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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
April 4, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 9, 1980
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00788R000300010001-8.pdf369.54 KB
ASSETS USED TARGETING SESSION SOURCE MATERIAL UTILIZED _77 f Aped F R'ele 206b/08/07: G1A2RD4.8-0Q798FMW0bb1(000 " Q= %J L.W1 % L. _117 KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST INTERVIEWER F;;R SESSION. FOLLOWING SESSION. SESSION .FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE COMMENTS . Geo. coordinates, !aware tgt was a "new" tgt for In-house ,analyst. b. Tasked to obtain a !detailed description. a. Geo. coordinates, ;None ID of In-house analyst !tgt was a "new" tgt fo viewer, data as inter- 1vviewerfrom CC95. I b. Tasked to obtain !detailed description. (vocal)jb. River, locks, 21Feb80 hull or shi hard cy shapes. 11) #07 tired & dep- ) Error in coords iscovered well of er session. (NOTE) 21Feb80la. Hilly area with k. DIA: None I(vocal)disabled vehicles & b. In-house analys 14M~ ar80 bodies. session rating: hard cy~b. Bands of people 0 Iregrouping after a ) Possible overla !battle. Hue to heavy prior Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00030001 F) Error in coords ion. (NOTE) CLASSIFIED BY:0,{63 Z JUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-ISH) REVIEW ON: 17 November 20. 00 ASSETS USED SESSION. SOURCE TARGETING MATERIAL UTILIZED Aped F RbleasV2606 08/07 : (IAUIRDP88-007$8'R000B0OOq60 KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TO FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED ANALYST INTERVIEWER F.R SESSION, FOLLOWING SESSION. SESSION FORWARDED BY THE SOURCE . COMMENTS ia. Geo. coordinates, ,ID of In-house analyst tgt was a "new" tgt 4 interviewer from CC95 ? cccl. b. Circular pattern-9 0. } '''and funny shaped ;cave perceived. in coords. (NOTE b. In-house analyst, session ratin 11) ence Noise interfer- ren) Probable error A in coords. (NOTE) 7Apr8O jconical shape. session rating: Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00030001 MSG, HQDA (DAF?MI-ISH) REVIEW O!: 17 November 2000 CLASSIFIED BY: 163 Z JUL 76 NOTE: COORDINATES USED FOR CC95 AND CCCI WERE DISPOVE ED ASSETS USED TARGETING KNOWLEDGE PROVIDED TU SESSION SOURCE. MATERIAL UTILIZED INTERVIEWER FGA SE SIf"u a CC-C23 1 #11-1a. Geo. coordinate r a. Geo. coordinates, ;None y 14Mar804Mar80 . 3 different st le a. DIA: None Prior session ID of In-house analyst, (vocal) of fencing b. Cancell ed due: sCCC9 against this data from CC95,CCC1, ~7Mar8O a i to noise. tgt, prior session CCC3, and CCC9 due toy khard cy c. In-house CCC3 against diff- interviewer duties. ! 6 I analyst sess- Brent t t but same' CCC9 a ainst same t t t ;0n rat n ig project. d. -PrObla arrorl i ? ! in coo s. G ~ r t t ~ FACT WAS MAIN CAUSE FOR CESSATION OF P~'OJECT ATIVITY RAFTER FIFTH Apia PWWdl 007 a ypw% yj,,se. y 9~6iiy14 p GI L -0078 Oi0~k00 OiiYN ~" SESSIONS HAD BEEN PERFORNED. DIA ANALYST HAD PROVIDED NON-PIENSURATED CORDS FROM GENERAL INTEI PUBLICATIONS. CORDS PERTAINED T.0 SMALL TOWNS NEIAR THE TARGET SITES FROM WHICH THE TARGET SITES'N.MES WERE DERIVED. SION. ALL COORDS ARE;PRESUMED TO BE IN ERROR. ITAC, INSCOM Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R00030001 FEEDBACK TO SOURCE DATES KEY RESULTS PROVIDED FOLLOWING SESSION SESSION FORWARDED ANALYST COMMENTS CLASSIFIED 9Y:5IG3 Z JUL 78 MSG, HQDA (DAMI-15H) REuIIE? E N: 17 November 2000