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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 7, 1998
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Publication Date: 
May 23, 1980
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R000300040020-4.pdf46.7 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300040020-4 SG1A SUBJECT: Unconfirmed Source Inforrnat ion, f'erLi)ii incl to (t,1 1. (U) The foll(.>witly inforfn;it.ion applies;. ft.i1 a 23 May 1980 SG1A z a. (S) Source stated that in the vicinity of the above coordinates `A' 1.011 there is a long valley between high rugyed hills with a river running et down the center of the, valley. at one end of the valley in the form of "like two V's coining together" and h(: stated that. this seem:, t ri he a point of int.(,rr/st. c, (S) He suiLed that whatever flow.; thruu(ah the vaI ley or the con- stricted area .is also constricted ,)y t.f-lat ri.irru(r portion. d. (S) The Source -Lut.(d t.tinI luokin(l (Iowa on the area he could de- tcet some sort_ of oh j(,ct. (cspp ii f,nI_.ly he w; lu(ik anti (hewn from a con,-Ade(r- ab l( height) around which you could ,(c ,i V .10W, like it !;hip with bow wolves. e. (S) Th? Source air;u ';t'li.ed 1hsii I hr' I w+> V-.:.h.ifwd objects apl,c fired to be two derniiiisional Tonkin't (luIni on t brill, ~Incl h ter, k-end of t*(_(0h object ,or zippex) appeared to be (11m0:,t 90 ( t'(-if ''_~ ;Jlll v(rcy ne-irly touching. He stated the Flow (?) is from i iyht In 1t f t ithin I hc: v:ill(,~y as well a:; the Rivers, f l.uu is f i ocl to i.cl I r. (`_) the (sbjf'ct ,hip w~i1fh bo(rr wniy'es was di5U d(';.c1'lhe(I I~, l I(6fIi 1n %I wind tunnC 1..'I 2. (S) Rc~ltau.;l P IC ;,f)ov(' irif a ;r :i i.orl lW cv 0lout r~(i ?n(I (()n,fnCnts be provided i o th:' undcrsi(fned no latr?t? th.ul U'` .hni(' I~+tiO, f;li:_ rri i I pnrruit a 1).1ll eva1-- uut i (i;l of t hP -JAWL'I'S inl'orrnrlt inn fur :f(r ui acv rinii I'll ('11 tcJ ace vil(+;~. fol,! i'lI I,% Ht'f!(!.":h li';I_'rf;`,l`, An((1J. C'I II f) tiY: MSL;, 1100A J)AHI-15H) 1}t d; 051 630/ JUL 78 H V 1i U UPS: 23 Hav 2000 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000300040020-4