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September 5, 2003
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Publication Date:
July 31, 1980
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Approved For Release 2003/09 ~~DP96-007888000300790001-3
DATED: 051630ZJUL78
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 :CIA-RDP96-007888000300790001-3
Approved For Release 2003/09/10: CIAT-RDP96-007888000300790001-3
~ ~ f
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request for information on of interest.. The mis-
sion was to describe a tent at a designated intersection
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viiewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data and as such .have not been subjected to any inter-
mediate analysis, evaluation or. collation. Interpretation and use of the
information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this .session is detailed in the docu-
ment Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Uiewing Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of .the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A. are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressians of the target site. AT TAB B is target cuing infor-
mation provided the remote viewer.
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Approved For Release 2003/ ~- ~88R000300790001-3
~~66: This will be a remote viewing session for. 0900 hours,
31 July 1980.
~~66: Relax and concentrate now. Relax and concentrate. Focus your
attention on the southwest corner of the intersection in the
photograph I have shown you. Focus your attention on the
southwest of the intersection in the phatograph I have shown
you.. Move your awareness now in present time to the intersec-
tion and describe the southwest corner to me.
~~01: It's like a.....building, but-not a.....not an office building...
large's got swinging doors.
~~66: Describe your position of observation.
~~01: That's the road...
~k66: Stand on the sidewalk and describe your immediate surroundings.
~~Ol: Saw a three story.wall...swinging.doors...ramp...tF~is is a ramp...
my left......uh.....metal racks...bicycle racks.....walk up
~~66: Change your perspective so that you can see on your left-hand
one street extending down, and on your right hand the other
street extending down, so you're facing the corner itself,
right there at street level. One street going off to your left,
and your left hand, one street going off to .y our right and your
right hand. Describe for me the scene on your left...........
~k01: It?s,'s like large posters .....signs..,...large vehicle
parked. there ... .this. is a corner of a building, corner entrance
dnors...a staircase.
~~66: And now the scene on your right.
+08 401: A wall...
~~66: And....between the wall and the street.......
~~01: It!s a ramp.......looks like, uh, round bags..... ...
round bags..... ...some metal, saw a-large bolt...slding metal...
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+10 ~~01: Drum...drums......metal drums.........
That's all I see.
~~66: Okay. Move .over the top of the intersection now, so now you
won't be standing at street level, but you? gently floating
at about 100 feet above the ground, and as you look down you
can see underneath you now the sidewalk and the street extending
aff to your right, and the sidewalk and the street extending off
to your left. You are going to make sure we are on the south-
west corner of this intersection, that you're not at another
point corner of the intersection. The southwest corner. And
describe from this perspective.
~~01: So grey...a11 there is is grey a overhang of
some kind.... The corner ....corner room comes out...overhangs the
sidewalk a little...entrance door is in the corner of the build-
ing... Looks like some kind of...tent covers, or something.
~~66: I'm interested in the tent. The tent is the target. Move into
the tent and describe the inside......
+12 ~~01: Little tables.....just a minute......somethin' shiny like brass...
Men....see old cooking.....some kind of food shop...
in the you give food out.
~~66: Okay. Look around the .tent, very carefully look around there,
and as, work your way around and describe everything as we
go around the tent. [3riefly scan the tent there, and kind of
look around. As you come in, what do you first see?...
+15 ~~ql: See, uh...some cloth, some high cloth like, uh,
cloth. And there's a...there?s .like a small table or box...
There's old men sitting there, like with...Arabic like clothing
on... I a, a wall like with guns.. ..some kind of rifles
hanging on the wall. ...There's a table,-and it's gat, uh...
green, green box of a radio...something, something burning in
this afire or something.. ..people the
back...see brass things...something brass, shiny, new...hinge,
got hinges...see young, young people, too...talking, mostly
talking...see wires, bundle of wires.....more, more guns, like
weapons...but they're old fashioned, for some old
Apparently, uh...vehicle parked near in the tent, like nose
first, I see like a grill, a grill with some kind of .lights....
Keep looking for cloth,. cloth walls and I...I hit_a wall but
it's not,'s cloth, but it?.s not cloth..... There's a
hole in.the back of the tent, or a, uh, a door...two stops and
a door.....
~~66: All right, I'd like you now to focus your descriptive, I want
you to remember very clearly, and everything you have seen so
you may draw it for me later, but at the present time please
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~~66: focus your descriptions on the floor, on the ground. Look very
carefully all over the ground, and.tell me-what you see.
Inside the tent on the ground.........
~f01: See two metal plates........ ..there''s like a ring...
+21 some kind of's like a...a ...I keep...getting a
flashing impression of a...a...the hoop is same kind of metal
stairs, like,. uh, stuck in the concrete...metal rails...
~~66: Okay...How does this hoop ring and stairs, does this in any
way .have to do with the metal plates you mentioned, or are they
~~01: The,. uh, metal plates are like I'm looking out
of a a hole in concrete...
#66: Okay. Now, I'd like you to, at this time, focusing your atten-
tion on the inside of the tent, which you have described for me,
I iuant you naw to ask yourself the question concerning activity.
Describe the activity in the tent.,..........
~,~01: I get a...some..kind of vendor activity, like uh,..people coming
and going ...have a great feeling of people coming and going.....
I had two...two impressions, one.. this is a...some kind of
a vendor or something...but I get another impression that it's
a place to come and go from...
~'~66: Explain the comings and goings.
#Ol: It's like, uh...people come and go like,. going in that, and
then going down a corridor and coming back up a corridor....
~~01: See people going in and coming out, that's all I see of activity,
and I keep asking why, and then I see a dark corridor,-and there's
same people going, going down and coming back through the corri-
~~66: All right. Now, we would like to examine the duration of act-
ivity. You have two activities you have described, one of
a going and a coming of people, and a corridor type activity,
and the other being a vending type activity. I want you to
scan, from present time through 24 hours .into the future, and
then back to present time, so that you may examine the activity
over. a time span, and we may determine from your description the
duration of activity. Do so now.
~~01: Getting...getting flashes .of a towel, .or something. now...
I don't see any activity after,_uh, dark, nine maybe, nine-thirty
at night. I don?t see any activity.
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~~66: In the tent.
#Ol: In the. tent.
~~66: Okay, march through and watch for something happening...
Is the tent occupied?
~~Ol: No, the, uh...attached room is occupied, attached building or
attached room... It's dark... Five--thirty to six o'clock in the
morning it?s, becomes active. Again only...couple peo-
+29 ple...sleeping, uh...drinking tea...then activity just grows
through the day, and then stops again at night.
~k66: All right... Now you've described for me the activity in the
tent, you've described for me the twenty-four hour activity,
I-now wish for you to address a description of the personalities
that you have mentioned.. And I don't mean each individual per-
son by description, I mean the types of people you see associated
with this tent.
~~Ol: It's. about fifty/f ifty...a11 old people, young .people. Old pea-
p1e are 1ike...old fashioned...wear old, uh, Arabic clothes, uh,
old customs, uh...I see close attachment to a clergy with the
old people. Young people are much more politically oriented,
rather than religious, but also...chiefly committed to-the old
custom, rather than the new.
#66: Which ones are the coming and going people?
~~01: Young people. ...are .coming and going and the old people come and
stay, and go away at night.
~~66: I want you now to focus narrowly, are there any- I?m sorry.
Is there any other comments you'd like to make about the person-
~~66: Okay. Focus on ane event, one young person coming and going
event, and follow him in detail through his coming and going
and report it to me............
~~Ol: He comes...comes to the tent..... ..doesn?t...doesn't do anything
there...just talks for a minute, and leaves.......doesn't do
anything, just comes and goes. He comes and goes again. He
tames and goes twice, but he doesn?t do anything.....
~~66: Search again for another event and-see if one goes into the
#66: With whom does he speak when he went into the tent?.....
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#Ol: I can't tell.if he...talked to somebody in the front or in
the back...but he talked to another young person...and then
~k66: Okay.....You still have a young person who remains then?.......
In the tent?
~~01: I, uh...he must...must be in the, the connection room, 'cause
he's not in the tent.
~i~66: Okay. Somehow...a person goes into the tent...and talks to
someone else. And then you .say this someone else is in some
other connected room, somehow?
~~66: How does one get to this connected room?
~~01: Through the tent....I keep, I....1 don't see the connected room...
just someone coming and going...I know they talk in this connec-
ted room but I can't see it.
#66: Okay.....
~~01: See a black square, is all I see.. 1 look for a connected room,
I see a black square...a door or a window....opening, the black
+37 ~~66: Okay, I'd like to give you some .time now to explore the target
on your own and expand on any areas which you would like to.
~~Ol: Uh, I get a...feeling that this is, uh...directly associated to the hostages specifically, but, a...
specific group of hostages, to like specific hostages...but I
don't know in what way... I get a sense that some of the hos-
tages know...know this...tent...for some. reason.... They do
know the tent. I don't know why but...feel like they have this
knowledge...I don't have anything else to add.
~~66: Okay. I'd like you to comment once .again on the. ...somewhat, uh,
peculiar description of the floor,. and the ring, and the ladder
and so forth. I'd like you to elaborate on that a bit more.
~~01: I see, uh...looks like some kind of a..."T".intersecting corri-
dor that goes up in the air...and it's got a metal rung ladder
in the concrete. And there's a metal ring, but I don't know
what it goes to... I just keep seein?, uh....double sheet, steel
plate... I don't, I don?t know how to explain it.
~~66: Standing in the tent...looking at the floor, standing in the
tent and. looking at the floor explain it to me from that per-
spective. From standing in the tent and looking at the floor,
what does it look like from that perspective?
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~~01: Double steel plate in concrete...just steel plate in concrete...
~~66: And under this?
~~01: I see the...I see rungs, metal rungs, and a hale.
~~66: And down the rungs, and down the hole?
101: I see a curved a hallway, ar something.
~k66: And down the hallway?
~~Ol: It goes,..long way. Just goes a long way...I see connecting
hallways...lights...that?s all I see....
~k66: Do a twenty-four hour time scan here and tell me if you see
~~01: I see people going in the corridors...going in the hallways.....
See people going in the corridors.
~~66: What type of people?
~~01: Young's not as frequent as in the tent, though...
doesn't .appear to be, and not at night after dark they don?t go...
That's all I'm, uh, getting.
~~66: Okay, I have no further questions. Is there anything you'd like
to comment on before we draw?
#O1: No, I don't have anything else.
~'~66: Okay, let's prepare to draw then.
,101: Okay. We had this...this, uh...tent. I.get a...I get an impres-
sion that it's got some kind of stripe pattern to it and there's
a wall behind one...... This is a wall back here, and
this is the entrance .here... I feel like there's a stripe pat-
tern to it, like an awning pattern..,..... Almost, it's almost
literally right on the road...comes right out on the road...
And two...I get an impression on the inside that,
back where the wall is, there is a door, where that goes I don't
know,-but to the right there is a small table with a couple old
men sitting them O.M., for old men...and that .there's
some kind's, there's a pole, or a wall, or a stanchion,
or something, we?11 call it with, uh, rifles,
But I get an impressian like they're .old fashioned rifles, for
some. reason. And then working our way around, I get a feeling
like there's, it's concrete...
~~66: Underneath there?
~k01: Yeah.
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~~66: The floor, you mean?
~~01: The flooring's concrete, or stone, and that there's a table in
this corner with a radio on it...
4k66: What type of radio?
~~01: I don't know, I get a green box.. I guess I'll put that in
patens here. Just a green box, and it?s a radio, that?s all I
know, I don?t know what kind it is.
~`~66: Okay, .what I'm trying to determine is whether you feel it's a
military radio versus a civilian radio, what makes you say radio,
and so forth.
~~01: 1t?s not a commercial radio. It's either a home built, or a
military radio', it's in a box, like in a metal box, and it's
built into the metal box. Not like something you would buy to
sit on your stereo, you know, this is something different.
~~66: It's, you're, do I understand you to say then that it's not
civilian stylish?
#O1: No, it's not a stylish radio, it's a functional radio.
~'~66 : Okay.
~'~01: Okay. I get a feelin' like there's,. in this area right here,
and I can?t be-any more specific than this, there's some kind- of or fire, for some reason. I don't know what
that is. And then there?s, uh...Oh, along here, and I?11 do
this with slash marks...there's like a low wall of cloth, and
this might be bolts of cloth or something, you know, stacked...
all I knuw is it's a low wall of cloth.....and, I get an impres-
sion that, this being the entrance. You'11 have to tell me if
I leave anything out, 'cause I'm tryin? to...there?s .a lot of
things goin'...through my mind here. This is the road...and
this is a road.
~~66: A low wall of cloth, like-
~~Ol: These are like, uh, low, a low wall of stacked bolts of cloth
or something.. Then. there's a road, road, .and this is the inter-
section over here...And there's,. I see what appear to be metal
plates. These are two metal plates right here. Oh, back up
in here, there?s something, uh, and I can't tell what this is, but
it's got a very..brassy or shiny appearance, back up in
here, and it's very large. .And.I feel. like, uh, in this .area
right in here,.while.I'm drawing this square, there was a truck-
like grill, okay?....With lights.. And, I don't know-what that
is but it?s a truck-like grill with lights fastened to it.
~~6E: Um...I don't want to interupt you,. but_I do want to mention to
you that, if I recall correctly, as you were scanning through
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Approved For Release 2003/09~'hQ;: - 8000300790001-3
~~66: the room, there were two times that .you mentioned weapons. But
I only see one time where you indicate seeing some sort of
#Ol: Over here in this area there's weapons .. Okay, and there's
~~66: Are they different than the others?
~~Ol : No.
~~66: Okay.
~~Ol: I get this feeling for old fashioned rifles. You know, I don't
mean going back to flintlock or anything like that, but they're
like, they're old_M-1 Garrends or something, you know, like
second world war vintage. And uh, I get a feeling like, uh,
a couple of these might of have a weapon of some sort
with them,. but I?m not sure about that.
Uh...metal plates...these might've been, this might've been
stone here, too. In page three T got an impression of, "A",
I get an impression, a concrete wa11...with iron
rungs, this, I was getting this impression
~~66: Okay, in relation to what?
~~01: In relationship to the steel plates in the floor.
~~66: Oh, all right...
~~01: These metal rungs.
166: So that's 3A, then, is metal rungs.
~~01: Right...metal rungs...- And then I was getting this, metal ring,
like a piece of supporting iron, or something....that's "B".
And then I was getting, uh, these double, sort .of .doubled steel
plates. And looking at the end, okay, I'll draw :an end view,
it appeared that there was like steel plate, and then like a
hinge piece, and a steel plate...sort of like this....
466: Is that, again, a different view of the steel, uh, the metal
plates you?ve drawn in the floor, then?
~~Ol: Right.
~~66: Did you see anything else of interest? I asked you to look at
the floor, uh, never got beyond the steel plates...
~~01: Well, then, okay,. I kept getting corridors mined in with this,
because._at the same were askin' me to, you asked me to
do activity or something.
466: Right.
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"~ 6i ~..
~~Ol: I saw people coming and .going and I.-was gettin' corridors.
And then when yau, you asked me about the metal plates and where
the rungs were, then 1 saw like a "T" intersection...let?s see
if I can draw this, this'll be page four, this is a very inter-
esting thing... I saw a "T" intersection suspended in the air...
like this, and. I had, was like all superimposed, one over
the other, and l saw these rungs in concrete, like this...
And I don't...and like these were.corridors...and then on page
five I"11 show .you the different views I had of these corridors.
I saw...I saw a supporting piece of stone, or something.
Like this...that isn't very good...I don?t know how to draw these
damn things... Like-this was a corridor...went this way, then I
was standing in the .end, and I was laoking down this corridor,
it went like this, and that's when l said I was getting, like a
tunnel effect.. And, uh...then I saw a corridor that was, like
down the end and I saw other corridors connected to it... Both
sides, like this.. And they went a long, long way...
~F66: Okay, when I asked you to see where the corridors .went or what
they went to, you didn't seem to be attracted to any one thing
other than-
~~Ol: They're all interconnected.
#66: It seemed to be rather vast from your description.
~~01: Yes, catacombs. That'd be a good way of expressing
what they are... We'11 call 'em .catacombs, '-cause that's what
they reminded me of... Uh...I had...this isn?t anything to
draw, but it's just an impression I had like in the two different
kinds of activities. ... it's like I was looking at two places and
two activities separated by, uh, like a real thin veil of some
sort, like a separator, a physical separator of same .sort. But
I don't know how to_explain that.... It's like both activities
are happening without the...full involvement of either..
~~66: What are the natures of these two activities?
~f~01: One is distinctly just .the coming and going, and the other is
the old men talking, and I don't.-..I don't know how to translate
either one,. other than .the old men talking, it's predominently
old time .talk and has a religious flavor, whereas the young men
talking and coming and going has a political flavor but an old
fashioned flavor to it as well.
~~66: Okay, you had talked before about, something about vending?
Is that associated with-
~~01: Yeah, this, I get a distinct .feeling like there?s a, uh, some
form of vending like, uh., meaning, uh, somethings being bought
and sold, or somethings being dealt. in this tent, I dont-
~F~66: You originally, at the very beginning of the session thought it
might be caoking-
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~~01: Yeah, it might be a place to come and sit and drink tea,. or
something, you know, that of a, a very light vending, you.knaw,
not .like unloading tans of goods every year, or .not like a
retail business of any sort, but like a very small, you know,
barely making it type of enterprise...
#66: Okay, ..and the y~aung men, uh, then you said previously, didn't
have anything to do with the vending.
~,~01: No, I don't think they did.
~~66: Okay. I?d like to go back to your drawing ~~2, here. Going
through my memory you mentioned weapons, a radio, and then at
one time I thought you mentioned a coil of wire, or coils of
wire. Do you recall that?
#Ol: Yeah. I did. I said there was a bunch of wire, there was like
a, and I don't know how to explain that, but it's in this area,
somewhere in this area. I think I said bunch of wire., I don't...
~~66: Okay...
?i,~Ol: I don't .know what it looks like or anything, I just sensed that
there was a bunch of wire there. Just an answer that acme to
me. It was right after the brassy or shiny thing, it's definitely
not the brassy or shiny thing,
#66: And this wire, what type of wire is it?
~~Oi: It's not coated wire, it's more like fence wire.
~~66: Okay, uh, it''re, do I understand you to believe that it's
more like fence wire-than communication wire of some kind?
~F~O1: More or less...oh, yes, yeah, it doesn't carry any kind of
intelligence, any form of intelligence. It's more like a
binding wire, or a wrapping wire, or a fence wire, or a...
wire you'd use i^ a screen or something... Oh, and I kept,
yeah, on page five where I drew all these different tunnel like,
efects these catacomb type corridors,. .as I began to get that
I was also getting the impression of a black hole, like a black
square, like looking into a black hole of some kind. I don't
know if that's a tunnel entrance, or a doorway, or a window, or
what it it, but it's associated with the tent.
~'~66: Okay. Anything else?
~~Ol: That?s a11.
~~66: Okay...Thank you.
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1. S NOFORN .Prior .to the session the .viewer was shown the attached map
and an overhead photograph (not ineluded.due to classifica-
tion of the tar et area Fiis attention was directed towards
2. (S/NOFORN) During the session once the viewer had located the target tent
without cuing, he was asked to elaborate on his impressions.
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