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May 23, 1980
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SG1A MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SG1A 23 May 1980 1. (U) The following information applies: a. (S/NOFORN) At Inclosure 1 is a sketch of an area beli ved to corres- SG1A pond to the vicinity of geographic coordinates Source's descriptions of elements of Inclosure i are as o ows: (1) (S/NOFORN) A long building having a large hole in the roof. This building resembles a clear story type structure without the upper center portion of the roof. This structure has evergreen trees nearby, and some exposed and/or piled earth "spoil" in the vicinity. The rear of the structure's internal open area appears to. be enclosed by a wall. The forward portion of the structure was not observed. (2) (S/NOFORN) A land form of a type resembling an underground shelter (Inclosure 2) is located to the left of the open roofed structure. The structure was described as being as large as a tennis court, having pushed earth against and over it, and having several ventilator pipes protruding from the top. (3) (S/NOFORN) A dome shaped object resembling a theodolite (Inclosure 3) is located to the right of the open roofed structure. Source stated he ob- served a red light emanating from within which appeared to resemble a laser beam. (4) (S/NOFORN) An area of construction activity is in the vicinity, possibly in a direction off of the right rear quadrant of the open roofed struc- ture. At this location a dump truck and a crane were observed, as well as forms for a rectangular area of undetermined size. The dump truck was observed pouring concrete. b. (.S/NOFORN) Whereas source's observations of the areas surrounding the open roofed structure were limited at best, and subject to intermittant oppor- tunity for collection, source's description of activity at a structure believed to be the open roofed building is as follows: (1) (S/NOFORN) This area was described as being in front of the facade of a low, older building appearing run-down or nearly ramshackle in character. In front of the building was situated a rectangular clearing, on the opposite side of which was a low wall. (See sketch, bottom of Inclosure 1) (2) (S/NOFORN) Located within the rectangular open area in front of the building were two vehicles, one of which is of the type shown at Inclosure 4. CLASSIFIED BY: MSG, HQDA(DAMI-:[SH) dtd 0516302 Jul 78 REVIEW ON: 23 May 2000 Approved For Release 20001 Pr6-00788R000200580001-7 NOT RELEASEABLE TO F R NALS proved For Release 2000/Qv:C,IP900788R000200580001-7 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US ARMY INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY COMMAND FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755 SG1A SG1A Approved For Release 2000/0EU 0788R000200580001-7 L M~.T IAFM-OPS-HU-SA 23 May 1980 SUBJECT: Unconfirmed Information The inset sketch, Inclosure It shows the relative positioning of the vehicles within the open area. (3) (S/NOFORN) Source reported the vehicles were located under some sort of environmental netting/cover; possibly of a camouflage variety. (4) (S/NOFORN) Observation of one of the vehicles revealed an absence of main gun tube and mantlet on the turret. Additionally, two tube like pro- jections on the (apparent) rear deck of the vehicle were observed. These tubes were of approximately 3" diameter and were characterized as protruding not quite as high as the turret. Source described the tubes as being not as heavy as,a mortar tube but being a little heavy for a machine gun. . (5) (S/NOFORN) Source. indicated the turret on the sketch at Inclosure 4 should more accurately extend outward on the chassis to within only a few inches of the edge of the fender (See arrow, Inclosure 4). Additionally, source stated he did not actually count the number of road wheels on the vehicle. (6) (S/NOFORN) During the period of observation, source stated: he heard a high pitched crackling and popping whine similar to a "rev-up" of a turbine engine. In association with this sound, a billow of smoke was observed in the vicinity of the vehicles and to the left. (7) (S/NOFORN) Source estimated the height of the vehicles to be 8-9 feet in comparison with a man's height. Source also stated he did not recognize the vehicles as being any tank with which he was familiar, and noted that they appeared to be lacking in fine exterior design detail; citing an absence of tow rings and other paraphernalia which he normally would have expected to see. c. (S/NOFORN) Miscellaneous observations of the source which pertain to the area are as follows: (1) (S/NOFORN) Source stated he believed the two vehicles to be pro- totype models. Source stated he reasoned this because of the fact there were only two vehicles present, and his opinion was that a maintenance facility would have had a greater number of vehicles present. Also,source.stated the opinion that the vehicles were undergoing testing, based on their (apparent) disassembled or incomplete appearance. (2) :(S/NOFORN) Source stated he observed a. metal."rounded top object", Inclosure 5. Location of this object was not recalled relative to Inclosure 1 sketch. This object was described as having extremely thick walls, and appearing to have been designed to sustain tremendous impact. A square hole was observed in one side of the object. The thickness of the exterior layer of this object appeared to be approximately one/sixth to one/eigth the exterior diameter of the overall object. (3) (S/NOFORN) Source observed a flail like device resembling a manure spreader located on or near the end of a U/I tracked vehicle. This device appeared to extend full length across the (apparent) rear of a vehicle, appeared to rotate Approved For Release 2000/ I g00788R000200580001-7 2 SG1A SG1A Approved For Release 20001 ? C 9-00788R000200580001-7 IAFM-OPS-HU-SA 23 Ma 1980 SUBJECT: Unconfirmed Information along its horizontal axis, and resembled devices used in mine clearing oper- ations. (4) (S/NOFORN) Source observed miscellaneous items in the area which resembled a large spool of black cable and an irregularly would spool of un- known proportions (Inclosure 6), and a row of objects resembling brake drums (not sketched). 2. (U) Request informal evaluation and comment of data contained herein NLT 17 June 1980. 6 Intl KENNETH V. BELL, JR. as Captain, MI Desk Officer Approved For Release 2000/ 991-00788ROO0200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 m Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001- ti b Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788?000200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 3 "CA Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000200580001-7