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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 RET INSCOM GRILL FLAME PROGRAM SESSION REPORT CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, DAMI-ISH 05163OZ JUL 7G REVIEW died: GRIL FLAME ,. Approved For Release 200.0/08/ . MR96-00788RO00300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/O I F96-00788R000300640001-9 REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CD-38 SG1A 1. (S) This report documents aremote viewing session conducted in compliance with a request for information on an.area of interest. The SG1A objective of the session was 2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor. 3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the.document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S), undated. 4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing information provided the remote viewer. Approved For Release 2000/08/07:4 . Approved For Release 2000/08/01), 96-00788R000306640001-9 TRANSCRIPT REMOTE VIEWING (RV) SESSION CD-38 SG1A Relax and concentrate now. Just relax. Relax and focus your attention. Relax and concentrate. Focus your attention on SG1A +03 #08: He's...all right. There's a big tree next to something bigger than a pond, like a lake. He's. next to the tree looking at the water. He's in a open white shirt collar with a brown or beige vest or sweater, or something. There are row boats in a dock to the left of him, and there's. like sheds or open stands. Like a camping office above the dock where the boats are. And there are small short pews leading to the row boats, as if they were for rent or something, or least on a rental basis. SG1A #28: This will be a remote viewing session for 1030 hours, 5 June 1980. #28: And, describe present activity. #08: Passive. Looking across the water to a .............. like an island or wooded area across this pond or lake. #28: Move forward in time one day. Move forward in time one day, 24 hours ahead in time. #08: He is in a gray or dark blue suit in a car. Kind of a heavy set man with a mustache driving a car. I think he's in the back seat....... #28: Describe his present activity. #08: Coming..... It's after the (mumbling) coming from, from a meeting. Over there he's had to kind of brief somebody on the status of an activity to gain approval or continuing, approval to ..umnimm..:...,. maintain the activity. Quite satisfied with himself. Thinks he's done it. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 6-00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIAJA. 88R000300640001-9 #28: All right. Let's move your focus now from the car ride into which you presently are focused back in time to the period of this meeting. Move now back in time just slightly to the period of this meeting, and describe the meeting area to me. +09 #08: Umm... Okay. In a very plush office is a white flag, and an American flag. There is a very "state department" type appearing. individual, conservatively dressed. Mahogany desk. There are two other people. Apparently, are this individual's aids or something, and there's, there's, there's an associate or co-worker with the guy that we're looking at. The guy we're looking at is doing all the talking. #28: All right. Tell me....... #08: It's...uh... #28: Go ahead. #08: The chairs are like bucket seats with a plush cushion. SG1A Okay, go ahead. SG1A #28: Okay. Focusing now on _ focus specifically on him, and his activity at this meeting, describe _ area of expertise. #08: Yeah. I've been trying to get that. #08: Scientific. #28: All right. #08: It's .... uh... It's ...uh... #28: You're doing very good. You're doing very good just sticking to these one word things. Just give me the raw imagery. That's very good. You're doing very well. In response to the question, his area of expertise, you have replied "scientific". That's very good. Just stick to these one word impressions. I have another question now. Describe his area of responsibility. #08: See...uh...a supervision on an extensive basis. I would almost say worldwide basis of the.introduction and mainten- ance of this, this scientific apparatus. Approved For Release 2000/08,' , P96-00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : A,,- -00788R000300640001-9 #28: All right. Fine. #08: He's...uh...He's heavy in......he's very heavy en_masse:'.in electronics. He's..uh...he's an expert in this stuff. #28: Okay. Listen now to my next question. 408: Go. #28: And prepare for the proper entry. Describe now primary area of concern. SG1A #08: Yeah. It's introduction of new stuff. Like what you might call an upgrading in the state of his art, if you want, because the other stuff is 5 and 7 years old. #28: I didn't understand you. #08: Question! The other stuff is 5 or 7 years old is a question of devoting monies to help creating this...what he wants to do. A lot of money. #28: Okay. Now, I have another question. You may have answered this question just now, but. I'd like to ask the question anyway to see if there's any new imagery. Describe the primary objective of his current work. #08: Upgrade his equipment and...I don't know...It's to avoid the vulnerability of the current system. #28: All right. Now, here is another question. Report your imagery to me. Explain how the results of his work will be utilized. #08: It's an upgrading of a machinery for rapid ............... to assure more rapidity in the process that's already fast, but slow in comparison to what's coming. God Almighty! #28: Continue your explanation. Continue your explana........ #08: It's just raw. It's very raw. It's like circumventing electricity to go into a red light or something. +17 #28: That's fine. Give me all those raw data bits. Approved For Release 2000/08 , ]PP96-007888000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 00788R000300640001-9 #08: Mix... electricity a very slow process in comparison to what this stuff is. Question of light and red. Might have (mumbling) in raw than that. I don't know. #28: I didn't understand your last sentence. #08: I say the question of red light and purple and I guess it beams or something is involved in this process. There's more reliance on that than just plain electricity, currents and stuff. #28: All right. I have another question now. #08: Go. SG1A #28: Focus your attention now-on this meeting that= is having #08: Yeah. Go ahead. #28: .....Tell me now the particulars of this meeting. #08: It's a submission of a comparison type study with a conclusion or with an effort to, to sell. Not just the concept, but the practical application of this concept which is costly but very advanced. SG1A #28: All ri ht. I have no further questions at this time about While you still have focused on this meeting that he will be having..... #08: Yeah. #28: I would like you to feel free now to add anything that you feel appropriate. #08: Yeah. The bottom line is finances-to subsidize, acquire and implement this thing. It's the merits of the, it's the merits of this system based on the costs. This system is.... the ability of this system is not in question. Practicality of the system is not in question. There is the information that implementation of this system on a cost basis. #28: Okay. #08: That's all. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : , 007888000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RID ,; , EFR000300640001-9 It, #28: Now, before we leave, tell me what...tell me some of the raw data that makes you say that. Those are an awful lot of conclusive comments. #08: Just, just the paper. The paper. in the discussion. In fact, what he's happy about is that it's accepted, but he doesn't know...not sure to what extent. They're just raw impressions at the meeting, and the discussion of money. #28: Okay. Now, listen very carefully. #28: We have moved your attention 24 hours into the future, and then moved back a small period of time to a meeting. Focus your attention now back into present time, back into present time and prepare to draw those impressions of which you have had. #08: Yeah. Okay. #28: All right. #08: Okay. In this sketch number 1 is where I really found him. I'll just give you an overview of where things were. There was a body of water, bigger than a pond; possibly a .lake, that it sort of went this way, and this was land here, and I'll put in some sheds or what, what things were. Here there was either the other side of the lake or the pond or there was a little island around here or something jetting out from that side. And, it just went on follow a....... And, there was this big tree right here, and the man you were after was right here. #28: Okay. You've placed an X by the tree. #08: Yeah, yeah. #28: Okay. #08: To the left of that, someplace around here, were the small .piers with the slips for the row boats. Looked like a little rental place where you would rent row boats by the hour; and sloping behind this, and upwards were two little sheds here. That seemed to be connected with the rental of the boats or what have you. Let me put that ............... and there were little boats in here. That's where I picked him up. It was a very p1acid5cene. Not too many people around there at all. That place was deserted. In fact, I Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 1 3. - 07888000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RC 8R000300640001-9 only saw him to this big tree. He was alone. That was the...where we, where we picked him up. My writing... I should pay attention to this writing. #07: Could you see all of the shore line on the lake? #08: No. I just knew that it came in a half moon to the left, because it hit land. The first thing that grabbed my attention was this small pier. There's a little dock or pier that you run out on. I'm not sure of the configuration of where the boats are in the slips, so to speak. Okay, and this, this bank upwards to the left here where these two little sheds, they look know.....carnival booths or something you would have in a camping environment. But, another thing that came out quite clear was either thisjetting of land or it's either an island or jetting of land, but, it perceptively comes out into the lake here. And, I'm sure this, this goes out into a wider body of water someplace here. #07: That's what I was curious about. #08: Yeah. But, that's it. #28: Okay. #08: I don't know what you want for sketches for other imagery. #28: Okay. I, that we found our. man here near a lake, then I decided that it would be expeditious to move forward in time ...24 hours, and when I asked you to do that, then you'd explain to me the imagery that you had at that time. #08: Okay. But, I don't remember if that's the car or if that's the office. #28: As I recall, it was the car. #08: Okay. He was...oh, yeah, well, that's kind of self-descript. #07: May I remember for you. I have the notes. #08: Yeah. Please. #07: found him in his car remembering a meeting he had just attended. #08: Yes. That's it. Yeah. He was in the right rear seat on the passenger side.There was a pretty hefty man driving with a mustache. Big mustache. And, I felt there might be another guy in the front seat. Younger guy sitting directly in front of the man that we were after. But, the atmosphere of 4~1. Approved For Release 2000/08/![IP96-00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CI[ E'-0@788R000300640001-9 pleasantness of having conducted a good briefing and being satisfied with yourself, it seemed that they were on their way after this briefing had taken place. SG1A #28:. Okay. Fine. Is there anything that you would like to draw about the car or anything. #08: No. I was just...we were just inside the car. #28: Okay. And, then, as you talked a. little bit about this meeting that he had attended, and he was happy about, I asked you then to slip in time backward to the point of this meeting, and describe the meeting area to me. #08: Yeah. Let me do that. What caught my attention was a big mahogany, not, that wasn't the first thing that caught my was the flags.. The American flag here, and a white flag here. That'll be sketch number 2. The dignified, conservative, tall gentleman ...uh....this was, I described as a mahogany desk, which it was, sitting right here, tall, gray haired, uh, very statesman type gentleman. There were 2 of.. ...let me put him A, okay, and`he had two cohorts.. They were sitting here, and here, call them B and C, okay. Our man was sitting here, in the forefront, so to speak...let me label him D, and go over this afterwards, and...uh...his associate will be E, with more or less in the background here, and the conversation was going from our man to this man principally, and these two men being X person, whatever field they were, as associates. I don't know what you want. #28: Anything else aboutthe general area. Was this a......... #08: No. This was a very...uh...big office, very...uh... In fact, there was a hell of a lot more room behind these seats here, that just was unoccupied. Looked like a huge office. #28: All right. Anything about the walls that you can tell me? #08: No. It was paneling. Like ..uh..blond paneling all around. The, the thing that caught my eye was the plush desk, plush mahogany desk. #28: Okay. #08: Which was very ritzy, so to speak .......... I'll just call him a statesman, A, okay. Then, I'll call B a statesman's associ- ate. Was really a subordinate. And, C, the same thing. #28: You call A a statesman because of his appearance. #08: Yeah. Like a diplomat with a 3-piece suit, very dignified looking man. Very well dressed, and. because of the mahogany desk and what have you. D will be...uh..I'll just say our man. * on Approved For Release 2000/08/0, _ I96-00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 i'46-00788R000300640001-9 L SG1A #08: And, this was #07: Did you at any time see the equipment or machinery that he #08: No. No. This...they were discussing over...uh...a...uh... an input. This, this was on a study. They were, those.. a thick, somewhat thick study about three-quarters of an inch thick of papers, stack of papers. No. There was no equipment present in the room. He was sort of explaining what the capabilities of the equipment, bla..bla..bla..... and anything, the details of the equipment, which were more or less already known, but, he was supplementing this guy's ..uh..knowledge, and answering this guy's question. But, the issue of money was the major. issue. #28: Now..uh..I asked you then to..uh..tell me about his area of expertise. #08: Yeah. That was pretty spontaneous. #28: And, what did you feel about that? #08: I started with scientific, and this was very raw imagery, ..uh..electr.onic, but then there was something about red lights; mainly red lights and violet lights, even blue, but mainly the predominance of red, and..uh..took everything I had to say...not to say computer, because I didn't know. I really didn't know. The apparatus was too sophisticated for me to describe. But, there was something about. rapidity, rapidity in doing something, that-this red light stuff was much faster than whatever present equipment that they have. Could do it better, more rapidly, and extend the. capability. #28: You said, at one time, I asked you expertise, responsibility, area of concern, objective of current work, and what the results would be of...uh...of how these would be utilized. What were the results of utilization of his work, and I believe the answer to that question, you said something about a red light and a purple-light, and something about the lights were more important than the electronics. #08: Yeah, yeah, yeah. The...uh...the issue about the equipment which made it so good is connected with the red, violet type light, and it implies speed and rapidity which. exceeds the current capabilities of whatever he's working on...whatever at the status of whatever he has now, and he.want's to implement this at a pretty fantastic cost. 8 Approved For Release 2000/08/ P96-00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CI - j788R000300640001-9 jW? #07: Well then the next thing you discussed was the, was the cost of money. #08: That's the overriding factor, yes. Uh...what he was satisfied about was he had some type of assurance they implemented up to a certain extent, depending on availability, and commitment of funds to it. #28: You feel then that the..uh.. meeting resulted in a generally going forward with whatever he was doing. #08: In his mind he was successful. #28: In -mind, he was successful? #08: Yes. #28: All right. Now, at one time, then..uh..I?'d like to refresh your recollection back to..uh..the period of time when you said that he charge of this, and that this was some sort of upgrading or modification. Can you tell me a little bit more about this? #08: Uh....not really. They're raw impressions. You have an existing system that's about 5 or 7 years old, and what he's proposing is the implementation of this new system, and I thought it had application on a worldwide basis, but the confining factor isthe restrictive factor is the money angle. #28: All right. #07: You said he was a supervisor. #08: Yeah. He's ...well, not only he's a supervisor, he's an expert in this field. Very heavy in math and electronics. He's assigned to big expert in that field. That's all I can tell you. #28: Okay. I have no further questions. Is there anything you'd like to add? Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : 9 -00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 *,+&4 COVt - Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-007 8R000300640001-9 I Approved For Release 2000/08/07 i CIA-RDP9k,p0788R000300640001-9 SG1A / l SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 C,P Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300640001-9