, okay, I'm
h9: But you saw a sign to the left?
h36: No, I saw a sign to the left of some kind that was red and
white, but I saw a smooth plate that was about 18 inches
wide and about 3 feet long near the top of the gate to my
right as I was facing the building.
#39: Okay. But...nothing on that?
#36: I didn't see anything on it was smooth, and to the, just a
few feet to the left, uh, above shoulder height, I think,
about shoulder height going up was the white with some red
on it. I tried to dope it out, what it was, see if there
was any letters or anything but I couldn't make it out.
#39: No, no pictures or anything? Just...
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#36: It kept changing so much that there was patterns, but I
couldn't make sense out of it.
#39: Okay, and the plants you saw, they were off to the left of
the gate?
#36: The what?
#39: You saw some vegetation?
#36: Oh, that was after I went through, I was heading toward the
building, I think.
#39: Okay.
#36: It was off to the left.
#39: Okay, guard. Male, fortyish, light toned short sleeved
shirt, dark trousers.
#Y): By the way, he had a beard.
#39: Strong feeling of security. Feels...could not march by the
desk without being stopped. Sense of restriction
#36: Oh, I'm sorry, was you, are you, I thought you were reading
from your notes that's?
#39: I, I, I, I was I was just?
#36: Ohl okay.
#39: ?gonna see if you could elaborate on that.
#36: Oh, okay, 17 I didn't realize. I was just waitin'. Okay.
I...afraid I was flying there. Will you read it again?
#39: Okay. Strong feeling of security. Feel you could not
march by the, by the desk without being stopped, sense of
#36: Uh, okay. I had the feeling that the person was under instruc?
tions to be courteous, to display a facade of helpfullness
and courtesy. But that you'd probably get yourself blown away
if you proceeded beyond. But the person put forth a very
friendly helpful atmosphere. I don't know what to make of
that, but, uh, I felt underneath that that the person would,
the person, or...passing that point was very dangerous.
That's why I felt a restrictive feeling. I also felt there
was a woman through that door behind him
Okay Wonder if he brings his girlfriend in?
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Wonder if he brings his girlfriend in?
I'll be damned if ,I know. I don't even know where that is.
Okay, at that point when you went through the wall.
To, to the left.
Now you went up and you looked down the hallway, and then
you went through the wall to your right.
Oh, through that door?
Yeah, okay.
Then you got white?
Right through there, about from here to that wall there,
there was a indentation to the right that had some kind of
counter top or something with some equipment. It was dark
colored, darker than the rest of the room.
Say the light?
Seen 'em in there, there's some wires or something.
Communications or like that, you commented on that.
Yeah, I had a feeling I had.
Okay, you said that you, you felt there was a specialized
function in the room.
Yeah. Because of the closet to my left. It'd be just to
the left where that doorway comes in. Okay, I didn't see
a bar and places to hang coats. I saw little cubbyholes
and niches, and there was some long, tall narrow slots like
you'd slip a briefing board or something like that into.
Uhl and maybe a place for sticking attache cases or some?
thing, you know. I don't know. But they were about 31 4
inches wide, and...20, 25 inches tall. And there was some
horizontal shelves, SI 9 inches wide that had some items on
it smaller than my fist
h9: Okay, the...when,
your left, did it
#36: Deep in...and the
meter, maybe four
when you saw the closet immediately on
31ook like it extended a long way?
left portion looked like it went back a
feet. And the slots looked like they're,
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#36: uh, narrow, vertical things, boards or something, come right
up to the door facing, was on the right. I just had a feel?
ing they stopped back there about, about 20 or 30 inches.
#39: How, how tall?
h59: How tall were the slots?
#19: The whole closet.
#36: The whole closet? Well, the whole closet looked like it
was, you know, normal size of that door there, little wider.
#39: Maybe 8 feet tall?
#36: Yeah. Something like that. I don't think it went anywhere
else, I think it just, was strange, I'd never seen
anything like it.
#39: Okay. Then? what color was it, by the way?
#36: What?
#39: The closet.
#36: Hell, I don't know.....Tans and browns it seemed to be, warm
tone. It wasn't a black or it wasn't a white, something as
harsh as that. It was kind of...comfortable, neutral tones.
#39: Okay, then you walked over to the north wall and looked
through the windows.
#36: I saw something in the middle of the room, oh, I saw a
couch or something in the middle of the room.
Sure it was couch?
#36: I felt reclining, and I kept looking and looking, trying to
get from the awareness to the visual. And I saw, as a result
of that effort, I saw a couch. A brown couch with three
cushions. And it was either leather or, uh, (cough)..
#39: Couldn't have been a stool type thing.
#36: I didn't see a stool. Oh, a stool I saw, but there's two
of tem. It was over near the, towards the, if that's where
the niche was, where the stuff was, they were further that
way and about this position. And the couch thing I saw would
be over there. And the closet would be there.
#39: See any ladders?
#36: No, I saw no ladders, but I saw couple stools over there and
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#36: I thought "Well, hell, that's, they are for the work space."
So I didn't mention 'em.
#39: Okay, then looking out the back window. Through the bars.
Uh, you saw kind of a park area with a building.
#56: Lots of distance. Looking out the window he was about there.
And I saw a street here going away from me in that direction.
And there was one over there, block or so away I guess. I'm
talking about distance, I'm not, I didn't see a block. And
this, the building, is pretty good size building there, and
-hose little buildings on the other side of that street
weren't quite as tall. Stuck in between two lower, except
that big tall building there, then right back over here was
#39: Okay, so looking ?
#36: Church spire.
#39: Looking due north across the little ?
#36: Something like a park, some trees.
#39: Then you see a huge tall building.
#36: Yeah, right there. But it was taller than it was wide.
(mumbling, mumbling, mumbling) get another tape (mumbling).
#39: Or do you just want to wait until he gets back?
#36: Oh, no. He said we got about 5 minutes on this one, so?
#39: So we're, we're still gonna? okay.
#36: 712y.the time he gets back.
#39: Uh, that's the largest building ,you could. see, was, was due
north. Smaller building off to the left and then taller.
#56: Way back I saw a narrow tall thing that reminded me of, more
of a spire than the tall building. Uhl something disturbed
me, I, I saw a, kind of a, a blue haze. And I wouldn't
think that it would be associated with that area. I know
it disturbed me at the time, and something happened and I
lost it. But to my left I saw kind of a haze about 50 feet
off the ground.
#39: Okay, you said in that room...uh, when you turned back
around you had a, kind of a high frequency s?, uh, squeal.
#36: Yeah, it? real, like a dog whistle.
Did you hear any clicking?
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h36: No, just a very smooth, crisp, piercing? made your head hurt,
very, like it was air hissing, very high pressure, weird
thing. Very high, high pitched.
#39: Okay, you said you detected ?
/66: Same pitch, didn't vary, didn't go up and down, it just
straight pitch.
#39: You said you detected in the room on the walls and the ceiling
horizontal and vertical pattern, it's dark gray, almost
black linear patterns, 4 inches in diameter.
#n6: That corner of the building, whatever floor that is on, I
was getting a feeling that? and I know this might have been
analytical overlay, tryin' to figure out what the hell it
was. But I had the feeling that corner of the building
was bars, was secured off. That corner from, from the rest
of it. It seemed like there was steel, or steel bars, or
something heavy. And I went around the corner, and I looked
down, the thing just shhh! you know, it was like it went
forever. And it felt very ominous on the right side, that
would be the side that had the vertical patterns. And I
tried to focus, and tried to focus, and tried to focus,
figure out why I felt so badly. I didn't want to say bars
or steel, but I felt that that's probably what it4Tas...
on my right.
#39: On, on your right there's the cables are going when you're
pattern went.
h36: The gray, dark linear pattern went on down on the side around
the corner, to my right on down. And it bothered me. I
don't know why, and I was tryin' to figure out why it should
bother me. I looked, tried to see, uh, tried to see host?
ages. And I, I couldn't get past whatever this was on my
right. I didn't see any hostages.
#39: Okay...0kay. Uh, telephone not on, but near the desk,
behind it.
h36: Yeah, I felt if I was sittingin his position it was off to
my right and kind of back, behind me somewhere.
#39: On the floor or somethin'?
h36: I didn't know where it, it must have been on something, uh,
on a table or something. But I looked on the desk. The
desk was shiny. I did not see a phone.
#39: Was there anything else on the desk?
h36: I was looking for a gun, I saw no gun.
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#39: Okay.
#36: There was some kind of a...I guess it was a desk pad or
#39: Okay, you drifted up to the roof?
#36: Yeah, okay.
#39: Okay. Uh, before I get to that, let me go back to the ones
I'd like to get sketches of. The key, uh, the location of
those two plates, the sign and the plate...uh, your view of,
you know, when you go through the door, where the desk is
located, and the guy at the, at the desk.... Then an overall
sketch of the room when, when you went through the wall.
#36: You makin' notes of "6, uhl #14?
ha4: Mm?hmm.
#39: Uh, the view from the window. And #36, do include those
#36: Hmm? Do?
Yes, please. Uh...the view from the window. Uh...the hori?
zontal and the vertical patterns. And then I want one of
the roof. Your overall view of the roof.
hI4: At this time we are going to switch to another tape, that'll
be tape C.
.Okay, we're ready to continue on tape C. This is a contin?
uation of debriefing on Session D-45, Tape 528, 12 September
1980. Okay. #36, you?
#36: There's the key.
#14: You've drawn the've also drawn the gate and the,
and the plates and sign associated with the gate. So, at
this time, let's move to the inside of the entranceway and
draw a sketch of the overall room and the position of the,
the desk and the guard and the telephone where you felt these
things were
#36: I wanna put a question mark on this. Uh, I think the phone
was right around there somewhere Spell closet.
No, no, "set".
#36: Closet?
#14: Okay, that's the closet. Where was the, the black box that
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you described? You described something that?
Looked like a?
It's a work space, communications or something.
#14: Oh, let me find the exact words Said it looked something
like a kitchen cabinet.
#14: Had something to do with communications.
#36: Mm?hmm. Yeah.
#14: Okay. Is that?
#36: Y?yeah, I wanna draw that and enlarge it somewhere. On
h3, I guess.
#14: Okay.
#36: Just to show it's relative position there.
#a4: Well, that's, that's probably?
#36: Uh, I didn't, you know, 17 this time I don't remember lookin'
over at the right here. I don't know what's over there. In
this area dots, it's all, I don't, I didn't look.
#14: Well, it, I think this ought to be fine in drawing 2. Just
put "commomr.
#36: Where he?
#14: You'd feel better if he did it.
#56: Right.
#14: Yeah, it runs off the page there. I have a feelin' you can't
see it.
Okay, and page 3 will inset of the cabinet type...
#56: Well, that's something...
#14: Okay...
#56: There was something, uh shiny. How do you spell shiny?
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EY Actually I think it's "Y", but...
#36: Hmm?
I think it's just plain "Y", but we'll have to let it go
like that.
#36: I don't care (mumbling) anyway.
4q4: My, uh, my left brain mode is not working all that good.
#36: What else do you need?
UI-i, a view from the window.
#36: A view from the window? Shee...Go...
ha4: Ah, just kind of know, nr-, nothing detailed, just...
This would be the window on the north side looking out
#36: How the hell I'm gonna draw these trees and things?
I know there's some stuff in here, in the center, I just
couldn't focus on it That's good enough, I
#14: Don't put too much in there, you'll just confuse it.
#36: It was awful low confusing crap in there.
#14: Mm?hmm.
#36: Lot of stuff in there, quite a few trees and...
#a4: Okay. Interested...horizontal and vertical patterns...
#36: It was awfully difficult here.
#36: I don't know
#14: Okay.
#36: Anything else?
#14: UI-i, yes. Uh, the ay?, an overall of the rooftop.
#36: 0?kay. Let me draw a little thumb nail up here. It seemed
to me like, as I was looking at this thing No wait a
minute. I bet this is an overlay from the, uh...I bet this
is an overlay from the map that I was shown the other day.
I'm havin' trouble drawin' this thing.
h14: Why don't you just do a vertical? A straight, flat?
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#36: Straight vertical. Wait a minute
Thought there was a kind of a parapet, I guess that's the
word you use, around the top. But I felt...I felt there
was some slope to that roof. What in the hell I did it in that
darn corner for? I guess I musta draw something else here.
Anything else.
#14: Uh, why don't you label these things if you can, what,
036: Oh, heck, I don't know what they were. They were just little,
#14: Okay, where did you feel this antenna was located?
#36: Well, I was standing here...and I felt the antennae off to
the left of where I was standing. Um ....Okay. I just don't
know where it was_in.(mumble)
h14: Okay, why don't you label the drawings there "roof"
#36: Anything else?
h14: (Mumbling).
#36: Didn't know where it was half the time.
h14: Very good. End of session.
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1. (S/NOFORN) At the time of this session the remote viewer was asked to
project himself to tle, city He was then asked to go to a
location which he hQd worked against previously (see session D-37), and respond
to tasking given to the interviewer by the project analyst. Re- wAsotoXe40041o/a
-Hut4te untiA the 1,0,01k afILIA e.kocAII. 0,
2. (S/NOFORN) During this session the interviewer was responding to direct
tasking from the project analyst while the session was taking place.
0 C
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